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Exploring the effects of volcanic eruption disturbances on the soil microbial communities in the montane meadow steppe
Chen, Jin | Guo, Yuqing | Li, Fansheng | Zheng, Yaxin | Xu, Daolong | Liu, Haijing | Liu, Xinyan | Wang, Xinyu | Bao, Yuying
Volcanic eruptions are important components of natural disturbances that provide a model to explore the effects of volcanic eruption disturbances on soil microorganisms. Despite widespread research, to the best of our knowledge, no studies of volcanic eruption disturbances have investigated the effects on soil microbial communities in the montane meadow steppe. To address this gap, we meticulously investigated the characteristics of the soil microbial communities from the volcano and steppe sites using Illumina MiSeq high-throughput sequencing. Hierarchical clustering analysis and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) showed that the soil microbial communities from the volcano and steppe sites differed. The diversity and richness of the soil microbial communities from the steppe sites were significantly higher than at the volcano sites (P < 0.05), and the soil microbial communities in the steppe sites had higher stability. The effects of volcanic eruption disturbances on the bacterial community development are greater than its effects on the fungal communities. The environmental filtering of volcanic eruptions selectively retained some special microorganisms (i.e., Conexibacter, Agaricales, and Gaiellales) with strong adaptability to the environmental disturbances, enhanced metabolic activity for sodium and calcium reabsorption, and increased relative abundances of the lichenized saprotrophs. The soil microbial communities from the volcano and steppe sites cooperate to form complex networks of species interactions, which are strongly influenced by the interaction of the soil and vegetation factors. Our findings provide new information on the effects of volcanic eruption disturbances on the soil microbial communities in the montane meadow steppe.
Show more [+] Less [-]Contribution of plant species to the high N retention capacity of a subalpine meadow undergoing elevated N deposition and warming
Pornon, André | Boutin, Marion | Lamaze, Thierry
While numerous studies have examined the effect of N deposition on ecosystem N retention, few have analyzed the involvement of plant species and climate warming in this process. We experimentally investigated the effects of increasing N deposition (Nexo) and climate warming on the fate of Nexo in a subalpine meadow and established the involvement of plant species. Using 15N tracer, we tracked Nexo sprayed on the vegetation in belowground and aboveground plant biomasses (AGB) and in bulk soil over three growing seasons. We assessed the Nexo absorption capacity of plant species and the contribution of Nexo to their AGB N pool. The meadow retained a large proportion of Nexo (≈65%, mostly in AGB) for depositions up to four times the background N rate. Nexo present in the meadow compartments in year 2 was still present in year 3, suggesting that the ecosystem was unsaturated after three years of high N input. Nexo retention resulted more from an increase in N concentration in plant tissues than from the increase in AGB. The species-specific Nexo absorption capacity was inversely related to their AGB N concentration. Nexo accounted for up to 40% of total AGB N depending on the species and the N treatments. The contribution of species to ecosystem Nexo retention more contingent on their AGB than on their relative cover in the community, ranked as follows: C. vulgaris (14.0%) > N. stricta (7.0%) > other Poaceae = C. caryophyllea (2.5%) > other Eudicotyledons (1.5%) > non-vascular species = P. erecta > Fabaceae (0.8–0.2%). Climate warming increased AGB and decreased tissue N concentration. No warming-Nexo interaction was observed. Thus, Pyrenean subalpine meadows that have not undergone a decline in plant species richness in recent decades paradoxically display a high potential to sequester atmospheric N deposition.
Show more [+] Less [-]Vertical distribution and temporal dynamics of dissolved 137Cs concentrations in soil water after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Iwagami, Sho | Onda, Yūichi | Tsujimura, Maki | Hada, Manami | Pun, Ishwar
Radiocesium (137Cs) migration from headwater forested areas to downstream rivers has been investigated in many studies since the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident, which was triggered by a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011. The accident resulted in the release of a huge amount of radioactivity and its subsequent deposition in the environment. A large part of the radiocesium released has been shown to remain in the forest. The dissolved 137Cs concentration and its temporal dynamics in river water, stream water, and groundwater have been reported, but reports of dissolved 137Cs concentration in soil water remain sparse.In this study, soil water was sampled, and the dissolved 137Cs concentrations were measured at five locations with different land-use types (mature/young cedar forest, broadleaf forest, meadow land, and pasture land) in Yamakiya District, located 35 km northwest of FDNPP from July 2011 to October 2012. Soil water samples were collected by suction lysimeters installed at three different depths at each site. Dissolved 137Cs concentrations were analyzed using a germanium gamma ray detector. The dissolved 137Cs concentrations in soil water were high, with a maximum value of 2.5 Bq/L in July 2011, and declined to less than 0.32 Bq/L by 2012. The declining trend of dissolved 137Cs concentrations in soil water was fitted to a two-component exponential model. The rate of decline in dissolved 137Cs concentrations in soil water (k1) showed a good correlation with the radiocesium interception potential (RIP) of topsoil (0–5 cm) at the same site. Accounting for the difference of 137Cs deposition density, we found that normalized dissolved 137Cs concentrations of soil water in forest (mature/young cedar forest and broadleaf forest) were higher than those in grassland (meadow land and pasture land).
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of nitrogen addition on plant-soil micronutrients vary with nitrogen form and mowing management in a meadow steppe
Liu, Heyong | Wang, Pi | Lü, Xiao-Tao | Cai, Jiangping | Feng, Xue | Yang, Guojiao | Li, Hui | Zhang, Yuge | Han, Xingguo | Jiang, Yong
Nitrogen (N) addition and mowing can significantly influence micronutrient cycling in grassland ecosystems. It remains largely unknown about how different forms of added N affect micronutrient status in plant-soil systems. We examined the effects of different N compounds of (NH₄)₂SO₄, NH₄NO₃, and urea with and without mowing on micronutrient Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in soil-plant systems in a meadow steppe. The results showed that (NH₄)₂SO₄ addition had a stronger negative effect on soil pH compared with NH₄NO₃ and urea, resulting in higher increases in soil available Fe and Mn herein. Nitrogen addition decreased plant community-level biomass weighted (hereafter referred to as community-level) Fe concentration but increased Mn concentration, with a greater effect under (NH₄)₂SO₄ addition. Community-level Cu concentration increased with (NH₄)₂SO₄ and NH₄NO₃ addition only under mowing treatment. Mowing synergistically interacted with urea addition to increase community-level Mn and Zn concentrations even with decreased soil organic matter, possibly because of compensatory plant growth and thus higher plant nutrient uptake intensity under mowing treatment. Overall, responses of plant-soil micronutrients to N addition varied with mowing and different N compounds, which were mainly regulated by soil physicochemical properties and plant growth. Different magnitude of micronutrient responses in plants and soils shed light on the necessity to consider the role of various N compounds in biogeochemical models when projecting the effects of N enrichment on grassland ecosystems.
Show more [+] Less [-]Using change-point models to estimate empirical critical loads for nitrogen in mountain ecosystems
Roth, Tobias | Kohli, Lukas | Rihm, Beat | Meier, Reto | Achermann, Beat
To protect ecosystems and their services, the critical load concept has been implemented under the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (UNECE) to develop effects-oriented air pollution abatement strategies. Critical loads are thresholds below which damaging effects on sensitive habitats do not occur according to current knowledge. Here we use change-point models applied in a Bayesian context to overcome some of the difficulties when estimating empirical critical loads for nitrogen (N) from empirical data. We tested the method using simulated data with varying sample sizes, varying effects of confounding variables, and with varying negative effects of N deposition on species richness. The method was applied to the national-scale plant species richness data from mountain hay meadows and (sub)alpine scrubs sites in Switzerland. Seven confounding factors (elevation, inclination, precipitation, calcareous content, aspect as well as indicator values for humidity and light) were selected based on earlier studies examining numerous environmental factors to explain Swiss vascular plant diversity. The estimated critical load confirmed the existing empirical critical load of 5–15 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for (sub)alpine scrubs, while for mountain hay meadows the estimated critical load was at the lower end of the current empirical critical load range. Based on these results, we suggest to narrow down the critical load range for mountain hay meadows to 10–15 kg N ha−1 yr−1.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of depth and overgrowth of ephemeral macroalgae on a remote subtidal NE Atlantic eelgrass (Zostera marina) community
Baden, S. (Susanne) | Fredriksen, Stein | Christie, Hartvig | Eriander, Louise | Gustafsson, Camilla | Holmer, Marianne | Olesen, Birgit | Thormar, Jonas | Boström, Christoffer
We conducted a short-term field sampling complemented with time integrating stable isotope analysis to holistically investigate status and ecological interactions in a remote NE Atlantic Zostera marina meadow. We found high nutrient water concentrations, large biomass of fast-growing, ephemeral macroalgae, low abundance, and biodiversity of epifauna and a food web with thornback ray (Raja clavata) as intermediate and cod (Gadus morhua) as top predator. We observed no variation with increasing depth (3.5–11 m) except for decreasing shoot density and biomass of Zostera and macroalgae. Our results indicate that the Finnøya Zostera ecosystem is eutrophicated. During the past three to four decades, nutrients from aquaculture have steadily increased to reach 75% of anthropogenic input while the coastal top predator cod has decreased by 50%. We conclude that bottom-up regulation is a predominant driver of change since top-down regulation is generally weak in low density and exposed Zostera ecosystems such as Finnøya.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determining light stress responses for a tropical multi-species seagrass assemblage
Statton, John | McMahon, Kathryn | Lavery, Paul | Kendrick, Gary A.
Existing mitigations to address deterioration in water clarity associated with human activities are based on responses from single seagrass species but may not be appropriate for diverse seagrass assemblages common to tropical waters. We present findings from a light experiment designed to determine the effects of magnitude and duration of low light on a mixed tropical seagrass assemblage. Mixed assemblages of three commonly co-occurring Indo-West Pacific seagrasses, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis and Halophila ovalis were grown in climate-controlled tanks, where replicate pots were subjected to a gradient in light availability (0.9–21.6 mols PAR m−2 day−1) for 12 weeks. Increased shading resulted in declines in growth and changes in cellular and photosynthesis responses for all species, although time-scale and magnitude of response were species-specific. Applying management criteria (e.g. thresholds) relevant to one species may under- or over-estimate potential for impact on other species and the meadow as a whole.
Show more [+] Less [-]Variability of sedimentary organic carbon in patchy seagrass landscapes
Ricart, Aurora M. | York, Paul H. | Rasheed, Michael A. | Pérez Sánchez, Marta | Romero, Javier | Bryant, Catherine V. | Macreadie, Peter I.
Seagrass ecosystems, considered among the most efficient carbon sinks worldwide, encompass a wide variety of spatial configurations in the coastal landscape. Here we evaluated the influence of the spatial configuration of seagrass meadows at small scales (metres) on carbon storage in seagrass sediments. We intensively sampled carbon stocks and other geochemical properties (δ13C, particle size, depositional fluxes) across seagrass–sand edges in a Zostera muelleri patchy seagrass landscape. Carbon stocks were significantly higher (ca. 20%) inside seagrass patches than at seagrass–sand edges and bare sediments. Deposition was similar among all positions and most of the carbon was from allochthonous sources. Patch level attributes (e.g. edge distance) represent important determinants of the spatial heterogeneity of carbon stocks within seagrass ecosystems. Our findings indicate that carbon stocks of seagrass areas have likely been overestimated by not considering the influence of meadow landscapes, and have important relevance for the design of seagrass carbon stock assessments.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cover versus recovery: Contrasting responses of two indicators in seagrass beds
Soissons, Laura M. | Han, Qiuying | Li, Baoquan | van Katwijk, Marieke M. | Ysebaert, Tom | Herman, Peter M.J. | Bouma, Tjeerd J.
Despite being a highly valuable key-stone ecosystem, seagrass meadows are threatened and declining worldwide, creating urgent need for indicators of their health status. We compared two indicators for seagrass health: standing leaf area index versus relative recovery from local disturbance. Disturbance was created by removing aboveground biomass and recording the rate of regrowth for Zostera marina meadows exposed to contrasting wave regimes and nutrient stress levels.Within the experimental period, relative regrowth in gaps was around 50% in most plots, except for the ambient nutrient treatment at the sheltered site, where it exceeded 100%. The two indicators showed an opposite response to disturbance: the higher the standing leaf area index, the lower the relative recovery from disturbance. This conflicting response raises the question on the proper interpretation of such indicators to estimate seagrass health and resilience, and how to ideally monitor seagrass ecosystems in order to predict collapse.
Show more [+] Less [-]Towards a predictive model to assess the natural position of the Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows upper limit
Vacchi, Matteo | Montefalcone, Monica | Schiaffino, Chiara F. | Parravicini, Valeriano | Bianchi, Carlo Nike | Morri, Carla | Ferrari, Marco
The upper portion of the meadows of the protected Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica occurs in the region of the seafloor mostly affected by surf-related effects. Evaluation of its status is part of monitoring programs, but proper conclusions are difficult to draw due to the lack of definite reference conditions. Comparing the position of the meadow upper limit with the beach morphodynamics (i.e. the distinctive type of beach produced by topography and wave climate) provided evidence that the natural landwards extension of meadows can be predicted. An innovative model was therefore developed in order to locate the region of the seafloor where the meadow upper limit should lie in natural conditions (i.e. those governed only by hydrodynamics, in absence of significant anthropogenic impact). This predictive model was validated in additional sites, which showed perfect agreement between predictions and observations. This makes the model a valuable tool for coastal management.
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