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Perfluoroalkyl substances in circum-ArcticRangifer: caribou and reindeer


Roos, Anna Maria | Gamberg, Mary | Muir, Derek | Kärrman, Anna | Carlsson, Pernilla Marianne | Cuyler, Christine | Lind, Ylva | Bossi, Rossana | Rigét, Frank

Norwegian Institute for Water Research - Norway

Geochronology of sediment cores from the Vefsnfjord, Norway


Heldal, Hilde Elise | Helvik, Lena | Appleby, Peter G. | Haanes, Hallvard | Volynkin, Andrey Sergeevich | Jensen, Henning | Lepland, Aivo

Institute of Marine Research - Norway

Factors that influence trace element levels in blood and feathers of Pygoscelis penguins from South Shetland Islands, Antarctica


Padilha, J. A. | Carvalho, G. O. | Espejo, W. | Souza, J. S. | Pizzochero, A. C. | Cunha, L. S. T. | Costa, E. S. | Pessôa, A. R. L. | Almeida, A. P. | Torres, J. P. M. | Lepoint, Gilles | Michel, Loïc | Das, Krishna | Dorneles, P. R. | MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège | FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège

University of Liège - Belgium

Factors affecting mercury concentrations in two oceanic cephalopods of commercial interest from the southern Caribbean


Barcia, Laura Garcia | Pinzone, Marianna | Lepoint, Gilles | Pau, Cédric | Das, Krishna | Kiszka, Jeremy | FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège

University of Liège - Belgium

Microplastic fibres from synthetic textiles: Environmental degradation and additive chemical content


Sait, Shannen | Sørensen, Lisbet | Kubowicz, Stephan | Vike-Jonas, Kristine | Villa Gonzales, Susana | Asimakopoulos, Alexandros | Booth, Andy

Foundation for Industrial and Technical Research - Norway

First record of plastic debris in the stomach of a hooded seal pup from the Greenland Sea


Pinzone, Marianna | Nordoy, Erling S. | Eppe, Gauthier | Malherbe, Cédric | Das, Krishna | Collard, France

University of Liège - Belgium

Personal inhalation exposure to manganese and other trace metals in an environmentally exposed population: bioaccessibility in size-segregated particulate matter samples


Expósito Monar, Andrea | Markiv, Bohdana | Ruiz Azcona, Laura | Santibáñez Margüello, Miguel | Fernández Olmo, Ignacio | Universidad de Cantabria

Universidad de Cantabria - Spain

Low Recruitment in a Population of Brook Trout in a Norwegian Watershed—Is It Due to Dilution of the Water Chemistry?


Enge, Espen | Hesthagen, Trygve H. | Auestad, Bjørn Henrik

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research - Norway

Small-scale on-site treatment of fecal matter: comparison of treatments for resource recovery and sanitization


Kelova, Mariya Evgenieva | Ali, Aasim Musa Mohamed | Eich-Greatorex, Susanne | Dörsch, Peter | Kallenborn, Roland | Jenssen, Petter D.

Institute of Marine Research - Norway

Noisy waters can influence young-of-year lobsters’ substrate choice and their antipredatory responses


Leiva, Laura | Scholz, Sören | Giménez, Luis | Boersma, Maarten | Torres, Gabriela | Krone, Roland | Tremblay, Nelly

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research - Germany