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Carbon black retention in saturated natural soils: Effects of flow conditions, soil surface roughness and soil organic matter
Lohwacharin, J. | Takizawa, S. | Punyapalakul, P.
We evaluated factors affecting the transport, retention, and re-entrainment of carbon black nanoparticles (nCBs) in two saturated natural soils under different flow conditions and input concentrations using the two-site transport model and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). Soil organic matter (SOM) was found to create unfavorable conditions for the retention. Despite an increased flow velocity, the relative stability of the estimated maximum retention capacity in soils may suggest that flow-induced shear stress forces were insufficient to detach nCB. The KPFM observation revealed that nCBs were retained at the grain boundary and on surface roughness, which brought about substantial discrepancy between theoretically-derived attachment efficiency factors and the ones obtained by the experiments using the two-site transport model. Thus, decreasing ionic strength and increasing solution pH caused re-entrainment of only a small fraction of retained nCB in the soil columns.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of vegetation and fecal pellets on the erodibility of cohesive sediments: Ganghwa tidal flat, west coast of Korea
Ha, Ho Kyung | Ha, Hun Jun | Seo, Jun Young | Choi, Sun Min
Although the Korean tidal flats in the Yellow Sea have been highlighted as a typical macrotidal system, so far, there have been no measurements of the sediment erodibility and critical shear stress for erosion (τce). Using the Gust erosion microcosm system, a series of field experiments has been conducted in the Ganghwa tidal flat to investigate quantitatively the effects of biogenic materials on the erodibility of intertidal cohesive sediments. Four representative sediment cores with different surficial conditions were analyzed to estimate the τce and eroded mass. Results show that τce of the “free” sediment bed not covered by any biogenic material on the Ganghwa tidal flat was in the range of 0.1–0.2 Pa, whereas the sediment bed partially covered by vegetation (Phragmites communis) or fecal pellets had enhanced τce up to 0.45–0.6 Pa. The physical presence of vegetation or fecal pellets contributed to protection of the sediment bed by blocking the turbulent energy. An inverse relationship between the organic matter included in the eroded mass and the applied shear stress was observed. This suggests that the organic matter enriched in a near-bed fluff layer is highly erodible, and the organic matter within the underlying sediment layer becomes depleted and less erodible with depth. Our study underlines the role of biogenic material in stabilizing the benthic sediment bed in the intertidal zone.
Show more [+] Less [-]Soil humic-like organic compounds in prescribed fire emissions using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Chalbot, M.-C. | Nikolich, G. | Etyemezian, V. | Dubois, D.W. | King, J. | Shafer, D. | Gamboa da Costa, G. | Hinton, J.F. | Kavouras, I.G.
Here we present the chemical characterization of the water-soluble organic carbon fraction of atmospheric aerosol collected during a prescribed fire burn in relation to soil organic matter and biomass combustion. Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we observed that humic-like substances in fire emissions have been associated with soil organic matter rather than biomass. Using a chemical mass balance model, we estimated that soil organic matter may contribute up to 41% of organic hydrogen and up to 27% of water-soluble organic carbon in fire emissions. Dust particles, when mixed with fresh combustion emissions, substantially enhances the atmospheric oxidative capacity, particle formation and microphysical properties of clouds influencing the climatic responses of atmospheric aeroso. Owing to the large emissions of combustion aerosol during fires, the release of dust particles from soil surfaces that are subjected to intense heating and shear stress has, so far, been lacking.
Show more [+] Less [-]The protection of sandy shores – Can we afford to ignore the contribution of seagrass?
Paul, Maike
Shore nourishment is considered an effective soft coastal protection measure for sandy shorelines. However, sand demand and costs are high, especially as nourishment has to be repeated regularly due to ongoing erosion. Seagrass meadows are able to trap and stabilise sediment by reducing bed shear stress. Moreover, they reduce flow velocity and wave energy in regions beyond their boundaries. Especially small species may not provide these ecosystem services sufficiently to protect shorelines from erosion, but they may stabilise beach profiles enough to increase nourishment intervals. This review discusses the potential benefits of integrating ecosystem services provided by seagrass meadows, both existing and newly planted, in nourishment plans, and also addresses potential limitations such as unsuitable hydrodynamic conditions and seasonality. Finally, it highlights knowledge gaps that should be addressed by interdisciplinary research to improve nourishment plans and use seagrass ecosystem services to their full potential.
Show more [+] Less [-]A baseline for microplastic particle occurrence and distribution in Great Bay Estuary
Cheng, Matthew L.H. | Lippmann, Thomas C. | Dijkstra, Jennifer A. | Bradt, Gabriela | Cook, Salme | Choi, Jang-Geun | Brown, Bonnie L.
We extracted and analyzed microplastics (MP) in archived sediment cores from Great Bay Estuary (GBE) in the Gulf of Maine region of North America. Results indicated that MP are distributed in GBE sediments, 0–30 cm, at an average occurrence of 116 ± 21 particles g⁻¹ and that morphology varies by site and depth. Analysis by sediment depth and age class indicated that MP accumulation increased over several decades but recently (5–10 years) has likely begun to decrease. Hydrodynamic and particle transport modeling indicated that bed characteristics are a more controlling factor in MP distribution than typical MP properties and that the highest accumulation likely occurs in regions with weaker hydrodynamic flows and lower bed shear stress, e.g., eelgrass meadows and along fringes of the Bay. These results provide a baseline and predictive understanding of the occurrence, morphology, and sedimentation of MP in the estuary.
Show more [+] Less [-]Microplastics in a wind farm area: A case study at the Rudong Offshore Wind Farm, Yellow Sea, China
Wang, Teng | Zou, Xinqing | Li, Baojie | Yao, Yulong | Li, Jiasheng | Hui, Hejiu | Yu, Wenwen | Wang, Chenglong
Despite the rapid construction of offshore wind farms, the available information regarding the risks of this type of development in terms of emerging pollutants, particularly microplastics, is scarce. In this study, we quantified the level of microplastic pollution at an offshore wind farm in the Yellow Sea, China, in 2016. The abundance of microplastics was 0.330 ± 0.278 items/m3 in the surface water and 2.58 ± 1.14 items/g (dry) in the sediment. To the best of our knowledge, the level of microplastic pollution in our study area was slightly higher than that in coastal areas around the world. The microplastics detected in the surface waters and sediments were mainly fibrous (75.3% and 68.7%, respectively) and consisted of some granules and films. The microplastics in the samples might originate from garments or ropes via wastewater discharge. The abundance of plastic in the water and sediment samples collected from the wind farm area was lower than that in the samples collected from outside the wind farm area. The anthropogenic hydrodynamic effect was the main factor affecting the local distribution of microplastics. The presence of a wind farm could increase the bed shear stress during ebb tide, disturbing the bed sediment, facilitating its initiation and transport, and ultimately increasing the ease of washing away the microplastics adhered to the sediment. This study will serve as a reference for further studies of the distribution and migration of microplastics in coastal zones subjected to similar marine utilization.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nearshore dynamics of artificial sand and oil agglomerates
Dalyander, P Soupy | Plant, Nathaniel G. | Long, Joseph W. | McLaughlin, Molly
Weathered oil can mix with sediment to form heavier-than-water sand and oil agglomerates (SOAs) that can cause beach re-oiling for years after a spill. Few studies have focused on the physical dynamics of SOAs. In this study, artificial SOAs (aSOAs) were created and deployed in the nearshore, and shear stress-based mobility formulations were assessed to predict SOA response. Prediction sensitivity to uncertainty in hydrodynamic conditions and shear stress parameterizations were explored. Critical stress estimates accounting for large particle exposure in a mixed bed gave the best predictions of mobility under shoaling and breaking waves. In the surf zone, the 10-cm aSOA was immobile and began to bury in the seafloor while smaller size classes dispersed alongshore. aSOAs up to 5cm in diameter were frequently mobilized in the swash zone. The uncertainty in predicting aSOA dynamics reflects a broader uncertainty in applying mobility and transport formulations to cm-sized particles.
Show more [+] Less [-]Short-term impact of deep sand extraction and ecosystem-based landscaping on macrozoobenthos and sediment characteristics
de Jong, Maarten F. | Baptist, Martin J. | Lindeboom, Han J. | Hoekstra, Piet
We studied short-term changes in macrozoobenthos in a 20m deep borrow pit. A boxcorer was used to sample macrobenthic infauna and a bottom sledge was used to sample macrobenthic epifauna. Sediment characteristics were determined from the boxcore samples, bed shear stress and near-bed salinity were estimated with a hydrodynamic model. Two years after the cessation of sand extraction, macrozoobenthic biomass increased fivefold in the deepest areas. Species composition changed significantly and white furrow shell (Abra alba) became abundant. Several sediment characteristics also changed significantly in the deepest parts. Macrozoobenthic species composition and biomass significantly correlated with time after cessation of sand extraction, sediment and hydrographical characteristics. Ecosystem-based landscaped sand bars were found to be effective in influencing sediment characteristics and macrozoobenthic assemblage. Significant changes in epifauna occurred in deepest parts in 2012 which coincided with the highest sedimentation rate. We recommend continuing monitoring to investigate medium and long-term impacts.
Show more [+] Less [-]Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of spatial distributed roughness to a hydrodynamic water quality model: a case study on Lake Taihu, China
Cheng, Yue | Li, Yiping | Wang, Yaning | Tang, Chunyan | Shi, Yuanyuan | Sarpong, Linda | Li, Ronghui | Acharya, Kumud | Li, Jinhua
Roughness is an important parameter in hydrodynamic and water quality modelling; it has direct effects on bottom shear stress which relied on sediment and vegetation. The varied roughness caused by spatial heterogeneity of sediment and vegetation may lead to uncertain simulation results. To investigate the effect of roughness uncertainty on the performance of hydrodynamic water quality models, a typical large shallow lake in China (Lake Taihu) was divided into eight areas for illustrating the effect of spatial variation of roughness on hydrodynamics and water quality. Total nitrogen (TN) was selected as the variable to calculate the uncertainty interval, and sensitive positions greatly affected by roughness as well as the appropriate range of roughness were explored by means of regional sensitive analysis (RSA). The results showed that roughness had the most significant effect on the bottom velocity. The uncertainty for water quality caused by roughness presented a striking spatial difference; the uncertainty interval for TN could be up to 1.3 mg/L. The posterior distribution of roughness was given to further narrowed the range of roughness, and the updated roughness range manifested that roughness value should be set higher in the area with thick sediment and abundant vegetation. It is of utmost importance to consider the comprehensive effects of sediment and vegetation in the determination of roughness. For certain lake areas with great water quality simulation error, the error could be effectively reduced by setting spatial distributed roughness. The optimization scheme was provided for the reasonable determination of roughness, so that the dynamic characteristic at the sediment-water interface could be represented synthetically. In this paper, the uncertainty and sensitivity of roughness in hydrodynamic water quality model are analyzed to provide reference for parameter setting of large shallow water lake model. For large scale lakes, parameters need to be modified according to the actual condition due to the spatial difference of friction coefficient at the bottom.
Show more [+] Less [-]Research on direct shear strength characteristics of mechanically biologically treated waste
Zhang, Zhenying | Zhang, Jiahe | Wang, Qiaona | Wang, Min | Nie, Chengyu
Mechanically and biologically treated (MBT) waste has significant characteristics such as high stability and low moisture content, which can reduce water, soil, and gas pollution in subsequent treatments. This pre-treatment method is environmentally friendly and sustainable and has become a popular research topic in the field of environmental geotechnical engineering. Using a direct shear test apparatus and five shearing rates (0.25, 1, 5, 10, and 20 mm/min), the shear strength characteristics of MBT waste at the Hangzhou Tianziling Landfill were studied. The results indicate the following: (1) With the increase in horizontal shear displacement, the shear stress of MBT waste gradually increases without a peak stress phenomenon, which is a displacement hardening curve; (2) the shear strength increases with an increase in the shearing displacement rate, and the sensitivity coefficient is 0.64–2.66; (3) a shear strength, shearing rate, and normal stress correlation model is established, and the model has a high degree of fit with the overall experimental data; (4) cohesion (c), internal friction angle (φ), and the logarithm of the shearing rate are linear; (5) the range of c of MBT waste is 22.32–39.51 kPa, and φ is 64.24–68.52°. Meanwhile, the test data are compared with the test data in the literature. The ranges of c and φ of municipal solid waste determined via the shear test are found to be wider than those of MBT waste. The results of this study can provide a reference for the stability calculation of MBT landfills.
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