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Evaluation of the genotoxic, mutagenic, and histopathological hepatic effects of polyoxyethylene amine (POEA) and glyphosate on Dendropsophus minutus tadpoles
Lopes, Alice | Benvindo-Souza, Marcelino | Carvalho, Wanessa Fernandes | Nunes, Hugo Freire | de Lima, Phamella Neres | Costa, Matheus Santos | Benetti, Edson José | Guerra, Vinicius | Saboia-Morais, Simone Maria Teixeira | Santos, Carolina Emilia | Simões, Karina | Bastos, Rogério Pereira | de Melo e Silva, Daniela
Herbicides improve the productivity of a monoculture by eliminating weeds, although they may also be toxic and have negative effects on non-target organisms, such as amphibians. The present study evaluated the genotoxic, mutagenic, and histopathological hepatic responses of Dendropsophus minutus tadpoles to acute exposure (96 h) to the herbicide glyphosate (GLY, 65, 130, 260 and 520 μg/L) and the surfactant polyoxyethylene amine (POEA, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 μg/L). On average, 174 % more genomic damage was observed in the tadpoles exposed to all concentrations of POEA in comparison with the control, while up to seven times more micronuclei were recorded, on average, at a concentration of 5 μg/L of POEA. All the individuals exposed to 10 μg/L of POEA died. The tadpoles exposed to GLY presented 165 % more DNA damage than the control, on average, at the highest concentrations (260 and 520 μg/L), and up to six times more micronuclei at 520 μg/L. The Erythrocyte Nuclear Abnormality test (ENA) detected a relatively high frequency of cells with lobed nuclei in the tadpoles expose to POEA at 5 μg/L and binucleated cells in those exposed to GLY at 520 μg/L. The hepatic histopathological observations revealed several types of lesions in the tadpoles exposed to both GLY and POEA. Overall, then, the results of the study indicate that both GLY and POEA have potential genotoxic, mutagenic, and hepatotoxic effects in D. minutus tadpoles. We emphasize the need for further studies to monitor the amphibian populations, such as those of D. minutus, which breed in aquatic environments associated with agricultural areas. The release of pollutants into natural habitats may have significant long-term impacts on the survival of anuran tadpoles.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of microplastics in oysters in coastal areas of Taiwan
Liao, Chun-Pei | Chiu, Ching-Chun | Huang, Hsiang-Wen
Microplastic contamination in ecosystems has emerged as an environmental issue of global significance. This research quantified microplastics in oysters from 22 sites along Taiwan coastlines. In total, 6630 microplastic items were found in 660 oysters of two genera (Crassostrea and Saccostrea). The average content of microplastics was 3.24 ± 1.02 items/g (wet weight), ranging from 0.63 ± 0.52 items/g to 37.94 ± 19.22 items/g. Over half of the microplastics were smaller than 100 μm, and the most common shape was fragments (67%), followed by fibers (29%). The dominant color was transparent (49.76%), followed by black (25.66%). Polymer types were identified using a μRaman microscope, and the major component was polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (69.54%). Microplastic contamination was higher overall in wild than in farmed oysters. In addition, the microplastic content of oysters from northeastern waters was significantly greater than that of other oysters; this result is similar to the findings of previous research on floating marine litter and beach cleaning data. The results indicated that the average content of microplastic in oysters along the Taiwan coastline was similar to that in oysters in adjacent regions. This study suggests that innovative technologies should be implemented for monitoring and removing pollution, tracking marine pollution origins, and improving accountability and that plastic limitation strategies should be strengthened.
Show more [+] Less [-]Surface oil is the primary driver of macroinvertebrate impacts following spills of diluted bitumen in freshwater
Black, T.A. | White, M.S. | Blais, J.M. | Hollebone, B. | Orihel, D.M. | Palace, V.P. | Rodriguez-Gil, J.L. | Hanson, M.L.
The response of freshwater invertebrates following accidental releases of oil is not well understood. This knowledge gap is more substantial for unconventional oils such as diluted bitumen (dilbit). We evaluated the effects of dilbit on insect emergence and benthic invertebrates by conducting experimental spills in limnocorrals (10-m diameter; ~100-m³) deployed in a boreal lake at the IISD-Experimental Lakes Area, Canada. The study included seven dilbit treatments (spill volumes ranged from 1.5 L [1:66,000, oil:water, v/v] to 180 L [1:590, oil:water, v/v]), two controls, and additional lake reference sites, monitored for 11 weeks. Invertebrate emergence declined at the community level following oil addition in a significantly volume-dependent manner, and by 93–100 % over the 11 weeks following the spill in the highest treatment. Dilbit altered community structure of benthic invertebrates, but not abundance. One-year post-spill and following oil removal using traditional skimming and absorption techniques, benthic richness and abundance were greater among all treatments than the previous year. These results indicate that recovery in community composition is possible following oil removal from a lake ecosystem. Research is needed concerning the mechanisms by which surface oil directly affect adult invertebrates, whether through limiting oviposition, limiting emergence, or both. The response of benthic communities to sediment tar mats is also warranted.
Show more [+] Less [-]Migration mechanism and risk assessment of chlorinated paraffins in highly polluted Ya’Er lake area, China
Li, Chang | Chen, Lufeng | He, Yujian | Liang, Yong | Wang, Yingjun | Li, Feifei | Gao, Wei | Wang, Yawei | Jiang, Guibin
Chlorinated paraffins (CPs), a type of toxic and persistent organic substances, can persist in environmental media for a long time and have adverse effects on human health. Thus, it is of great importance to investigate the accumulation and environmental behavior of CPs in industrial areas. In this study, farmland soil, water, and sediment core samples from abandoned oxidation ponds used by three chemical plants to treat wastewater over the past 38 years were investigated in detail. Results show that the concentration of CPs in sediments varied significantly with the water flow direction. The oxidation pond closest to a sewage outlet had the highest concentrations of short-chain chlorinated paraffin (SCCPs) and medium-chain chlorinated paraffin (MCCPs), within the ranges of 44.0–6.21 × 10⁴ ng/g dw (mean 9.32 × 10³ ng/g dw) and 143–1.30 × 10⁶ ng/g dw (mean 1.22 × 10⁵ ng/g dw), respectively. However, in the oxidation pond farthest from the sewage outlet, CP concentrations in sediments were significantly reduced, with ∑SCCPs and ∑MCCPs concentrations ranging from N.D.-249 ng/g dw (mean 66.8 ng/g dw) and N.D.-222 ng/g dw (mean 34.0 ng/g dw), respectively. Moreover, MCCP level in the water was below the detection limit, while the concentration of SCCP ranged from 41.0 to 1.53 × 10³ ng/L (mean 267 ng/L). Finally, a remarkable spatial trend and specific congener distribution were observed in the sediment test results. The horizontal and vertical distributions of the sediments indicate that short-chain (C₁₀₋₁₁) and low-chlorinated (Cl₆₋₇) homologs are more likely to migrate deeper or farther away from the pollution source.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fate of multiple Bt proteins from stacked Bt maize in the predatory lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Meissle, Michael | Kloos, Stefanie | Romeis, Jörg
Insecticidal Cry proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can be transferred from genetically engineered crops to herbivores to natural enemies. For the lady beetle Harmonia axyridis, we investigated potential uptake of Cry proteins from the gut to the body and intergenerational transfer. Third and fourth instar H. axyridis fed with pollen or spider mites from SmartStax maize contained substantial amounts of Cry1A.105, Cry1F, Cry2Ab2, Cry3Bb1, and Cry34Ab1. Cry protein concentrations in lady beetle larvae were typically one order of magnitude lower than in the food. When H. axyridis larvae were fed Bt maize pollen, median amounts of Cry protein in the non-feeding pupae were below the limit of detection except for small amounts of Cry34Ab1. No Cry protein was detected in pupae when spider mites were used as food. Cry protein concentrations decreased quickly after H. axyridis larvae were transferred from pollen or spider mites to Bt-free food. Aphids contained very low or no detectable Cry protein, and no Cry protein was found in H. axyridis larvae fed with aphids, and in pupae. When H. axyridis adults were fed with Bt maize pollen (mixed with Ephestia kuehniella eggs), the median concentrations of Cry proteins in lady beetle eggs were below the limit of detection except for Cry34Ab1 in eggs laid later in adult life. No Bt protein was detected in eggs laid by H. axyridis females fed with aphids from Bt maize. Our results confirm previous observations that Cry proteins are degraded and excreted quickly in the arthropod food web without evidence for bioaccumulation. Despite the fact that small amounts of Cry proteins were detected in some samples of the non-feeding pupal stage of H. axyridis as well as in eggs, we conclude that this route of exposure is unlikely to be significant for predators or parasitoids in a Bt maize field.
Show more [+] Less [-]Metal resistance genes enrichment in marine biofilm communities selected by biocide-containing surfaces in temperate and tropical coastal environments
Catao, Elisa C.P. | Gallois, Nicolas | Fay, Fabienne | Misson, Benjamin | Briand, Jean-François
Microorganisms able to form biofilms in marine ecosystems are selected depending on immersed surfaces and environmental conditions. Cell attachment directly on toxic surfaces like antifouling coatings suggests a selection of tolerant (or resistant) organisms with characteristics conferring adaptive advantages. We investigated if environment would drive metal resistance gene abundance in biofilms on artificial surfaces. Biofilms were sampled from three surfaces (a PVC reference and two antifouling coatings) deployed in three coastal waters with dissimilar characteristics: The Mediterranean Sea (Toulon) and Atlantic (Lorient) and Indian (Reunion) Oceans. The two coatings differed in metals composition, either Cu thiocyanate and Zn pyrithione (A3) or Cu2O (Hy). Metal resistance genes (MRG) specific to copper (cusA, copA, cueO) or other metals (czcA and pbrT) were monitored with qPCR in parallel to the microbial community using 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding. A lower α-diversity on A3 or Hy than on PVC was observed independent on the site. Weighted Unifrac suggested segregation of communities primarily by surface, with lower site effect. Metacoder log2 fold change ratio and LeFSe discrimination suggested Marinobacter to be specific of Hy and Altererythrobacter, Erythrobacter and Sphingorhabdus of A3. Likewise, the relative abundance of MRG (MRG/bacterial 16S rRNA) varied between surfaces and sites. A3 presented the greatest relative abundances for cusA, cueO and czcA. The latter could only be amplified from A3 communities, except at Toulon. Hy surface presented the highest relative abundance for copA, specifically at Lorient. These relative abundances were correlated with LeFSe discriminant taxa. Dasania correlated positively with all MRG except cueO. Marinobacter found in greater abundance in Hy biofilm communities correlated with the highest abundances of copA and Roseovarius with czcA. These results prove the selection of specific communities with abilities to tolerate metallic biocides forming biofilms over antifouling surfaces, and the secondary but significant influence of local environmental factors.
Show more [+] Less [-]Phycoremediation of X-ray developer solution towards silver removal with concomitant lipid production
Sharma, Swati | Garlapati, Vijay Kumar
The present research is mainly focusing on the characterization of X-ray developer solution and its toxic tolerance studies with Desmodesmus armatus towards the phycoremediation studies for removal of pollutants, silver, and concomitant lipid production. The characterization results suggested the presence of 1.229 ± 0.004 g/l BOD, 27.29 ± 0.230 g/l COD with a silver content of 0.01791 ± 0.000 g/l. The tolerance and toxicity limits of with X-ray developer solution reveals the remarkable growth of microalgae in 3:1.dilution ratio of BBM in the X-ray developer solutions. The phycoremediation with 19 days period shown the noticeable results with a relative BOD (20.86%), COD (13.88%), with 57.10% corresponding total phosphorous removal. The phycoremediation also has proven better relative silver removal potential of 44.06% on the 19th day with concomitant 1.392% lipid production. Overall, the present study shows the potential phycoremediation strategy of hazardous X-ray developer solutions with possible concurrent lipid production through a sustainable approach.
Show more [+] Less [-]Interactions between Escherichia coli survival and manganese and iron oxides in water under freeze-thaw
Wang, Xu | Yuan, Weilin | Tao, Jiahui | Xu, Meng | Guo, Ping
Pathogenic survivals were dramatically affected by Fe³⁺ and Mn²⁺ under freeze-thaw (FT), and the dissolutions of manganese and iron oxides (MIOs) were also accelerated under FT. But the mutual influences of pathogenic bacterial survival and MIOs under FT have not been profoundly explored yet. In this work, aqueous systems containing Escherichia coli as well as synthetic ferrihydrite (Fh) and manganese dioxide (MnO₂) were experimented under simulated FT cycles to study the mutual influences of metal oxides and bacteria survival while oxide dissolutions and appearances, bacterial morphology and activities (survival number, cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD)) were obtained. The results showed that broken E. coli cells by ice growth were observed, but both oxides promoted E. coli survival under FT stress and prolonged bacterial survival time by 1.2–2.9 times, which were mainly attributed to the release of Fe³⁺ and Mn²⁺ caused by FT. The dissolutions of Fh and MnO₂ under FT, which took place at a low level in absence of E. coli cells, were markedly enhanced with bacterial interferences by 2–8 times and higher dissolved manganese concentrations were detected than iron. This was probably because that concentrated organic matters which were released from broken cells, rejected into unfrozen liquid layer and acted as electron donors and ligands to oxide dissolution. Compared with Fh system, more significant promotion of E. coli survival under FT in MnO₂ systems were found because of more SOD generations associated with high dissolved manganese concentrations and the stronger cellular protection by MnO₂ aggregations. The results suggested that FT significantly influenced the interactions between metal oxides and bacterial in water, resulting to changes in pathogen activity and metal element cycling.
Show more [+] Less [-]Radon transport events associated with the impact of a NORM repository in the SW of Europe
Gutiérrez-Álvarez, I. | Guerrero, J.L. | Martín, J.E. | Adame, J.A. | Vargas, A. | Bolívar, J.P.
Two radon measurement stations located to the north and south of a NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) repository of phosphogypsum (southwest of Europe) were used to monitor radon behavior during 2018. The stations are located at opposing sides of the repository, one in Huelva City to the north and other one in a rural area to the south. This setup aimed to identify the influence of the NORM repository on each station and use radon levels as a marker of atmospheric transport in the local area. To achieve this, a comparison was carried out with other coastal stations in the south of Spain, finding higher average concentrations in Huelva City, ~3.3 Bq m⁻³. Hierarchical clustering was applied to identify days with different radon patterns at each Huelva station, detecting possible local radon transport events from the repository. Three events were investigated with WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) and FLEXPART-WRF (FLEXible PARTicle dispersion model). It was found that both sampling sites required atmospheric stagnant conditions to reach high radon concentration. However, under these conditions the urban station showed high radon regardless of wind direction while the rural station also required radon transport from the repository, either directly or indirectly.
Show more [+] Less [-]Phytotoxicity and bioconcentration of microcystins in agricultural plants: Meta-analysis and risk assessment
Zhang, Yanyan | Whalen, Joann K. | Sauvé, Sébastien
Microcystins are cyanotoxins produced by many species of cyanobacteria. They are specific inhibitors of serine/threonine protein phosphatases and are phytotoxic to agricultural plants. This study used a formal meta-analysis to estimate the phytotoxicity and bioconcentration rates of agricultural plants exposed to microcystins, and the human health risk from consuming microcystin-contaminated plants. Among the 35 agricultural plants investigated, microcystins were most phytotoxic to durum wheat, corn, white mustard and garden cress. Leafy vegetables such as dill, parsley and cabbage could bioconcentrate ∼3 times more microcystins in their edible parts than other agricultural plants. Although the human health risk from ingesting microcystins could be greater for leafy vegetables than other agricultural plants, further work is needed to confirm bioconcentration of microcystins in realistic water-soil-plant environments. Still, we should avoid growing leafy vegetables, durum wheat and corn on agricultural land that is irrigated with microcystins-contaminated water and be attentive to the risk of microcystins contamination in the agricultural food supply.
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