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Migration of pesticides in fractured clayey till at water saturated conditions
Joergensen, P.R. | Hansen, M. | Spliid, N.H.
Sorption of three heterocyclic compounds and their hydrocarbon analog from coal-tar contaminated water in a natural clayey till
Broholm, M.M. | Broholm, K. | Arvin, E.
Diffuse and point source leaching of pesticides in a clayey till groundwater catchment
Joergensen, P.R. | Spliid, N.H. | Brehmer, A. | Hansen, M.
Leaching of dichlorprop and nitrate in structured soil
Bergstrom, L. (Department of Soil Sciences, University of Agricultural Scieences, PO Box 7072, 75007 Uppsala (Sweden))
Long-term desorption of trichloroethylene from flint clay using multiplexed optical detection
Stager, M.P. | Perram, G.P. (Air Force Institute of Technology/ENP, Department of Engineering Physics, 2950 P Street, Bldg 640, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7765 (USA))
In-situ remediation of a gasoline fractured clay: physical and chemical limitations [soil vapour extraction, SVE]
Grady, D.E. | Johnson, R.L.
[Vacuum ventilation in moraine clay]
Holm, J.K. | Joergensen, P.R. (Copenhagen Univ. (Denmark). Geoteknisk Inst.)
Soil acidification in loess and clay soils in the Netherlands
Salm, C. van der | Vries, W. de
[Mineralization and sorption of glyphosate in a clay soil and sandy soil]
Schultz, A. | Jacobsen, O.S. | Aamand, J. (GEUS, Copenhagen (Denmark))
The effects on corn and on a Rhodic Paleudult soil of 17 annual Cu and Zn sulfate additions
Gettier, S.W. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg (USA). Dept. of Agronomy) | Martens, D.C. | Donohue, S.J.