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Investigation of effective parameters on the performance of NF membrane in simultaneous removal of Cr (VI) and Cu from contaminated water
Aghaei, Fatemeh | Jalilzadeh Yengejeh, Reza
The present study investigates an NF process for removal of copper and hexavalent chromium, studying the effect of pH (5, 7, 9) as well as contaminants' concentration (50, 500, 5000 µg/L) at a constant pressure of 8 bar; with the recovery rate, regulated at 75±2%. To determine the main factors, affecting the system performance, and evaluate the interaction effects among the factors, the experiment is designed via RSM Method. The chrome shows a higher rejection, compared with Copper, all over the range of investigated factors. As Copper concentration grows, Cu removal efficiency drops while, the Cr (VI) removal efficiency ascends. Also by increasing chrome concentration, the Cu removal efficiency decreases, while Cr (VI) removal efficiency increases. Results show that with an increase in pH, the Cu removal drops and Cr removal is increased. The pH is the main parameter, influencing the removal rate. It has been found that the maximum removal efficiency is up to 99% and 73% for Cr (VI) and Cu, respectively. There is an adequate agreement between real data and that obtained from the models (R2 was found to be 0.9889 and 0.9664, for Cu and Cr (VI) rejection, respectively).
Show more [+] Less [-]Phytoremediation potential of heavy metals by two native pasture plants (Eucalyptus grandis and ailanthus altissima) assisted with AMF and fibrous minerals in contaminated mining regions
Abbaslou, Hakime | Bakhtiari, Somayeh
The current study assesses the effect of fibrous clay minerals’ amendments and arbuscular mycorrhiza incubation on heavy metal uptake and translocation in Eucalyptus grandis and Ailanthus altissima plants. For doing so, Eucalyptus and ailanthus trees have been grown in a soil sample, contaminated with heavy metal iron ore mining and collected from southern Iran. The area under study is arid, with the majority of trees being ailanthus and eucalyptus. Amounts of Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, and Mn have initially been at toxic levels which declined after cultivation. Fibrous clay minerals have been added to soils as a natural adsorbent to adsorb heavy metals like Pb, Cd, Zn, and Mn. Accumulation of the elements in the roots and shoots has been in the following order: Cu>Zn>Mn>Cd>Pb>Fe. The organ metal concentrations have not statistically translocated from roots to shoots of plants, except for Zn and Cu whose concentrations have been significantly higher in roots. Eucalyptus is well capable of extracting elements from contaminated soils, compared to ailanthus, particularly in case of Cu and Cd. The percentage of mycorrhizal colonization proves to be more in pots with ailanthus plants grown in contaminated soil, suggesting enhanced effect of high metal concentrations on plant infection by G. mosseae. AMF assists soil remediation by enhancing the growth and retention of toxic elements by ailanthus, while no substantial change has been observed between inoculated and non-inoculated eucalyptus plants by AFM, regarding translocation of elements to plants. The possibility of increasing metal accumulation in roots is interesting for phytoremediation purposes, since most high-producing biomass plants, such as eucalyptus, retain heavy metals in roots.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of effective operational parameters on dyeing wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation process
Shahriari, Toktam | Saeb, Bahareh
A wide range of chemicals and dyes are being used in textile industry, and are often found in the wastewater produced. This study attempts to investigate the reduction of COD, TSS, and dye in effluents from the dyeing and washing unit of textile industry, using electrocoagulation process. The reactor is equipped with 10 iron electrodes, connected to a direct current (DC) source in a monopolar electrode configuration. In each stage of the experiment, 2.5 l of the effluent enters the reactor and the effects of a number of important operational parameters such as voltage, pH, and reaction time is studied on the removal of COD, TSS, and dye parameters. Results show that the optimum operational conditions are reaction time of 120 min, voltage of 30 V, and pH of 7, which reduces COD, TSS, and dye by 87%, 91%, and 98%, respectively. Therefore, it has been concluded that the efficiency of pollutants removal from the wastewater improves as voltage and reaction time are increased.
Show more [+] Less [-]Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air from industrial areas in Lagos and Ogun states, Nigeria
Salaudeen, Ibrahim | Sonibare, Oluwadayo | Sojinu, Samuel | Ekundayo, Olusegun
There is currently scarce information on the occurrence and distributions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the air from industrial estates in Nigeria. Hence, the present study aims to evaluate the extent and sources of pollution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the air from some industrial estates in Lagos and Ogun States, Nigeria. Ten air samples have been collected from the industrial estates in Lagos (Ogba and Ilupeju) and ten from Ogun (Agbara and Ota) between October and November, 2014, using low volume air sampler. Also five further air samples have been collected from Epe town, located in the outskirts of Lagos, where there are no industrial activities to serve as control. The concentrations and distributions of 20 target Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the air samples have been determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The concentration of ∑20PAHs ranged from 89.20 to 96.48 ng/m3 (with an average of 92.84 ng/m3) and 72.52 to 142.91 ng/m3 (with an average of 107.72 ng/m3) in the air samples from Lagos and Ogun industrial estates, respectively. The air from the control site has a total ∑20PAHs concentration of 19.55 ng/m3 (9.78 ng/m3 in average). When compared with global data, these values show that the air samples have been moderately polluted. PAHs in most air samples are mainly from pyrolytic sources, which may have resulted from diesel fuel combustion and high vehicular emissions, typical of industrial activities in the area.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biochemical characterization of recombinant benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase from Rhodococcus ruber UKMP-5M
Tavakoli, Arezoo | Hamzah, Ainon
Benzyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase (BADH) is an important enzyme for hydrocarbon degradation, which can oxidize benzyl alcohols to aldehydes, while being capable of catalyzing a reversible reaction by reducing benzaldehyde. BADH is a member of medium chain alcohol dehydrogenases, in which zinc and NAD are essential for enzyme activity. This paper describes the expression, purification, and characterization of recombinant benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase, encoded by xylB gene from Rhodococcus ruber UKMP-5M. The gene has been amplified and cloned into E. coli, and the recombinant plasmid pGEMT-xylB has been digested by NdeI and HindIII to construct plasmid pET28b-xylC and then ligated into E. coli BL21 (DE3), itself induced by 0.3 mM isopropyl β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) at 25°C. The expressed BADH has been 38 kDa, and is purified by affinity chromatography, in which the specific activity was 30 U/mg after 17 folds purification, leading to a NAD-dependent enzyme that uses benzyl alcohol as a substrate for enzyme characterization. The final metabolite is benzaldehyde, identified by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The BADH activity has been 0.7 U/mL and the optimum pH and temperature, 9.5 and 30ºC, respectively. Also the Michaelis constant (Km) and maximum velocity (Vmax) have accounted to 705 µM and 1.3 U/mL, respectively. Benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase from R. ruber UKMP-5M can be used for hydrocarbon biodegradation in contaminated sites.
Show more [+] Less [-]Microbio-ecology and hydro-geochemistry of saline sulfur springs of Ghale-Madreseh, Khuzestan, Iran
Papizadeh, Moslem | Roayaei Ardakani, Mohammad | Fakour, Hossein | Ghaderi, Golgol | Firouzei, Yavar
Ghale-madreseh is the first point that the saline and sulfurous streams flow into Tembi River, one of the well-known saline rivers in Khuzestan province, Iran. This river is one of the main sources of increasing Karun River’s salinity, which is the largest river in Iran in terms of discharge. There are three saline and sulfurous springs (Shour-1, Shour-2m and Namak Springs) as well as a drinkable one (Shireen spring) in Ghale-madreseh region. Normally, most probable number counting of sulfate reducing, sulfur oxidizing and nitrate reducing bacteria showed that there are different patterns of microbial populations in the springs of Ghale-madreseh region. The observed differences are highly attributed to the hydro-geochemical properties of the springs. It is assumed that the groundwater which streams in the Gachsaran formation receives considerable amounts of SO42- (0.09-0.1 M), Na+ (1.654-3.604 M), and Cl- (1-548-3.775 M) by halite and gypsum dissolution, resulting in the saline and sulfurous springs on the Gachsaran formation. Also, due to the low depth of local oil reservoirs, activity of sulfate reducing bacteria in the close vicinity of oil reservoirs and groundwater streams is highly probable. Hence, the microbial sulfate reduction may be responsible for the production of H2S, probably playing a role in the souring of local oil reservoirs. Besides, the groundwater that reaches the Bakhtiary formation shows different characteristics as detected in Shireen spring.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of visual pollution in urban squares, using SWOT, AHP, and QSPM techniques (Case study: Tehran squares of Enghelab and Vanak)
Allahyari, Hadis | Nasehi, Saeedeh | Salehi, Esmail | Zebardast, Lobat
Visual pollution, observed in urban areas, makes human beings suffer indirectly from mental distress and illnesses in long term. We are daily confronted with a variety of advertisement pictures in city squares and review them in our minds. But we may not be aware of the fact that such a visual scramble leads to mind distraction, decreasing mental concentration. The present study applies the techniques of SWOT and QSPM to identify and introduce the most influential factors, related to visual pollution, in internal and external environment of Tehran, comparing the rate of visual pollution in both Vanak and Enghelab squares. Accordingly, in SWOT matrix, strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities in these squares have been investigated and, using Expert Choice, AHP method has been applied to weight them. SWOT as an analytic instrument can be used for evaluation purposes in QSPM system. Finally, using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), the selected strategies have been prioritized. The results of the study indicate that Vanak Square has an invasive strategy and Enghelab Square, a conservative strategy. Aided by QSPM matrix, the study has offered eight prioritization strategies, introducing the best possible strategy for these squares. Regarding visual pollution, Vanak Square has a better position than Enghelab square.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of levels and health risk of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu) in commercial hen’s eggs from the city of Hamedan
Sobhan Ardakani, Soheil
Increasing consumption of chicken products in Iran makes it very important to analyze their residual heavy metal contents; therefore, the present study has been conducted to determine Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu in commercial hen eggs, marketed in the city of Hamedan in 2016. In this descriptive study, a sum of 27 samples of hen eggs has been collected from the Hamedan City's market. After preparation and processing the samples in the laboratory, the concentration of metals has been determined in mixed albumen and yolk, using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Also, all statistical analyses have been conducted, using the SPSS statistical package (version 20) with the results showing that the mean concentrations (mg/kg) of Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu in the samples have been 0.29±0.16, 0.18±0.04, 0.31±0.03, and 2.81±1.56, respectively. Also, the mean contents of Cd and Cr have surpassed the maximum permissible levels (MPL), established by WHO/FAO. The computed health risk index values show that there is no potential risk for adults and children through egg consumption at the current rate in the study area.According to the results, considering the mean contents of Cd and Cr observed in egg samples have been higher than the MPL; therefore, it is recommended to pay serious attention to pollutants discharge in the environment and monitor chemical residue, especially heavy metals, in the foodstuff.
Show more [+] Less [-]Catalytic production of biodiesel from corn oil by metal-mixed oxides
Hatefi, Hajar | Mohsennia, Mohsen | Niknafs, Hadi | Golzary, Abooali
The present study investigates the transesterification of corn oil with methanol over two oxides of MgO and ZnO at 65 ͦC and 1 atm. These two catalysts have been prepared via a conventional co-precipitation process. As for MgO, the corresponding mixed metal nitrate solution has been mixed and heated at the presence of urea. ZnO has also been synthesized by co-precipitation of metal acetate at the presence of oxalic acid and ethanol. The catalysts then have been characterized by means of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). XRD results indicate high purity for both catalysts. Also, catalytic activity has been evaluated in methanol reflux temperature through corn oil transesterification, with the impacts of reaction variables, like catalyst amount, methanol/oil molar ratio, and reaction time on biodiesel yield, investigated by means of HNMR spectrum. Under appropriate transesterification conditions at 65 °C (catalyst amount= 5%, methanol/ oil ratio= 20, and reaction time= 10 hr), an ME content of 62.61% can be achieved, using MgO catalyst. Similarly, the experiments have been repeated to achieve the best yield, using ZnO catalyst, with the highest rate, equal to 53.1%, obtained in 9% of catalyst and methanol/oil ratio of 30 over 10 hr. Furthermore, reusability of ZnO and MgO has been evaluated in transesterification reaction.
Show more [+] Less [-]Estimation and modeling of gas emissions in municipal landfill (Case study: Landfill of Jiroft City)
Ghasemzade, Reza | Pazoki, Maryam
One of the major factors, contributing to the emission of greenhouse gases in the environment is generation of pollutant gases in municipal landfills. As for the design and building of a gas collecting system, it is necessary to properly estimate the amount and type of the landfill emissions. By means of LandGEM model, this study predicts the amount and type of the landfill gases, produced for 30 years (from 2016 to 2045) in Jiroft. Results show that in 2045, 3, 324, 274 tons of waste will be disposed in municipal landfills of Jiroft and the total amount of produced gas, methane, carbon dioxide, and non-methane organic compounds will be 32, 994, 8813, 24,181, and 378.8 tons/year, respectively. Furthermore, the rate of landfill gas emissions from 2016 to 2045 has been achieved. Maximum concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide and non-methane organic compounds in 2045, in 700 meters from landfill, will be 40, 590, 112, 700, and 1765 tons/m3 respectively. Based on the results, obtained from this article, landfill pollutants such as CH4, CO2, and NMOC's can reach up to 15 kilometers from landfill, thus social places should be located farther than 15 kilometers from the landfill site of Jiroft. The results, obtained in this paper, can be used to identify the effect of Jiroft landfill in global emission of greenhouse gases and proper management of the landfill gas not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, diminishing their effects on public health, but can be also used as a sustainable energy source.
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