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Les pluies acides et l' evolution de la reglementation de la pollution atmospherique [France; reglementation communautaire].
Destrie J.P.
Elimination de l' ammoniac sur divers adsorbants: charbons actifs, tourbe et boues de station d' epuration.
Samanni Vaute L. | Fanlo J.L. | Le Cloirec P.
[Acid rain and the evolution of legislation on atmospheric pollution [France; European Community reglementation]]
Destrie, J.P.
Transcriptional activation of plant defence genes by short-term air pollutant stress
Bahl, A. | Loitsch, S.M. | Kahl, G. (Plant Molecular Biology Group, Biozentrum, N-200, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Marie-Curie Str. 9, D-60439 Frankfurt/M (Germany))
The uptake of particulates by an urban woodland: site description and particulate composition
Freer-Smith, P.H. | Holloway, S. | Goodman, A. (Forestry Commission Research Division, Alice Holt Lodge, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 4LH, UK)
Differences in responses to urban air pollutants by Ligustrum lucidum Ait. and Ligustrum lucidum Ait. f. tricolor (Rehd.) Rehd
Carreras, H.A. | Canas, M.S. | Pignata, M.L. (Catedra de Quimica General, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Avda Velez Sarsfield 299, 5000 Cordoba (Argentina))
Air pollution stress changes the steady-state transcript levels of three photosynthesis genes
Bahl, A. | Kahl, G. (Plant Molecular Biology Group, Department of Biology, Biozentrum Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Marie Curie Str., N 200, 60439 Frankfurt/M (Germany))
Transboundary air pollution: effects and control
Improvement of a wet process for the separation of aerosols
Schenkel, A. (GEA Wiegand GmbH, Ettlingen (Germany))
Development and application of methods for the evaluation of air pollutant emissions and emission reduction scenarios
John, C. (Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung (IER)) | Berner, P. | Friedrich, R. | Obermeier, A. | Seier, J.