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Biomonitoring coastal pollution on the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden using macroalgae: A review
Ameen, Fuad | Al-Homaidan, Ali A. | Almahasheer, Hanan | Dawoud, Turki | Alwakeel, Suaad | AlMaarofi, Sama
The transporting of oil via the Arabian Gulf for centuries has resulted in the pollution of the coasts by heavy metals, and therefore, remediation actions are needed. In this review, we first evaluated heavy metal pollution on the coasts by assembling the research on published metal concentrations in sediments and water bodies surrounding the Arabian Peninsula. Research revealed uneven pollution of heavy metals, meaning that before remediation, the most polluted sites should be found. This could be done most conveniently using biomonitoring. The Arabian Peninsula is a unique ecoregion due to the extremely high temperature in summer, and therefore, it needs its specific standardization procedure for biomonitoring. To get an overview of the current information on biomonitoring, we gathered a dataset of 306 published macroalgal observations from the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden. The heavy metal concentration dataset of macroalgae was analyzed with a multivariate principal component analysis. As a result of the published works elsewhere and our data analysis, we recommend that green Ulva and brown Padina species are used in the biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution on the Arabian Peninsula's eastern and southern coasts. However, more species might be needed if these species do not occur at the site. The species incidence should first be monitored systematically in each area, and common species should be used. The species used should be chosen locally and sampled at the same depth at low tide in spring or early summer, from February to May, before the hottest season. The composite samples of different apical sections of the thallus should be collected. The standardization of the monitoring processes benefits future remediation actions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Healthy and diverse coral reefs in Djibouti – A resilient reef system or few anthropogenic threats?
Cowburn, B. | Samoilys, M.A. | Osuka, K. | Klaus, R. | Newman, C. | Gudka, M. | Obura, D.
Djiboutian coral reefs are poorly studied, but are of critical importance to tourism and artisanal fishing in this small developing nation. In 2014 and 2016 we carried out the most comprehensive survey of Djiboutian reefs to date, and present data on their ecology, health and estimate their vulnerability to future coral bleaching and anthropogenic impacts. Reef type varied from complex reef formations exposed to wind and waves along the Gulf of Aden, to narrow fringing reefs adjacent to the deep sheltered waters of the Gulf of Tadjoura. Evidence suggests that in the past 35 years the reefs have not previously experienced severe coral bleaching or significant human impacts, with many reefs having healthy and diverse coral and fish populations. Mean coral cover was high (52%) and fish assemblages were dominated by fishery target species and herbivores. However, rising sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and rapid recent coastal development activities in Djibouti are likely future threats to these relatively untouched reefs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Oil slicks and hydrocarbons in sea water
Nemirovskaya, Inna A
Surface and upper-layer pollution of seas and oceans by crude oil and refinery products is under study by investigators in many countries. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have prepared an international experimental project that is to be carried out within the framework of the Integrated Global Oceanic Station System (IGOSS). The purpose of the project is to prepare a picture of distribution and dynamics of oil pollution. Parameters to be observed include: oil patches (slicks), floating lumps of tar on the surface, and hydrocarbons emulsified and dissolved in water. Cruise 22 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov took the ship through regions being the most suitable for pollution studies. They were conducted from March through June 1976. On the cruise, oil slicks were observed visually by a procedure recommended by the international program. Areas of the slicks were determined from speed of the ship and time required to cross them. Surface samples were taken along the path of the ship for determination of concentrations of dissolved and emulsified hydrocarbons in water. In addition, samples were taken from deep water by a 7-liter vinyl water bottle at 17 stations. Hydrocarbons present in the samples were extracted immediately with carbon tetrachloride. Final determination of hydrocarbons was made by infrared spectrophotometry. This method is currently accepted in the Soviet Union in an arbitration capacity for determination of petroleum products dissolved and emulsified in sea water. Infrared spectrophotometry is used to determine hydrocarbons containing methyl and methylene groups, but they are not identified as to origin.
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