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Long-term dim light during nighttime changes activity patterns and space use in experimental small mammal populations
Hoffmann, Julia | Palme, Rupert | Eccard, Jana Anja
Artificial light at night (ALAN) is spreading worldwide and thereby is increasingly interfering with natural dark-light cycles. Meanwhile, effects of very low intensities of light pollution on animals have rarely been investigated. We explored the effects of low intensity ALAN over seven months in eight experimental bank vole (Myodes glareolus) populations in large grassland enclosures over winter and early breeding season, using LED garden lamps. Initial populations consisted of eight individuals (32 animals per hectare) in enclosures with or without ALAN. We found that bank voles under ALAN experienced changes in daily activity patterns and space use behavior, measured by automated radiotelemetry. There were no differences in survival and body mass, measured with live trapping, and none in levels of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites. Voles in the ALAN treatment showed higher activity at night during half moon, and had larger day ranges during new moon. Thus, even low levels of light pollution as experienced in remote areas or by sky glow can lead to changes in animal behavior and could have consequences for species interactions.
Show more [+] Less [-]River otters (Lontra canadensis) “trapped” in a coastal environment contaminated with persistent organic pollutants: Demographic and physiological consequences
Huang, Andrew C. | Nelson, Cait | Elliott, John E. | Guertin, Daniel A. | Ritland, Carol | Drouillard, Ken | Cheng, Kimberly M. | Schwantje, Helen M.
Productive coastal and estuarine habitats can be degraded by contaminants including persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as PCBs, dioxins, and organochlorine insecticides to the extent of official designation as contaminated sites. Top-predatory wildlife may continue to use such sites as the habitat often appears suitable, and thus bioaccumulate POPs and other contaminants with potential consequences on their health and fitness. Victoria and Esquimalt harbours are located on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia (BC) and are federally designated contaminated sites due mainly to past heavy industrial activities, such as from shipyards and sawmills. We collected scat samples from river otters (Lontra canadensis) throughout an annual cycle, and combined chemical analysis with DNA genotyping to examine whether the harbour areas constituted a contaminant-induced ecological trap for otters. We confirmed spatial habitat use by radio telemetry of a subsample of otters. Fifteen percent of otter scat contained PCB concentrations exceeding levels considered to have adverse effects on the reproduction of mink (Neovison vison), and there were significant positive correlations between concentrations of PCBs and of thyroid (T3) and sex (progesterone) hormones in fecal samples. Radio telemetry data revealed that otters did not show directional movement away from the harbours, indicating their inability to recognize the contaminated site as a degraded habitat. However, analysis and modeling of the DNA genotyping data provided no evidence that the harbour otters formed a sink population and therefore were in an ecological trap. Despite the highly POP-contaminated habitat, river otters did not appear to be adversely impacted at the population level. Our study demonstrates the value of combining chemical and biological technologies with ecological theory to investigate practical conservation problems.
Show more [+] Less [-]Post-release survival of surf scoters following an oil spill: An experimental approach to evaluating rehabilitation success
De La Cruz, Susan E.W. | Takekawa, John Y. | Spragens, Kyle A. | Yee, Julie | Golightly, Richard T. | Massey, Gregory W. | Henkel, Laird A. | Scott Larsen, R. | Ziccardi, Michael
Birds are often the most numerous vertebrates damaged and rehabilitated in marine oil spills; however, the efficacy of avian rehabilitation is frequently debated and rarely examined experimentally. We compared survival of three radio-marked treatment groups, oiled, rehabilitated (ORHB), un-oiled, rehabilitated (RHB), and un-oiled, non-rehabilitated (CON), in an experimental approach to examine post-release survival of surf scoters (Melanitta perspicillata) following the 2007 M/V Cosco Busan spill in San Francisco Bay. Live encounter-dead recovery modeling indicated that survival differed among treatment groups and over time since release. The survival estimate (±SE) for ORHB was 0.143±0.107 compared to CON (0.498±0.168) and RHB groups (0.772±0.229), suggesting scoters tolerated the rehabilitation process itself well, but oiling resulted in markedly lower survival. Future efforts to understand the physiological effects of oil type and severity on scoters are needed to improve post-release survival of this species.
Show more [+] Less [-]An assessment of vegetation management practices and burrow fumigation with aluminum phosphide as tools for managing voles within perennial crop fields in California, USA
Baldwin, Roger A. | Stetson, Denise I. | Lopez, Manuel G. | Engeman, Richard M.
Voles (Cricetidae) cause extensive damage to a variety of crops throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere. The removal of vegetation from crop fields at the end of the growing season, combined with a subsequent burrow fumigant application of aluminum phosphide, has the potential to substantially curtail vole activity but has not been thoroughly examined. We set up a study to test the impact of these management tools in perennial globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) fields in Monterey County, CA, during 2010 and 2011, to determine their potential utility as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program for managing California voles (Microtus californicus). We used both chewing indices and mortality estimates derived via radiotelemetry to assess the efficacy of aboveground vegetation removal and aluminum phosphide applications on vole abundance. We determined the impact of plowing artichoke fields on vole activity as well. Both removal of vegetation and applications of aluminum phosphide substantially reduced vole presence within treated fields. Plowing also reduced vole abundance to the point of little residual activity following treatment. These management practices appear to be effective at eliminating voles from crop fields. Combining these tools with management practices designed to slow down reinvasion by neighboring vole populations (e.g., barriers, repellents, traps) has the potential to substantially reduce farmer reliance on rodenticides for vole management, although rodenticides will still be needed to curtail populations that reestablish within crop fields. Such an IPM approach should substantially benefit both farmers and agro-ecosystems.
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