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Spatial and Seasonal Trend of Trace Metals and Ecological Risk Assessment along Kanyakumari Coastal Sediments, Southern India
K, Gurumoorthi | R, Venkatachalapathy
The concentration of selected trace metals (Fe, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in 30surface sediments were measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer to investigatethe spatial and seasonal variations of trace metals along Kanyakumari coast, India. Toassess the environmental risk of trace metals, enrichment factor, geo-accumulation index,pollution load index, and ecological risk index have been calculated. According to thepollution load index and geo-accumulation index (Igeo) values, Kanyakumari coastalsediments were unpolluted by Fe, Cu, Pb, and Zn, whereas moderately polluted by Cdwith low to moderate ecological risk. The existence of the high hydrodynamic conditionduring the southwest monsoon is more favorable to the transport of sediments andenhance the accumulation of metals, whereas during the northeast monsoon theaccumulation of metals is less. The baseline data for spatial distribution and seasonalvariation of trace metals and their controlling factors found in this study will be useful forpollution monitoring program along the Kanyakumari coast.
Show more [+] Less [-]Historical trends in atmospheric metal(loid) contamination in North China over the past half-millennium reconstructed from subalpine lake sediment
Liang, Mengyao | Liu, Enfeng | Wang, Xiaoyu | Zhang, Qinghui | Xu, Jinling | Ji, Ming | Zhang, Enlou
Trace metal (loid) contamination in the atmosphere is widely monitored, but there is a gap in understanding its long-term patterns, especially in North China, which is currently a global contamination hotspot mainly caused by heavy industry emissions and coal combustion. Herein, historical trends of atmospheric As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn contamination in North China over the past ∼500 years are comparatively studied with sediment cores from two subalpine lakes (Gonghai and Muhai). Arsenic, Pb, Cd and Hg were main pollutants according to Pb isotopes and enrichment factors. Mercury contamination has increased continuously since the late 1800s and increasing As, Pb and Cd contamination started in the 1950s in Gonghai. In contrast, the contamination in Muhai lagged two decades for As, Cd and Pb and a half-century for Hg behind that in Gonghai, although the trends were similar. This contamination lag was attributed to the low sensitivity of Muhai sediment to early weak atmospheric metal contamination under 2.1-fold higher detrital sedimentation. As, Pb and Cd contamination has intensified since the 1980s, and the metals showed similar sedimentary fluxes in the cores. However, sedimentary fluxes of Hg contamination were 3.4-fold higher in Gonghai than in Muhai due to combination with organic matter. No obvious Cr, Cu and Ni contamination in the cores was mainly because of the low atmospheric deposition from anthropogenic sources relative to detrital input, although some of their atmospheric emissions were higher than those of As, Cd and Hg. Atmospheric As, Pb and Cd contamination was mainly from domestic sources of coal combustion and nonferrous smelting. Mercury contamination was mainly from global and Asian sources in the first half of the 20th century, and domestic emissions gradually dominated Hg contamination after the mid-1900s.
Show more [+] Less [-]An overview of removing heavy metals from sewage sludge: Achievements and perspectives
Geng, Hui | Xu, Ying | Zheng, Linke | Gong, Hui | Dai, Lingling | Dai, Xiaohu
The removal of heavy metals from sewage sludge (SS) is attracting increasing attention because the presence of toxic heavy metals in SS restricts its reuse or disposal, especially on land. This review presents an overview of research on the origin and chemical speciation of heavy metals in SS and describes methods for their removal. SS primarily absorbs heavy metals from wastewater via passive sorption and active uptake of biomass, resulting in the different chemical speciation. The advantages and disadvantages of the current methods for the removal of heavy metals from SS are analysed. The current methods focus on the removal efficiencies of heavy metals, which are high enough to meet the standard of land application, but the treatment cost, the change and retention of nutrients, and the effects on SS properties resulting from heavy metal removal are usually ignored. In this review, the main knowledge gaps are identified and proposals for future research are made. These should comprise determining the underlying mechanisms of current removal methods, optimising and integrating the removal methods, and establishing systematic evaluation standards for these methods. This review will help researchers develop new environmentally and economically friendly methods for the removal of heavy metals from SS.
Show more [+] Less [-]Mercury accumulation in soil from atmospheric deposition in temperate steppe of Inner Mongolia, China
Cheng, Zhenglin | Tang, Yi | Li, Engui | Wu, Qingru | Wang, Long | Liu, Kaiyun | Wang, Shuxiao | Huang, Yongmei | Duan, Lei
Mercury (Hg) is a toxic and persistent pollutant and has long-term impacts on ecological systems and human health. Coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) are the main source of anthropogenic Hg emission, and the emitted atmospheric Hg is deposited to the surrounding environments which causes soil pollution. To assess the effects of atmospheric Hg from CFPPs in China on the temperate steppe, Hg contents in the topsoil and subsoil were analyzed for samples collected from 80 sites in central Inner Mongolia during 2012–2015. The average content of Hg in topsoil and subsoil were 14.9 ± 10.4 μg kg⁻¹ and 8.9 ± 5.8 μg kg⁻¹, respectively. The principal components analysis (PCA) indicated that the soil organic matter content and atmospheric deposition were the main factors determining soil Hg content in Inner Mongolia. We used the power plant impact factor (PPIF) to evaluate the impacts of the surrounding CFPPs. The PPIF results showed the most positive correlation with Hg content in topsoil at more than 400 km distances, indicating that the contribution of the long-range transport of Hg emitted from CFPPs is regional in scale. Considering the potential of Hg accumulation in soil, long-term and regional measurements of soil Hg and stricter emission-limit standards for power plants should be implemented to control soil Hg pollution in China.
Show more [+] Less [-]Degradation of cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil by UV and simulated sunlight treatments: Assessment of the enhancement of the biodegradability and toxicity
Lutterbeck, Carlos Alexandre | Wilde, Marcelo Luís | Baginska, Ewelina | Leder, Christoph | Machado, Ênio Leandro | Kümmerer, Klaus
The presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment has triggered concern among the general population and received considerable attention from the scientific community in recent years. However, only a few publications have focused on anticancer drugs, a class of pharmaceuticals that can exhibit cytotoxic, genotoxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects. The present study investigated the photodegradation, biodegradation, bacterial toxicity, mutagenicity and genotoxicity of cyclophosphamide (CP) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). The photodegradation experiments were performed at a neutral to slight pH range (7–7.8) using two different lamps (medium-pressure mercury lamp and a xenon lamp). The primary elimination of the parent compounds was monitored by means of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-IT-MS/MS). NPOC (non-purgeable organic carbon) analyses were carried out in order to assess mineralization rates. The Closed Bottle Test (CBT) was used to assess ready biodegradability. A new method using Vibrio fischeri was adopted to evaluate toxicity. CP was not degraded by any lamp, whereas 5-FU was completely eliminated by irradiation with the mercury lamp but only partially by the Xe lamp. No mineralization was observed for the experiments performed with the Xe lamp, and a NPOC removal of only 18% was registered for 5-FU after 256 min using the UV lamp. Not one of the parent compounds was readily biodegradable in the CBT. Photo transformation products (PTPs) resulting from photolysis were neither better biodegradable nor less toxic than the parent compound 5-FU. In contrast, the results of the tests carried out with the UV lamp indicated that more biodegradable and non-toxic PTPs of 5-FU were generated. Three PTPs were formed during the photodegradation experiments and were identified. The results of the in silico QSAR predictions showed positive mutagenic and genotoxic alerts for 5-FU, whereas only one of the formed PTPs presented positive alerts for the genotoxicity endpoint.
Show more [+] Less [-]Microbial community composition and glyphosate degraders of two soils under the influence of temperature, total organic carbon and pH
Muskus, Angelica M. | Miltner, Anja | Hamer, Ute | Nowak, Karolina M.
Glyphosate can be degraded by soil microorganisms rapidly and is impacted by temperature and soil properties. Enhanced temperature and total organic carbon (TOC) as well as reduced pH increased the rate of ¹³C₃¹⁵N-glyphosate conversion to CO₂ and biogenic non-extractable residues (bioNERs) in a Haplic Chernozem (Muskus et al., 2019) and in a Humic Cambisol (Muskus et al., 2020). To date; however, the combined effect of temperature and TOC or pH on microbial community composition and glyphosate degraders in these two soils has not been investigated. Phospholipid fatty acid [PLFA] biomarker analysis combined with ¹³C labeling was employed to investigate the effect of two soil properties (pH, TOC) and of three temperatures (10 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C) on soil microorganisms. Before incubation, the properties of a Haplic Chernozem and a Humic Cambisol were adjusted to obtain five treatments: (a) Control (Haplic Chernozem: 2.1% TOC and pH 6.6; Humic Cambisol: 3% TOC and pH 7.0), (b) 3% TOC (Haplic Chernozem) or 4% TOC (Humic Cambisol), (c) 4% TOC (Haplic Chernozem) or 5% TOC (Humic Cambisol), (d) pH 6.0 (Haplic Chernozem) or pH 6.5 (Humic Cambisol), and (e) pH 5.5 for both soils. All treatments were amended with 50 mg kg⁻¹ glyphosate and incubated at 10 °C, 20 °C or 30 °C. We observed an increase in respiration, microbial biomass and glyphosate mineralization with incubation temperature. Although respiration and microbial biomass in the Humic Cambisol was higher, the microorganisms in the Haplic Chernozem were more active in glyphosate degradation. Increased TOC shifted the microbiome and the ¹³C-glyphosate degraders towards Gram-positive bacteria in both soils. However, the abundance of ¹³C-PLFAs indicative for the starvation of Gram-negative bacteria increased with increasing TOC or decreasing pH at higher temperatures. Gram-negative bacteria thus may have been involved in earlier stages of glyphosate degradation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Quantification of the sorption of organic pollutants to minerals via an improved mathematical model accounting for associations between minerals and soil organic matter
Cheng, Jie | Ye, Qi | Lu, Zhijiang | Zhang, Jiangjiang | Zeng, Lingzao | Parikh, Sanjai J. | Ma, Wanzhu | Tang, Caixian | Xu, Jianming | He, Yan
The retention of organic pollutant (OP) in soils is commonly attributed to interactions with soil organic matter (SOM), perhaps overlooking substantial involvement of soil minerals. In this study, 36 soil samples with far-ranging ratios of clay to organic carbon were used to examine contribution of minerals on soil sorption of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and phenanthrene (PHE). Sorption isotherms (n = 216) were fit individually using three typical sorption models, with the most fitted Kd values screened out for quantification of the net mineral contribution to total sorption via development of mathematical model accounting for associations between minerals and SOM. Two mineral-relevant parameters [adsorption distribution coefficient (Kmin) and mineral contribution index (MCI)] were simultaneously defined. Previously reported soil sorption data of PCP, PHE and butachlor (13, 12 and 46, respectively) were also extracted and included to improve the credibility of mathematic model. The average MCI values were calculated as 0.421, 0.405 and 0.512 in PCP, PHE and butachlor treated soils, respectively, very close to or even over than the minerals dominant critical value (0.5). This suggested the significant, or even predominant, contribution of minerals – as compared to SOM. Significant dependence of MCI with four conventional parameters of soil property further offered the possibility to roughly evaluate mineral contributions based on estimated threshold values of soil property parameters (especially TOC). This study provides an accessible approach for predicting the contribution of minerals in soil OP retention, especially highlighting their predominant roles vs. SOM in regulating OP removal in most of subsurface soil or contaminated brownfields where organic carbon content of soil was very low, that was not like what previously believed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ciprofloxacin residue and antibiotic-resistant biofilm bacteria in hospital effluent
Ory, Jérôme | Bricheux, Geneviève | Togola, Anne | Bonnet, Jean-Louis | Donnadieu-Bernard, Florence | Nakusi, Laurence | Forestier, Christiane | Traore, Ousmane
Discharge of antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria in hospital effluents is supposed to have strong impacts on the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the environment. This study aimed to characterize the effluents of the Gabriel Montpied teaching hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, France, by simultaneously measuring the concentration of ciprofloxacin and of biological indicators resistant to this molecule in biofilms formed in the hospital effluent and by comparing these data to ciprofloxacin consumption and resistant bacterial isolates of the hospital. Determination of the measured environmental concentration of ciprofloxacin by spot sampling and polar organic chemical integrative (POCIS) sampling over 2 weeks, and comparison with predicted environmental concentrations produced a hazard quotient >1, indicating a potential ecotoxicological risk. A negative impact was also observed with whole hospital effluent samples using the Tetrahymena pyriformis biological model.During the same period, biofilms were formed within the hospital effluent, and analysis of ciprofloxacin-resistant isolates indicated that Gamma-Proteobacteria were numerous, predominantly Aeromonadaceae (69.56%) and Enterobacteriaceae (22.61%). Among the 115 isolates collected, plasmid-mediated fluoroquinolone-resistant genes were detected, with mostly aac(6′)-lb-cr and qnrS. In addition, 60% of the isolates were resistant to up to six antibiotics, including molecules mostly used in the hospital (aminosides and third-generation cephalosporins).In parallel, 1247 bacteria isolated from hospitalized patients and resistant to at least one of the fluoroquinolones were collected. Only 5 of the 14 species identified in the effluent biofilm were also found in the clinical isolates, but PFGE typing of the Gram-negative isolates found in both compartments showed there was no clonality among the strains.Altogether, these data confirm the role of hospital loads as sources of pollution for wastewater and question the role of environmental biofilms communities as efficient shelters for hospital-released resistance genes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Distribution of black carbon and PAHs in sediments of Peninsular Malaysia
Vaezzadeh, Vahab | Yi, Xin | Rais, Farah Rasyidah | Bong, Chui Wei | Thomes, Margaret William | Lee, Choon Weng | Zakaria, Mohamad Pauzi | Wang, Ai Jun | Zhong, Guangcai | Zhang, Gan
Concentrations, sources and interactions between black carbon (BC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in 42 sediment samples collected from riverine, coastal and shelf areas in Peninsular Malaysia. The concentrations of BC measured by benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) method and PAHs showed broad spatial variations between the relatively pristine environment of the East coast and developed environment of the West and South coast ranging from 0.02 to 0.36% dw and 57.7 ng g⁻¹ dw to 19,300 ng g⁻¹ dw, respectively. Among diagnostic ratios of PAHs, the ratios of Ant/(Ant+Phe) and LMW/HMW drew the clearest distinctions between the East coast versus the West and South coast sediments indicating the predominance of petrogenic sources in the former versus pyrogenic sources in the latter. PAHs significantly correlated with BC and total organic carbon (TOC) in the sediments (p < 0.05) having similar correlation coefficients. BC accounted for 6.06 to 30.6% of TOC in sediments.
Show more [+] Less [-]Treatment processes for microplastics and nanoplastics in waters: State-of-the-art review
Karimi Estahbanati, M.R. | Kiendrebeogo, Marthe | Khosravanipour Mostafazadeh, Ali | Drogui, Patrick | Tyagi, R.D.
In this work, established treatment processes for microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs) in water as well as developed analytical techniques for evaluation of the operation of these processes were reviewed. In this regard, the strengths and limitations of different qualitative and quantitative techniques for the analysis of MPs and NPs in water treatment processes were first discussed. Afterward, the MPs and NPs treatment processes were categorized into the separation and degradation processes and the challenges and opportunities in their performance were analyzed. The evaluation of these processes revealed that the MPs or NPs removal efficiency of the separation and degradation processes could reach up to 99% and 90%, respectively. It can be concluded from this work that the combination of separation and degradation processes could be a promising approach to mineralize MPs and NPs in water with high efficiency.
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