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Assessment of Variations and Correlation of Ozone and its Precursors, Benzene, Nitrogen Dioxide, Carbon monoxide and some Meteorological Variables at two Sites of Significant Spatial Variations in Delhi, Northern India
Sharma, Ram Chhavi | Sharma, Niharika
Ozone(O3), and its precursors, Benzene (C6H6), Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and meteorological parameters Temperature, Relative Humidity and Wind Speed were measured in urban air of two sites of significant spatial variations, Delhi Milk Scheme (DMS), Sadipur and Netaji Subhash Chander Institute of Technology(NSIT) Dwarka, during 2017–2018. Samples collected by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has been analysed. The concentrations of Benzene, Nitrogen dioxide and Carbon monoxide were found to be more at DMS than NSIT site in winter season (11.137±3.258, 5.540±1.441, 55.333±12.741, 44.667±10.066μg/m3, 1.433±0.058, 1.033±0.287mg/m3 respectively) and summer season (3.167±1.222, 2.233±0.929, 50.333±2.082, 31.333±6.658μg/m3, 0.743±0.151, 0.443±0.051mg/m3 respectively) while Ozone was found to be more at NSIT than DMS site (40.333±3.215, 34.433±2.503μg/m3 respectively). The maximum concentrations of Benzene for the DMS and NSIT sites, respectively, were 32.4μg/m3 and 17.7μg/m3 and was observed in the month of November while minimum were 1.0μg/m3 and 0.6μg/m3 and was observed in the month of June. For Ozone, the maximum concentrations for the DMS and NSIT sites, respectively, were 100μg/m3 and 101μg/m3 and was observed in the month of June while minimum were 33.0μg/m3 and 28.0μg/m3 and was observed in the month of February and December respectively. Regression analyses were performed to correlate O3 concentrations with C6H6, NO2 and CO in order to infer their possible sources. The study reveals that there is significant correlation of O3 with C6H6 (r2=0.475) and CO (r2=0.985) in summer at DMS and with C6H6 (r2=0.902) & NO2(r2=0.728) in winter at NSIT. The correlation of O3, C6H6, NO2 and CO with Temperature, Relative Humidity and Wind Speed has also been investigated to understand their influence on these pollutants.
Show more [+] Less [-]Tropospheric Ozone Pollution in Some Major Cities of West Africa and its Relationship with Atmospheric Circulations
Oluleye, Ayodeji | Ochei, M.
This study utilizes a decade long (2005-2014) monthly data of Total Column Tropospheric Ozone (TCTO) in Dubson units to evaluate the spatial and temporal trend of LAO over some major cities of West Africa, namely Lagos, Accra, Niamey, Abuja, Bamako, Dakar, Agadez, Conakry, Kano, and Ouagadougou which are either capital cites or major commercial hubs, where the population ranges from 0.09 million (Agadez, Niger) to over 9 million (Kano and Lagos, Nigeria). The mean (long term average) of TCTO in Lagos (Nigeria) was 34.4±0.6 DU (α=5%) for the entire period, being the highest in all major cities of this study. The lowest TCTO, 30.4±0.5 DU (α=5%), occurred in Bamako (Mali). It was also observed that the concentrations of TCTO vary seasonally. The seasonal changes in TCTO was investigated by categorizing months of the year to very dry months of December, January, and February (DJF), onset of rainy season months of March, April, and May (MAM), wet season months of June, July, and August (JJA), and end of rainy season months of September, October, and November (SON). Seasonal mean of TCTO is higher in all cities, close to the coast during DJF, and cities, north of latitude 12o N, during MAM, compared to rest of the seasons. Elevated TCTO concentrations can be attributed to transport mixing, due to the flow direction of well-known wind regime over the study area. This was established from the analysis of correlation coefficient between the mean of zonal, meridional winds, vertical wind speeds and divergence, and TCTO over region.
Show more [+] Less [-]Altered stomatal dynamics of two Euramerican poplar genotypes submitted to successive ozone exposure and water deficit
Dusart, Nicolas | Vaultier, Marie-Noëlle | Olry, Jean-Charles | Buré, Cyril | Gérard, Joëlle | Jolivet, Yves | Le Thiec, Didier | SILVA (SILVA) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AgroParisTech-Université de Lorraine (UL) | ANR-12-LABXARBRE-01
The impact of ozone (O3) pollution events on the plant drought response needs special attention because spring O3 episodes are often followed by summer drought. By causing stomatal sluggishness, O3 could affect the stomatal dynamic during a subsequent drought event. In this context, we studied the impact of O3 exposure and water deficit (in the presence or in the absence of O3 episode) on the stomatal closure/opening mechanisms relative to irradiance or vapour pressure deficit (VPD) variation. Two genotypes of Populus nigra x deltoides were exposed to various treatments for 21 days. Saplings were exposed to 80 ppb/day O3 for 13 days, and then to moderate drought for 7 days. The curves of the stomatal response to irradiance and VPD changes were determined after 13 days of O3 exposure, and after 21 days in the case of subsequent water deficit, and then fitted using a sigmoidal model. The main responses under O3 exposure were stomatal closure and sluggishness, but the two genotypes showed contrasting responses. During stomatal closure induced by a change in irradiance, closure was slower for both genotypes. Nonetheless, the genotypes differed in stomatal opening under light. Carpaccio stomata opened more slowly than control stomata, whereas Robusta stomata tended to open faster. These effects could be of particular interest, as stomatal impairment was still present after O3 exposure and could result from imperfect recovery. Under water deficit alone, we observed slower stomatal closure in response to VPD and irradiance, but faster stomatal opening in response to irradiance, more marked in Carpaccio. Under the combined treatment, most of the parameters showed antagonistic responses. Our results highlight that it is important to take genotype-specific responses and interactive stress cross-talk into account to improve the prediction of stomatal conductance in response to various environmental modifications.
Show more [+] Less [-]Altered stomatal dynamics of two Euramerican poplar genotypes submitted to successive ozone exposure and water deficit
Dusart, Nicolas | Vaultier, Marie-Noëlle | Olry, Jean-Charles | Buré, Cyril | Gérard, Joëlle | Jolivet, Yves | Le Thiec, Didier | SILVA (SILVA) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AgroParisTech-Université de Lorraine (UL) | ANR-12-LABXARBRE-01
The impact of ozone (O3) pollution events on the plant drought response needs special attention because spring O3 episodes are often followed by summer drought. By causing stomatal sluggishness, O3 could affect the stomatal dynamic during a subsequent drought event. In this context, we studied the impact of O3 exposure and water deficit (in the presence or in the absence of O3 episode) on the stomatal closure/opening mechanisms relative to irradiance or vapour pressure deficit (VPD) variation. Two genotypes of Populus nigra x deltoides were exposed to various treatments for 21 days. Saplings were exposed to 80 ppb/day O3 for 13 days, and then to moderate drought for 7 days. The curves of the stomatal response to irradiance and VPD changes were determined after 13 days of O3 exposure, and after 21 days in the case of subsequent water deficit, and then fitted using a sigmoidal model. The main responses under O3 exposure were stomatal closure and sluggishness, but the two genotypes showed contrasting responses. During stomatal closure induced by a change in irradiance, closure was slower for both genotypes. Nonetheless, the genotypes differed in stomatal opening under light. Carpaccio stomata opened more slowly than control stomata, whereas Robusta stomata tended to open faster. These effects could be of particular interest, as stomatal impairment was still present after O3 exposure and could result from imperfect recovery. Under water deficit alone, we observed slower stomatal closure in response to VPD and irradiance, but faster stomatal opening in response to irradiance, more marked in Carpaccio. Under the combined treatment, most of the parameters showed antagonistic responses. Our results highlight that it is important to take genotype-specific responses and interactive stress cross-talk into account to improve the prediction of stomatal conductance in response to various environmental modifications.
Show more [+] Less [-]Changes in leaf area, nitrogen content and canopy photosynthesis in soybean exposed to an ozone concentration gradient
Oikawa, Shimpei | Ainsworth, Elizabeth A.
Influences of ozone (O3) on light-saturated rates of photosynthesis in crop leaves have been well documented. To increase our understanding of O3 effects on individual- or stand level productivity, a mechanistic understanding of factors determining canopy photosynthesis is necessary. We used a canopy model to scale photosynthesis from leaf to canopy, and analyzed the importance of canopy structural and leaf ecophysiological characteristics in determining canopy photosynthesis in soybean stands exposed to 9 concentrations of [O3] (37–116 ppb; 9-h mean). Light intensity and N content peaked in upper canopy layers, and sharply decreased through the lower canopy. Plant leaf area decreased with increasing [O3] allowing for greater light intensity to reach lower canopy levels. At the leaf level, light-saturated photosynthesis decreased and dark respiration increased with increasing [O3]. These data were used to calculate daily net canopy photosynthesis (Pc). Pc decreased with increasing [O3] with an average decrease of 10% for an increase in [O3] of 10 ppb, and which was similar to changes in above-ground dry mass production of the stands. Absolute daily net photosynthesis of lower layers was very low and thus the decrease in photosynthesis in the lower canopy caused by elevated [O3] had only minor significance for total canopy photosynthesis. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the decrease in Pc was associated with changes in leaf ecophysiology but not with decrease in leaf area. The soybean stands were very crowded, the leaves were highly mutually shaded, and sufficient light for positive carbon balance did not penetrate to lower canopy leaves, even under elevated [O3].
Show more [+] Less [-]Ozone induces stomatal narrowing in European and Siebold's beeches: A comparison between two experiments of free-air ozone exposure
Hoshika, Yasutomo | Watanabe, Makoto | Kitao, Mitsutoshi | Häberle, Karl-Heinz | Grams, Thorsten E.E. | Koike, Takayoshi | Matyssek, Rainer
Stomata tend to narrow under ozone (O3) impact, leading to limitation of stomatal O3 influx. Here, we review stomatal response under recently conducted free-air O3 exposure experiments on two species of the same tree genus: Fagus sylvatica at Kranzberg Forest (Germany) and F. crenata at Sapporo Experimental Forest (Japan). Both beeches exhibited reduction in stomatal conductance (gs) by 10–20% under experimentally enhanced O3 regimes throughout the summer relative to ambient-air controls. Stomatal narrowing occurred, in early summer, in the absence of reduced carboxylation capacity of Rubisco, although photosynthetic net CO2 uptake rate temporarily reflected restriction to some minor extent. Observed stomatal narrowing was, however, diminished in autumn, suggesting gradual loss of stomatal regulation by O3. Monotonic decline in gs with cumulative O3 exposure or flux in current modeling concepts appear to be unrealistic in beech.
Show more [+] Less [-]Photosynthetic response of early and late leaves of white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) grown under free-air ozone exposure
Hoshika, Yasutomo | Watanabe, Makoto | Inada, Naoki | Mao, Qiaozhi | Koike, Takayoshi
Betula platyphylla var. japonica (white birch) has heterophyllous leaves (i.e., early and late leaves) and is a typical pioneer tree species in northern Japan. Seedlings of white birch were exposed to ozone during two growing seasons, and measurements were carried out in the second year. Early leaves did not show an ozone-induced reduction in photosynthesis because of lower stomatal conductance resulting in higher avoidance capacity for ozone-induced stress. Also, an ozone-related increase in leaf nitrogen content may partly contribute to maintain the photosynthetic capacity in early leaves under elevated ozone in autumn. On the other hand, late leaves showed an ozone-induced decline of photosynthesis and early defoliation of leaves occurred. Also, smaller leaf size and higher stomatal density in late leaves were observed under elevated ozone. Differences in stress resistance to ozone may be related to differing functional roles of early and late leaves for birch species.
Show more [+] Less [-]Substantial yield reduction in sweet potato due to tropospheric ozone, the dose-response function
Holder, Amanda J. | Hayes, Felicity
Impacts of tropospheric ozone on sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) are poorly understood despite being a staple food grown in locations deemed at risk from ozone pollution. Three varieties of sweet potato were exposed to ozone treatments (peaks of: 30 (Low), 80 (Medium), and 110 (High) ppb) using heated solardomes. Weekly measurements of stomatal conductance (gs) and chlorophyll content (CI) were used to determine physiological responses, along with final yield. gs and CI were reduced with increasing ozone exposure, but effects were partially masked due to elevated leaf senescence and turnover. Yield for the Erato orange and Murasaki varieties was reduced by ∼40% and ∼50% (Medium and High ozone treatments, respectively, vs Low) whereas Beauregard yield was reduced by 58% in both. The DO₃SE (Deposition of Ozone for Stomatal Exchange) model was parameterized for gs in response to light, temperature, vapour pressure deficit and soil water potential. Clear responses of gs to the environmental parameters were found. Yield reductions were correlated with both concentration based AOT40 (accumulated ozone above a threshold of 40 ppb) and flux based POD₆ (accumulated stomatal flux of ozone above a threshold of 6 nmol m⁻ ² s⁻ ¹) metrics (R² 0.66 p = 0.01; and R² 0.44 p = 0.05, respectively). A critical level estimate of a POD₆ of 3 (mmol m⁻² Projected Leaf Area⁻¹) was obtained using the relationship. This study showed that sweet potato yield was reduced by ozone pollution, and that stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content were also affected. Results from this study can improve model predictions of ozone impacts on sweet potato together with associated ozone risk assessments for tropical countries.
Show more [+] Less [-]Anthropogenic air pollutants reduce insect-mediated pollination services
Ryalls, James M.W. | Langford, Ben | Mullinger, Neil J. | Bromfield, Lisa M. | Nemitz, Eiko | Pfrang, Christian | Girling, Robbie D.
Common air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), emitted in diesel exhaust, and ozone (O₃), have been implicated in the decline of pollinating insects. Reductionist laboratory assays, focused upon interactions between a narrow range of flowering plant and pollinator species, in combination with atmospheric chemistry models, indicate that such pollutants can chemically alter floral odors, disrupting the cues that foraging insects use to find and pollinate flowers. However, odor environments in nature are highly complex and pollination services are commonly provided by suites of insect species, each exhibiting different sensitivities to different floral odors. Therefore, the potential impacts of pollution-induced foraging disruption on both insect ecology, and the pollination services that insects provide, are currently unknown. We conducted in-situ field studies to investigate whether such pollutants could reduce pollinator foraging and as a result the pollination ecosystem service that those insects provide. Using free-air fumigation, we show that elevating diesel exhaust and O₃, individually and in combination, to levels lower than is considered safe under current air quality standards, significantly reduced counts of locally-occurring wild and managed insect pollinators by 62–70% and their flower visits by 83–90%. These reductions were driven by changes in specific pollinator groups, including bees, flies, moths and butterflies, and coincided with significant reductions (14–31%) in three different metrics of pollination and yield of a self-fertile test plant. Quantifying such effects provides new insights into the impacts of human-induced air pollution on the natural ecosystem services upon which we depend.
Show more [+] Less [-]The diurnal cycle of summer tropospheric ozone concentrations across Chinese cities: Spatial patterns and main drivers
Xia, Nan | Du, Enzai | Guo, Zhaodi | de Vries, Wim
China is experiencing severe tropospheric ozone pollution, especially during the summer period in cities. Previous studies have assessed the role of meteorological conditions and anthropogenic precursors in shaping the diurnal variation of ozone concentration in some Chinese cities or the spatial patterns of daytime ozone concentration, but less is known about the spatial variation and main regulators of the diurnal cycle of summer ozone concentrations in Chinese cities. Using monitoring data from 367 cities, we analyzed the spatial patterns and main regulators of daytime maximum, nighttime minimum and diurnal difference of summer (June–August) ozone concentration during 2015–2019. National mean values and standard deviations of daytime maximum and nighttime minimum of summer surface ozone concentration were 124.1 ± 27.5 and 33.4 ± 13.0 μg m⁻³, resulting in a diurnal difference of 90.7 ± 25.2 μg m⁻³. High values of daytime maximum, nighttime minimum, and diurnal difference of summer ozone concentration occurred in cities in northern China, especially in the North China Plain, and several city agglomerations in southern China. Daytime maximum ozone concentration was higher in cities with higher daytime PM₂.₅ and NO₂ concentrations, lower daytime precipitation and lower elevation. Nighttime minimum ozone concentration increased with lower nighttime precipitation, lower NO₂ concentration and CO concentration, higher nighttime maximum PM₂.₅ concentration and higher elevation. Diurnal difference of ozone concentration increased with lower elevation, lower daytime precipitation, and higher diurnal difference of CO and NO₂ concentrations. Our findings highlight different regulators for daytime and nighttime ozone and imply the need of joint regulation of PM₂.₅ and NO₂ emissions to control ozone pollution.
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