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[Optimization of growth conditions of road-side trees through site preperation]
Meyer-Spasche, H. (Hamburg Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Ordinariat fuer Bodenkunde)
[Comparison of vitality of mycorrhizae of differently fertilized areas by means of FDA -(fluoresrine-diacetate) vital fluorine chrome]
Ritter, T. (Tuebingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Biologie) | Kottke, I. | Oberwinkler, F.
[Studies on re-stabilizing measures in forests injured by air pollution in the Southern Taunus]
Krieter, M. (Mainz Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Geographisches Inst. Umweltforschungsstation)
First results with calcined magnesite, magnesium hydroxide and Geosan in declining, chlorotic Norway spruce stands (NE-Bavaria)
Schaaf, W. (Bayreuth Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Lehrstuhl fuer Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie) | Zech, W.
Mg dynamics in fertilized acid forest soils: Effects of fertilizer anions
Kaupenjohann, M. (Bayreuth Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Lehrstuhl fuer Bodenkunde und Bodengeographie) | Zech, W.
[Promotion and conservation of natural regeneration of European beech in view of the deposition of air pollutants]
Bressem, U. (Hessische Forstliche Versuchsanstalt, Hann.Muenden (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Forstproduktion und Waldschutz)
[Forest fertilization and nitrate stress of seepage-, surface and springwater]
Evers, F.H. (Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany, F.R.))
[Reduction of forest damage caused by air pollution in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands by means of melioration and the establishment of mixed forests]
Lucke, E. (Institut fuer Forstwissenschaften Eberswalde, Suhl (Germany). Forschungs- und Ueberleitungszentrum) | Melzer, E.W.
[Melioration and fertilization as conditions of re-afforestation of areas of the Ore Mountains damaged by air pollution]
Nebe, W. (Technische Univ. Dresden, Tharandt (Germany). Sektion Forstwirtschaft)
[Effects of fertilization on the chemical properties of [forest] soils]
Sarman, J. (Vysoka Skola Zemedelska, Brno (CSFR). Lesnicka Fakulta)