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Preliminary results on the occurrence and anatomical distribution of microplastics in wild populations of Nephrops norvegicus from the Adriatic Sea
Martinelli, Michela | Gomiero, Alessio | Guicciardi, Stefano | Frapiccini, Emanuela | Strafella, Pierluigi | Angelini, Silvia | Domenichetti, Filippo | Belardinelli, Andrea | Colella, Sabrina
This study reports the shapes, dimensional classes, types and counts of microplastics (MPs) found in 23 individuals of N. norvegicus collected from two wild populations of the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean basin). The focus was on three different anatomical compartments (gut, hepatopancreas and tail), which were analysed separately. MPs were found in all the investigated individuals with an average of about 17 MPs/individual. Fragments were predominant over fibers with a ratio of about 3:1. The majority of MPs were in the dimensional range 50–100 μm. The predominant polymers were polyester, polyamide 6, polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene, which together constitute about 61% of all the MPs found. Fragments were more concentrated in the hepatopancreas, with no significant difference between gut and tail, while fibers were more concentrated in the gut than in the tail with hepatopancreas somehow in between. The dimensional class of the MPs influences their anatomical distribution. There were no statistical differences among individuals from the two sampling sites. Sex of the individual did not influence the level of retained MPs, while length had a very marginal effect. The information reported here contributes to understanding of the possible risks linked to human consumption of different tissues from contaminated Norway lobsters.
Show more [+] Less [-]Environment and gut morphology influence microplastic retention in langoustine, Nephrops norvegicus
Welden, Natalie A.C. | Cowie, Phillip R.
Over the past twenty years microplastic pollution has been recorded in all major marine habitats, and is now considered to be of high environmental concern. Correspondingly, the number of reports of microplastic ingestion by marine species is increasing. Despite this, there are still relatively few studies which address the uptake and retention of microplastic in wild populations. Langoustine, Nephrops norvegicus, sampled from the Clyde Sea Area, have previously been seen to contain large aggregations of microplastic fibres. The large proportion of contaminated individuals and size of the microplastic aggregations observed suggests that Nephrops are at high risk of microplastic ingestion. In this study the levels of ingested microplastic in populations of N. norvegicus from the Clyde Sea Area, North Minch and North Sea are examined. Animals in the near-shore, Clyde Sea population showed both a higher percentage of microplastic containing individuals and much greater weights of microplastic retained in the gut. N. norvegicus revealed that only a small percentage of individuals from the North Sea and Minch contained microplastic, predominantly single strands. An expanded sample from the Clyde Sea Area was examined to identify the factors influencing microplastic retention. This revealed that males, larger individuals, and animals that had recently moulted contained lower levels of microplastic. The presence of identified food items in the gut was not seen to correlate with microplastic loads. Observations of microplastic in the shed stomach lining of recently moulted individuals and the lack of aggregations in wild-caught individuals suggests that ecdysis is the primary route of microplastic loss by N. norvegicus. Therefore the large aggregations observed in wild-caught animals are believed to build up over extended periods as a result of the complex gut structure of N. norvegicus.
Show more [+] Less [-]Anthropogenic pollutants in Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the NW Mediterranean Sea: Uptake assessment and potential impact on health
Carreras-Colom, Ester | Cartes, Joan E. | Rodríguez-Romeu, Oriol | Padrós, Francesc | Solé, Montserrat | Grelaud, Michaël | Ziveri, Patrizia | Palet, Cristina | Soler-Membrives, Anna | Carrassón, Maite
Anthropogenic pollution is considered one of the main threats to the marine environment, and there is an imperious need to assess its potential impact on ecologically and economically relevant species. This study characterises plastic ingestion and tissue levels of potentially toxic metallic elements in Nephrops norvegicus and their simultaneous levels in abiotic compartments from three locations of the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean Sea). A multidisciplinary assessment of the health condition of N. norvegicus through condition indices, enzymatic biomarkers and histological techniques is provided, and its relationship with anthropogenic pollutant levels explored. Plastic fibres were commonly found in stomachs of N. norvegicus (85% of the individuals), with higher abundances (13 ± 21 fibres · ind⁻¹) in specimens captured close to Barcelona. The presence of long synthetic fibres in near-bottom waters, as well as the mirroring trends in abundance among locations for water and ingested plastics, suggest that uptake from water may be occurring potentially through suspension feeding. The spatial variability in the levels of metallic elements in N. norvegicus was poorly correlated to the variability in sediments. In any case, present levels in abdominal muscle are considered safe for human consumption. Levels of ingested plastics only showed significant, yet weak, correlations with glutathione S-transferase and catalase activities. However, no other health parameter analysed showed any trend potentially associated to anthropogenic pollutant levels. Neither the condition indices nor the histopathological assessment evidenced any signs of pathologic conditions affecting N. norvegicus. Thus, it was concluded that presently there is no evidence of a negative impact of the studied pollutants on the health condition of N. norvegicus in the studied grounds.
Show more [+] Less [-]Microplastics in the crustaceans Nephrops norvegicus and Aristeus antennatus: Flagship species for deep-sea environments?
Cau, Alessandro | Avio, Carlo Giacomo | Dessì, Claudia | Follesa, Maria Cristina | Moccia, Davide | Regoli, Francesco | Pusceddu, Antonio
Ingestion of microplastics (MPs) has been documented in several marine organisms, but their occurrence in deep-sea species remains almost unknown. In this study, MPs were investigated in two economically and ecologically key crustaceans of the Mediterranean Sea, the Norwegian lobster Nephrops norvegicus and the shrimp Aristeus antennatus. Both the species were collected from 14 sites around Sardinia Island, at depths comprised between 270 and 660 m. A total of 89 and 63 stomachs were analysed for N. norvegicus and A. antennatus respectively, and more than 2,000 MPs-like particles were extracted and sorted for identification and characterization by μFT-IR. In N. norvegicus, 83% of the specimens contained MPs, with an average abundance of 5.5 ± 0.8 MPs individual−1, while A. antennatus showed a lower frequency of ingestion (67%) and a lower mean number of MPs (1.66 ± 0.1 MPs individual−1). Composition and size of particles differed significantly between the two species. The non-selective feeding strategy of N. norvegicus could explain the 3–5 folds higher numbers of MPs in its stomach, which were mostly composed of films and fragments derived by polyethylene and polypropylene single-use plastic items. Contrarily, most MPs in the stomachs of A. antennatus were polyester filaments. The MPs abundance observed in N. norvegicus is among the highest detected in Mediterranean species considering both fish and invertebrates species, and provides novel insights on MPs bioavailability in deep-sea habitats. The overall results suggest that both N. norvegicus and A. antennatus, easily available in common fishery markets, could be valuable bioindicators and flagship species for plastic contamination in the deep-sea.
Show more [+] Less [-]Long-term microplastic retention causes reduced body condition in the langoustine, Nephrops norvegicus
Welden, Natalie A.C. | Cowie, Phillip R.
Microplastic represents a rising proportion of marine litter and is widely distributed throughout a range of marine habitats. Correspondingly, the number of reports of species containing microplastics increases annually. Nephrops norvegicus in the Firth of Clyde have previously been shown to retain large aggregations of microplastic fibres. The potential for N. norvegicus to retain plastic over an extended time period increases the likelihood of any associated negative impacts to the individual. This study represents the longest observation of the impacts of microplastic retention in invertebrates. We exposed N. norvegicus to plastic over eight months to determine the impacts of extended exposure. Over this period we compared the feeding rate, body mass, and nutritional state of plastic-fed N. norvegicus to that of fed and starved control groups. Following the experimental period, the plastic-fed langoustine contained microplastic aggregations comparable to those of small individuals from the Clyde Sea Area. Comparisons between fed, unfed and plastic-fed individuals indicated a reduction in feeding rate, body mass, and metabolic rate as well as catabolism of stored lipids in plastic contaminated animals. We conclude that N. norvegicus exposed to high levels of environmental microplastic pollution may experience reduced nutrient availability. This can result in reduced population stability and may affect the viability of local fisheries.
Show more [+] Less [-]A review of crustacean sensitivity to high amplitude underwater noise: Data needs for effective risk assessment in relation to UK commercial species
Edmonds, Nathan J. | Firmin, Christopher J. | Goldsmith, D. (Denise) | Faulkner, Rebecca C. | Wood, Daniel T.
High amplitude anthropogenic noise is associated with adverse impacts among a variety of organisms but detailed species-specific knowledge is lacking in relation to effects upon crustaceans. Brown crab (Cancer pagurus), European lobster (Homarus gammarus) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) together represent the most valuable commercial fishery in the UK (Defra, 2014). Critical evaluation of literature reveals physiological sensitivity to underwater noise among N. norvegicus and closely related crustacean species, including juvenile stages. Current evidence supports physiological sensitivity to local, particle motion effects of sound production in particular. Derivation of correlative relationships between the introduction of high amplitude impulsive noise and crustacean distribution/abundance is hindered by the coarse resolution of available data at the present time. Future priorities for research are identified and argument for enhanced monitoring under current legislative frameworks outlined.
Show more [+] Less [-]Size dependent egestion of polyester fibres in the Dublin Bay Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus)
Joyce, Haleigh | Nash, Róisín | Kavanagh, Fiona | Power, Thomas | White, Jonathan | Frias, João
Microplastics (MPs) are an extensive global contaminant in the marine environment, known to be ingested by marine organisms. The presence of MPs in the commercially important marine decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus (Dublin Bay Prawn) has been documented for the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean, however, uncertainties remain about retention times of MPs in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of this species. This study aims to investigate the retention times of polyester MP fibres of three sizes (3, 5, and 10 mm in length) and to determine whether the egestion of MP fibres is size and time dependent. Results suggest that MP fibres of different lengths are retained for different periods of time, with larger MP fibres being retained for longer periods (e.g., minimum 96 h for 10 mm fibres). The present study also assesses for the first time, the size dependent relationship of MP fibres under controlled conditions for N. norvegicus.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of pile driving sound playbacks and cadmium co-exposure on the early life stage development of the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus
Stenton, C.A. | Bolger, E.L. | Michenot, M. | Dodd, J.A. | Wale, M.A. | Briers, R.A. | Hartl, M.G.J. | Diele, K.
There is an urgent need to understand how organisms respond to multiple, potentially interacting drivers in today's world. The effects of the pollutants anthropogenic sound (pile driving sound playbacks) and waterborne cadmium were investigated across multiple levels of biology in larval and juvenile Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus under controlled laboratory conditions. The combination of pile driving playbacks (170 dBₚₖ₋ₚₖ re 1 μPa) and cadmium combined synergistically at concentrations >9.62 μg[Cd] L⁻¹ resulting in increased larval mortality, with sound playbacks otherwise being antagonistic to cadmium toxicity. Exposure to 63.52 μg[Cd] L⁻¹ caused significant delays in larval development, dropping to 6.48 μg[Cd] L⁻¹ in the presence of piling playbacks. Pre-exposure to the combination of piling playbacks and 6.48 μg[Cd] L⁻¹ led to significant differences in the swimming behaviour of the first juvenile stage. Biomarker analysis suggested oxidative stress as the mechanism resultant deleterious effects, with cellular metallothionein (MT) being the predominant protective mechanism.
Show more [+] Less [-]Plastic contamination in the decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Murray, Fiona | Cowie, Phillip Rhys
The aim of this study was to determine the extent Nephrops consumes plastics in the Clyde Sea and if this intake occurs through their diet. Plastic contamination was found to be high in Nephrops, 83% of the animals sampled contained plastics (predominately filaments) in their stomachs. Tightly tangled balls of plastic strands were found in 62% of the animals studied but were least prevalent in animals which had recently moulted. No significant difference in plastic load was observed between males and females. Raman spectroscopy indicated that some of the microfilaments identified from gut contents could be sourced to fishing waste. Nephrops fed fish seeded with strands of polypropylene rope were found to ingest but not to excrete the strands. The fishery for Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is the most valuable in Scotland and the high prevalence of plastics in Nephrops may have implications for the health of the stock.
Show more [+] Less [-]Quantification of microplastic ingestion by the decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus from Irish waters
Hara, Jenevieve | Frias, João | Nash, Róisín
Microplastics are widespread pollutants in the marine environment, yet few studies have assessed the abundance and characteristics of microplastics in commercial species. This study evaluates the presence of ingested microplastics in the gastrointestinal tract of Nephrops norvegicus (n = 150), collected from five Irish prawn grounds. The efficiency of three digesting solutions was assessed. The most efficient digestion was the KOH (10%) solution incubated at 40 °C for a 48 h period. An average of 1.75 ± 2.01 items per individual was ingested by c. 69% of N. norvegicus examined. A total of 262 microplastic, predominantly fibres (98%), between 1 and 2 mm were recorded. Although, no spatial pattern was identified, samples from the North Irish Sea recorded highest occurrence of microplastics (~83%). A positive correlation was found between microplastic abundance and prawn carapace condition. Results indicate microplastic exposure in seafood for human consumption, in Ireland, is estimated to range from 15 to 4471 particles per year.
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