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Influence of edaphic conditions and persistent organic pollutants on earthworms in an infiltration basin
Fernandes, G. | Roques, O. | Lassabatère, L. | Sarles, L. | Venisseau, A. | Marchand, P. | Bedell, Jean-Philippe | LEHNA - Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés [équipe IAPHY] (LEHNA IAPHY) ; Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (LEHNA) ; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) ; Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État (ENTPE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) ; Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'État (ENTPE)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | Laboratoire d'étude des Résidus et Contaminants dans les Aliments (LABERCA) ; École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (ONIRIS)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)
International audience | In recent decades, stormwater management has developed to allow stormwater to infiltrate directly into the soils instead of being collected and routed to sewer systems. However, during infiltration, stormwater creates a sediment deposit at the soil surface as the result of high loads of suspended particles (including pollutants), leading to the settlement of sedimentary layers prone to colonization by plants and earthworms. This study aims to investigate the earthworm communities of a peculiar infiltration basin and investigate the influence of edaphic conditions (water content, organic matter content, pH, height of sediment) and of persistent organic pollutants (POPs: PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs) on these earthworms. Attention was paid to their age (juveniles or adults) and their functional group (epigeic, endogeic, anecic). We found that the earthworm abundance was mostly driven by edaphic conditions, with only a slight impact of POPs, with a significant negative impact of PCBDLno for juveniles and endogeic, and PCDDs for epigeic. On the contrary, the height of the sediment and the water content are beneficial for their presence and reproduction. Furthermore, POPs contents are also linked to physicochemical parameters of the sediment. Bioaccumulation was clearly revealed in the studied site but does not differ between juveniles and adults, except for PCDDs. Conversely, BAF values seemed to vary between functional groups, except for PCBDL non-ortho. It strongly varies with the family types (PCBs versus PCCD/Fs) and between congeners within the same family, with specific strong bioaccumulation for a few congeners.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pesticides in a warmer world: Effects of glyphosate and warming across insect life stages
Stahlschmidt, Z.R. | Whitlock, J. | Vo, C. | Evalen, P. | D, Bui
Glyphosate (GLY) is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is the most commonly applied pesticide in terrestrial ecosystems in the U.S. and, potentially, worldwide. However, the combined effects of warming associated with climate change and exposure to GLY and GLY-based formulations (GBFs) on terrestrial animals are poorly understood. Animals progress through several life stages (e.g., embryonic, larval, and juvenile stages) that may exhibit different sensitivities to stressors. Therefore, we factorially manipulated temperature and GLY/GBF exposure in the variable field cricket (Gryllus lineaticeps) during two life stages—nymphal development and adulthood—and examined key animal traits, such as developmental rate, body size, food consumption, reproductive investment, and lifespan. A thermal environment simulating future climate warming obligated several costs to fitness-related traits. For example, warming experienced during nymphal development reduced survival, adult body mass and size, and investment into flight capacity and reproduction. Warming experienced by adults reduced lifespan and growth rate. Alternatively, the effects of GBF exposure were more subtle, often context-dependent (e.g., effects were only detected in one sex or temperature regime), and were stronger during adult exposure relative to exposure during development. There was evidence of additive costs of warming and GBF exposure to rates of feeding and growth in adults. Yet, the negative effect of GBF exposure to adult lifespan did not occur in warming conditions, suggesting that ongoing climate change may obscure some of the costs of GBFs to non-target organisms. The effects of GLY alone (i.e., in the absence of proprietary surfactants found in commercial formulations) were non-existent. Animals will be increasingly exposed to warming and GBFs, and our results indicate that GBF exposure and warming can entail additive costs for an animal taxon (insects) that plays critical roles in terrestrial ecosystems.
Show more [+] Less [-]The bioavailability of oil droplets trapped in river gravel by hyporheic flows
Adams, Julie E. | Brown, R Stephen | Hodson, Peter V.
Little is known about the fate of oil spills in rivers. Hyporheic flows of water through river sediments exchange surface and groundwater and create upwelling and downwelling zones that are important for fish spawning and embryo development. Risk assessments of oil spills to rivers do not consider the potential for hyporheic flows to carry oil droplets into sediments and the potential for prolonged exposure of fish to trapped oil. This project assessed whether oil droplets in water flowing through gravel will be trapped and whether hydrocarbons partitioning from trapped oil droplets are bioavailable to fish. Columns packed with gravel were injected with oil-in-water dispersions prepared with light crude, medium crude, diluted bitumens, and heavy fuel oil to generate a series of oil droplet loadings. The concentrations of oil trapped in the gravel increased with oil loading and viscosity. When the columns were perfused with clean water, oil concentrations in column effluents decreased to the detection limit within the first week of water flow, with sporadically higher concentrations associated with oil droplet release. Despite the low concentrations of hydrocarbons measured in column effluent, hydrocarbons were bioavailable to juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) for more than three weeks of water flow, as indicated by strong induction of liver ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase activity. These findings indicate that ecological risk assessments and spill response should identify and protect areas in rivers sensitive to contaminant trapping.
Show more [+] Less [-]Seasonal distribution pattern and bioaccumulation of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in four bioindicator coastal fishes of Argentina
Recabarren-Villalón, Tatiana | Ronda, Ana C. | Oliva, Ana L. | Cazorla, Andrea Lopez | Marcovecchio, Jorge E. | Arias, Andrés H.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are pollutants of global concern in coastal environments. They have a wide range of biological toxicity and due to their inherent properties, can easily bioaccumulate in organisms and concentrate in the environment. This work evaluated, in an integrated way, the seasonal PAH distribution patterns in sediments and four bioindicators fish species in a highly impacted estuary of Argentina; besides, their bioaccumulation patterns were assessed for the first time as indicator of ecological risk. The highest PAH levels in fish were found for Ramnogaster arcuata with an average of 64 ng g⁻¹ w.w., followed by Micropogonias furnieri (45 ng g⁻¹ w.w.), Cynoscion guatucupa (28 ng g⁻¹ w.w.), and Mustelus schmitti (16 ng g⁻¹ w.w.). Fish presented the highest PAH levels in fall with a predominance of petrogenic PAHs in colder seasons and pyrolytic PAHs in warmer seasons. Sediments presented an average of 233 ng g⁻¹ d.w. with the same seasonal composition pattern of the fish tissues. Additionally, the data suggested that the main source of PAHs are wastewater discharges. The bioaccumulation factor (BAF) of PAHs in the tested fishes were found to range from 0.3 to 8. The highest values were observed during fall and winter, while bioaccumulation did not occur in moist spring and summer samples, which would suggest a high biotransformation process during these seasons. Results suggested that class III of juvenile C. guatucupa and M. furnieri, and adults R. arcuata are more sensitive bioindicators of chronic PAH contamination and that their bioaccumulation is independent of the compound hydrophobicity; this could have a positively influence on the criteria used for biological monitoring programs along the Atlantic coast. In addition, the presented BAF data on the target species will serve as a useful pollution indicator for South Atlantic coastal fish.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of biopiles treatment on polluted soils by the use of Eisenia andrei bioassay
Olivia, Lorente-Casalini | Minerva, García-Carmona | Rocío, Pastor-Jáuregui | Francisco José, Martín-Peinado
A long-term case of residual pollution is studied after 20 years since the largest mining accident in Spain (the Aznalcóllar spill) happened. This pollution is manifested through a surface zoning consisting of bare soils (B0), sparsely vegetated soils (B1), and densely vegetated and recovered soils (B2). A biopiles treatment with a mixture of contaminated soils (B0 and B1) with recovered soils (B2) at 50% (w/w), and vermicompost addition (50 tons ha-1) was evaluated. To assess the effectiveness of treatments, total, water-soluble, and bioavailable fractions of the most polluting elements in the zone (Cu, Zn, As, Pb, Cd, and Sb) was analyzed. To evaluate the potential risk of contamination for the ecosystem, a bioassay with earthworm Eisenia andrei was carried out. Twenty years after the accident, there are still soils where total As and Pb exceed the regulatory levels and water-soluble Zn and As exceed the toxicity guidelines. According to toxicity bioassay, weight variation and juvenile production of earthworms showed an improvement after biopiles treatment, with values that trend to be similar to those of recovered soils. The only bioaccumulated element in earthworms was Cd (BAF>1), both in polluted as in treated soils, which indicates the possible existence of exclusion mechanisms of the other pollutants by earthworms. The comparison between biopiles and polluted soils showed no significant differences for the bioaccumulation factor of trace elements, with the exception of Zn and Cu, which slightly increased after treatment. According to our results, biopiles treatment combined with vermicompost addition is a good technique for the recovery of residual contaminated areas, by the improvement of soil properties and the reduction of the potential toxicity; anyway, monitoring of soils and organisms is needed to prevent the increase of bioavailability of some potentially pollutant elements over time.
Show more [+] Less [-]Toxicokinetics and persistent thyroid hormone disrupting effects of chronic developmental exposure to chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonate in Chinese rare minnow
Liu, Wei | Yang, Jing | Li, Jingwen | Zhang, Jiangyu | Zhao, Jing | Yu, Dan | Xu, Yukang | He, Xin | Zhang, Xin
The abnormality in thyroid hormone modulation in developmental fish, vulnerable to per- and polyfluorinated substances, is of particular concerns for the alternative substances. Juvenile rare minnows, were exposed to chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl ether sulfonates (Cl-PFESAs), the novel alternatives to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), for 4 weeks followed by 12 weeks of depuration. Half lives were determined to be 33 d, 29 d, and 47 d for total Cl-PFESAs, C8 Cl-PFESA and C10 Cl-PFESA, respectively. Preliminary toxicity test suggested that Cl-PFESAs are moderately toxic to Rare minnow with a LC50 of 20.8 mg/L (nominal concentration) after 96 h of exposure. In the chronic toxicity test, fishes were exposed to Cl-PFESAs at geometric mean measured concentrations of 86.5 μg/L, 162 μg/L and 329 μg/L. In juvenile fishes exposed to Cl-PFESAs for 4 weeks, gene profile sequencing analysis identified 3313 differentially expressed genes, based on which pathways regulating thyroid hormone synthesis and steroid synthesis were enriched. Both whole body total and free 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine (T3) levels were significantly increased. mRNA expression of genes regulating thyroid hormone synthesis (corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (THS), sodium/iodide symporter (NIS), thyroglobulin (TG), and thyroid peroxidase (TPO), transport (transthyretin,TTR), deiodinase (Dio1, Dio2) and receptor (TRα and TRβ) were decreased. Uridinediphosphate glucoronosyl-transferases (UGT1A) gene, regulating THs metabolism, was also decreased. In adult fish, thyroid hormone and genes expression in hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis remained at disturbed levels after 12 weeks of depuration without exposure. Chronic developmental exposure to Cl-PFESAs caused persistent thyroid hormone disrupting effects in fish, highlighting a necessity of comprehensive ecological risk assessment.
Show more [+] Less [-]iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis on the mitochondrial responses in gill tissues of juvenile olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus exposed to cadmium
Lu, Zhen | Wang, Shuang | Ji, Chenglong | Li, Fei | Cong, Ming | Shan, Xiujuan | Wu, Huifeng
Cadmium (Cd) is an important heavy metal pollutant in the Bohai Sea. Mitochondria are recognized as the key target for Cd toxicity. However, mitochondrial responses to Cd have not been fully investigated in marine fishes. In this study, the mitochondrial responses were characterized in gills of juvenile flounder Paralichthys olivaceus treated with two environmentally relevant concentrations (5 and 50 μg/L) of Cd for 14 days by determination of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), observation of mitochondrial morphology and quantitative proteomic analysis. Both Cd treatments significantly decreased MMPs of mitochondria from flounder gills. Mitochondrial morphologies were altered in Cd-treated flounder samples, indicated by more and smaller mitochondria. iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis indicated that a total of 128 proteins were differentially expressed in both Cd treatments. These proteins were basically involved in various biological processes in gill mitochondria, including mitochondrial morphology and import, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), primary bile acid biosynthesis, stress resistance and apoptosis. These results indicated that dynamic regulations of energy homeostasis, cholesterol metabolism, stress resistance, apoptosis, and mitochondrial morphology in gill mitochondria might play significant roles in response to Cd toxicity. Overall, this study provided a global view on mitochondrial toxicity of Cd in flounder gills using iTRAQ-based proteomics.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of two little-studied environmental pollutants on early development in anurans
Bókony, Veronika | Verebélyi, Viktória | Ujhegyi, Nikolett | Mikó, Zsanett | Nemesházi, Edina | Szederkényi, Márk | Orf, Stephanie | Vitányi, Evelin | Móricz, Ágnes M.
Despite intensive ecotoxicological research, we still know relatively little about the ecological impacts of many environmental contaminants. Filling these knowledge gaps is particularly important regarding amphibians, because they play significant roles in freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, and their populations are declining worldwide. In this study, we investigated two pollutants that have been poorly studied in ecotoxicology despite their widespread occurrence in surface waters: the herbicide terbuthylazine and the pharmaceutical drug carbamazepine. We exposed two anuran species throughout their larval development to each of two environmentally relevant concentrations of each pollutant, and recorded mortality and 17 sub-lethal endpoints up to several months after exposure. Mortality was low and unrelated to treatment. In agile frogs (Rana dalmatina), we found that treatment with 0.3 μg/L terbuthylazine decreased tadpole activity and reduced fat bodies in juveniles, whereas treatment with 50 μg/L carbamazepine decreased spleen size and increased spleen pigmentation. In common toads (Bufo bufo), treatment with 0.003 μg/L terbuthylazine increased body mass at metamorphosis, treatment with 0.3 μg/L terbuthylazine increased the size of optic tecta, and treatment with 0.5 μg/L carbamazepine decreased hypothalamus size. Treatment with 50 μg/L carbamazepine reduced the feeding activity of toad tadpoles, decreased their production of anti-predatory bufadienolide toxins, and increased their body mass at metamorphosis; juvenile toads in this treatment group had reduced spleen pigmentation. Neither treatments affected the time to metamorphosis, post-metamorphic body mass, or sex ratios significantly. These results show that environmental levels of both terbuthylazine and carbamazepine can have several sub-lethal effects on anurans, which may be detrimental to individual fitness and population persistence in natural conditions. Our findings further highlight that toxic effects cannot be generalized between chemicals of similar structure, because the terbuthylazine effects we found do not conform with previously reported effects of atrazine, a related and extensively studied herbicide.
Show more [+] Less [-]Short-term exposure to norfloxacin induces oxidative stress, neurotoxicity and microbiota alteration in juvenile large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea
Wang, Xinghuo | Hu, Menghong | Gu, Huaxin | Zhang, Libin | Shang, Yueyong | Wang, Ting | Wang, Tingyue | Zeng, Jiangning | Ma, Lukuo | Huang, Wei | Wang, Youji
In recent years, antibiotics have been widely detected in coastal waters of China, which raising concerns for coastal biodiversity and aquaculture. This study evaluated the effects of short-term exposure of norfloxacin (NOR) on oxidative stress and intestinal health of the large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea. Juvenile fish were exposed to four concentrations of NOR (0.1, 10, 100 and 1000 μg/L) for 14 days. The results showed that NOR inhibited growth and threatened the survival of juveniles. According to the changes of intestinal microbiota, we found that NOR led to a significant decrease in intestinal microbiota diversity, with the decreased relative abundance of Proteobacteria, but the increased Tenericutes. From the perspective of microbial function, NOR inhibited metabolism, cellular defence mechanism and information transduction process. In terms of biochemical indicators, NOR caused an increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) level and inhibited superoxide dismutase (SOD) and acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) activities. Catalase (CAT) activity was activated at low concentration but significantly inhibited at high concentration of NOR. Moreover, there was a high correlation between change in biochemical indicators and change in the microbial community. Overall, environmentally relevant concentrations (0.1 μg/L) and high concentrations (10, 100 and 1000 μg/L) of NOR have negative effects on the defence function and intestinal health of large yellow croaker juveniles.
Show more [+] Less [-]Uptake, toxicity, and maternal transfer of cadmium in the oribatid soil mite, Oppia nitens: Implication in the risk assessment of cadmium to soil invertebrates
Fajana, Hamzat O. | Jegede, Olukayode O. | James, Kyle | Hogan, Natacha S. | Siciliano, Steven D.
Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal of concern in contaminated sites because of its high toxicity to soil biota and humans. Typically, Cd exposure is thought to be dominated by dissolved Cd in soil pore water and, thus, dermal uptake. In this study, we investigated the uptake, toxicity, and maternal transfer of Cd in a standard soil invertebrate, the oribatid mite (Oppia nitens), which is common to boreal and temperate ecozones. We found total soil Cd predicted Cd uptake in adult and juvenile O. nitens with no significant uptake from pore water by juvenile mites. Cadmium significantly inhibited juvenile production and recruitment as well as reduced adult fecundity. Adult O. nitens maternally transferred 39–52% of their Cd body burden to juveniles (tritonymphs) while the maternally-acquired Cd accounted for 41% of the juvenile internal Cd load. Our results suggest that dermal adsorption of metal ions is not important for O. nitens and that maternal transfer of Cd in soil invertebrates has ecological and toxicological implications for populations of soil invertebrates. Maternal transfer should be incorporated as a criterion in setting environmental soil quality guidelines (SQGE) for cadmium and other non-essential heavy metals.
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