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Calculation of water and element fluxes in a sandy forest soil taking into account the input variability
Beier, C.
Loss of HCH [hexachlorocyclohexane] from surface soil layers under subtropical conditions
Kaushik, C.P. (Dep. Bio-Sci., Maharshi Dayanand Univ., Rohtak 124001, Haryana (India))
Nitrogen monitoring in groundwater in the sandy regions of the Netherlands
Fraters, D. | Boumans, L.J.M. | Drecht, G. van | Haan, T. de | Hoop, W.D. de (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven (Netherlands))
Comparison of N and C dynamics in two Norway spruce stands using a process oriented simulation model
Eckersten, H. | Beier, C. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 7043, S-75007 Uppsala (Sweden))
Zinc-copper interaction affecting plant growth on a metal-contaminated soil
Luo, Y. | Rimmer, D.L. (Dept. of Agricultural and Environmental Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU (United Kingdom))
Spatial planning as a tool for decreasing nitrogen loads in nature areas
Bleeker, A. | Erisman, J.W. (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven (Netherlands))
Effects of methylisocyanate on soil microflora and the biochemical activity of soils
Parthipan, B. | Mahadevan, A. (Centre for Advanced Study in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Madras (India))
Leaching of nitrate from agriculture to groundwater: the effect of policies and measures in the Netherlands
Oenema, O. | Boers, P.C.M. | Eerdt, M.M. van | Fraters, B. | Meer, H.G. van der | Roest, C.W.J. | Schroder, J.J. | Willems, W.J. (AB-DLO, P.O. Box 14, 6700 AA Wageningen (Netherlands))
Measured and predicted volatilisation fluxes of PCBS from contaminated sludge-amended soils
Cousins, I.T. | Hartlieb, N. | Teichmann, C. | Jones, K.C. (Environmental Science Division, Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ (United Kingdom))
Forms of cadmium in sandy soils after amendment with soils of higher fixing capacity
Mann, S.S. | Ritchie, G.S.P. (Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, School of Agriculture, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA, 6009 (Australia))