AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Pollution ]
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Results 1671-1680 of 2,498

Electro-Fenton degradation of the antibiotic sulfanilamide with Pt/carbon-felt and BDD/carbon-felt cells. Kinetics, reaction intermediates, and toxicity assessment


El-Ghenymy, Abdellatif | Rodríguez, Rosa Ma. (Rosa María) | Brillas, Enric | Oturan, Nihal | Oturan, Mehmet A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Degrading a mixture of three textile dyes using photo-assisted electrochemical process with BDD anode and O2–diffusion cathode


Khataee, Alireza | Safarpour, Mahdie | Vahid, Behrouz | Akbarpour, Amaneh

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Larvicidal, ovicidal, and oviposition-deterrent activities of four plant extracts against three mosquito species


Prathibha, K. P. | Raghavendra, B. S. | Vijayan, V. A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Environmental assessment on electrokinetic remediation of multimetal-contaminated site: a case study


Kim, Do-Hyung | Yoo, Jong-Chan | Hwang, Bo-Ram | Yang, Jung-Seok | Baek, Kitae

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Isolation and characterization of formaldehyde-degrading fungi and its formaldehyde metabolism


Yu, Diansi | Song, Lili | Wang, Wei | Guo, Changhong

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Ammonia concentrations and modeling of inorganic particulate matter in the vicinity of an egg production facility in Southeastern USA


Li, Qian-Feng | Wang-Li, Lingjuan | Shah, Sanjay B. | Jayanty, R. K. M. | Bloomfield, Peter

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Status of metal levels and their potential sources of contamination in Southeast Asian rivers


Chanpiwat, Penradee | Sthiannopkao, Suthipong

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Atmospheric concentrations, gaseous–particulate distribution, and carcinogenic potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Assiut, Egypt


Abdallah, Mohamed Abou-Elwafa | Atia, Noha Nahedj

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

MRI and neuropathological validations of the involvement of air pollutants in cortical selective neuronal loss


Ejaz, Sohail | Anwar, Khaleeq | Ashraf, Muhammad

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of cumulative PCB exposure estimated by a job exposure matrix versus PCB serum concentrations


Hopf, Nancy B. | Ruder, Avima M. | Succop, Paul | Waters, Martha A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America