AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Pollution ]
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Results 131-140 of 286

[Collective recording of pollutants emissions from moving sources]


Sibenaler, R. | Bulthe, M. | Eesbeek, M. van (Koninklijke Militaire School, Brussel (Belgium). Lab. voor Transport-Mechanika)

European Union - Belgium

[Individual recording of air pollutant emissions from industrial origin [emission factors, a literature review, fuels, in Gent and Liege areas, Belgium]]


Hoste, J. | Dams, R. | Cafmeyer, J. | Degussem, G. | Neef, J. de | Peeters, L. | Vandecasteele-Block, C. | Bosscgelle, G. van den | Hende, M.R. van den | Evercooren, J. van | Loo, B. van (Rijksuniversitiet, Gent (Belgium). Inst. Nucleaire Wetenschappen) | Noel, R. | Craecker, W. de | Dehan, L.

European Union - Belgium

[Collective recording of pollutants emissions from domestic heating and manufactures [in the test residential area of Gent in Belgium]]


Keeris, H. | Breesch, I. | Hoste, J. | Dams, R. | Hende, M.R. van den

European Union - Belgium

A comparison of fluorescein dye and antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli as indicators of pollution in groundwater


Rahe, T.M. | Hagedorn, C. | McCoy, E.L. (Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR (USA). Depts of Soil Science and Microbiology)

European Union - Belgium

Heavy metals in bulk precipitation and transplanted Hypogymnia physodes and Dicranoweisia cirrata in the vicinity of a Danish steelworks


Pilegaard, K. (Copenhagen Univ. (Denmark). Inst. of Plant Ecology)

European Union - Belgium

Agricultural activities affecting weather and climate


Wang, J.Y. (San Jose State Univ., Cal. (USA). Dept. of Meteorology)

European Union - Belgium

Metal pollution in the aquatic environment


Förstner, Ulrich | Wittmann, G. T. W.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Regional patterns of contaminants (PAH, pesticides and trace metals) in snow of Northeast Bavaria [(Germany, F.R.)] and their relationship to human influence and orographic effects


Schrimpff, E. | Thomas, W. | Herrmann, R. (Bayreuth Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Lehrstuhl fuer Hydrologie)

European Union - Belgium

Beryllium effects on potatoes and oats in acid soil


Bohn, H.L. (Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ 85721 (USA)) | Seekamp, G.

European Union - Belgium

Ion exchange for pollution control.


Calmon Calvin | Gold Harris

Wolters Kluwer - United States of America