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Utilization of Algal Consortium to Produce Biofuels and Byproducts For Reducing Pollution load
Singh, P. | Srivastava, A. | Srivastava, N. | Sharma, V. | Ghildyal, D. | Upadhyay, A. | Singh, P.
Algal biorefinery process utilizes every component of algal biomass to produce multiple useful fuel products. In this technique, acid pretreatment of algal biomass hydrolyzes microalgal carbohydrates into fermentable sugars, makes lipids more extractable and a protein part accessible for additional products. In the present study, Chlorella sorkiniana produced higher quantity of biodiesel than Botryococcus braunii and biomass in Botryococcus braunii was higher than the Chlorella sorkiniana. Botryococcus braunii produces 11% more lipid content than Chlorella sorkiniana which was consistent with biomass content. The total sugar (oligomeric and monomeric) yield attained by Combined Algal Processing (CAP) was 89.9%. 29 g/L ethanol was produced during the fermentation in the Pretreated Algal Slurry. The recovery of lipids from CAP was reported as 84–89% after fermentation and ethanol removal. CAP preserves the PUFA (Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids) and utilizes these high-value PUFAs to further reduce the cost of biofuel production and replace petroleum products.
Show more [+] Less [-]Extractive Treatment of Arsenic Contaminated Clay Soils (Vermiculite)
Abbaslou, Hanie | Ghofran Makshuf, Saeedeh | Bakhtiari, Somayeh | Ghanizadeh, Ali Reza | Shahrashoub, Meysam
In this research, the capability of vermiculite in arsenic extraction, associated with characterizing its main properties was evaluated. To address this purpose, vermiculite was artificially contaminated with arsenic at 7 and 28-day intervals. Then, arsenic was extracted from contaminated soils by different extractants. Various physical and mechanical tests were performed to investigate the effect of arsenic as an anionic contaminant on the properties of the vermiculite, as well as to evaluate how the properties of the contaminated soil were altered by the extraction process. The carbonate bonding phase was probably mainly responsible for the adsorption and fixation of arsenic with more than 50% portion among measured fractions at different curing times. Based on the vermiculite condition, hydrochloric acid was the best extractant for removing arsenic in all studied samples (around 3 -18 % more than other extractants). The clay soil demonstrated few changes due to arsenic contamination and modification. In general, the most promising characteristics of vermiculite as clay liner are its stability after contamination due to high CEC and SSA; however, its workability and strength (UCS between 110 to 220 kPa at different soil conditions) is a challenge and must be improved by adding coarser fractions like silt particles. In general, the results of this study regarding the effects of arsenic contamination and extraction onto vermiculite’s physical properties can provide appropriate information for researchers and geo-environmental engineers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Using a two site-reactive model for simulating one century changes of Zn and Pb concentration profiles in soils affected by metallurgical fallout
Mallmann , Fábio Joel Kochem (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria(Brésil). Departamento de Solos) | Rheinheimer , Danilo dos Santos (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria(Brésil). Departamento de Solos) | Labanowski , Jérôme (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Poitiers(France). UMR 6008, LCME, Université de Poitiers-ESIP) | Cambier , Philippe (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés) | Lamy , Isabelle (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés) | Santanna , Maria Alice (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria(Brésil). Departamento de Física) | Tessier , Daniel (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés) | Van Oort , Folkert (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés)
Predicting the transfer of contaminants in soils is often hampered by lacking validation of mathematical models. Here, we applied Hydrus-2D software to three agricultural soils for simulating the 1900–2005 changes of zinc and lead concentration profiles derived from industrial atmospheric deposition, to validate the tested models with plausible assumptions on past metal inputs to reach the 2005 situation. The models were set with data from previous studies on the geochemical background, estimated temporal metal deposition, and the 2005 metal distributions. Different hypotheses of chemical reactions of metals with the soil solution were examined: 100% equilibrium or partial equilibrium, parameterized following kinetic chemical extractions. Finally, a two-site model with kinetic constant values adjusted at 1% of EDTA extraction parameters satisfactory predicted changes in metal concentration profiles for two arable soils. For a grassland soil however, this model showed limited applicability by ignoring the role of earthworm activity in metal incorporation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Kinetic extractions to assess mobilization of Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd in a metal-contaminated soil: EDTA vs. citrate.
Labanowski , Jérome (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés) | Monna , Fabrice (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Dijon(France). Univ. de Bourgogne Centre des Sciences de la Terre) | Bermond , Alain (INRA , Thiverval-Grignon (France). UMR 1091 Environnement et Grandes Cultures) | Cambier , Philippe (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés) | Fernandez , Christelle (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés) | Lamy , Isabelle (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés) | Van Oort , Folkert (INRA , Versailles (France). UR 0251 Physico-chimie et Ecotoxicologie des Sols d'agrosystèmes contaminés)
Kinetic EDTA and citrate extractions were used to mimic metal mobilization in a soil contaminated by metallurgical fallout. Modeling of metal removal rates vs. time distinguished two metal pools: readily labile (QM1) and less labile (QM2). In citrate extractions, total extractability (QM1 + QM2) of Zn and Cd was proportionally higher than for Pb and Cu. Proportions of Pb and Cu extracted with EDTA were three times higher than when using citrate. We observed similar QM1/QM2 ratios for Zn and Cu regardless of the extractant, suggesting comparable binding energies to soil constituents. However, for Pb and Cd, more heterogeneous binding energies were hypothesized to explain different kinetic extraction behaviors. Proportions of citrate-labile metals were found consistent with their short-term, in-situ mobility assessed in the studied soil, i.e., metal amount released in the soil solution or extracted by cultivated plants. Kinetic EDTA extractions were hypothesized to be more predictive for long-term metal migration with depth.
Show more [+] Less [-]Enzymatic probe sonication for quick extraction of total bisphenols from animal-derived foods: Applicability to occurrence and exposure assessment
Xiao, Zhiming | Wang, Shi | Suo, Decheng | Wang, Ruiguo | Huang, Yuan | Su, Xiaoou
A high demand exists in bisphenols (BPs) screening studies for quick, reliable and straightforward analytical methods that generate data faster and simultaneously. Herein, we describe a combination of enzymatic probe sonication (EPS) and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) for quick extraction and simultaneous quantification of eight important BPs in animal-derived foods. Results obtained demonstrated that the ultrasonic probe power could not only enhance the enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency, but also accelerate the liquid-liquid extraction procedure. Under optimized EPS parameters, one sample could be exhaustively extracted within 120 s, as compared with 12 h needed for the conventional enzymatic extraction which is more suitable for high-throughput analysis. The method was successfully applied to analyze residual BPs in animal-derived foods collected from Beijing, China. Widespread occurrence of BPA, BPS, BPF, BPAF, BPP, and BPB were found, with detection frequencies of 65.2%, 42.4%, 33.7%, 29.4%, 28.3%, and 27.2%, respectively. The highest total concentration levels of BPs (sum of the eight BPs analyzed, ΣBPs) were found in chicken liver (mean 12.2 μg/kg), followed by swine liver (6.37 μg/kg), bovine muscle (3.24 μg/kg), egg (2.03 μg/kg), sheep muscle (2.03 μg/kg), chicken muscle (1.45 μg/kg), swine muscle (1.42 μg/kg), and milk (1.17 μg/kg). The estimated daily intake (EDI) of BPs, based on the mean and 95th percentile concentrations and daily food consumptions, was estimated to be 5.687 ng/kg bw/d and 22.71 ng/kg bw/d, respectively. The human health risk assessment in this work suggests that currently BPs do not pose significant risks to the consumers because the hazard index (HI) was <1.
Show more [+] Less [-]How fast, how far: Diversification and adoption of novel methods in aquatic microplastic monitoring
Rist, Sinja | Hartmann, Nanna B. | Welden, Natalie A.C.
Since 2004, there has been a marked diversification in the methods used to determine aquatic microplastic (MP) concentrations. Despite calls for a unified approach to MP sampling, the proliferation of new methods has accelerated in recent years. Both minor method adaptations and entirely novel approaches have been introduced to overcome barriers to reliable MP sampling, extraction and quantification, resulting in a variety of complimentary but also competing approaches. However, there is little clarity regarding the extent to which new methods are acknowledged and adopted, or of the apparent drivers of, as well as barriers to, said adoption. To explore these issues, the rate of method diversification was examined in a systematic review. The rate and degree of diversification were determined by scoring each method by its “degree of novelty”: highly novel methods, secondary adaptations of existing methods and smaller, tertiary adaptations of existing methods. This analysis revealed that the rate of method diversification has been greatest since 2011. Our results indicate limited use of these novel methods and adaptations in the subsequent literature, with many researchers falling back on methods that are well established in the existing literature. Importantly, there is little consistency in the units used when reporting MP concentrations. However, these differences are seldom driven by method selection and are rather the result of discrepancies between researchers. Thus, in understanding the requirements of comparability and consistent reporting for monitoring purposes, we can apply a diverse approach to sampling whilst maintaining the applicability and usefulness of the resulting data.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of Zn, Cu, Al and Fe on the partitioning and bioaccessibility of 14C-phenanthrene in soil
Obuekwe, Ifeyinwa S. | Semple, K. T. (Kirk T.)
This investigation considered the effects of Zn, Cu, Al and Fe (50 and 500 mg kg−1) on the loss, sequential extractability, using calcium chloride (CaCl2), hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPCD) and dichloromethane (DCM) and biodegradation of 14C-phenanthrene in soil over 63 d contact time. The key findings were that the presence of Cu and Al (500 mg kg−1) resulted in larger amounts of 14C-phenanthrene being extracted by CaCl2 and HPCD. Further, the CaCl2 + HPCD extractions directly predicted the biodegradation of the PAH in the presence of the metals, with the exception of 500 mg kg−1 Cu and Zn. The presence of high concentrations of some metals can impact on the mobility and accessibility of phenanthrene in soil, which may impact on the risk assessment of PAH contaminated soil.
Show more [+] Less [-]Mobility of arsenic, cadmium and zinc in a multi-element contaminated soil profile assessed by in-situ soil pore water sampling, column leaching and sequential extraction
Beesley, Luke | Moreno-Jiménez, Eduardo | Clemente, Rafael | Lepp, Nicholas | Dickinson, Nicholas
Three methods for predicting element mobility in soils have been applied to an iron-rich soil, contaminated with arsenic, cadmium and zinc. Soils were collected from 0 to 30 cm, 30 to 70 cm and 70 to 100 cm depths in the field and soil pore water was collected at different depths from an adjacent 100 cm deep trench. Sequential extraction and a column leaching test in the laboratory were compared to element concentrations in pore water sampled directly from the field. Arsenic showed low extractability, low leachability and occurred at low concentrations in pore water samples. Cadmium and zinc were more labile and present in higher concentrations in pore water, increasing with soil depth. Pore water sampling gave the best indication of short term element mobility when field conditions were taken into account, but further extraction and leaching procedures produced a fuller picture of element dynamics, revealing highly labile Cd deep in the soil profile. Mobility of arsenic, cadmium and zinc in a polluted soil can be realistically interpreted by in-situ soil pore water sampling.
Show more [+] Less [-]An approach for arsenic in a contaminated soil: Speciation, fractionation, extraction and effluent decontamination
Giacomino, A. | Malandrino, M. | Abollino, O. | Velayutham, M. | Chinnathangavel, T. | Mentasti, E.
The fractionation and speciation of As in a contaminated soil were investigated, and a remediation strategy was tested. Regarding speciation, we found that As(V) prevails over As(III) whereas more than 40% of total arsenic is in organic form. The fractionation of As was investigated with two sequential extraction methods: a low mobility was found. Then we tested the possibility of using phosphoric acid to extract As from the soil and cleaning the washing effluents by sorption onto montmorillonite. The efficiency of the extraction and of the adsorption onto the clay were also investigated for Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, whose total concentrations and fractionation in the soil are reported here. The extraction percentages for As and metals ranged from 30 to 65%; the residual proportions in the soil are presumably in very unreactive forms. Montmorillonite showed a good uptake capacity towards the investigated pollutants. Arsenic in a contaminated soil was present in different forms and it was extracted by soil washing followed by effluent treatment by sorption onto a natural clay.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characterization of aluminium-based water treatment residual for potential phosphorus removal in engineered wetlands
Babatunde, A.O. | Zhao, Y.Q. | Burke, A.M. | Morris, M.A. | Hanrahan, J.P.
Aluminium-based water treatment residual (Al-WTR) is the most widely generated residual from water treatment facilities worldwide. It is regarded as a by-product of no reuse potential and landfilled. This study assessed Al-WTR as potential phosphate-removing substrate in engineered wetlands. Results indicate specific surface area ranged from 28.0 m² g⁻¹ to 41.4 m² g⁻¹. X-ray Diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopes all indicate Al-WTR is mainly composed of amorphous aluminium which influences its phosphorus (P) adsorption capacity. The pH and electrical conductivity ranged from 5.9 to 6.0 and 0.104 dS m⁻¹ to 0.140 dS m⁻¹ respectively, showing that it should support plant growth. Batch tests showed adsorption maxima of 31.9 mg P g⁻¹ and significant P removal was achieved in column tests. Overall, results showed that Al-WTR can be used for P removal in engineered wetlands and it carries the benefits of reuse of a by-product that promotes sustainability.
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