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Nonstereoselective behavior of novel chiral organophosphorus pesticide Dufulin in cherry radish by different absorption methods
Zheng, Ruonan | Shao, Siyao | Zhang, Subin | Yu, Zhiyang | Zhang, Weiwei | Wu, Tao | Zhou, Xin | Ye, Qingfu
Dufulin is a biologically derived antiviral agent chemically synthesized by α-phosphoramidate in sheep and is effective against viral diseases in plants such as tobacco, rice, cucumber and tomato. However, the environmental behaviors and fate of Dufulin under different cultivation systems remain unknown. This study investigates the absorption, translocation and accumulation of ¹⁴C-Dufulin stereoisomers introduced by pesticide leaf daubing and by mixing the pesticide with soil in different tissues of cherry radish. We particularly focused on whether the behaviors of Dufulin enantiomers in plants were stereoselective. In the leaf uptake experiments, S-Dufulin and R-Dufulin were transported both up and down, while more than 93% of the pesticide remained in the labeled leaves. During the radicular absorption experiments, both enantiomers of Dufulin were taken up by radish roots and moved to the upper part of the plant, while less than 0.2% Dufulin was absorbed from the soil. Hence, it was easier for Dufulin to enter plants through the leaf surface than through the roots. However, we found in this trial that the stereoisomers of Dufulin underwent nonstereoselective absorption and translocation, which implies that rac-Dufulin and its metabolites should be a major research priority. Overall, our results provide a relatively accurate prediction of the risk assessment of Dufulin, which will help guide its rational use in the environment as well as ensure eco-environmental safety and human health.
Show more [+] Less [-]Multi-regional industrial wastewater metabolism analysis for the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China
Han, Dengcheng | Huang, Gordon | Liu, Lirong | Zhai, Mengyu | Gao, Sichen
Enormous wastewater discharges have significantly impeded the sustainable development. As several economic belt has been formed in China, systematic analysis of multi-regional wastewater metabolic system is required for advancing wastewater mitigation effectively and efficiently. In this study, a distributive environmental input-output model (DEIO) is developed for the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) to provide bases for supporting sustainable development from inter-regional and inter-sectoral perspectives. The discharges and flows of wastewater and related pollutants (i.e., chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (AN)) among sectors and regions are analyzed to providing solid bases for wastewater management within the YREB. The results show that the industrial wastewater mitigation in YREB is desired urgently. The industrial wastewater discharges in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are numerous, while Hunan and Yunnan provinces are more inclined to suffer from serious COD and AN pollution. In addition, the manufacture of food, tobacco, chemical materials, and pharmaceutical are the typical sectors with a large amount of direct wastewater discharge, and the tertiary industry is ranked at the first in indirect wastewater discharge. According to the analysis, the implementation of the “Supply-side Structure Reform” and the “Replace Subsidies with Rewards” policy can benefit the wastewater mitigation in the YREB.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characterization of airborne particles emitted by an electrically heated tobacco smoking system
Pacitto, A. | Stabile, L. | Scungio, M. | Rizza, V. | Buonanno, G.
Smoking activities were recognized as a main risk factor for population. Indeed, mainstream smoke aerosol is directly inhaled by smokers then delivering harmful compounds in the deepest regions of the lung. In order to reduce the potential risk of smoking, different nicotine delivery products have been recently developed. The latest device released is an electrically heated tobacco system (iQOS®, Philip Morris) which is able to warm the tobacco with no combustion. In the present paper a dimensional and volatility characterization of iQOS-generated particles was performed through particle number concentration and distribution measurements in the mainstream aerosol. The experimental analysis was carried out through a condensation particle counter, a fast mobility particle sizer and a thermo-dilution sampling system allowing aerosol samplings at different temperatures. Estimates of the particle surface area dose received by smokers were also carried out on the basis of measured data and typical smoking patterns.The particle number concentrations in the mainstream aerosols resulted lower than 1 × 108 part. cm−3 with particle number distribution modes of about 100 nm. Nonetheless, the volatility analysis showed the high amount of volatile fraction of iQOS-generated particles, indeed, samplings performed at 300 °C confirmed a significant particle shrinking phenomena (modes of about 20 nm). Anyway, the particle number concentration does not statistically decrease at higher sampling temperatures, then showing that a non-volatile fraction is always presents in the emitted particles. The dose received by smokers in terms of non-volatile amount of particle surface area was equal to 1–2 mm2 per puff, i.e. up to 4-fold larger than that received by electronic cigarette vapers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Associations between residential traffic noise exposure and smoking habits and alcohol consumption–A population-based study
Roswall, Nina | Christensen, Jeppe Schultz | Bidstrup, Pernille Envold | Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole | Jensen, Steen Solvang | Tjønneland, Anne | Sørensen, Mette
Traffic noise stresses and disturbs sleep. It has been associated with various diseases, and has recently also been associated with lifestyle. Hence, the association between traffic noise and disease could partly operate via a pathway of lifestyle habits, including smoking and alcohol intake.We investigated associations between modelled residential traffic noise and smoking habits and alcohol consumption.In a cohort of 57,053 participants, we performed cross-sectional analyses using data from a baseline questionnaire (1993-97), and longitudinal analyses of change between baseline and follow-up (2000-02). Smoking status (never, former, current) and intensity (tobacco, g/day) and alcohol consumption (g/day) was self-reported at baseline and follow-up. Address history from 1987-2002 for all participants were found in national registries, and road traffic and railway noise was modelled 1 and 5 years before enrolment, and from baseline to follow-up. Analyses were performed using logistic and linear regression, and adjusted for demographics, socioeconomic variables, leisure-time sports, and noise from the opposite source (road/railway).Road traffic noise exposure 5 years before baseline was positively associated with alcohol consumption (adjusted difference per 10 dB: 1.38 g/day, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.10–1.65), smoking intensity (adjusted difference per 10 dB: 0.40 g/day, 95% CI: 0.19–0.61), and odds for being a current vs. never/former smoker at baseline (odds ratio (OR): 1.14; 95% CI: 1.10–1.17). In longitudinal analyses, we found no association between road traffic noise and change in smoking and alcohol habits. Railway noise was not associated with smoking habits and alcohol consumption, neither in cross-sectional nor in longitudinal analyses.The study suggests that long-term exposure to residential road traffic is associated with smoking habits and alcohol consumption, albeit only in cross-sectional, but not in longitudinal analyses.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of different routes of application on ethylenediurea persistence in tobacco leaves
Pasqualini, S. | Paoletti, E. | Cruciani, G. | Pellegrino, R. | Ederli, L.
Ethylenediurea (EDU) is a common research tool for investigating ozone impacts on vegetation, although the role of different application routes (foliar spray vs soil drench) on EDU persistence in the leaves is unknown. We quantified EDU concentrations in leaves of the O3-sensitive Bel-W3 cultivar of tobacco treated with EDU as either foliar spray or soil drench. Foliar EDU concentrations were measured by Q-TOF LC/MS. When EDU was applied as foliar spray, 1 h was enough for reaching a measurable concentration within the leaf. EDU concentration increased over the 21-day period when the leaf was not washed after the application (treatment #1), while it decreased when the leaf was washed after the application (treatment #2). These results suggest that: a) dry deposition of EDU onto the leaf surface was gradually absorbed into the unwashed leaf, although the mechanisms of such uptake were unclear; b) concentration of EDU was decreased quickly (−35%) during the first 24 h from application and more slowly during the following three days (−20%) in the washed leaves. Degradation did not involve enzymatic reactions and was not affected by the presence of ROS. When EDU was applied as soil drench, foliar concentrations increased over time, likely due to adsorption onto soil organic matter and gradual re-solubilization by irrigation water. An analysis of EDU concentration in protoplast and intercellular washing fluid showed that EDU did not enter the cells, but was retained in the apoplast only. Possible implications of EDU in the apoplast and recommendations for EDU application are discussed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Screening agrochemicals as potential protectants of plants against ozone phytotoxicity
Saitanis, Costas J. | Lekkas, Dimitrios V. | Agathokleous, Evgenios | Flouri, Fotini
We tested seven contemporary agrochemicals as potential plant protectants against ozone phytotoxicity. In nine experiments, Bel-W3 tobacco plants were experienced weekly exposures to a) 80 nmol mol−1 of ozone-enriched or ozone-free air in controlled environment chambers, b) an urban air polluted area, and c) an agricultural-remote area. Ozone caused severe leaf injury, reduced chlorophylls' and total carotenoids' content, and negatively affected photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. Penconazole, (35% ± 8) hexaconazole (28% ± 5) and kresoxim-methyl (28% ± 15) showed higher plants’ protection (expressed as percentage; mean ± s.e.) against ozone, although the latter exhibited a high variability. Azoxystrobin (21% ± 15) showed lower protection efficacy and Benomyl (15% ± 9) even lower. Trifloxystrobin (7% ± 11) did not protect the plants at all. Acibenzolar-S-methyl + metalaxyl-M (Bion MX) (−6% ± 17) exhibited the higher variability and contrasting results: in some experiments it showed some protection while in others it intensified the ozone injury by causing phytotoxic symptoms on leaves, even in control plants.
Show more [+] Less [-]The efficiency of tobacco Bel-W3 and native species for ozone biomonitoring in subtropical climate, as revealed by histo-cytochemical techniques
Alves, Edenise S. | Moura, Bárbara B. | Pedroso, Andrea N.V. | Tresmondi, Fernanda | Domingos, Marisa
We aimed to verify whether hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) accumulation and cell death are detected early in three bioindicators of ozone (O₃), Nicotiana tabacum ‘Bel-W3’, Ipomoea nil ‘Scarlet O’Hara’ and Psidium guajava ‘Paluma’, and whether environmental factors also affect those microscopic markers. The three species were exposed to chronic levels of O₃ in a subtropical area and a histo-cytochemical technique that combines 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) with Evans blue staining was used in the assessments. The three species accumulated H₂O₂, but a positive correlation with O₃ concentration was only observed in N. tabacum. A positive correlation between O₃ and cellular death was also observed in N. tabacum. In I. nil and P. guajava, environmental factors were responsible for symptoms at the microscopic level, especially in P. guajava. We conclude that the most appropriate and least appropriate bioindicator plant for O₃ monitoring in the subtropics are N. tabacum ‘Bel-W3’ and P. guajava ‘Paluma’, respectively.
Show more [+] Less [-]How the redox state of tobacco ‘Bel-W3’ is modified in response to ozone and other environmental factors in a sub-tropical area?
Dias, Ana P.L. | Dafré, Marcelle | Rinaldi, Mirian C.S. | Domingos, Marisa
This study intended to determine whether the redox state in plants of Nicotiana tabacum ‘Bel-W3’ fluctuates in response to the environmental factors in a sub-tropical area contaminated by ozone (São Paulo, SE – Brazil) and which environmental factors are related to this fluctuation, discussing their biomonitoring efficiency. We comparatively evaluated the indicators of redox state (ascorbic acid, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase) and leaf injury in 17 field experiments performed in 2008. The redox state was explained by the combined effects of chronic levels of O₃ and meteorological variables 4–6 days prior to the plant sampling. Moderate leaf injury was observed in most cases. The redox state of tobacco decreases few days after their placement in the sub-tropical environment, causing them to become susceptible to oxidative stress imposed by chronic doses of O₃. Its bioindicator efficiency would not be diminished in such levels of atmospheric contamination.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ectopic expression of Arabidopsis ABC transporter MRP7 modifies cadmium root-to-shoot transport and accumulation
Wojas, Sylwia | Hennig, Jacek | Plaza, Sonia | Geisler, Markus | Siemianowski, Oskar | Skłodowska, Aleksandra | Ruszczyńska, Anna | Bulska, Ewa | Antosiewicz, Danuta M.
Arabidopsis MRPs/ABCCs have been shown to remove various organic and inorganic substrates from the cytosol to other subcellular compartments. Here we first demonstrate that heterologous expression of AtMRP7 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi) modifies cadmium accumulation, distribution and tolerance. Arabidopsis MRP7 was localized both in the tonoplast and in the plasma membrane when expressed in tobacco. Its overexpression increased tobacco Cd-tolerance and resulted in enhanced cadmium concentration in leaf vacuoles, indicating more efficient detoxification by means of vacuolar storage. Heterologous AtMRP7 expression also led to more efficient retention of Cd in roots, suggesting a contribution to the control of cadmium root-to-shoot translocation. The results underscore the use of AtMRP7 in plant genetic engineering to modify the heavy-metal accumulation pattern for a broad range of applications.
Show more [+] Less [-]Mechanism of growth amelioration of triclosan-stressed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) by endogenous salicylic acid
Peng, Danliu | Liu, Anran | Wang, Wenjing | Zhang, Yue | Han, Zichen | Li, Xiaozhou | Wang, Gang | Guan, Chunfeng | Ji, Jing
Among emerging organic contaminants (EOCs), triclosan (TCS) is an antibacterial agent and frequently detected in sludge. In this study, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was used to obtain the first transcriptomic profile of tobacco with TCS treatment in comparison with control. The results of transcriptome profiling indicated that salicylic acid (SA) signalling pathway actively participated in the tobacco’s response to TCS treatment. The accumulation of endogenous SA in transgene tobacco lines transformed with a homologous gene of SA binding protein (LcSABP) was significantly enhanced. The resistance of transgenic tobacco lines to TCS was markedly enhanced revealed by morphological and physiological indexes while the total Chl level and Pₙ of transgenic individuals showed about 180% and 250% higher than that of WT on average, and the accumulation of H₂O₂ and O₂⁻ induced by TCS in SABP overexpressing tobacco was 35.3%–37.3% and 53.0%–56.0% lower than that of WT. In order to further explore the mechanism of TCS tolerance in transgenic plants, RNA-seq was then performed to obtain the second transcriptomic profile between wild type and transgenic samples with TCS exposure. The results indicated that differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were most highly enriched in MAPK signalling pathway, amino acid synthesis pathway and plant hormone transduction pathway. Especially, genes encoding key proteins such as cytochrome P450, laccase, peroxidase, glycosyl transferase, glutathione S-transferase and ATP-binding cassette were considered to be related to the increased tolerance ability of transgenic tobacco to the treatment of TCS stress. This research will likely provide novel insights into the molecular mechanism of SA-mediated amelioration of TCS stress on tobacco.
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