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Immunotoxic effects of single and combined pharmaceuticals exposure on a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) B lymphoma cell line
Kleinert, Christine | Lacaze, Emilie | Mounier, Méryl | De Guise, Sylvain | Fournier, Michel
The potential risk of pharmaceuticals in the environment to top-predators is still largely unknown. In this study, we assessed the immunotoxic effects of ten pharmaceuticals individually and as mixtures on a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) B lymphoma cell line. A significant reduction in lymphocyte transformation was observed following an exposure to 12,500μg/L 17α-ethinyl estradiol and 25,000μg/L naproxen. Exposure to 12,500μg/L 17α-ethinyl estradiol decreased the percentage of cell in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle while increasing the percentage of cells in the S phase. Carbamazepine exposure increased the amount of cells in the G2/M phase. Binary mixtures showed synergistic effects in lymphocyte transformation, cell cycle and apoptosis assays. Concentrations inducing toxic effects in the cell line were similar to those affecting fish in previous studies. A reduction of functional activities of the immune system may lead to altered host resistance to pathogens in free-ranging pinnipeds.
Show more [+] Less [-]Physiological responses of the hybrid larch (Larix x eurolepis Henry) to cadmium exposure and distribution of cadmium in plantlets
Bonet, Amandine | Lelu-Walter, Marie-Anne | Faugeron, Céline | Gloaguen, Vincent | Saladin, Gaëlle | Laboratoire de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (LCSN) ; Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Génomique, Environnement, Immunité, Santé, Thérapeutique (GEIST FR CNRS 3503) | Unité de recherche Amélioration, Génétique et Physiologie Forestières (AGPF) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
International audience | Phytoextraction of Cd is a growing biotechnology although we currently know few Cd-hyperaccumulators, i.e. plant species able to accumulate at least 0.1 mg Cd g-1 dry weight in aerial organs. Owing their deep root system and high biomass, trees are more and more preferred to herbaceous species for phytoextraction. Assuming that conifers could be relevant models under cold climates, we investigated cadmium tolerance of the hybrid larch Larix × eurolepis Henry (L. decidua × L. kaempferi) and the efficiency of this species to store this metal. In vitro grown larches were chosen in order to reduce time of exposure and to more rapidly evaluate their potential efficiency to accumulate Cd. One-month-old plantlets were exposed for 2 and 4 weeks to 250 and 500 µM Cd. Results showed that they tolerated a four-week exposure to 250 µM Cd whereas the content of photosynthetic pigment strongly dropped in plantlets growing in presence of 500 µM Cd. In presence of 250 µM Cd, shoot growth slightly decreased but photosynthetic pigment and total soluble carbohydrate contents were not modified and no lipid peroxidation was detected. In addition, these plantlets accumulated proline, particularly in shoots (2 - 3 times more than control). In roots, Cd concentration in the intracellular fraction was always higher than in the cell wall fraction contrary to shoots where Cd concentration in the cell wall fraction increased with time and Cd concentration in the medium. In shoots, Cd concentration was lower than in roots with a ratio of 0.2 after 4 weeks of exposure but stayed around 0.2 mg g-1 dry weight, thus a value higher than the threshold requested for Cd-hyperaccumulators. Hybrid larch would thus be a relevant candidate for field test of Cd-phytoextraction.
Show more [+] Less [-]Physiological responses of the hybrid larch (Larix x eurolepis Henry) to cadmium exposure and distribution of cadmium in plantlets
Bonnet, Amandine | Lelu-Walter, Marie-Anne | Faugeron, Céline | Gloaguen, Vincent | Saladin, Gaëlle
Phytoextraction of Cd is a growing biotechnology although we currently know few Cd-hyperaccumulators, i.e. plant species able to accumulate at least 0.1 mg Cd g-1 dry weight in aerial organs. Owing their deep root system and high biomass, trees are more and more preferred to herbaceous species for phytoextraction. Assuming that conifers could be relevant models under cold climates, we investigated cadmium tolerance of the hybrid larch Larix × eurolepis Henry (L. decidua × L. kaempferi) and the efficiency of this species to store this metal. In vitro grown larches were chosen in order to reduce time of exposure and to more rapidly evaluate their potential efficiency to accumulate Cd. One-month-old plantlets were exposed for 2 and 4 weeks to 250 and 500 µM Cd. Results showed that they tolerated a four-week exposure to 250 µM Cd whereas the content of photosynthetic pigment strongly dropped in plantlets growing in presence of 500 µM Cd. In presence of 250 µM Cd, shoot growth slightly decreased but photosynthetic pigment and total soluble carbohydrate contents were not modified and no lipid peroxidation was detected. In addition, these plantlets accumulated proline, particularly in shoots (2 - 3 times more than control). In roots, Cd concentration in the intracellular fraction was always higher than in the cell wall fraction contrary to shoots where Cd concentration in the cell wall fraction increased with time and Cd concentration in the medium. In shoots, Cd concentration was lower than in roots with a ratio of 0.2 after 4 weeks of exposure but stayed around 0.2 mg g-1 dry weight, thus a value higher than the threshold requested for Cd-hyperaccumulators. Hybrid larch would thus be a relevant candidate for field test of Cd-phytoextraction.
Show more [+] Less [-]Physiological responses of the hybrid larch (Larix x eurolepis Henry) to cadmium exposure and distribution of cadmium in plantlets
Bonnet, Amandine | Lelu-Walter, Marie-Anne | Faugeron, Céline | Gloaguen, Vincent | Saladin, Gaëlle
Phytoextraction of Cd is a growing biotechnology although we currently know few Cd-hyperaccumulators, i.e. plant species able to accumulate at least 0.1 mg Cd g-1 dry weight in aerial organs. Owing their deep root system and high biomass, trees are more and more preferred to herbaceous species for phytoextraction. Assuming that conifers could be relevant models under cold climates, we investigated cadmium tolerance of the hybrid larch Larix × eurolepis Henry (L. decidua × L. kaempferi) and the efficiency of this species to store this metal. In vitro grown larches were chosen in order to reduce time of exposure and to more rapidly evaluate their potential efficiency to accumulate Cd. One-month-old plantlets were exposed for 2 and 4 weeks to 250 and 500 µM Cd. Results showed that they tolerated a four-week exposure to 250 µM Cd whereas the content of photosynthetic pigment strongly dropped in plantlets growing in presence of 500 µM Cd. In presence of 250 µM Cd, shoot growth slightly decreased but photosynthetic pigment and total soluble carbohydrate contents were not modified and no lipid peroxidation was detected. In addition, these plantlets accumulated proline, particularly in shoots (2 - 3 times more than control). In roots, Cd concentration in the intracellular fraction was always higher than in the cell wall fraction contrary to shoots where Cd concentration in the cell wall fraction increased with time and Cd concentration in the medium. In shoots, Cd concentration was lower than in roots with a ratio of 0.2 after 4 weeks of exposure but stayed around 0.2 mg g-1 dry weight, thus a value higher than the threshold requested for Cd-hyperaccumulators. Hybrid larch would thus be a relevant candidate for field test of Cd-phytoextraction.
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