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[ Published in: Pollution ]
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Results 1581-1590 of 4,926

Sinking velocity of sub-millimeter microplastic


Kaiser, David | Estelmann, Arne | Kowalski, Nicole | Glockzin, Michael | Waniek, J. J. (Joanna J.)

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Occurrence and distribution of pharmaceutical compounds in the Danshuei River Estuary and the Northern Taiwan Strait


Fang, Tien-Hsi | Lin, Chen-Wei | Kao, Chih-Hsiang

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Phosphorus enriched effluents increase eutrophication risks for mangrove systems in northeastern Brazil


Barcellos, Diego | Queiroz, Hermano Melo | Nóbrega, Gabriel Nuto | de Oliveira Filho, Romildo Lopes | Santaella, Sandra Tédde | Otero, Xosé Luis | Ferreira, Tiago Osório

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Interaction of short-term copper pollution and ocean acidification in seagrass ecosystems: Toxicity, bioconcentration and dietary transfer


de los Santos, Carmen B. | Arenas, Francisco | Neuparth, Teresa | Santos, Miguel M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Citizen science for better management: Lessons learned from three Norwegian beach litter data sets


Falk-Andersson, Jannike | Berkhout, Boris Woody | Abate, Tenaw Gedefaw

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Using lead isotopes and potentially toxic elements to trace pollutant sources in the northern region of Guanabara Bay, southeastern Brazil


Potratz, Guilherme Loriato | Geraldes, Mauro Cesar | Bizzi, Sávio | Nogueira, Leandro | Martins, Maria Virginia Alves

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

An interlaboratory comparison exercise for the determination of microplastics in standard sample bottles


Isobe, Atsuhiko | Buenaventura, Nina T. | Chastain, Stephen | Chavanich, Suchana | Cózar, Andrés | DeLorenzo, Marie | Hagmann, Pascal | Hinata, Hirofumi | Kozlovskii, Nikolai | Lusher, Amy L. | Martí, Elisa | Michida, Yutaka | Mu, Jingli | Ohno, Motomichi | Potter, Gael | Ross, Peter S. | Sagawa, Nao | Shim, Won Joon | Song, Young Kyoung | Takada, Hideshige | Tokai, Tadashi | Torii, Takaaki | Uchida, Keiichi | Vassillenko, Katerina | Viyakarn, Voranop | Zhang, Weiwei

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Study on how oil type and weathering of crude oils affect interaction with sea ice and polyethylene skimmer material


Øksenvåg, Jane H.C. | Fossen, Martin | Farooq, Umer

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of potential human health risk due to the exposure to mercury via fish consumption of Alosa spp. from the southern Caspian Sea


Malvandi, Hassan | Alahabadi, Ahmad

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Dilution characteristics of riverine input contaminants in the Seto Inland Sea


Zhu, Junying | Guo, Xinyu | Shi, Jie | Gao, Huiwang

National Agricultural Library - United States of America