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Do early colonization patterns of periphytic ciliate fauna reveal environmental quality status in coastal waters?
Xu, Henglong | Zhang, Wei | Jiang, Yong
The feasibility for developing a protocol to assess marine water quality based on early colonization features of periphytic ciliate fauna was studied in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China. The ciliate communities with 3–28-day ages were collected monthly at four stations with a spatial gradient of environmental stress from August 2011 to July 2012. The spatial patterns of both early (3–7 days) and mature (>10 days) communities of the ciliates represented significant differences among the four stations, and were significantly correlated with environmental variables, especially nutrients and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Seven and eight dominant species were significantly correlated with nutrients or COD within the early and mature communities, respectively. The species richness indices were strongly correlated with nutrients, especially in mature communities. These findings suggest that it is possible to assess the status of water quality using early colonization features of periphytic ciliate fauna in coastal waters.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Agrostis capillaris grown on amended mine tailing substrate at pot, lysimeter, and field plot scales
Neagoe, Aurora | Stancu, Paula | Nicoară, Andrei | Onete, Marilena | Bodescu, Florian | Gheorghe, Roxana | Iordache, Virgil
Applied research programs in the remediation of contaminated areas can be used also for gaining insights in the physiological and ecological mechanisms supporting the resistance of plant communities in stress conditions due to toxic elements. The research hypothesis of this study was that in the heavily contaminated but nutrient-poor substrate of mine tailing dams, the beneficial effect of inoculation with arbuscular mychorrizal fungi (AMF) is due to an improvement of phosphorus nutrition rather than to a reduction of toxic element transfer to plants. A concept model assuming a causal chain from root colonization to element uptake, oxidative stress variables, and overall plant development was used. The methodological novelty lies in coupling in a single research program experiments conducted at three scales: pot, lysimeter, and field plot, with different ages of plants at the sampling moment (six subsets of samples in all). The inoculation with AMF in expanded clay carrier had a beneficial effect on the development of plants in the amended tailing substrate heavily contaminated with toxic elements. The effect of inoculation was stronger when the quantity of expanded carrier was smaller (1 % vs. 7 % inoculum), probably because of changes in substrate features. The improvement of plant growth was due mainly to an improvement in phosphorus nutrition leading to an increase of protein concentration and decrease of oxidative stress enzyme activity (superoxide dismutase and peroxidase). In a single data subset, an effect of inoculation on the uptake of several toxic elements could be proved (decrease of As concentration in plant roots correlated with a decrease of oxidative stress independent from the effect of P concentration increase). The multi-scale approach allowed us to find differences between the patterns characterising the data subsets. These subset-specific patterns point out the existence of physiological differences between plants in different development states (as a result of sampling at different plant ages). From an applied perspective, conclusions are drawn with respect to the use of plants in the monitoring programs of contaminated areas and the use of inoculation with AMF in the remediation of tailing dams.
Show more [+] Less [-]Dynamic energy budget model: a monitoring tool for growth and reproduction performance of Mytilus galloprovincialis in Bizerte Lagoon (Southwestern Mediterranean Sea)
Béjaoui-Omri, Amel | Béjaoui, Béchir | Harzallah, Ali | Aloui-Béjaoui, Nejla | El Bour, Monia | Aleya, Lotfi
Mussel farming is the main economic activity in Bizerte Lagoon, with a production that fluctuates depending on environmental factors. In the present study, we apply a bioenergetic growth model to the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, based on dynamic energy budget (DEB) theory which describes energy flux variation through the different compartments of the mussel body. Thus, the present model simulates both mussel growth and sexual cycle steps according to food availability and water temperature and also the effect of climate change on mussel behavior and reproduction. The results point to good concordance between simulations and growth parameters (metric length and weight) for mussels in the lagoon. A heat wave scenario was also simulated using the DEB model, which highlighted mussel mortality periods during a period of high temperature.
Show more [+] Less [-]Analyses on influencing factors of airborne VOCS pollution in taxi cabins
Chen, Xiaokai | Feng, Lili | Luo, Huilong | Cheng, Heming
Due to the long time in vehicular cabins, people have high exposure to the airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCS), which will lead to negative effects on human health. In order to analyze the influencing factors of in-car VOCSpollution concentrations, 38 taxis were investigated on the static and closed conditions. The interior air of taxis was collected through activated Tenax adsorption tubes, and the air samples were analyzed with thermally desorbed gas chromatograph. The average concentrations of in-car benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, styrene, butyl acetate, undecane, and total VOCS(TVOC) were 82.7, 212.3, 74.7, 182.3, 24.7, 33.5, 61.3, and 1,441.7 μg/m³, respectively. Furthermore, the VOCSand TVOC concentrations increase with the rise of in-car temperature and relative humidity, and decrease with the increase of car age and total mileage. In addition, the VOCSand TVOC concentrations are higher in vehicles with small cabins than in ones with big cabins, and change with different sampling sites and various vehicular grades. Finally, according to the multiple linear regression analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis, car age is the most important factor influencing airborne VOCSand TVOC pollution concentrations in vehicular cabins, followed by interior temperature and total mileage.
Show more [+] Less [-]Increased bioavailability of metals in two contrasting agricultural soils treated with waste wood-derived biochar and ash
Lucchini, P. | Quilliam, R.S. | DeLuca, T.H. | Vamerali, T. | Jones, D.L.
Recycled waste wood is being increasingly used for energy production; however, organic and metal contaminants in by-products produced from the combustion/pyrolysis residue may pose a significant environmental risk if they are disposed of to land. Here we conducted a study to evaluate if highly polluted biochar (from pyrolysis) and ash (from incineration) derived from Cu-based preservative-treated wood led to different metal (e.g., Cu, As, Ni, Cd, Pb, and Zn) bioavailability and accumulation in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). In a pot experiment, biochar at a common rate of 2 % w/w, corresponding to ∼50 t ha⁻¹, and an equivalent pre-combustion dose of wood ash (0.2 % w/w) were added to a Eutric Cambisol (pH 6.02) and a Haplic Podzol (pH 4.95), respectively. Both amendments initially raised soil pH, although this effect was relatively short-term, with pH returning close to the unamended control within about 7 weeks. The addition of both amendments resulted in an exceedance of soil Cu statutory limit, together with a significant increase of Cu and plant nutrient (e.g., K) bioavailability. The metal-sorbing capacity of the biochar, and the temporary increase in soil pH caused by adding the ash and biochar were insufficient to offset the amount of free metal released into solution. Sunflower plants were negatively affected by the addition of metal-treated wood-derived biochar and led to elevated concentration of metals in plant tissue, and reduced above- and below-ground biomass, while sunflower did not grow at all in the Haplic Podzol. Biochar and ash derived from wood treated with Cu-based preservatives can lead to extremely high Cu concentrations in soil and negatively affect plant growth. Identifying sources of contaminated wood in waste stream feedstocks is crucial before large-scale application of biochar or wood ash to soil is considered.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of spatial-temporal variations and trends in surface water quality across a rural-suburban-urban interface
Mei, Kun | Liao, Lingling | Zhu, Yuanli | Lu, Ping | Wang, Zhenfeng | Dahlgren, Randy A. | Zhang, Minghua
Water quality degradation is often a severe consequence of rapid economic expansion in developing countries. Methods to assess spatial-temporal patterns and trends in water quality are essential for guiding adaptive management efforts aimed at water quality remediation. Temporal and spatial patterns of surface water quality were investigated for 54 monitoring sites in the Wen-Rui Tang River watershed of eastern China to identify such patterns in water quality occurring across a rural-suburban-urban interface. Twenty physical and chemical water quality parameters were analyzed in surface waters collected once every 4–8 weeks from 2000 to 2010. Temporal and spatial variations among water quality parameters were assessed between seasons (wet/dry) and among major land use zones (urban/suburban/rural). Factor analysis was used to identify parameters that were important in assessing seasonal and spatial variations in water quality. Results revealed that parameters related to organic pollutants (dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (manganese) (CODMₙ), and 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD₅)), nutrients (ammonia nitrogen (NH₄⁺-N), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP)), and salt concentration (electrical conductivity (EC)) were the most important parameters contributing to water quality variation. Collectively, they explained 70.9 % of the total variance. A trend study using the seasonal Kendall test revealed reductions in CODMₙ, BOD₅, NH₄⁺-N, petrol, V-phen, and EC concentrations over the 11-year study period. Cluster analysis was employed to evaluate variation among 14 sampling sites representative of dominant land use categories and indicated three, three, and four clusters based on organic, nutrient, and salt water quality characteristics, respectively. Factors that are typically responsible for water quality degradation (including population, topography, and land use) showed no strong correlation with water quality trends implying considerable point source inputs in the watershed. The results of this study help inform ongoing water quality remediation efforts by documenting trends in water quality across various land use zones.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biochemical defense strategies in sterilized seedlings of Nymphoides peltatum adapted to lead stress
Qiao, Xuqiang | Shi, Guoxin | Yang, Xiaoke | Zheng, Zhenzhen | Xu, Xiaoying | Yang, Haiyan
In order to study potential antioxidant defense mechanisms, the effects of increasing concentrations of lead (Pb) on polyamines (PAs), various thiols, vitamins C and E, and proline contents in sterilized seedlings of Nymphoides peltata (S.G. mel.) Kuntze were investigated after 5 days of exposure. The levels of total putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd), and spermine (Spm) decreased significantly, while the ratio of (Spd + Spm)/Put first increased but then declined as the concentration of Pb increased. The trends for free, perchloric acid soluble-conjugated (PS-conjugated), and perchloric acid insoluble-bound (PIS-bound) PAs were similar to the trend seen for total PAs. Moreover, reduced glutathione (GSH), nonprotein thiols (NP-SH), phytochelatins (PCs), and vitamin C were induced at high Pb concentrations. No significant change was observed in vitamin E. An initial decline in proline content was followed by an increase as the Pb concentration rose. The reduced level of Put and elevated contents of GSH, NP-SH, PCs, vitamin C, and proline were found to be associated with antioxidant efficiency, which supports the hypothesis that they could play a significant role in the adaptation mechanisms of N. peltatum under Pb stress.
Show more [+] Less [-]Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to the development of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in three types of coal mine spoils
Guo, Wei | Zhao, Renxin | Fu, Ruiying | Bi, Na | Wang, Lixin | Zhao, Wenjing | Guo, Jiangyuan | Zhang, Jun
Coal mine spoils are usually unfavorable for plant growth and have different properties according to dumping years, weathering degree, and the occurrence of spontaneous combustion. The establishment of plant cover in mine spoils can be facilitated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the importance of AMF in plant adaptation to different mine spoils and the potential role of AMF for revegetation practices. We investigated the effects of Glomus aggregatum, Rhizophagus intraradices (syn. Glomus intraradices), and Funneliformis mosseae (syn. Glomus mosseae) on the growth, nutritional status, and metal uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in recent discharged (S1), weathered (S2), and spontaneous combusted (S3) coal mine spoils. Symbiotic associations were successfully established between AMF and maize in three substrates. Mycorrhizal colonization effectively promoted plant growth by significantly increasing the uptake of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), adjusting C:N:P stoichiometry and alleviating toxic effects of heavy metals. G. aggregatum, R. intraradices, and F. mosseae exhibited different mycorrhizal effects in response to mine spoil types. F. mosseae was the most effective in the development of maize in S1 and may be the most appropriate for revegetation of this substrate, while R. intraradices played the most beneficial role in S2 and S3. Our results suggest that inoculation with AMF can enhance plant adaptation to different types of coal mine spoils and play a positive role in the revegetation of coal mine spoil banks.
Show more [+] Less [-]The levels of PAHs and aryl hydrocarbon receptor effects in sediments of Taihu Lake, China
Lei, Bingli | Kang, Jia | Wang, Xuetong | Yu, Yingxin | Zhang, Xiaolan | Wen, Yu | Wang, Yipei
A total of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment samples from Taihu Lake were analyzed by instruments, and sediment extracts were assayed for aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-mediated ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (EROD) induction using a rat hepatoma cell line (H4IIE). The cause–effect relationship between the observed EROD activity and chemical concentrations of PAHs was examined. Our results showed that sediment extracts could induce significant AhR effects, and the bioassay-derived 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents of raw extracts (TEQbᵢₒs) ranged from 2.7 to 39.8 pg g⁻¹dw. Chemical analysis showed that 16 PAHs were all detected in all samples, and their total concentrations (Σ₁₆PAHs) ranged from 179.8 to 1,669.4 ng g⁻¹dw. The abundance of sedimentary PAHs in the three regions (Meiliang Bay, Gonghu Bay, and Xukou Bay) showed a decreasing trend from the inflow region to the outflow region. Chemical analysis-derived TEQs (TEQcₐₗs) contributed by PAHs ranged from 1.6 to 20.7 pg g⁻¹dw. The mean contribution rates (CRs) of PAHs to TEQbᵢₒs were 48.9 %. In Meiliang Bay, EROD effects of 60 % samples were caused by PAHs whose CRs were more than 60 %, while in most sampling sites of Gonghu Bay and Xukou Bay, the CRs of PAHs to TEQbᵢₒs were basically below 40 %. In addition, preliminary ecological risk assessment found that PAHs in sediments have very low ecological impact based on the chemical data of PAHs, while the sediments might pose an unacceptable risk to aquatic organisms and their predators based on the data of TEQbᵢₒ. These findings showed that EROD effects of sediment extracts from Taihu Lake were also caused by other compounds, such as dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc., together.
Show more [+] Less [-]Oxidative stress status, antioxidant metabolism and polypeptide patterns in Juncus maritimus shoots exhibiting differential mercury burdens in Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon (Portugal)
Anjum, Naser A. | Duarte, Armando C. | Pereira, Eduarda | Aḥmad, Iqbāl
This study assessed the oxidative stress status, antioxidant metabolism and polypeptide patterns in salt marsh macrophyte Juncus maritimus shoots exhibiting differential mercury burdens in Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon at reference and the sites with highest, moderate and the lowest mercury contamination. In order to achieve these goals, shoot-mercury burden and the responses of representative oxidative stress indices, and the components of both non-glutathione- and glutathione-based H₂O₂-metabolizing systems were analyzed and cross-talked with shoot-polypeptide patterns. Compared to the reference site, significant elevations in J. maritimus shoot mercury and the oxidative stress indices such as H₂O₂, lipid peroxidation, electrolyte leakage and reactive carbonyls were maximum at the site with highest followed by moderate and the lowest mercury contamination. Significantly elevated activity of non-glutathione-based H₂O₂-metabolizing enzymes such as ascorbate peroxidase and catalase accompanied the studied damage-endpoint responses, whereas the activity of glutathione-based H₂O₂-scavenging enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione sulfo-transferase was inhibited. Concomitantly, significantly enhanced glutathione reductase activity and the contents of both reduced and oxidized glutathione were perceptible in high mercury-exhibiting shoots. It is inferred that high mercury-accrued elevations in oxidative stress indices were obvious, where non-glutathione-based H₂O₂-decomposing enzyme system was dominant over the glutathione-based H₂O₂-scavenging enzyme system. In particular, the glutathione-based H₂O₂-scavenging system failed to coordinate with elevated glutathione reductase which in turn resulted into increased pool of oxidized glutathione and the ratio of oxidized glutathione-to-reduced glutathione. The substantiation of the studied oxidative stress indices and antioxidant metabolism with approximately 53-kDa polypeptide warrants further studies.
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