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Trace metals in polyethylene debris from the North Atlantic subtropical gyre
Prunier, Jonathan | Maurice, Laurence | Perez, Emile | Gigault, Julien | Pierson Wickmann, Anne-Catherine | Davranche, Mélanie | Halle, Alexandra ter
Plastic pollution in the marine environment poses threats to wildlife and habitats through varied mechanisms, among which are the transport and transfer to the food web of hazardous substances. Still, very little is known about the metal content of plastic debris and about sorption/desorption processes, especially with respect to weathering. In this study, plastic debris collected from the North Atlantic subtropical gyre was analyzed for trace metals; as a comparison, new packaging materials were also analyzed. Both the new items and plastic debris showed very scattered concentrations. The new items contained significant amounts of trace metals introduced as additives, but globally, metal concentrations were higher in the plastic debris. The results provide evidence that enhanced metal concentrations increase with the plastic state of oxidation for some elements, such as As, Ti, Ni, and Cd. Transmission electron microscopy showed the presence of mineral particles on the surface of the plastic debris. This work demonstrates that marine plastic debris carries complex mixtures of heavy metals. Such materials not only behave as a source of metals resulting from intrinsic plastic additives but also are able to concentrate metals from ocean water as mineral nanoparticles or adsorbed species.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biofiltration of methane using hybrid mixtures of biochar, lava rock and compost
La, Helen | Hettiaratchi, J. Patrick A. | Achari, Gopal | Verbeke, Tobin J. | Dunfield, Peter F.
Using hybrid packing materials in biofiltration systems takes advantage of both the inorganic and organic properties offered by the medium including structural stability and a source of available nutrients, respectively. In this study, hybrid mixtures of compost with either lava rock or biochar in four different mixture ratios were compared against 100% compost in a methane biofilter with active aeration at two ports along the height of the biofilter. Biochar outperformed lava rock as a packing material by providing the added benefit of participating in sorption reactions with CH4. This study provides evidence that a 7:1 volumetric mixture of biochar and compost can successfully remove up to 877 g CH4/m3·d with empty-bed residence times of 82.8 min. Low-affinity methanotrophs were responsible for the CH4 removal in these systems (KM(app) ranging from 5.7 to 42.7 µM CH4). Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons indicated that Gammaproteobacteria methanotrophs, especially members of the genus Methylobacter, were responsible for most of the CH4 removal. However, as the compost medium was replaced with more inert medium, there was a decline in CH4 removal efficiency coinciding with an increased dominance of Alphaproteobacteria methanotrophs like Methylocystis and Methylocella. As a biologically-active material, compost served as the sole source of nutrients and inoculum for the biofilters which greatly simplified the operation of the system. Higher elimination capacities may be possible with higher compost content such as a 1:1 ratio of either biochar or lava rock, while maintaining the empty-bed residence time at 82.8 min.
Show more [+] Less [-]First data on plastic ingestion by blue sharks (Prionace glauca) from the Ligurian Sea (North-Western Mediterranean Sea)
Bernardini, Ilaria | Garibaldi, Fulvio | Canesi, Laura | Fossi, Maria Cristina | Baini, Matteo
Few studies have focused so far on plastic ingestion by sharks in the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of this paper was to determine, for the first time, the plastic litter ingested by blue sharks (Prionace glauca), categorized as “Critically Endangered” in the Mediterranean Sea by IUCN, caught in the Pelagos Sanctuary SPAMI (North-Western Mediterranean Sea). The analysis of the stomach contents was performed following the MSFD Descriptor 10 standard protocol implemented with FT-IR spectroscopy technique. The results showed that 25.26% of sharks ingested plastic debris of wide scale of sizes from microplastics (<5 mm) to macroplastics (>25 mm). The polyethylene sheetlike user plastics, widely used as packaging material, are the most ingested debris. This research raises a warning alarm on the impact of plastic debris on a threatened species, with a key role in the food web, and adds important information for futures mitigation actions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Large amounts of marine debris found in sperm whales stranded along the North Sea coast in early 2016
Unger, Bianca | Rebolledo, Elisa L Bravo | Deaville, Rob | Gröne, Andrea | IJsseldijk, Lonneke L. | Leopold, Mardik F. | Siebert, Ursula | Spitz, Jérôme | Wohlsein, Peter | Herr, Helena
30 sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) stranded along the coasts of the North Sea between January and February 2016. The gastro-intestinal tracts of 22 of the carcasses were investigated. Marine debris including netting, ropes, foils, packaging material and a part of a car were found in nine of the 22 individuals. Here we provide details about the findings and consequences for the animals. While none of the items was responsible for the death of the animal, the findings demonstrate the high level of exposure to marine debris and associated risks for large predators, such as the sperm whale.
Show more [+] Less [-]Swine Wastewater Treatment for Small Farms by a New Anaerobic-Aerobic Biofiltration Technology
Escalante-Estrada, V. E. | Garzón-Zúñiga, M. A. | Valle-Cervantes, S. | Páez-Lerma, J. B.
Effluents form the swine livestock industry contain a high concentration of pollutants and require complex treatment systems. The most recurrent form to treat Swine wastewater is by a conventional anaerobic–aerobic treatment. For example, an up-flow anaerobic blanket sludge reactor followed by an activated sludge reactor. However, in many countries, a high percentage of producers are small or medium-sized farms that can afford neither complex treatment systems nor specialized operations. The present study assessed the performance of a novel and different combinations of treatment processes, based on changing the anaerobic systems that require a specialized operation for one very simple to operate for farm owners. The assessed system is composed by a septic tank in combination with an up-flow anaerobic filter packed with volcanic rocks and an aerobic biofilter packed with waste wood chips. The effect of the hydraulic residence time and the volumetric organic loading in the septic tank and up-flow anaerobic filter and the effect of surface hydraulic loading in the aerobic biofilter were also evaluated. The system efficiently removed chemical oxygen demand (86–93%), total suspended solids (91–97%), volatile suspended solids (86–97%), and ammoniacal nitrogen (86–87%), showing a constant removal efficiency under a VOL of between 5 and 14.6 kg COD m⁻³ d⁻¹in the up-flow anaerobic filter. The advantages of this system are that the packing materials can be available in rural zones and are sustainable; the whole system is cost-effective and easy to handle; thus, farmers can operate and maintain it with their own means.
Show more [+] Less [-]Integral Approach for Improving the Degradation of Recalcitrant Petrohydrocarbons in a Fixed-Film Reactor
Jiménez, Verónica | Bravo, Violeta | Gutierrez, Linda Gonzalez
The degradation of diesel and phenanthrene in waste water was studied in a column combining a submerged trickling-flow with a fixed-film at a determined biofilm thickness with recirculation. Degradation efficiencies were found to be high with the production of a biofilm thickness of 789 μm structured in a package material with proper adsorption and physicochemical properties necessary to reach a stable state condition for the degradation of recalcitrant components in 78% at a retention time of 3 h. Improved degradation rates were reached with a biofilm built from an adapted inoculum that showed the presence of Pseudomonas sp., Klebsiella sp. Enterobacter in a concentration of 6.45â×â109 CFU mL−1. Moreover, the biodegradation rate of the inoculumn was quantified. The diesel kinetic experimental data were well described by Gompertz model which provides a specific grow rate (Kb) of 0.76â±â0.36 h−1 and a correlation of R 2â=â0.93. The integral approach study of the variables of a complex degradation process lead to improve the complete operation of the reactor in comparison with other more specific component-based approaches.
Show more [+] Less [-]Overview on GHG emissions of raw milk production and a comparison of milk and cheese carbon footprints of two different systems from northern Spain
Laca, Amanda | Gómez, Natalia | Laca, Adriana | Díaz, Mario
Milk production has been estimated to contribute 3–4% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the carbon footprint associated with raw milk can vary, depending on a variety of factors, such as the geographical area, species of cow and production system. In this study, a global overview of research published on the carbon footprint (CF) of raw cow milk is provided. Additionally, two different dairy systems (semi-confinement and pasture-based) have been analysed by life-cycle assessment (LCA) in order to determine their effect on the CF of the milk produced. Inventory data were obtained directly from these facilities, and the main factors involved in milk production were included (co-products, livestock food, water, electricity, diesel, cleaning elements, transport, manure and slurry management, gas emissions to air etc.). In agreement with reviewed literature, it was found that the carbon footprint of milk was basically determined by the cattle feeding system and gas emissions from the cows. The values of milk CF found in the systems under study were within the range for cow milk production worldwide (0.9–4.7 kgCO₂eq kgFPCM⁻¹). Specifically, in the semi-confinement and the pasture-based dairy farms, 1.22 and 0.99 kgCO₂eq kgFPCM⁻¹ were obtained, respectively. The environmental benefits obtained with the pasture grazing system are not only mainly due to the lower use of purchased fodder but also to the allocation between milk and meat that was found to be a determining methodological factor in CF calculation. Finally, data from the evaluated dairy systems have been employed to analyse the influence of raw milk production on cheese manufacturing. With this aim, the CF of a small-scale cheese factory has also been obtained. The main subsystems involved (raw materials, water, electricity, energy, cleaning products, packaging materials, transport, wastes and gas emissions) were included in the inventory of the cheese factory. CF values were 16.6 and 14.7 kgCO₂eq kg⁻¹ of cheese for milk produced in semi-confinement and pasture-based systems, respectively. The production of raw milk represented more than 60% of CO₂eq emissions associated with cheese, so the primary production is the critical factor in reducing the GHG emissions due to cheese making.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biofilter with mixture of pine bark and expanded clay as packing material for methane treatment in lab-scale experiment and field-scale implementation
Liu, Fang | Wienke, Cindy | Fiencke, Claudia | Guo, Jianbin | Dong, Renjie | Pfeiffer, Eva-Maria
Low methane (CH₄) emission reduction efficiency (< 25%) has been prevalent due to inefficient biological exhaust gas treatment facilities in mechanic biological waste treatment plants (MBTs) in Germany. This study aimed to quantify the improved capacity of biofilters composed of a mixture of organic (pine bark) and inorganic (expanded clay) packing materials in reducing CH₄ emissions in both a lab-scale experiment and field-scale implementation. CH₄ removal performance was evaluated using lab-scale biofilter columns under varied inflow CH₄ concentrations (70, 130, and 200 g m⁻³) and corresponding loading rates of 8.2, 4.76, and 3.81 g m⁻³ h⁻¹, respectively. The laboratory CH₄ removal rates (1.2–2.2 g m⁻³ h⁻¹) showed positive correlation with the inflow CH₄ loading rates (4–8.2 g m⁻³ h⁻¹), indicating high potential for field-scale implementation. Three field-scale biofilter systems with the proposed mixture packing materials were constructed in an MBT in Neumünster, northern Germany. A relatively stable CH₄ removal efficiency of 38–50% was observed under varied inflow CH₄ concentrations of 28–39 g m⁻³ (loading rates of 1120–2340 g m⁻³ h⁻¹) over a 24-h period. The CH₄ removal rate was approximately 500–700 g m⁻³ h⁻¹, which was significantly higher than relevant previously reported field-scale biofilter systems (16–50 g m⁻³ h⁻¹). The present study provides a promising configuration of biofilter systems composed of a mixture of organic (pine bark) and inorganic (expanded clay) packing materials to achieve high CH₄ emission reduction. Graphic abstract ᅟ
Show more [+] Less [-]Characterization and quality assessment of recycled post-consumption poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)
Masmoudi, Fatma | Fenouillot, Françoise | Mehri, Afef | Jaziri, Mohamed | Ammar, Emna
In the present study, the recycled post-consumption polyethylene terephthalate (PET) flakes were investigated as possible raw materials for the production of food packaging. After heating at 220 °C for 1 h, a steaming stage was conducted as a control test to assess the quality of the product. Different samples were characterized by ¹H-NMR, FT-IR, DSC/TGA analysis, viscosity index (VI), and trace metals analysis. The results showed that the recycled post-consumed PET flakes’ properties were generally conform to the standard norms of PET except the color of some flakes turned to yellow. Subsequently, a complementary study was undertaken to assess whether the material could be possibly reused for food packaging. For this purpose, rheological, thermal, and mechanical characterizations were performed. The results of the comparative study between the virgin and the recycled PET flakes concluded that the PET recycling affected the rheological properties but did not have any significant effect on their thermal and mechanical characteristics. Hence, it was deduced that the post-consumed PET flakes could be reused as a packaging material except food products.
Show more [+] Less [-]Oxidation of methane in biotrickling filters inoculated with methanotrophic bacteria
Cáceres Sánchez, Manuel | Dorado, Antonio D. | Gentina, Juan C. | Aroca, Germán
The oxidation of methane (CH₄) using biofilters has been proposed as an alternative to mitigate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions with a low concentration of CH₄ that cannot be used as a source of energy. However, conventional biofilters utilize organic packing materials that have a short lifespan, clogging problems, and are commonly inoculated with non-specific microorganisms leading to unpredictable CH₄ elimination capacities (EC) and removal efficiencies (RE). The main objective of this work was to characterize the oxidation of CH₄ in two biotrickling filters (BTFs) packed with polyethylene rings and inoculated with two methanotrophic bacteria, Methylomicrobium album and Methylocystis sp., in order to determine EC and CO₂ production (pCO₂) when using a specific inoculum. The repeatability of the results in both BTFs was determined when they operated at the same inlet load of CH₄. A dynamic mathematical model that describes the CH₄ abatement in the BTFs was developed and validated using mass transfer and kinetic parameters estimated independently. The results showed that EC and pCO₂ of the BTFs are not identical but very similar for all the conditions tested. The use of specific inoculum has shown a faster startup and higher EC per unit area (0.019 gCH₄ m⁻² h⁻¹) in comparison to most of the previous studies at the same CH₄ load rate (23.2 gCH₄ m⁻³ h⁻¹). Global mass balance showed that the maximum reduction of CO₂ equivalents was 98.5 gCO₂ₑq m⁻³ h⁻¹. The developed model satisfactorily described CH₄ abatement in BTFs for a wide range of conditions.
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