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Perfluoroalkyl substances in circum-ArcticRangifer: caribou and reindeer
Roos, Anna Maria | Gamberg, Mary | Muir, Derek | Kärrman, Anna | Carlsson, Pernilla Marianne | Cuyler, Christine | Lind, Ylva | Bossi, Rossana | Rigét, Frank
Livers of caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) from Canada (n = 146), Greenland (n = 30), Svalbard (n = 7), and Sweden (n = 60) were analyzed for concentrations of eight perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids and four perfluoroalkane sulfonic acids. In Canadian caribou, PFNA (range < 0.01–7.4 ng/g wet weight, ww) and PFUnDA (<0.01–5.6 ng/g ww) dominated, whereas PFOS predominated in samples from South Greenland, Svalbard, and Sweden, although the highest concentrations were found in caribou from Southwest Greenland (up to 28 ng/g ww). We found the highest median concentrations of all PFAS except PFHxS in Akia-Maniitsoq caribou (Southwest Greenland, PFOS 7.2–19 ng/g ww, median 15 ng/g ww). The highest concentrations of ΣPFAS were also found in Akia-Maniitoq caribou (101 ng/g ww) followed by the nearby Kangerlussuaq caribou (45 ng/g ww), where the largest airport in Greenland is situated, along with a former military base. Decreasing trends in concentrations were seen for PFOS in the one Canadian and three Swedish populations. Furthermore, PFNA, PFDA, PFUnDA, PFDoDA, and PFTrDA showed decreasing trends in Canada’s Porcupine caribou between 2005 and 2016. In Sweden, PFHxS increased in the reindeer from Norrbotten between 2003 and 2011. The reindeer from Västerbotten had higher concentrations of PFNA and lower concentrations of PFHxS in 2010 compared to 2002. Finally, we observed higher concentrations in 2010 compared to 2002 (albeit statistically insignificant) for PFHxS in Jämtland, while PFNA, PFDA, PFUnDA, PFDoDA, and PFTrDA showed no difference at all. | publishedVersion
Show more [+] Less [-]Geochronology of sediment cores from the Vefsnfjord, Norway
Heldal, Hilde Elise | Helvik, Lena | Appleby, Peter G. | Haanes, Hallvard | Volynkin, Andrey Sergeevich | Jensen, Henning | Lepland, Aivo
The sedimentary environment is a repository and carrier for a variety of pollutants, and sediment transport from land to coastal areas is an important environmental process. In the present study, we use 210Pb/226Ra and 137Cs in sediment cores to assess sediment supply rates at four sites within the Vefsnfjord in Nordland county, Norway. This area was highly affected by fallout from the Chernobyl accident in 1986 and inventories of 137Cs in the fjord are much higher than in many other Norwegian fjords. Sedimentation rates between 0.042 and 0.25 g cm−2 y−1 (0.060 and 0.38 cm y−1) were determined using a combination of the Constant Rate of Supply (CRS) and Constant Flux:Constant Sedimentation rate (CF:CS) models. Well-defined 137Cs concentration peaks were used as a supplementary tool to the 210Pb dating methods. | publishedVersion
Show more [+] Less [-]Factors that influence trace element levels in blood and feathers of Pygoscelis penguins from South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Padilha, J. A. | Carvalho, G. O. | Espejo, W. | Souza, J. S. | Pizzochero, A. C. | Cunha, L. S. T. | Costa, E. S. | Pessôa, A. R. L. | Almeida, A. P. | Torres, J. P. M. | Lepoint, Gilles | Michel, Loïc | Das, Krishna | Dorneles, P. R. | MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège | FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège
peer reviewed | Contaminant levels are lower in Antarctica than elsewhere in the world because of its low anthropogenic activities. However, the northern region of the Antarctic Peninsula, is close to South America and experiences the greatest anthropogenic pressure in Antarctica. Here, we investigated, in two Antarctic Peninsula islands, intra and interspecific factors that influence the concentrations of 17 trace elements (TEs) in blood and feathers of three penguin species breeding sympatrically in relation to their trophic ecology assessed via a stable isotopic approach (C, N and S). Geographical location, foraging zone (δ13C and δ34S) and diet influences the interspecific difference, and sex and maturity stage diet influence the intraspecific difference of Pygoscelis penguins. Penguins from Livingston showed higher values (mean, ng. g−1, dry weight - dw) of Zn (103), Mn (0.3), and Fe (95) than those from King George Island (Zn: 80, Mn: 1.9, and Fe: 11). Gender-related differences were observed, as males showed significantly higher values (mean, ng. g−1, dw) of Rb (3.4) and δ15N in blood of gentoo, and Ca (1344) in Adélie feathers. Chicks of gentoo and Adélie presented higher Zn, Mg, Ca, and Sr and lower 13C values in blood than adults. The highest concentrations (mean, ng. g−1, dw) of Cd (0.2) and Cu (26), and the lowest δ15N values were found in chinstrap. Geographical, intraspecific (i.e., ontogenetic and gender-related) and interspecific differences in feeding seemed to have influenced TE and stable isotope values in these animals. The TE bioaccumulation by penguins may have also been influenced by natural enrichment in environmental levels of these elements, which seems to be the case for Fe, Zn, and Mn. However, the high level of some of the TEs (Mn, Cd, and Cr) may reflect the increase of local and global human activities.
Show more [+] Less [-]Factors affecting mercury concentrations in two oceanic cephalopods of commercial interest from the southern Caribbean
Barcia, Laura Garcia | Pinzone, Marianna | Lepoint, Gilles | Pau, Cédric | Das, Krishna | Kiszka, Jeremy | FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège
peer reviewed | Mercury (Hg) concentrations have significantly increased in oceans during the last century. This element accumulates in marine fauna and can reach toxic levels. Seafood consumption is the main pathway of methylmercury (MeHg) toxicity in humans. Here, we analyzed total Hg (T-Hg) concentrations in two oceanic squid species (Ommastrephes bartramii and Thysanoteuthis rhombus) of an increasing commercial interest off Martinique, French West Indies. Stable isotope ratios reveal a negative linear relationship between δ15N or δ13C in diamondback squid samples. No significant trend was observed between δ34S values and T-Hg concentrations, contrasting with the sulfate availability and sulfide abundance hypotheses. This adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting Hg methylation via sulfate-reducing bacteria is not the main mechanism driving Hg bioavailability in mesopelagic organisms. All squid samples present T-Hg levels below the maximum safe consumption limit (0.5 ppm), deeming the establishment of a commercial squid fishery in the region safe for human consumption.
Show more [+] Less [-]Microplastic fibres from synthetic textiles: Environmental degradation and additive chemical content
Sait, Shannen | Sørensen, Lisbet | Kubowicz, Stephan | Vike-Jonas, Kristine | Villa Gonzales, Susana | Asimakopoulos, Alexandros | Booth, Andy
Microplastic fibres (MPFs) often make up the largest fraction of microplastic pollution in aquatic environments, yet little is known about their degradative fate and persistence. This study investigates the environmentally relevant photodegradation of common MPFs: polyester (PET), polyamide (PA) and polyacrylonitrile (PAN), their respective additive chemical profile, together with their potential for additive leaching. MPFs were subject to ultraviolet (UV) exposure in seawater and freshwater media over 10 months. PET and PA MPFs showed significant fragmentation and surface changes following UV exposure, additionally PA showed evidence of chemical changes. PAN did not undergo significant photodegradation in the same exposure period. Chemicals tentatively identified in MPFs and aqueous leachates via non-target gas chromatography-mass spectrometry include monomers, UV stabilisers and degradation products. Characterisation of several bisphenols (BPs) and benzophenones (BzPs) was performed via ultraperformance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Bisphenol A, bisphenol S and benzophenone-3 were quantified in all MPFs and wool at concentrations between 4.3 - 501 ng/g, with wool displaying the highest sum concentration of BPs and BzPs at 863 and 27 ng/g, respectively. | publishedVersion
Show more [+] Less [-]First record of plastic debris in the stomach of a hooded seal pup from the Greenland Sea
Pinzone, Marianna | Nordoy, Erling S. | Eppe, Gauthier | Malherbe, Cédric | Das, Krishna | Collard, France
peer reviewed | We found plastic debris in the stomach of an Arctic seal pup for the first time. Debris consisted of two pieces of light single-use plastic. Newborns of Arctic seals are at risk of exposure to plastic directly after weaning. Ecotoxicological investigations of plastic exposure to Arctic wildlife are needed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Personal inhalation exposure to manganese and other trace metals in an environmentally exposed population: bioaccessibility in size-segregated particulate matter samples
Expósito Monar, Andrea | Markiv, Bohdana | Ruiz Azcona, Laura | Santibáñez Margüello, Miguel | Fernández Olmo, Ignacio | Universidad de Cantabria
Exposure to environmental airborne manganese (Mn) can lead to neurotoxic disorders and cognitive deficits. The degree of exposure can be assessed by personal sampling of particulate matter (PM) or through biomarkers of exposure. The aim of this work was to characterise the personal exposure to airborne Mn and other trace metals by measuring their bioaccessibility in PM filters taken from personal samplers in an environmentally exposed adult population living in the vicinity of a ferromanganese alloy plant in Santander Bay (northern Spain). Concentrations of bioaccessible and non-bioaccessible Mn and other metals associated with coarse (PM10-2.5) and fine (PM2.5) modes were quantified from 24 h personal samplers in 130 participants divided into two groups according to their Mn exposure: highly (n = 65) and moderately (n = 65) exposed. Gastric fluid and artificial lysosomal fluid (ALF) were used in the bioaccessibility tests as surrogate agents for the body fluids that can come into contact with coarse and fine particles, respectively. The mean air Mn levels in PM10-2.5 and PM2.5 were 127.2 and 126.2 ng/m3, respectively, in the highly exposed group, and 18.6 and 31.7 ng/m3 in the moderately exposed group. The bioaccessibility (%) of Mn in gastric fluid and ALF was also found to be greater in the highly exposed group. The results indicate that people living near Mn alloy plants have an increased potential health risk for Mn exposure due to higher total air Mn concentrations and bioaccessibility. | This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through Project CTM 2017-82636-R. Bohdana Markiv also thanks the same Ministry for her PhD grant, PRE 2018-085152.
Show more [+] Less [-]Low Recruitment in a Population of Brook Trout in a Norwegian Watershed—Is It Due to Dilution of the Water Chemistry?
Enge, Espen | Hesthagen, Trygve H. | Auestad, Bjørn Henrik
Dilution of the water chemistry caused by reduced acidification has lately received increased attention, both in Europe and North America. There has also been a declining trend in the supply of sea salts. Several studies have predicted detrimental effects on aquatic life due to dilution. A population of brook trout living in River Hunnedal in southwestern Norway was studied for 14 years (2006–2019).Despite acceptable water chemistry with respect to pH and inorganic Al, limited reproduction was found. With median conductivity, Ca and Na of 7.1– 8.6 μScm−1, and 0.17–0.19 and 0.9–1.0 mgL−1, respectively, the water at the study sites was found to be extremely dilute. We detected a significant positive effect of Na on the densities of brook trout fry, while a less distinct effect of Ca was found. However, due to the correlation between Ca and Na we cannot conclude that Ca is unimportant. For all samplings without catch of fry (n = 13), Na was 0.86 ± 0.15 mgL−1, suggesting a critical limit for Na slightly below 1 mgL−1.We suggest that the reproduction of brook trout was restricted by the highly dilute water and the subsequent scarcity of essential ions. Acidification recovery . Water chemistry . Dilution . Calcium. Sodium. Mountain streams . Brook trout | publishedVersion
Show more [+] Less [-]Small-scale on-site treatment of fecal matter: comparison of treatments for resource recovery and sanitization
Kelova, Mariya Evgenieva | Ali, Aasim Musa Mohamed | Eich-Greatorex, Susanne | Dörsch, Peter | Kallenborn, Roland | Jenssen, Petter D.
On-site small-scale sanitation is common in rural areas and areas without infrastructure, but the treatment of the collected fecal matter can be inefficient and is seldom directed to resource recovery. The aim of this study was to compare low-technology solutions such as composting and lactic acid fermentation (LAF) followed by vermicomposting in terms of treatment efficiency, potential human and environmental risks, and stabilization of the material for reuse in agriculture. A specific and novel focus of the study was the fate of native pharmaceutical compounds in the fecal matter. Composting, with and without the addition of biochar, was monitored by temperature and CO2 production and compared with LAF. All treatments were run at three different ambient temperatures (7, 20, and 38°C) and followed by vermicomposting at room temperature. Materials resulting from composting and LAF were analyzed for fecal indicators, physicochemical characteristics, and residues of ten commonly used pharmaceuticals and compared to the initial substrate. Vermicomposting was used as secondary treatment and assessed by enumeration of Escherichia coli, worm density, and physicochemical characteristics. Composting at 38°C induced the highest microbial activity and resulted in better stability of the treated material, higher N content, lower numbers of fecal indicators, and less pharmaceutical compounds as compared to LAF. Even though analysis of pH after LAF suggested incomplete fermentation, E. coli cell numbers were significantly lower in all LAF treatments compared to composting at 7°C, and some of the anionic pharmaceutical compounds were detected in lower concentrations. The addition of approximately 5 vol % biochar to the composting did not yield significant differences in measured parameters. Vermicomposting further stabilized the material, and the treatments previously composted at 7°C and 20°C had the highest worm density. These results suggest that in small-scale decentralized sanitary facilities, the ambient temperatures can significantly influence the treatment and the options for safe reuse of the material. | publishedVersion
Show more [+] Less [-]Noisy waters can influence young-of-year lobsters’ substrate choice and their antipredatory responses
Leiva, Laura | Scholz, Sören | Giménez, Luis | Boersma, Maarten | Torres, Gabriela | Krone, Roland | Tremblay, Nelly