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Distribution, accumulation, migration and risk assessment of trace elements in peanut-soil system
Yang, Bolei | Shan, Jihao | Xing, Fuguo | Dai, Xiaodong | Wang, Gang | Ma, Junning | Adegoke, Tosin Victor | Zhang, Xinyou | Yu, Qiang | Yu, Xiaohua
Trace elements contamination is mainly originated from industrial emission, sewage irrigation and pesticides, and poses a threat to the environment and human health. This study analyzed the trace element pollutants in peanut-soil systems, the enrichment and translocation capacity of peanut to trace elements, and the potential risk of trace elements to environment and human health. The results indicated that Cd and Ni in peanut kernels exceeded the standard limits in 2019, and the exceeding rate were 9% and 31%, respectively. Cd in 8% of soil samples and As in 98% of soil samples exceeded the risk screening value of trace elements. The concentration of trace elements in peanuts was related to varieties and planting regions. In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between the concentration of Cd in peanut kernel and its concentration in soil. Compared with other trace elements, peanut kernels had stronger ability to enrich and transport Cd, Cu, and Zn, the BFs were 0.45, 0.51 and 0.47, respectively. After oil extraction, trace elements were mainly concentrated in peanut meal, and only 0.25% of Cd was in oil. The RI of trace elements was less than 150, indicating that the study area was under low degree of ecological risk. However, As and Cd might pose moderate risk to environment. Trace elements in soil and peanut could not cause non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks to human, but the HI and CR value of As (0.59 and 9.54 × 10⁻⁵) in soil and CRᵢₙg value of Cd (9.25 × 10⁻⁷) in peanut were close to the critical value. We conclude that Cd pollution in peanut kernel, and Cd and As pollution in soil should be monitored to enter into the food chain or environment and to avoid the possible health hazards and environment risks.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of ozone on maize (Zea mays L.) photosynthetic physiology, biomass and yield components based on exposure- and flux-response relationships
Peng, Jinlong | Shang, Bo | Xu, Yansen | Feng, Zhaozhong | Calatayud, Vicent
Since the Industrial Revolution, the global ambient O3 concentration has more than doubled. Negative impact of O3 on some common crops such as wheat and soybeans has been widely recognized, but there is relatively little information about maize, the typical C4 plant and third most important crop worldwide. To partly compensate this knowledge gap, the maize cultivar (Zhengdan 958, ZD958) with maximum planting area in China was exposed to a range of chronic ozone (O3) exposures in open top chambers (OTCs). The O3 effects on this highly important crop were estimated in relation to two O3 metrics, AOT40 (accumulated hourly O3 concentration over a threshold of 40 ppb during daylight hours) and POD6 (Phytotoxic O3 Dose above a threshold flux of 6 nmol O3 m−2 s−1 during a specified period). We found that (1) the reduced light-saturated net photosynthetic rate (Asat) mainly caused by non-stomatal limitations across heading and grain filling stages, but the stomatal limitations at the former stage were stronger than those at the latter stage; (2) impact of O3 on water use efficiency (WUE) of maize was significantly dependent on developmental stage; (3) yield loss induced by O3 was mainly due to a reduction in kernels weight rather than in the number of kernels; (4) the performance of AOT40 and POD6 was similar, according to their determination coefficients (R2); (5) the order of O3 sensitivity among different parameters was photosynthetic parameters > biomass parameters > yield-related parameters; (6) Responses of Asat to O3 between heading and gran filling stages were significantly different based on AOT40 metric, but not POD6. The proposed O3 metrics-response relationships will be valuable for O3 risk assessment in Asia and also for crop productivity models including the influence of O3.
Show more [+] Less [-]Brood size is reduced by half in birds feeding on flutriafol-treated seeds below the recommended application rate
Lopez-Antia, Ana | Ortiz-Santaliestra, Manuel E. | Mougeot, François | Camarero, Pablo R. | Mateo, Rafael
Despite the efforts of the European Commission to implement measures that offset the detrimental effects of agricultural intensification, farmland bird populations continue to decline. Pesticide use has been pointed out as a major cause of decline, with growing concern about those agro-chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors. We report here on the effects of flutriafol, a ubiquitous systemic fungicide used for cereal seed treatment, on the physiology and reproduction of a declining gamebird. Captive red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa; n = 11–13 pairs per treatment) were fed wheat treated with 0%, 20% or 100% of the flutriafol application rate during 25 days in late winter. We studied treatment effects on the reproductive performance, carotenoid-based coloration and cellular immune responsiveness of adult partridges, and their relationship with changes in oxidative stress biomarkers and plasma biochemistry. We also studied the effect of parental exposure on egg antioxidant content and on the survival, growth and cellular immune response of offspring. Exposed partridges experienced physiological effects (reduced levels of cholesterol and triglycerides), phenotypical effects (a reduction in the carotenoid-based pigmentation of their eye rings), and most importantly, severe adverse effects on reproduction: a reduced clutch size and fertile egg ratio, and an overall offspring production reduced by more than 50%. No effects on body condition or cellular immune response of either exposed adult or their surviving offspring were observed. These results, together with previous data on field exposure in wild partridges, demonstrate that seed treatment with flutriafol represents a risk for granivorous birds; they also highlight a need to improve the current regulation system used for foreseeing and preventing negative impacts of Plant Protection Products on wildlife.
Show more [+] Less [-]Short-chain chlorinated paraffins in soil, paddy seeds (Oryza sativa) and snails (Ampullariidae) in an e-waste dismantling area in China: Homologue group pattern, spatial distribution and risk assessment
Yuan, Bo | Fu, Jianjie | Wang, Yawei | Jiang, Guibin
Short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) in multi-environmental matrices are studied in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, China, which is a notorious e-waste dismantling area. The investigated matrices consist of paddy field soil, paddy seeds (Oryza sativa, separated into hulls and rice unpolished) and apple snails (Ampullariidae, inhabiting the paddy fields). The sampling area covered a 65-km radius around the contamination center. C10 and C11 are the two predominant homologue groups in the area, accounting for about 35.7% and 33.0% of total SCCPs, respectively. SCCPs in snails and hulls are generally higher than in soil samples (30.4–530 ng/g dw), and SCCPs in hulls are approximate five times higher than in corresponding rice samples (4.90–55.1 ng/g dw). Homologue pattern analysis indicates that paddy seeds (both hull and rice) tend to accumulate relatively high volatile SCCP homologues, especially the ones with shorter carbon chain length, while snails tend to accumulate relatively high lipophilic homologues, especially the ones with more substituted chlorines. SCCPs in both paddy seeds and snails are linearly related to those in the soil. The e-waste dismantling area, which covers a radius of approximate 20 km, shows higher pollution levels for SCCPs according to their spatial distribution in four matrices. The preliminary assessment indicates that SCCP levels in local soils pose no significant ecological risk for soil dwelling organisms, but higher risks from dietary exposure of SCCPs are suspected for people living in e-waste dismantling area.
Show more [+] Less [-]Mechanism study of sulfur fertilization mediating copper translocation and biotransformation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants
Sun, Lijuan | Yang, Jianjun | Fang, Huaxiang | Xu, Chen | Peng, Cheng | Huang, Haomin | Lu, Lingli | Duan, Dechao | Zhang, Xiangzhi | Shi, Jiyan
Metabolism of sulfur (S) is suggested to be an important factor for the homeostasis and detoxification of Cu in plants. We investigated the effects of S fertilizers (S0, Na2SO4) on Cu translocation and biotransformation in rice plants by using multiple synchrotron-based techniques. Fertilization of S increased the biomass and yield of rice plants, as well as the translocation factor of Cu from root to shoot and shoot to grain, resulting in enhanced Cu in grain. Sulfur K-edge X-ray near edge structure (XANES) analysis showed that fertilization of S increased the concentration of glutathione in different rice tissues, especially in rice stem and leaf. Copper K-edge XANES results indicated that a much higher proportion of Cu (I) species existed in rice grain than husk and leaf, which was further confirmed by soft X-ray scanning transmission microscopy results. Sulfur increased the proportion of Cu (I) species in rice grain, husk and leaf, suggesting the inducing of Cu (II) reduction in rice tissues by S fertilization. These results suggested that fertilization of S in paddy soils increased the accumulation of Cu in rice grain, possibly due to the reduction of Cu (II) to Cu (I) by enhancing glutathione synthesis and increasing the translocation of Cu from shoot to grain.
Show more [+] Less [-]Variations and constancy of mercury and methylmercury accumulation in rice grown at contaminated paddy field sites in three Provinces of China
Li B., | Shi, J.B. | Wang, X. | Meng, M. | Huang, L. | Qi, X.L. | He, B. | Ye, Z.H.
Many paddy fields have been contaminated by mercury (Hg) in mining areas of China. In this study, twenty-six rice cultivars and three Hg contaminated paddy fields in different geographic regions were selected for field trials and aimed to investigate the variations and similarities in total Hg (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) accumulations in brown rice (seeds) across sites. Our results revealed widescale cultivar variation in THg (13–52 ng g−1 at Wanshan) and MeHg (3.5–23 ng g−1) accumulation and %MeHg (17.7–89%) in seeds. The ability to translocate is an important factor in the levels of THg and MeHg in seed. Cultivar tended to stability in THg accumulation across sites. Some cultivars accumulated lower concentrations of both THg and MeHg in seeds at fields seriously contaminated by Hg. Present results suggest that appropriate cultivar selection is a possible way to reduce THg and MeHg accumulation in seeds of rice grown in Hg-contaminated regions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of irrigation with high arsenic burdened groundwater on the soil–plant system: Results from a case study in the Inner Mongolia, China
Neidhardt, H. | Norra, S. | Tang, X. | Guo, H. | Stüben, D.
Consequences of irrigation by arsenic (As) enriched groundwater were assigned in the Hetao Plain, part of Chinas’ Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Examinations followed the As flow path from groundwater to soil and finally plants. A sunflower and a maize field were systematically sampled, each irrigated since three years with saline well water, characterized by elevated As concentrations (154 and 238μgL⁻¹). The annual As input per m² was estimated as 120 and 186mg, respectively. Compared to the geogenic background, As concentrations increased toward the surface with observed enrichments in topsoil being relatively moderate (up to 21.1mgkg⁻¹). Arsenic concentrations in plant parts decreased from roots toward leaves, stems and seeds. It is shown that the bioavailability of As is influenced by a complex interplay of partly counteracting processes. To prevent As enrichment and soil salinization, local farmers were recommended to switch to a less problematic water source.
Show more [+] Less [-]Reducing total mercury and methylmercury accumulation in rice grains through water management and deliberate selection of rice cultivars
Peng, Xiaoyan | Liu, Fengjie | Wang, Wen-Xiong | Ye, Zhihong
Rice consumption has been identified as a major route of methylmercury (MeHg) exposure in some areas of inland China. We investigated two potential mitigation methods (water management and deliberate selection of rice cultivars) to reduce the amount of total mercury (Hg) and MeHg within the grain. Rice grown aerobically had markedly reduced total Hg and MeHg concentrations as well as a much lower proportion of MeHg in the grain. Remarkably, there were considerable variations in the total Hg and MeHg concentrations as well as the proportion of MeHg in the grain among the 24 cultivars grown in the same paddy soil. The Hg tolerance index (expressed as % mean of control root growth) also varied substantially among the different cultivars. Furthermore, negative correlations were found between the total Hg and MeHg concentrations (P<0.05) of grain and the proportion of MeHg in the grain (P<0.01).
Show more [+] Less [-]Sensitivity of Bidens laevis L. to mutagenic compounds. Use of chromosomal aberrations as biomarkers of genotoxicity
Pérez, D.J. | Lukaszewicz, G. | Menone, M.L. | Camadro, E.L.
The wetland macrophyte Bidens laevis possesses suitable cytological characteristics for genotoxicity testing. To test its sensitivity as compared to terrestrial plants species currently in use in standardized assays, Methyl Methanesulfonate (MMS), N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) and Maleic Hydrazide (HM) were used. On the other hand, the insecticide Endosulfan (ES) – an environmentally relevant contaminant – was assayed in seeds and two-month old plants. Mitotic Index (MI), frequency of Chromosome Aberrations in Anaphase–Telophase (CAAT) and frequency of Abnormal Metaphases (AM) were analyzed. MH, MMS and ENU caused a significant decrease of the MI. MMS was aneugenic whereas MH and ENU were both aneugenic and clastogenic. ES caused a significant concentration-dependent increase of total- and aneugenic-CAAT in roots and a significant high frequency of AM at high concentrations. Because of its sensitivity to mutagenic substances, B. laevis can be regarded as a reliable and convenient species for genotoxicity assays especially if aquatic contaminants are evaluated.
Show more [+] Less [-]Heavy metal distribution and bioaccumulation in Chihuahuan Desert Rough Harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex rugosus) populations
Heavy metal contamination can negatively impact arid ecosystems; however a thorough examination of bioaccumulation patterns has not been completed. We analyzed the distribution of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in soils, seeds and ant (Pogonomyrmex rugosus) populations of the Chihuahuan Desert near El Paso, TX, USA. Concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, and Pb in soils, seeds and ants declined as a function of distance from a now inactive Cu and Pb smelter and all five metals bioaccumulated in the granivorous ants. The average bioaccumulation factors for the metals from seeds to ants ranged from 1.04× (As) to 8.12× (Cd). The findings show bioaccumulation trends in linked trophic levels in an arid ecosystem and further investigation should focus on the impacts of heavy metal contamination at the community level.
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