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Estimation and modeling of gas emissions in municipal landfill (Case study: Landfill of Jiroft City)
Ghasemzade, Reza | Pazoki, Maryam
One of the major factors, contributing to the emission of greenhouse gases in the environment is generation of pollutant gases in municipal landfills. As for the design and building of a gas collecting system, it is necessary to properly estimate the amount and type of the landfill emissions. By means of LandGEM model, this study predicts the amount and type of the landfill gases, produced for 30 years (from 2016 to 2045) in Jiroft. Results show that in 2045, 3, 324, 274 tons of waste will be disposed in municipal landfills of Jiroft and the total amount of produced gas, methane, carbon dioxide, and non-methane organic compounds will be 32, 994, 8813, 24,181, and 378.8 tons/year, respectively. Furthermore, the rate of landfill gas emissions from 2016 to 2045 has been achieved. Maximum concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide and non-methane organic compounds in 2045, in 700 meters from landfill, will be 40, 590, 112, 700, and 1765 tons/m3 respectively. Based on the results, obtained from this article, landfill pollutants such as CH4, CO2, and NMOC's can reach up to 15 kilometers from landfill, thus social places should be located farther than 15 kilometers from the landfill site of Jiroft. The results, obtained in this paper, can be used to identify the effect of Jiroft landfill in global emission of greenhouse gases and proper management of the landfill gas not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, diminishing their effects on public health, but can be also used as a sustainable energy source.
Show more [+] Less [-]Prediction of N2O emission from local information with Random Forest
Philibert, Aurore, A. | Loyce, Chantal | Makowski, David | Agronomie ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AgroParisTech
Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential 298 times greater than that of CO2. In agricultural soils, N2O emissions are influenced by a large number of environmental characteristics and crop management techniques that are not systematically reported in experiments. Random Forest (RF) is a machine learning method that can handle missing data and ranks input variables on the basis of their importance. We aimed to predict N2O emission on the basis of local information, to rank environmental and crop management variables according to their influence on N2O emission, and to compare the performances of RI: with several regression models. RF outperformed the regression models for predictive purposes, and this approach led to the identification of three important input variables: N fertilization, type of crop, and experiment duration. This method could be used in the future for prediction of N2O emissions from local information. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Show more [+] Less [-]Emission characteristic of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from medical waste incinerators (MWIs) in China in 2016: A comparison between higher emission levels of MWIs and lower emission levels of MWIs
Li, Jiafu | Lv, Zhiwei | Du, Lei | Li, Xiaonan | Hu, Xuepeng | Wang, Chong | Niu, Zhiguang | Zhang, Ying
Emission characteristic of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from 12 medical waste incinerators (MWIs) which have a total yearly capacity of 523 440 ton medical waste and accounted for 8.1% of total yearly capacity of 246 MWIs in China were studied. The congeners profile, emissions and toxic equivalent concentrations (TEQ) indicators of PCDD/Fs in stack gas from two groups of MWIs were researched, and the possible formation mechanisms of PCDD/Fs from MWIs were preliminarily discussed. The results of present study were summarized as follows. (1) The total concentrations and TEQ of PCDD/Fs in stack gas from MWIs were 0.516–122.803 ng Nm−3 and 0.031–3.463 ng I-TEQ Nm−3, respectively. (2) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-H7CDF, O8CDD, O8CDF and 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-H7CDD were the indicatory PCDD/Fs of MWI source, which could be used to apportion the sources of PCDD/Fs in environmental medium in China. (3) The emission factors of PCDD/Fs from MWIs ranged from 32.7 to 4900.0 ng I-TEQ ton−1 with a mean of 1923.6 ng I-TEQ ton−1. (4) The gas emissions of PCDD/Fs from researched 12 MWIs and all of MWIs in China in 2016 were 37.742 and 465.951 mg I-TEQ year−1, respectively. (5) 1,2,3,7,8,9-H6CDF and 1,2,3,4,7,8-H6CDF were effective TEQ indicators for the real-time monitoring of the PCDD/Fs emission. (6) The congeners profile and factor composition of PCDD/Fs in stack gas from two groups of MWIs were researched based on positive matrix factorization (PMF) model, and the possible formation mechanisms of PCDD/Fs from MWIs were preliminarily discussed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nitrous oxide supersaturation at the liquid/air interface of animal waste
Makris, Konstantinos C. | Andra, Syam S. | Hardy, Michael | Sarkar, Dibyendu | Datta, Rupali | Bach, Stephan B.H. | Mullens, Conor P.
Concentrated animal feeding operations around the globe generate large amounts of nitrous oxide (N2O) in the surrounding atmosphere. Liquid animal waste systems have received little attention with respect to N2O emissions. We hypothesized that the solution chemistry of animal waste aqueous suspensions would promote conditions that lead to N2O supersaturation at the liquid/air interface. The concentration of dissolved N2O in poultry litter (PL) aqueous suspensions at 25 °C was 0.36 μg N2O mL−1, at least an order of magnitude greater than that measured in water in equilibrium with ambient air, suggesting N2O supersaturation. There was a nonlinear increase in the N2O Henry constants of PL from 2810 atm/mole fraction at 35 °C to 17 300 atm/mole fraction at 41 °C. The extremely high N2O Henry constants were partially ascribed to N2O complexation with aromatic moieties. Complexed N2O structures were unstable at temperatures > 35 °C, supplying the headspace with additional free N2O concentrations. Temperature-dependent N2O supersaturation at the liquid/air interface of animal waste.
Show more [+] Less [-]BVOC emissions, photosynthetic characteristics and changes in chloroplast ultrastructure of Platanus orientalis L. exposed to elevated CO2 and high temperature
Velikova, Violeta | Tsonev, Tsonko | Barta, Csengele | Centritto, Mauro | Koleva, Dimitrina | Stefanova, Miroslava | Busheva, Mira | Loreto, Francesco
To investigate the interactive effects of increasing [CO₂] and heat wave occurrence on isoprene (IE) and methanol (ME) emissions, Platanus orientalis was grown for one month in ambient (380 mmol mol 1) or elevated (800 mmol mol 1) [CO₂] and exposed to high temperature (HT) (38 C/4 h). In pre-existing leaves, IE emissions were always higher but ME emissions lower as compared to newly-emerged leaves. They were both stimulated by HT. Elevated [CO₂] significantly reduced IE in both leaf types, whereas it increased ME in newly-emerged leaves only. In newly-emerged leaves, elevated [CO₂] decreased photosynthesis and altered the chloroplast ultrastructure and membrane integrity. These harmful effects were amplified by HT. HT did not cause any unfavorable effects in pre-existing leaves, which were characterized by inherently higher IE rates. We conclude that: (1) these results further prove the isoprene's putative thermo-protective role of membranes; (2) HT may likely outweigh the inhibitory effects of elevated [CO₂] on IE in the future.
Show more [+] Less [-]Do lagoons near concentrated animal feeding operations promote nitrous oxide supersaturation
Makris, Konstantinos C. | Sarkar, Dibyendu | Andra, Syam S. | Bach, Stephan B.H. | Datta, Rupali
Animal wastewater lagoons nearby concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) represent the latest tendency in global animal farming, severely impacting the magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions, including nitrous oxide (N₂O). We hypothesized that lagoon wastewater could be supersaturated with N₂O as part of incomplete microbial nitrification/denitrification processes, thereby regulating the N₂O partitioning in the gaseous phase. The objectives of this study were: (i) to investigate the magnitude of dissolved N₂O concentrations in the lagoon; and (ii) to determine the extent to which supersaturation of N₂O occurs in wastewater lagoons. Dissolved N₂O concentrations in the wastewater samples were high, ranging from 0.4 to 40.5 μg N2O mL⁻¹. Calculated dissolved N₂O concentrations from the experimentally measured partition coefficients were much greater than those typically expected in aquatic systems (<0.6 μg N₂O mL⁻¹). Knowledge of the factors controlling the magnitude of N₂O supersaturation could potentially bridge mass balance differences between in situ measurements and global N₂O models. Supersaturation of nitrous oxide may occur in lagoons near concentrated animal feeding operations.
Show more [+] Less [-]Gaseous mercury emissions from unsterilized and sterilized soils: The effect of temperature and UV radiation
Choi, Hyun-Deok | Holsen, Thomas M.
Mercury (Hg) emissions from the soils taken from two different sites (deciduous and coniferous forests) in the Adirondacks were measured in outdoor and laboratory experiments. Some of the soil samples were irradiated to eliminate biological activity. The result from the outdoor measurements with different soils suggests the Hg emission from the soils is partly limited by fallen leaves covering the soils which helps maintain relatively high soil moisture and limits the amount of heat and solar radiation reaching the soil surface. In laboratory experiments exposure to UV-A (365 nm) had no significant effect on the Hg emissions while the Hg emissions increased dramatically during exposure to UV-B (302 nm) light suggesting UV-B directly reduced soil-associated Hg. Overall these results indicate that for these soils biotic processes have a relatively constant and smaller influence on the Hg emission from the soil than the more variable abiotic processes. Hg emission measurements from soils indicate that abiotic processes were more important than biotic processes in reducing Hg and controlling emissions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nitrous oxide emission from polyculture constructed wetlands: Effect of plant species
Wang, Y. | Inamori, R. | Kong, H. | Xu, K. | Inamori, Y. | Kondo, T. | Zhang, J.
Loss of nitrogen from the soil-plant system has raised environmental concern. This study assessed the fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) in the subsurface flow constructed wetlands (CWs). To better understand the mechanism of N2O emission, spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in four kinds of wetlands soil were compared. N2O emission data showed large temporal and spatial variation ranging from -5.5 to 32.7 mg N2O m-2 d-1. The highest N2O emission occurred in the cell planted with Phragmites australis and Zizania latifolia. Whereas, the lower emission rate were obtained in the cell planted with P. australis and Typha latifolia. These revealed that Z. latifolia stimulated the N2O emission. Transportation of more organic matter and oxygen for AOB growth may be the reason. The study of AOB also supported this result, indicating that the root structure of Z. latifolia was favored by AOB for N2O formation. Zizania latifolia has a large contribution to global warming.
Show more [+] Less [-]Simulated effects of dryland cropping intensification on soil organic matter and greenhouse gas exchanges using the DAYCENT ecosystem model
Del Grosso, S. | Ojima, D. | Parton, W. | Mosier, A. | Peterson, G. | Schimel, D.
We present evidence to show that DAYCENT can reliably simulate soil C levels, crop yields, and annual trace gas fluxes for various soils. DAYCENT was applied to compare the net greenhouse gas fluxes for soils under different land uses. To calculate net greenhouse gas flux we accounted for changes in soil organic C, the C equivalents of N2O emissions and CH4 uptake, and the CO2 costs of N fertilizer production. Model results and data show that dryland soils that are depleted of C due to conventional till winter wheat/fallow cropping can store C upon conversion to no till, by reducing the fallow period, or by reversion to native vegetation. However, model results suggest that dryland agricultural soils will still be net sources of greenhouse gases although the magnitude of the source can be significantly reduced and yields can be increased upon conversion to no till annual cropping.
Show more [+] Less [-]In-use emissions and usage trend of pellet heating stoves in rural Yangxin, Shandong Province
Shrestha, Prabin | Zhang, Wenting | Mawusi, Sylvester K. | Li, Jie | Xu, Jiangdong | Li, Chuang | Xue, Chunyu | Liu, Guangqing
The use of coal in Chinese households for winter heating emits harmful pollutants that severely affect indoor air quality and climate. Therefore, China has made efforts to transition into clean heating using improved heating stoves and biomass pellets. Although the economic and policy implications of such demonstration projects have been extensively investigated, little has been done to understand the real-world performance and adoption trends of such stoves. This study measured in-use emissions from nine different pellet stoves used for heating among 52 rural households in Yangxin, Shandong Province. The temperature of the stove chimney of 21 households was monitored and 56 households were surveyed to explore the stove use trend. The particulate and gaseous emission concentrations for most of the stoves exceeded the limits specified in the Chinese national standard. The measured fuel energy-based emission factors (mean ± standard deviation) for CO₂, CO, NOx, and PM₂.₅ were 103 ± 3, 1.41 ± 1.19, 0.336 ± 0.237, and 0.146 ± 0.108 g/MJ, respectively. Between January to February, the average daily heating duration was 8.71 h, and the sustained use of heating stoves was seen among over 85% of the households. On average, the households used their heating stoves for 3.28 months and the estimated annual pellets consumption for a household was 2.7 tons. Besides inherent variabilities associated with user habits, the stove’s design-related shortcomings and low-grade pellets hindered the performance and effectiveness of pellet stoves. This study provides insights into opportunities and challenges for the promotion of cleaner fuels and heating technologies. Furthermore, it will provide information on emissions from rural residential sources to build the emission inventory and inform policymaking for successful stove promotion programs.
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