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Levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, mercury and lead in relation to shell thickness in marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) eggs from Charente-Maritime, France
Pain, D.J. | Burneleau, G. | Bavoux, C. | Wyatt, C. (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL (United Kingdom))
Sorption of pesticides to novel materials: snail pedal mucus and blackfly silk
Brereton, C. | House, W.A. | Armitage, P.D. | Wotton, R.S. (Institute of Freshwater Ecology, River Laboratory, East Stoke, Dorset BH20 6BB (United Kingdom))
Toxicity of carbamates to the brine shrimp Artemia salina and the effect of atropine, BW284c51, iso-OMPA and 2-PAM on carbaryl toxicity
Barahona, M.V. | Sanchez-Fortun, S. (Departamento de Toxicologia y Farmacologia, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid (Spain))
Anthropogenic chemicals (insecticides) disturb natural organic chemical communication in the plankton community
Hanazato, T. (Suwa Hydrobiological Station, Shinshu University, 5-2-4 Kogandori, Suwa, Nagano 392-0027 (Japan))
Anticoagulant rodenticides in stoats (Mustela erminea) and weasels (Mustela nivalis) in England
McDonald, R.A. | Harris, S. | Turnbull, G. | Brown, P. | Fletcher, M. (School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UG (United Kingdom))
Response of a zooplankton community to insecticide application in experimental ponds: a review and the implications of the effects of chemicals on the structure and functioning of freshwater communities
Hanazato, T. (Suwa Hydrobiological Station, Shinshu University, 5-2-4 Kogandori, Suwa, Nagano 392-0027 (Japan))
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the tissues of south polar skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) and Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliea) from Ross Sea, Antarctica
Court, G.S. | Davis, L.S. | Focardi, S. | Bargargli, R. | Fossi, C. | Leonzio, C. | Marili, L. (Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin (New Zealand))
Effects of the insect growth regulator (S)-methoprene on survival and reproduction of the freshwater cladoceran Moina macrocopa
Chu, K.H. | Wong, C.K. | Chiu, K.C. (Department of Biology and The Centre for Environmental Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT (Hong Kong))
Organochlorines in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) at Svalbard
Bernhoft, A. | Wiig, O. | Skaare, J.U. (National Veterinary Institute, PO Box 8156 Dep., N-0033 Oslo (Norway))
Methylated hexachlorocyclohexane in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from the Mersey and Dee Estuaries
McNeish, A.S. | Johnson, M.S. | Leah, R.T. (Industrial Ecology Research Centre, Department of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX (United Kingdom))