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Pluies acides, production de nitrate dans les sols forestiers et annees de secheresse estivale: cofacteurs de risque de deperissement des forets. Reflexions sur la synergie.
Bardy J.A.
Deperissement des forets et pollution atmospherique [pluies acides, degats par region et par essence].
Muller M. | Wunenburger R.
[Forest decline in Federal Republic of Germany [photooxidants, ozone, soil nutrients, "new damage"]]
Prinz, B. (Landesanstalt fuer Immissionsschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Essen (Germany, F.R.)) | Krause, G.H.M.
Chernoff-Flury faces: a statistical means for representing multivariate response parameters of air pollution induced injury on plants
Schwela, D.H. | Krause, G.H.M. (Landesanstalt fur Immissionsschutz des Landes NW, Wallneyerstrasse 6, 4300 Essen 1 (Germany, F.R.))
[Forest decline and atmospheric pollution [acid rain, damage by region and by species]]
Muller, M. (Ministere de l'Environnement, Neuilly-sur-Seine (France). Service de Recherche des Etudes et du Traitement sur l'Environnement) | Wunenburger, R.
Longitudinal patterns of stream chemistry in a catchment with forest dieback, Czech Republic
Havel, M. | Peters, N.E. | Cerny, J. (Czech Geological Survey, Klarov 3/131, Praha 1 (Czech Republic))
Acidic cloud water and cation loss from red spruce foliage
Joslin, J.D. (Tennessee Valley Authority, Muscle Shoals, AL (USA). Air Quality Branch) | McDuffie, C. | Brewer, P.F.
Potential leaching of elements in three Danish spruce forest soils
Rasmussen, L. (Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby (Denmark). Lab. of Environmental Sciences and Ecology)
Liming and fertilization as mitigation tools in declining forest ecosystems
Huettl, R.F. (Albert-Ludwig-Universitaet, Freiburg (Germany, F.R.). Inst. of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition)
Air pollutants - effects on forests and other vegetation; forest resources and economic consequences
Schotte, L.