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Natural aeolian dust particles have no substantial effect on atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): A laboratory study based on naphthalene
Natural aeolian dust (AD) particles are potential carriers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmosphere. The heterogeneous interaction between them may lead to worsened air quality and enhanced cytotoxicity and carcinogenicity of ambient particulates in downwind areas, and this topic requires in-depth exploration. In this study, AD samples were collected from four Asian dust sources, and their physical properties and compositions were determined, showing great regional differences. The physical and chemical interactions of different AD particles with naphthalene (Nap; model PAH) were observed in aqueous systems. The results showed that AD particles from the Loess Plateau had weak adsorption to Nap, which was fitted by the Langmuir isotherm. There was no obvious adsorption to Nap found for the other three AD samples. This difference seemed to depend mainly on the specific surface area and/or the total pore volume. In addition, the Nap in the aqueous solution did not undergo chemical reactions under dark conditions and longwave ultraviolet (UV) radiation but degraded under shortwave UV radiation, and 2-formylcinnamaldehyde and 1,4-naphthoquinone were the first-generated products. The degradation of Nap in the aqueous solution was probably initiated by photoionization, and the reaction rate constant (between 1.44 × 10⁻⁴ min⁻¹ and 8.55 × 10⁻⁴ min⁻¹) was much lower than that of Nap with hydroxyl radicals. Instead of inducing or promoting the chemical change in Nap, the AD particles slowed photodegradation due to the extinction of radiation. Therefore, it is inferred that natural AD particles have no substantial effect on the transportation and transformation of PAHs in the atmosphere.
Show more [+] Less [-]Swine slurry characteristics as affected by selected additives and disinfectants
Duerschner, Jon | Bartelt-Hunt, Shannon | Eskridge, Kent M. | Gilley, John E. | Li, Xu | Schmidt, Amy M. | Snow, Daniel D.
Current swine industry practice is to house animals in confinement facilities which capture and store feces and urine as slurry in pits below the production area. Additives and disinfectants may be introduced into the manure pits. This study was conducted to measure the effects of additives and disinfectants on temporal changes in swine slurry characteristics. Slurry from a commercial swine production facility in southeast Nebraska, USA was collected and transferred to 57 L reactors located within a greenhouse. Selected additives and disinfectants were added to the reactors and physical properties, chemical characteristics, and antibiotic concentrations were monitored for 40 days. Concentrations of dry matter (DM), total nitrogen (TN), phosphorus pentoxide (P₂O₅), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and copper (Cu) were significantly greater than the Control in each of the reactors containing additives. The reactors in which the additives MOC-7, More Than Manure®, Sludge Away, and Sulfi-Doxx were introduced had significantly greater values of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total volatile solids (TVS), total suspended solids (TSS), total solids (TS), dry matter (DM), TN, P₂O₅, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu and chlortetracycline than the other additive treatments. Concentrations of TVS and TSS were significantly lower in the reactors containing Clorox® and Virkon™ than the other disinfectant treatments. The total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration of 26,500 mg L⁻¹ and pH value of 7.27 obtained for the reactors containing Tek-Trol were significantly greater than measurements obtained for the other treatments. Concentrations of chlortetracycline and tiamulin of 8840 and 28.8 ng g⁻¹, respectively, were significantly lower for the treatments containing Tek-Trol. The sodium (Na) concentration of 1070 mg L⁻¹ measured in the reactors containing Clorox® was significantly greater than values for the other disinfectant treatments. The introduction of selected additives and disinfectants may influence certain physical properties, chemical characteristics, and antibiotic concentrations of swine slurry.
Show more [+] Less [-]Adsorption of perfluoroalkyl acids by carbonaceous adsorbents: Effect of carbon surface chemistry
Zhi, Yue | Liu, Jinxia
Adsorption by carbonaceous sorbents is among the most feasible processes to remove perfluorooctane sulfonic (PFOS) and carboxylic acids (PFOA) from drinking and ground waters. However, carbon surface chemistry, which has long been recognized essential for dictating performance of such sorbents, has never been considered for PFOS and PFOA adsorption. Thus, the role of surface chemistry was systematically investigated using sorbents with a wide range in precursor material, pore structure, and surface chemistry. Sorbent surface chemistry overwhelmed physical properties in controlling the extent of uptake. The adsorption affinity was positively correlated carbon surface basicity, suggesting that high acid neutralizing or anion exchange capacity was critical for substantial uptake of PFOS and PFOA. Carbon polarity or hydrophobicity had insignificant impact on the extent of adsorption. Synthetic polymer-based Ambersorb and activated carbon fibers were more effective than activated carbon made of natural materials in removing PFOS and PFOA from aqueous solutions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Plastic litter from shotgun ammunition on Danish coastlines – Amounts and provenance
Kanstrup, Niels | Balsby, Thorsten J.S.
Plastic litter in the marine environment is a major global issue. Discarded plastic shotgun ammunition shells and discharged wads are an unwelcome addition and feature among the top ten litter items found on reference beaches in Denmark.To understand this problem, its scale and origins, collections were made by volunteers along Danish coastal shorelines. In all 3669 plastic ammunition items were collected at 68 sites along 44.6 km of shoreline. The collected items were scored for characteristic variables such as gauge and length, shot type, and the legibility of text, the erosion, and the presence of metallic components. Scores for characteristics were related to the site, area, and season and possible influences discussed.The prevalence of collected plastic shotgun litter ranges from zero to 41 items per 100 m with an average of 3.7 items per 100 m. Most ammunition litter on Danish coasts originates from hunting on Danish coastal waterbodies, but a small amount may come from further afield. North Sea coasts are the most distinctive suggesting the possible contribution of long distance drift as well as the likelihood that such litter can persist in marine habitats for decades.The pathway from initial discard to eventual wash-up and collection depends on the physical properties of plastic components, marine tides and currents, coastal topography and shoreline vegetation.Judging from the disintegration of the cartridge and the wear and decomposition of components, we conclude that there is a substantial supply of polluting plastic ammunition materials that has and will accumulate. These plastic items pose a hazard to marine ecosystems and wash up on coasts for many years to come. We recommend that responsible managers, hunters and ammunition manufacturers will take action now to reduce the problem and, thereby, protect ecosystems, wildlife and the sustainability of hunting.
Show more [+] Less [-]Oil spills and their impacts on sand beach invertebrate communities: A literature review
Bejarano, Adriana C. | Michel, Jacqueline
Sand beaches are highly dynamic habitats that can experience considerable impacts from oil spills. This review provides a synthesis of the scientific literature on major oil spills and their impacts on sand beaches, with emphasis on studies documenting effects and recoveries of intertidal invertebrate communities. One of the key observations arising from this review is that more attention has generally been given to studying the impacts of oil spills on invertebrates (mostly macrobenthos), and not to documenting their biological recovery. Biological recovery of sand beach invertebrates is highly dynamic, depending on several factors including site-specific physical properties and processes (e.g., sand grain size, beach exposure), the degree of oiling, depth of oil burial, and biological factors (e.g., species-specific life-history traits). Recovery of affected communities ranges from several weeks to several years, with longer recoveries generally associated with physical factors that facilitate oil persistence, or when cleanup activities are absent on heavily oiled beaches. There are considerable challenges in quantifying impacts from spills on sand beach invertebrates because of insufficient baseline information (e.g., distribution, abundance and composition), knowledge gaps in their natural variability (spatial and temporal), and inadequate sampling and replication during and after oil spills. Thus, environment assessments of impacts and recovery require a rigorous experimental design that controls for confounding sources of variability. General recommendations on sampling strategies and toxicity testing, and a preliminary framework for incorporating species-specific life history traits into future assessments are also provided.
Show more [+] Less [-]On the use of small and cheaper sensors and devices for indicative citizen-based monitoring of respirable particulate matter
Jovašević-Stojanović, Milena | Bartonova, Alena | Topalović, Dušan | Lazović, Ivan | Pokrić, Boris | Ristovski, Zoran
Respirable particulate matter present in outdoor and indoor environments is a health hazard. The particle concentrations can quickly change, with steep gradients on short temporal and spatial scales, and their chemical composition and physical properties vary considerably. Existing networks of aerosol particle measurements consist of limited number of monitoring stations, and mostly aim at assessment of compliance with air quality legislation regulating mass of particles of varying sizes. These networks can now be supplemented using small portable devices with low-cost sensors for assessment of particle mass that may provide higher temporal and spatial resolution if we understand the capabilities and characteristics of the data they provide. This paper overviews typical currently available devices and their characteristics. In addition it is presented original results of measurement and modelling in the aim of one low-cost PM monitor validation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Atmospheric particle characterization, distribution, and deposition in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, Central China
Cao, Zongze | Yang, Yuhua | Lu, Julia | Zhang, Chengxiao
Physical characterization and chemical analysis of settled dusts collected in Xi’an from November 2007 to December 2008 show that (1) dust deposition rates ranged from 14.6 to 350.4 g m⁻² yr⁻¹. The average deposition rate (76.7 g m⁻² yr⁻¹) ranks the 11th out of 56 dust deposition rates observed throughout the world. The coal-burning power was the major particle source; (2) on average (except site 4), ∼10% of the settled dusts having size <2.6, ∼30% having size <10.5, and >70% having size <30 μm; (3) the concentrations for 20 out of 27 elements analyzed were upto 18 times higher than their soil background values in China. With such high deposition rates of dusts that contain elevated levels of toxic elements, actions should be taken to reduce emission and studies are needed to assess the potential impacts of settled particles on surface ecosystem, water resource, and human health in the area.
Show more [+] Less [-]Proof of concept for a model of light reflectance of plastics floating on natural waters
Goddjin, Lonneke | Dufaur, Juvenal
Remote sensing of plastic littering natural waters is an emerging field of science with the potential to provide observations on local to global scales. We present the verification of a theoretical reflectance model of sunlight interacting with a water surface littered with buoyant plastic objects. We measured a few common litter items of different polymers as well as shapes, transparencies, and surface roughnesses. Spectral reflectance measurements in the field were backed up with measurements in the laboratory of coefficients of total and diffuse reflectance, transmittance and absorption. We evaluated a single-band algorithm for 850 nm wavelength and a dual-band algorithm using a second wavelength at a polymer absorption band between 1660 and 1730 nm. Both algorithms were plastic litter type specific. Our findings show that for interpreting spectral remote sensing of floating plastic, physical properties that control geometrical optics should complement information about the absorption spectra of the polymer.
Show more [+] Less [-]Microplastics reduced posterior segment regeneration rate of the polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis
Leung, Julia | Chan, Kit Yu Karen
Microplastics are found in abundance in and on coastal sediments, and yet, whether exposure to this emerging pollutant negatively impact whole organism function is unknown. Focusing on a commercially important polychaete, Perinereis aibuhitensis, we demonstrated that presence of microplastics increased mortality and reduced the rate of posterior segment regeneration. The impact of the micro-polystyrene beads was size-dependent with smaller beads (8–12μm in diameter) being more detrimental than those bigger in size (32–38μm). This observed difference suggests microplastic impact could be affected by physical properties, e.g., sinking speed, surface area available for sorption of chemicals and bacteria, and selective feeding behaviors of the target organism.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ambient noise dynamics in a heavy shipping area
Kinda, G Bazile | Le Courtois, Florent | Stephan, Yann
The management of underwater noise within the European Union's waters is a significant component (Descriptor 11) of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The indicator related to continuous noise, is the noise levels in two one-third octave bands centered at 63Hz and 125Hz. This paper presents an analysis of underwater noise in the Celtic Sea, a heavy shipping area which also hosts the seasonal Ushant thermal front. In addition to the MSFD recommended frequency bands, the analysis was extended to lower and upper frequency bands. Temporal and spatial variations as well as the influence of the properties of the water column on the noise levels were assessed. The noise levels in the area had a high dynamic range and generally exceeded 100dB re 1μPa. Finally, the results highlighted that oceanic mooring must be designed to minimize the pseudo-noise and consider the water column physical properties.
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