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Marine litter in an EBSA (Ecologically or Biologically Significant Area) of the central Mediterranean Sea: Abundance, composition, impact on benthic species and basis for monitoring entanglement
Consoli, Pierpaolo | Andaloro, Franco | Altobelli, Chiara | Battaglia, Pietro | Campagnuolo, Silvana | Canese, Simonepietro | Castriota, Luca | Cillari, Tiziana | Falautano, Manuela | Pedà, Cristina | Perzia, Patrizia | Sinopoli, Mauro | Vivona, Pietro | Scotti, Gianfranco | Esposito, Valentina | Galgani, François | Romeo, Teresa
Marine litter is commonly observed everywhere in the ocean. In this study, we analyzed 17 km of video footage, collected by a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) at depths ranging between 20 and 220 m, during 19 transects performed on the rocky banks of the Straits of Sicily. Recently, the Contracting Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) recognized this site as an Ecologically or Biologically Significant Area (EBSA). The research aim was to quantify the abundance of marine litter and its impact on benthic fauna. Litter density ranged from 0 items/100 m2 to 14.02 items/100 m2 with a mean (±standard error) of 2.13 (±0.84) items/100 m2. The observed average density was higher (5.2 items/100 m2) at depths >100 m than at shallower depths (<100 m, 0.71 items/100 m2). Lost or abandoned fishing lines contributed to 98.07% of the overall litter density, then representing the dominant source of marine debris. Litter interactions with fauna were frequently observed, with 30% of litter causing “entanglement/coverage” and 15% causing damage to sessile fauna. A total of 16 species showed interaction (entanglement/coverage or damage) with litter items and 12 of these are species of conservation concern according to international directives and agreements (CITES, Berne Convention, Habitat Directive, SPA/BD Protocol, IUCN Red List); we also observed 7 priority habitats of the SPA/BD Protocol. This research will support the implementation of monitoring “Harm” as recommended by the UN Environment/MAP Regional Plan on Marine Litter Management in the Mediterranean, and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The institution of a SPAMI in the investigated area could represent a good management action for the protection of this hotspot of biodiversity and to achieve a Good Environmental Status (GES) for the marine environment by 2020, under the MSFD.
Show more [+] Less [-]High mercury concentrations in Atlantic Goliath Grouper: Spatial analysis of a vulnerable species
Malinowski, C.R.
The Atlantic Goliath Grouper Epinephelus itajara is currently a protected species in the southeastern United States waters of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico and is considered vulnerable throughout its geographic range. In this study, I evaluated mercury concentrations in their tissues (muscle, liver), which revealed high concentrations (μg/g ww) of mercury (mean ± SE) in liver (6.18 ± 0.86) and muscle (1.12 ± 0.06) tissue that increased with size and age. Mercury concentrations were highest in fish caught off Florida's Atlantic coast, but varied on a finer regional scale. Mercury concentrations in muscle tissue were generally greater near urbanized areas with known mercury sources and environmental conditions appropriate for higher methylation rates. This suggests that management should consider improving the water quality in these areas to reduce the risk of health effects to human consumers and to the fish themselves.
Show more [+] Less [-]Colonization of floats from submerged derelict fishing gears by four protected species of deep-sea corals and barnacles in the Strait of Messina (central Mediterranean Sea)
Battaglia, Pietro | Consoli, Pierpaolo | Ammendolia, Giovanni | D'Alessandro, Michela | Bo, Marzia | Vicchio, Teresa Manuela | Pedà, Cristina | Cavallaro, Mauro | Andaloro, Franco | Romeo, Teresa
The distribution of floating litter in marine waters, influenced by currents and wind drag, often determines the dispersal of its encrusting fauna. In the present paper, we observed for the first time the colonization of rafting floats from abandoned, lost or derelict fishing gears (ALDFG) by the four protected deep-sea species: Errina aspera, Desmophyllum pertusum, Madrepora oculata Pachylasma giganteum.Overall, 41 floats, colonized by deep benthic species, were found stranded on the shore of the Sicilian coast of the Strait of Messina, between 2016 and 2019. Species composition, number and occurrence of colonizing organisms were analyzed. On the basis of the species composition (the association between E. aspera, P. giganteum and Megabalanus tulipiformis), the knowledge on their ecology, biogeography, path of local currents, it was possible to define that the area of origin of the most part of these fishing net floats was the Strait of Messina.
Show more [+] Less [-]Predicting lethal entanglements as a consequence of drag from fishing gear
van der Hoop, Julie M. | Corkeron, Peter | Henry, Allison G. | Knowlton, Amy R. | Moore, Michael J.
Large whales are frequently entangled in fishing gear and sometimes swim while carrying gear for days to years. Entangled whales are subject to additional drag forces requiring increased thrust power and energy expenditure over time. To classify entanglement cases and aid potential disentanglement efforts, it is useful to know how long an entangled whale might survive, given the unique configurations of the gear they are towing. This study establishes an approach to predict drag forces on fishing gear that entangles whales, and applies this method to ten North Atlantic right whale cases to estimate the resulting increase in energy expenditure and the critical entanglement duration that could lead to death. Estimated gear drag ranged 11–275N. Most entanglements were resolved before critical entanglement durations (mean±SD 216±260days) were reached. These estimates can assist real-time development of disentanglement action plans and U.S. Federal Serious Injury assessments required for protected species.
Show more [+] Less [-]Chemical composition of microplastic in sediments and protected detritivores from different marine habitats (Salina Island)
Renzi, Monia | Blašković, Andrea | Broccoli, Andrea | Bernardi, Giulia | Grazioli, Eleonora | Russo, Giovanni
This study estimates chemical composition of microplastic in sediments and benthic detritivores (sea cucumbers) collected from different marine rocky bottom habitat types (bank, landslide, cliff) of Salina Island (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy). Also, species richness and bottom coverings by benthic species were recorded at each sampling station. Correlations among chemical composition of microplastic in sediments and in detritivores were explored linking recorded variability to the factor “habitat type”. Results evidence that the habitat types considered in this study are characterized by wide species richness and by high percentages of bottom coverage by protected species by international conventions. In spite of the high ecological value of habitats considered in this study, microplastics were recorded both in sediments (PVC, PET, PE, PS, PA, PP) and in stomach contents of sea cucumbers (PET, PA) collected in all sampling sites, confirming the exposure of benthic species to microplastic pollution.
Show more [+] Less [-]Seasonal trends in underwater ambient noise near St. Lawrence Island and the Bering Strait
Southall, Brandon L. | Southall, Hugh | Antunes, Ricardo | Nichols, Ross | Rouse, Andrew | Stafford, Kathleen M. | Robards, Martin | Rosenbaum, Howard C.
We measured spatial and temporal patterns of ambient noise in dynamic, relatively pristine Arctic marine habitats and evaluate the contributions of environmental and human noise sources. Long-term acoustic recorders were deployed around St. Lawrence Island and the Bering Strait region within key feeding and migratory corridors for protected species that are inherently important to Native Alaskan cultures. Over 3000 h of data from 14 recorders at nine sites were obtained from October 2014 to June 2017. Spatial and temporal ambient noise patterns were quantified with percentile statistics in 1/3rd-octave bands (0.02–8 kHz). Ice presence strongly influenced ambient noise by influencing the physical environment and presence of marine mammals. High variability in noise was observed within and between sites, largely as a function of ice presence and associated factors. Acute contributions of biological and anthropogenic sources to local ambient noise are compared to monthly averages, demonstrating how they influence Arctic soundscapes.
Show more [+] Less [-]The chronicles of the contaminated Mediterranean seas: a story told by the cetaceans' skin genes
Mancia, Annalaura | Lunardi, Denise | Abelli, Luigi
Wild animals in their natural environment could provide a big source of information, but sampling can be very challenging, above all for protected species, like marine mammals. Nevertheless, significant data can be obtained sampling stranded animals right after their death, taking into account proper sampling time and methodology.RNA samples from the skin of 12 individuals including the species Stenella coeruleoalba, Tursiops truncatus, and Grampus griseus were used to test 4 potential gene markers of anthropogenic contaminants exposure. The individuals were sampled in 3 geographic areas: the Adriatic, Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas. Three out of the 4 genes tested showed higher expression in the samples collected from the Adriatic Sea. Minute skin samples tell the story of the specific geographic location where the marine mammal spent its life, thanks to the different impact on gene expression exerted by different contamination levels.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impacts of marine debris on wild animals in the coastal area of Korea
Hong, Sunwook | Lee, Jongmyoung | Jang, Yong Chang | Kim, Yŏng-jun | Kim, Hee Jong | Han, Donguk | Hong, Sang Hee | Kang, Daeseok | Shim, Won Joon
Over the last decade, marine debris has become a major factor affecting the coastal ecosystem of Korea. This study compiled information regarding how marine debris impacts wildlife in Korea. Cases of marine debris impacting wildlife were collected from experts of various fields and from local participants through an open access website from February 2010 to March 2012. A total of 21 species were affected by marine debris: 18 species of birds, 2 species of mammals, and 1 species of crustacean. Five threatened or protected species were identified: black-faced spoonbill, finless porpoise, water deer, whooper swan, and greater painted snipe. Recreational fishing gears were the types of debris that most frequently impacted wildlife, especially birds. Black tailed gulls were the most vulnerable species to recreational fishing hooks and lines. Although it was preliminary, this study revealed that recreational fishing activities should be prioritized when managing marine debris in Korea.
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigation of plastic debris ingestion by four species of sea turtles collected as bycatch in pelagic Pacific longline fisheries
Clukey, Katharine E. | Lepczyk, Christopher A. | Balazs, George H. | Work, Thierry M. | Lynch, Jennifer M.
Ingestion of marine debris is an established threat to sea turtles. The amount, type, color and location of ingested plastics in the gastrointestinal tracts of 55 sea turtles from Pacific longline fisheries from 2012 to 2016 were quantified, and compared across species, turtle length, body condition, sex, capture location, season and year. Six approaches for quantifying amounts of ingested plastic strongly correlated with one another and included: number of pieces, mass, volume and surface area of plastics, ratio of plastic mass to body mass, and percentage of the mass of gut contents consisting of plastic. All olive ridley (n=37), 90% of green (n=10), 80% of loggerhead (n=5) and 0% of leatherback (n=3) turtles had ingested plastic; green turtles ingested significantly more than olive ridleys. Most debris was in the large intestines. No adverse health impacts (intestinal lesions, blockage, or poor body condition) due directly to plastic ingestion were noted.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Importance of the Mining Subsidence Reservoirs Located Along the Trans-Regional Highway in the Conservation of the Biodiversity of Freshwater Molluscs in Industrial Areas (Upper Silesia, Poland)
Lewin, Iga | Spyra, Aneta | Krodkiewska, Mariola | Strzelec, Małgorzata
The objectives of the survey were to analyse the structure of the mollusc communities in the mining subsidence reservoirs that were created as a result of land subsidence over exploited hard coal seams and to determine the most predictive environmental factors that influence the distribution of mollusc species. The reservoirs are located in urbanised and industrialised areas along the Trans-Regional Highway, which has a high volume of vehicular traffic. They all have the same sources of supply but differ in the physical and chemical parameters of the water. In total, 15 mollusc species were recorded including four bivalve species. Among them Anodonta cygnea is classified as Endangered according to the Polish Red Data Book of Animals and also as Near Threatened according to the European Red List of Non-marine Molluscs. Eleven of the 15 mollusc species are included on the European Red List of Non-marine Molluscs as Least Concern. Conductivity, pH and the concentration of calcium were the parameters most associated with the distribution of mollusc species. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Radix balthica, Physella acuta, Gyraulus crista and Pisidium casertanum were associated with higher conductivity and lower pH values. A. cygnea, Anodonta anatina and Ferrissia fragilis were negatively influenced by these parameters of the water. The results of this survey showed that the mining subsidence reservoirs located in urbanised and industrialised areas provide refuges for rare and legally protected species and that they play an essential role in the dispersal of alien species as well.
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