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Distribution of microplastics present in a stream that receives discharge from wastewater treatment plants
Montecinos, S. | Gil, M. | Tognana, S. | Salgueiro, W. | Amalvy, J.
The presence of microplastics (MPs) in freshwater systems that receive discharge of urban effluent implies a great environmental impact. In order to be able to generate proposals that solve this problem, it is necessary to know in detail the contributions of different MPs sources. The aim of this work was to study the contribution of urban sewage discharge to MPs pollution in a stream that runs through a medium-sized city. The spatial distribution of MPs with sizes between 100 μm and 1.5 mm present in surface water was measured and their characteristics, dimensions, shapes and identification were determined. Physical-chemical parameters of the stream water were measured, and a decrease in water quality was found due to wastewater treatment plants. The main source of MPs was effluent from the plants (97% of the total MPs), while the rest came from storm drains and discharge of tributaries. The maximum concentration of MPs found was around 72,000 MP/L (equivalent to 53 million MPs/s), at a point after discharge from both plants. Around 70% of MPs correspond to microfibers with a mean length of around 300 μm and a mean width of around 15 μm, and they are mainly polyethylene fibers. The remaining 30% of MPs are particles with lengths of around 140 μm. The transport of MPs between a point located after discharge of the plants and another point located about 3 km further on was studied, and no significant variation was found in the concentration of MPs. Electrical conductivity was used as a conservative tracer of MPs concentration. This work presents for the first time a detailed analysis of different contributions of MPs to a freshwater system in South America, which receives discharge of wastewater treatment plants, evidencing its important role in pollution.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of algae proliferation and density current on the vertical distribution of odor compounds in drinking water reservoirs in summer
Wu, Tianhao | Zhu, Guangwei | Zhu, Mengyuan | Xu, Hai | Yang, Jun | Zhao, Xianfu
Reservoirs are an important type of drinking water source for megacities, while lots of reservoirs are threatened by odor problems during certain seasons. The influencing factors of odor compounds in reservoirs are still unclear. During August 2019, a nationwide survey investigating the distribution of odor compounds in reservoirs used as drinking water sources was conducted on seven reservoirs. 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) and geosmin were detected in almost every reservoir, and some odor compound concentrations even exceeded the odor threshold concentration. The average concentration of 2-MIB was 2.68 ng/L, and geosmin was 3.63 ng/L. The average chlorophyll a concentration was 8.25 μg/L. The dominant genera of phytoplankton in these reservoirs belonged to cyanobacteria and diatom. Statistical analysis showed that odor compound concentration was significantly related to the chlorophyll a concentration and indicated that the odor compounds mainly came from phytoplankton. The concentration of odor compounds in the euphotic zone was significantly related to phytoplankton species and biomass. Therefore, the odor compound concentrations in the subsurface chlorophyll maxima layer was generally higher than in the surface layer. However, the odor compounds in the hypolimnion layer were related to the density current. This research suggests that both phytoplankton proliferation events and heavy storm events are important risk factors increasing odor compounds in reservoirs. Control of algal bloom, in-situ profile monitoring system and depth-adjustable pumping system will greatly reduce the risk of odor problems in reservoirs using as water supplies for large cities.
Show more [+] Less [-]Foraminifera as bioindicators of water quality: The FoRAM Index revisited
Prazeres, Martina | Martínez-Colón, Michael | Muller, Pamela Hallock
Coral reefs worldwide are degrading at alarming rates due to local and global stressors. There are ongoing needs for bioindicator systems that can be used to assess reef health status, the potential for recovery following destructive events such as tropical storms, and for the success of coral transplants. Benthic foraminiferal shells are ubiquitous components of carbonate sediment in reef environments that can be sampled at minimal cost and environmental impact. Here we review the development and application of the FoRAM Index (FI), which provides a bioindicator metric for water quality that supports reef accretion. We outline the strengths and limitations of the FI, and propose how it can be applied more effectively across different geographical regions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Emerging polar pollutants in groundwater: Potential impact of urban stormwater infiltration practices
Pinasseau, Lucie | Wiest, Laure | Volatier, Laurence | Mermillod-Blondin, Florian | Vulliet, Emmanuelle
The quality of groundwater (GW) resources is decreasing partly due to chemical contaminations from a wide range of activities, such as industrial and agricultural enterprises and changes in land-use. In urban areas, one potential major pathway of GW contamination is associated with urban water management practices based on stormwater runoff infiltration systems (SIS). Data on the performance of the upper layer of soil and the unsaturated zone of infiltration basins to limit the contamination of GW by hydrophilic compounds are lacking. With this aim, the impact of infiltration practices on GW contamination was assessed for 12 pesticides and 4 pharmaceuticals selected according to their ecotoxicological relevance and their likelihood of being present in urban stormwater and GW. For this purpose, 3 campaigns were conducted at 4 SIS during storm events. For each campaign, passive samplers based on the use of Empore™ disk were deployed in GW wells upstream and downstream of SIS, as well as in the stormwater runoff entering the infiltration basins. Upstream and downstream GW contaminations were compared to evaluate the potential effect of SIS on GW contamination and possible relationships with stormwater runoff composition were examined. Our results showed two interesting opposite trends: (i) carbendazim, diuron, fluopyram, imidacloprid and lamotrigine had concentrations significantly increasing in GW impacted by infiltration, indicating a contribution of SIS to GW contamination, (ii) atrazine, simazine and 2 transformation products exhibited concentrations significantly decreasing with infiltration due to a probable dilution of historic GW contaminants with infiltrated stormwater runoff. The other 7 contaminants showed no general trend. This study demonstrates that passive samplers deployed in GW wells enabled the capture of emerging polar pollutants present at very low concentrations and allowed the assessment of infiltration practices on GW quality. New data on GW and urban stormwater are provided for poorly studied hazardous compounds.
Show more [+] Less [-]Retention of microplastics in sediments of urban and highway stormwater retention ponds
Liu, Fan | Vianello, Alvise | Vollertsen, Jes
Urban and highway surfaces discharge polluted runoff during storm events. To mitigate environmental risks, stormwater retention ponds are commonly constructed to treat the runoff water. This study is the first to quantify the retention of microplastics in the sediments of such ponds. It applied state-of-art FTIR-methods to analyse the composition, size, shape, and mass of microplastics in the range 10–2000 μm. Seven ponds serving four land uses were investigated, and the results are related to catchment characteristics, sediment organic matter content, and hydraulic loading. We have not found a correlation between the microplastics abundance, polymer composition, size distribution and the land use in the catchment, as well as the sediment organic matter content. Both the highest (127,986 items kg⁻¹; 28,732 μg kg⁻¹) and the lowest (1511 items kg⁻¹; 115 μg kg⁻¹) accumulation of microplastics were found in the sediments of ponds serving industrial areas. There was, however, a correlation to the hydraulic loading of the ponds, where the sediments of the highest-loaded ponds held the most microplastics. This study shows that sediments in stormwater retention ponds can trap some of the microplastics and prevent them from being transported downstream. These systems need to be considered when assessing the fate of microplastics from urban and highway areas.
Show more [+] Less [-]Trace organic contaminants in urban runoff: Associations with urban land-use
Burant, Aniela | Selbig, William | Furlong, Edward T. | Higgins, Christopher P.
Urban development has led to an increase in urban runoff, accompanied with a decrease in water quality during rain events. One of the major causes of the decrease in water quality is the presence of trace organic contaminants in urban runoff. However, little is known about the sources of organic contaminants in urban runoff, especially related to land-use and temporal trends in those associated land uses. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence and concentration trends of organic contaminants for a high-density residential site and commercial strip site in Madison, WI. Flow-weighted samples of urban stormwater runoff, collected with an auto-sampler, were composited and analyzed, producing mean organic contaminants concentrations for each storm event. The contaminants, which include pesticides, flame retardants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, corrosion inhibitors, among others, were extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. There were 30 organic contaminants that had greater than 50% detections in at least one of the sites, and those organic contaminants did provide information on similarities and differences of organic contaminants in urban runoff derived from different land uses. The sum of the total measured pesticides showed no significant difference between sites; this was likely due to the considerable green space and associated pesticide use in both sites. However, there were higher total concentrations of organophosphate flame retardants and corrosion inhibitors in the residential site. The reason for this is unknown and will require follow-up studies; however, several hypotheses are presented. Conversely, there were higher total concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the commercial site; this is most likely due to higher vehicle traffic in the commercial site. These data show that land-use may be important in determining the composition and concentrations of trace organic contaminants in urban stormwater runoff.
Show more [+] Less [-]Hidden plastics of Lake Ontario, Canada and their potential preservation in the sediment record
Corcoran, Patricia L. | Norris, Todd | Ceccanese, Trevor | Walzak, Mary Jane | Helm, Paul A. | Marvin, Chris H.
Microplastics are a source of environmental pollution resulting from degradation of plastic products and spillage of resin pellets. We report the amounts of microplastics from various sites of Lake Ontario and evaluate their potential for preservation in the sediment record. A total of 4635 pellets were sampled from the Humber Bay shoreline on three sampling dates. Pellet colours were similar to those from the Humber River bank, suggesting that the river is a pathway for plastics transport into Lake Ontario. Once in the lake, high density microplastics, including mineral-polyethylene and mineral-polypropylene mixtures, sink to the bottom. The minerals may be fillers that were combined with plastics during production, or may have adsorbed to the surfaces of the polymers in the water column or on the lake bottom. Based on sediment depths and accumulation rates, microplastics have accumulated in the offshore region for less than 38 years. Their burial increases the chance of microplastics preservation. Shoreline pellets may not be preserved because they are mingled with organic debris that is reworked during storm events.
Show more [+] Less [-]The fate of the aqueous phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fraction in a detention pond system
The concentration of dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in influent, effluent, and within a detention pond system was measured. The "soluble fraction" was operationally defined as the PAHs in solution that passed through a 1.2 μm filter. The results show that influent and effluent PAH concentrations were similar, indicating that dissolved PAH moved essentially unhindered through the detention pond system. In general, low molecular weight PAH were present at the highest concentrations and the highest PAH concentrations were measured in Summer. Also, year-to-year variations in PAH concentration were observed. At the end of sufficiently large storms, the pond was comparably unpolluted. During dry periods, the dissolved PAH concentration rose, possibly due to evapoconcentration and by partitioning of PAH from trapped contaminated sediment in the detention pond system. This study provides evidence that aqueous-phase PAH concentrations in runoff water were relatively unaffected by the passage through a conventional detention pond system.
Show more [+] Less [-]Enhanced trophic transfer of chlorpyrifos from resistant Hyalella azteca to inland silversides (Menidia beryllina) and effects on acetylcholinesterase activity and swimming performance at varying temperatures
Fuller, Neil | Huff Hartz, Kara E. | Johanif, Nadhirah | Magnuson, Jason T. | Robinson, Eleni K. | Fulton, Corie A. | Poynton, Helen C. | Connon, Richard E. | Lydy, Michael J.
Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate (OP) insecticide, is prevalent in aquatic systems globally and is often implicated in aquatic toxicity during storm events. Chlorpyrifos induces toxicity by inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity, which has been related to alterations to fish swimming performance. Resistance to organophosphate insecticides, including chlorpyrifos, is prevalent in populations of the epibenthic amphipod Hyalella azteca in areas with known OP exposure. Previous studies have demonstrated an elevated bioaccumulation potential of insecticide-resistant prey items, however the potential for trophic transfer of chlorpyrifos from OP-resistant prey items and associated neurotoxic effects in fish predators has not been studied. Consequently, the present study aimed to determine the potential for trophic transfer of chlorpyrifos from OP-resistant H. azteca to a known predator, the inland silverside, Menidia beryllina at two temperatures (18 and 23 °C) to simulate temperature changes associated with global climate change (GCC). Fish were fed either ¹⁴C-chlorpyrifos-dosed H. azteca or control animals for 7 d, after which total bioaccumulation, percent parent chlorpyrifos, brain AChE activity and swimming performance (ramp-Ucᵣᵢₜ) were determined. Fish fed chlorpyrifos-dosed H. azteca bioaccumulated chlorpyrifos ranging from 29.9 to 1250 ng/g lipid, demonstrating the potential for trophic transfer. Lower bioaccumulation and greater biotransformation were observed in M. beryllina at 23 °C as compared to 18 °C, though this was not statistically significant. A significant 36.5% reduction in brain AChE activity was observed in fish fed chlorpyrifos-dosed H. azteca at 23 °C only, which may be attributed to increased biotransformation of parent chlorpyrifos to more potent AChE-inhibiting metabolites. Dietary chlorpyrifos exposure had no significant effect on swimming performance in M. beryllina, though ramp-Ucᵣᵢₜ was significantly increased by 25% at 23 as compared to 18 °C. These findings confirm the potential for trophic transfer of chlorpyrifos from OP-resistant prey to fish predators and the potential for elevated temperatures to exacerbate the neurotoxic effects of chlorpyrifos.
Show more [+] Less [-]Does sea-dyke construction affect the spatial distribution of pesticides in agricultural soils? – A case study from the Red River Delta, Vietnam
Brauns, H. | Sebesvari, Z. | Braun, M. | Kruse, J. | Amelung, W. | An, N.T. | Renaud, F.G.
The Red River Delta is a major agricultural production area of Vietnam with year-round use of pesticides for paddy rice cultivation and other production systems. The delta is protected from flooding, storm surges and saline water intrusion by a sophisticated river and sea-dyke system. Little is known about the effects of such a dyke system on pesticide pollution in the enclosed landscape. Our aim was to address this gap by i) determining pesticide prevalence in soils and sediments within a dyked agricultural area, and by ii) assessing whether and to which degree this dyke system might affect the spatial distribution of pesticides. After sampling paddy rice fields (topsoil) and irrigation ditches (sediment) perpendicular to the dyke in Giao Thuy district, we analysed 12 of the most commonly used pesticides in this area. In soils, we detected most frequently isoprothiolane (100% detection frequency), chlorpyrifos (85%) and propiconazole (41%) while in sediments isoprothiolane (71%) and propiconazole (71%) were most frequently found. Maximum concentrations reached 42.6 μg isoprotiolane kg⁻¹ in soil, and 35.1 μg azoxystrobin kg⁻¹ in sediment. Our results supported the assumption that the dyke system influenced residue distribution of selected pesticides. More polar substances increasingly accumulated in fields closer to the sea-dyke (R² = 0.92 for chlorpyrifos and 0.51 for isoprothiolane). We can thus support initiatives from local authorities to use the distance to dykes as a mean for deliniating zones of different environmental pollution; yet, the degree at which dykes influence pesticide accumulation appear to be compound specific.
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