AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

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Acute Toxicity and Biological Responses of Clarias gariepinus to Environmentally Realistic Chlorpyrifos Concentrations


Kanu, K.C. | Ogbonna, O.A. | Mpamah, I.C.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Exposure to wastewater effluent disrupts hypoxia responses in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus)


Lau, Samantha C. | Mehdi, Hossein | Bragg, Leslie M. | Servos, Mark R. | Balshine, S. (Sigal) | Scott, Graham R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Interspecies variation in the susceptibility of adult Pacific salmon to toxic urban stormwater runoff


McIntyre, Jenifer K. | Lundin, Jessica I. | Cameron, James R. | Chow, Michelle I. | Davis, Jay W. | Incardona, John P. | Scholz, Nathaniel L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Trace element reference intervals in the blood of healthy green sea turtles to evaluate exposure of coastal populations


Villa, C.A. | Flint, M. | Bell, I. | Hof, C. | Limpus, C.J. | Gaus, C.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Biomarkers of exposure and effect in the armoured catfish Hoplosternum littorale during a rice production cycle


Fantón, Noelia | Cazenave, Jimena | Michlig, Melina P. | Repetti, María R. | Rossi, Andrea

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Toxic elements and associations with hematology, plasma biochemistry, and protein electrophoresis in nesting loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from Casey Key, Florida


Perrault, Justin R. | Stacy, Nicole I. | Lehner, Andreas F. | Poor, Savannah K. | Buchweitz, John P. | Walsh, Catherine J.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Multi-biomarkers approach to access the impact of novel metal-insecticide based on flavonoid hesperidin on fish


Bonomo, Marina Marques | Sachi, Ivelise Teresa de Castro | Paulino, Marcelo Gustavo | Fernandes, Joaõ Batista | Carlos, Rose Maria | Fernandes, Marisa Narciso

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Trace elements in blood of Baltic gray seal pups (Halichoerus grypus) from the Gulf of Riga and their relationship with biochemical and clinical parameters


Puchades, L. | Gallego-Rios, S.E. | Di Marzio, A. | Martínez-López, E.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Use of Arius thalassinus fish in a pollution biomonitoring study, applying combined oxidative stress, hematology, biochemical and histopathological biomarkers: A baseline field study


Saleh, Yousef S. | Marie, Mohamed-Assem S.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Potential impacts of historical disturbance on green turtle health in the unique & protected marine ecosystem of Palmyra Atoll (Central Pacific)


McFadden, Katherine W. | Gómez, Andrés | Sterling, Eleanor J. | Naro-Maciel, Eugenia

National Agricultural Library - United States of America