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Carbohydrate metabolism and needle yellowing in Norway spruce
Einig, W.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany
Project ARINUS: 10. Soil micorbiological and nutritional characterization of the decomposition of spruce needle and fine root litter
Raspe, S. | Lorenz, K. | Feger, K.H. | Zimmermann, L. | Armbruster, M. | Zoettl, H.W.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany
Revitalization of a spruce tree with typical yellowing symptoms - effects of light exposure and fertilization on biochemical, physiological and structural properties of chloroplasts. Pt.3: Functional and structural changes in the photosynthetic apparatus of yellowing spruce - no effect of Mg fertilization on chlorosis
Siefermann-Harms, D. | Boxler-Baldoma, C. | Diabate, S. | Heumann, H.G. | Hoch, R. | Nagel, E. | Pfuendel, E. | Schneckenburger, H. | Seidel, A. | Strack, S. | Trefz-Malcher, G. | Wilpert, K. von | Zeil, M.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany
[Registration and analysis of impacts of air pollution in forest ecosystems, demarcation against other possible causes for the new kind of forest decline. Pt.1: Forest ecosystem research in the ARINUS-areas]
Kaendler, G.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany
[Registration and analysis of impacts of air pollution on forest ecosystems, demarcation against other possible causes for the new kind of forest decline. Pt.2: Research projects outside the ARINUS-areas]
Bittlingmaier, L.
ZB MED Nutrition. Environment. Agriculture - Germany