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Climate change will pose challenges to water quality management in the st. Croix River basin
Yang, Qichun | Zhang, Xuesong | Almendinger, James E. | Huang, Maoyi | Chen, Xingyuan | Leng, Guoyong | Zhou, Yuyu | Zhao, Kaiguang | Asrar, Ghassem R. | Li, Xia
Responses of streamflow and nutrient export to changing climate conditions should be investigated for effective water quality management and pollution control. Using downscaled climate projections and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), we projected future streamflow, sediment export, and riverine nutrient export in the St. Croix River Basin (SCRB) during 2020–2099. Results show substantial increases in riverine water, sediment, and nutrient load under future climate conditions, particularly under the high greenhouse gas emission scenario. Intensified water cycling and enhanced nutrient export will pose challenges to water quality management and affect multiple Best Management Practices (BMPs) efforts, which are aimed at reducing nutrient loads in SCRB. In addition to the physical impacts of climate change on terrestrial hydrology, our analyses demonstrate significant reductions in ET under elevated atmospheric CO₂ concentrations. Changes in plant physiology induced by climate change may markedly affect water cycling and associated sediment and nutrient export. Results of this study highlight the importance of examining climate change impacts on water and nutrient delivery for effective watershed management.
Show more [+] Less [-]Integrating terrestrial and aquatic processes toward watershed scale modeling of dissolved organic carbon fluxes
Du, Xinzhong | Zhang, Xuesong | Mukundan, Rajith | Hoàng, Linh | Owens, Emmet M.
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is not only a critical component of global and regional carbon budgets, but also an important precursor for carcinogenic disinfection byproducts (DBP) generated during drinking water disinfection process. The lack of process based watershed scale model for carbon cycling has been a limiting factor impeding effective watershed management to control DOC fluxes to source waters. Here, we integrated terrestrial and aquatic carbon processes into the widely tested Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) watershed model to enable watershed-scale DOC modeling (referred to as SWAT-DOC hereafter). The modifications to SWAT mainly fall into two groups: (1) DOC production in soils and its transport to aquatic environment by different hydrologic processes, and (2) riverine transformation of DOC and their interactions with particular organic carbon (POC), inorganic carbon and algae (floating and bottom). We tested the new SWAT-DOC model in the Cannonsville watershed, which is part of the New York City (NYC) water supply system, using long-term DOC load data (from 1998 to 2012) derived from 1399 DOC samplings. The calibration and verification results indicate that SWAT-DOC achieved satisfactory performance for both streamflow and DOC at daily and monthly temporal scales. The parameter sensitivity analysis indicates that DOC loads in the Cannonsville watershed are controlled by the DOC production in soils and its transport in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Further model uncertainty analysis indicates high uncertainties associated with peak DOC loads, which are attributed to underestimation of high streamflows. Therefore, future efforts to enhance SWAT-DOC to better represent runoff generation processes hold promise to further improve DOC load simulation. Overall, the wide use of SWAT and the satisfactory performance of SWAT-DOC make it a useful tool for DOC modeling and mitigation at the watershed scale.
Show more [+] Less [-]Chronic nitrate exposure alters reproductive physiology in fathead minnows
Kellock, Kristen A. | Moore, Adrian P. | Bringolf, Robert B.
Nitrate is a ubiquitous aquatic pollutant that is commonly associated with eutrophication and dead zones in estuaries around the world. At high concentrations nitrate is toxic to aquatic life but at environmental concentrations it has also been purported as an endocrine disruptor in fish. To investigate the potential for nitrate to cause endocrine disruption in fish, we conducted a lifecycle study with fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) exposed to nitrate (0, 11.3, and 56.5 mg/L (total nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N)) from <24 h post hatch to sexual maturity (209 days). Body mass, condition factor, gonadal somatic index (GSI), incidence of intersex, and vitellogenin induction were determined in mature male and female fish and plasma 11-keto testosterone (11-KT) was measured in males only. In nitrate-exposed males both 11-KT and vitellogenin were significantly induced when compared with controls. No significant differences occurred for body mass, condition factor, or GSI among males and intersex was not observed in any of the nitrate treatments. Nitrate-exposed females also had significant increases in vitellogenin compared to controls but no significant differences for mass, condition factor, or GSI were observed in nitrate exposed groups. Estradiol was used as a positive control for vitellogenin induction. Our findings suggest that environmentally relevant nitrate levels may disrupt steroid hormone synthesis and/or metabolism in male and female fish and may have implications for fish reproduction, watershed management, and regulation of nutrient pollution.
Show more [+] Less [-]Riparian erosion from cattle traffic may contribute up to 50% of the modelled streambank sediment supply in a large Great Barrier Reef river basin
Packett, Robert
Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchment management has been constrained by knowledge gaps regarding streambank erosion processes in grazing lands. To help reduce these uncertainties a remote sensing study using high-resolution imagery estimated sediment contributions from cattle traffic on streambanks of a GBR river basin. Results suggest cattle ramps and ramp trails may contribute up to 50% of the modelled streambank sediment supply. Once a suitable delivery ratio is applied, this estimated supply may contribute up to 30% of the modelled fine sediment exported from the Fitzroy River Basin. These findings may also offer a plausible explanation for the first-flush of high sediment concentration observed early in flood hydrographs. Overall, the results could help identify what proportion of currently modelled subsoil erosion is generated by riparian cattle traffic. Future studies applying similar methods could provide useful initial estimates of streambank ramp erosion from grazing land use in other GBR river basins.
Show more [+] Less [-]Hierarchy of factors exerting an impact on nutrient load of the Baltic Sea and sustainable management of its drainage basin
Kiedrzyńska, Edyta | Jóźwik, Adam | Kiedrzyński, Marcin | Zalewski, Maciej
The aim of the paper was to evaluate 23 catchment factors that determine total phosphorus and total nitrogen load to the Baltic Sea. Standard correlation analysis and clustering were used. Both phosphorus and nitrogen loads were found to be positively related to the number of pigs and the human population associated with wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) per km2, while the number of cattle and agricultural area were found to influence nitrogen rather than phosphorus load, and the area of forests is negatively related to loads of both nutrients. Clustering indicates an overall north–south pattern in the spatial co-occurrence of socio-ecological factors, with some exceptions discussed in the paper. Positive steps in the Baltic Sea region have already been taken, but much remains to be done. The development of coherent response policies to reduce eutrophication in the Baltic Sea should be based on a comprehensive knowledge base, an appropriate information strategy and learning alliance platform in each drainage river catchments.
Show more [+] Less [-]Water quality in the inshore Great Barrier Reef lagoon: Implications for long-term monitoring and management
Schaffelke, Britta | Carleton, John | Skuza, Michele | Zagorskis, Irena | Furnas, Miles J.
Coastal and inshore areas of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon receive substantial amounts of material from adjacent developed catchments, which can affect the ecological integrity of coral reefs and other inshore ecosystems. A 5-year water quality monitoring dataset provides a ‘base range’ of water quality conditions for the inshore GBR lagoon and illustrates the considerable temporal and spatial variability in this system. Typical at many sites were high turbidity levels and elevated chlorophyll a and phosphorus concentrations, especially close to river mouths. Water quality variability was mainly driven by seasonal processes such as river floods and sporadic wind-driven resuspension as well as by regional differences such as land use. Extreme events, such as floods, caused large and sustained increases in water quality variables. Given the highly variable climate in the GBR region, long-term monitoring of marine water quality will be essential to detect future changes due to improved catchment management.
Show more [+] Less [-]Development of the sediment and water quality management strategies for the Salt-water River, Taiwan
Lin, C.E. | Chen, C.T. | Kao, C.M. | Hong, A. | Wu, C.Y.
The Salt-water River watershed is one of the major river watersheds in the Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Water quality and sediment investigation results show that the river water contained high concentrations of organics and ammonia–nitrogen, and sediments contained high concentrations of heavy metals and organic contaminants. The main pollution sources were municipal and industrial wastewaters. Results from the enrichment factor (EF) and geo-accumulation index (Igₑₒ) analyses imply that the sediments can be characterized as heavily polluted in regard to Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, and Cu. The water quality analysis simulation program (WASP) model was applied for water quality evaluation and carrying capacity calculation. Modeling results show that the daily pollutant inputs were much higher than the calculated carrying capacity (1050kgday⁻¹ for biochemical oxygen demand and 420kgday⁻¹ for ammonia–nitrogen). The proposed watershed management strategies included river water dilution, intercepting sewer system construction and sediment dredging.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impacts of coastal land use change in the wet tropics on nearshore coral reefs: Case studies from Papua New Guinea
Turak, Emre | DeVantier, Lyndon | Szava-Kovats, Robert | Brodie, Jon
Logging and plantation agriculture are vital to economies and livelihoods in tropical nations, including Papua New Guinea. To meet global demand, hundreds of thousands of ha of diverse natural habitat have been logged, cleared and replaced with monoculture crops. Resulting hydrological changes have increased sediment, nutrient and pesticide runoff, impacting down-stream habitats. Here, case studies from Kimbe Bay (New Britain) and Mullins Harbour (Milne Bay), examine effects on nearshore coral reefs. In both places, logging and oil palm development had destabilized soils and removed or degraded riparian vegetation. Downstream, nearshore reefs had high silt levels, which, coincident with minor coral bleaching and predation by crown-of-thorns starfish, were correlated with high levels of coral mortality and low coral species richness. Sediment and related impacts can be reduced by effective catchment management, such as avoiding steep slopes, expanding stream and coastal buffer zones, minimizing fertilizer and pesticide use, monitoring and reactive management.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of catchment-derived nutrients and sediments on marine water quality on the Great Barrier Reef: An application of the eReefs marine modelling system
Baird, Mark E. | Mongin, Mathieu | Skerratt, Jennifer | Margvelashvili, Nugzar | Tickell, Sharon | Steven, Andrew D.L. | Robillot, Cedric | Ellis, Robin | Waters, David | Kaniewska, Paulina | Brodie, Jon
Water quality of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is determined by a range of natural and anthropogenic drivers that are resolved in the eReefs coupled hydrodynamic - biogeochemical marine model forced by a process-based catchment model, GBR Dynamic SedNet. Model simulations presented here quantify the impact of anthropogenic catchment loads of sediments and nutrients on a range of marine water quality variables. Simulations of 2011–2018 show that reduction of anthropogenic catchment loads results in improved water quality, especially within river plumes. Within the 16 resolved river plumes, anthropogenic loads increased chlorophyll concentration by 0.10 (0.02–0.25) mg Chl m⁻³. Reductions of anthropogenic loads following proposed Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan targets reduced chlorophyll concentration in the plumes by 0.04 (0.01–0.10) mg Chl m⁻³. Our simulations demonstrate the impact of anthropogenic loads on GBR water quality and quantify the benefits of improved catchment management.
Show more [+] Less [-]Rainfall contributes ~30% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen exported from a southern Great Barrier Reef river basin
Packett, Robert
A study was conducted to estimate how much of the annual load of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) from Great Barrier Reef (GBR) river basins could come from rainfall. Results suggest rainfall contributed ~37% of the average annual DIN load from the Fitzroy Basin over three wet seasons. Rainfall DIN contribution at plot to sub-catchment scale ranged from 5 to >100% for study sites in the Fitzroy and Pioneer Basins. An estimate using measured and modelled data indicates ~28% of the longer-term average annual DIN load from the entire GBR catchment may originate from rainfall. These estimates may affect current GBR management and water quality targets. Numerous studies predict increases in atmospheric nitrogen pollution from Asia via fossil fuel combustion and more frequent severe La Nina events via global warming. Future GBR rainfall chemistry data may be required for assessing catchment management outcomes and regional trends in atmospheric DIN deposition.
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