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Results 181-190 of 773
The study of operating variables in soil washing with EDTA
Zou, Zeli | Qiu, Rongliang | Zhang, Weihua | Dong, Hanying | Zhao, Zhihao | Zhang, Tao | Wei, Xiange | Cai, Xinde
This study discusses the operating variables for removal of metals from soils using EDTA, including the type of EDTA, reaction time, solution pH, dose, temperature, agitation, ultrasound and number of extractions. For As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, the removal efficiency order was: H4-EDTA > Na2EDTA > (NH4)2EDTA. At low EDTA concentrations the removal increased progressively with increasing dose while above 0.4 mmol/g only small increases in extraction efficiency were observed. EDTA induced a two-step process including a rapid desorption within the first hour, and a gradual release in the following hours. The extraction efficiency of metals decreased with increasing pH in the range of 2-10. Consecutive extractions using low concentrations were more effective than a single extraction with concentrated EDTA if the same dose of EDTA was used. Consecutive extractions using low concentrations are more effective than a single extraction with concentrated EDTA if the same dose of EDTA is used.
Show more [+] Less [-]Aqueous accelerated solvent extraction of native polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from carbonaceous river floodplain soils
Yang, Yi | Hofmann, Thilo
In this study, three river floodplain soils with different compositions of carbonaceous materials and a reference coal sample were extracted with water using the accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) method. The desorption enthalpy values for 2-ring PAHs were highest in the coal sample, with values in the soil samples decreasing with decrease in coal content. The values for the higher condensed PAHs showed that the highest desorption enthalpies were from the samples with the largest amount of coalderived particles. Elevated desorption enthalpies indicated a strong bonding between PAHs and geosorbents. Moreover, with the application of ASE this study was able to conclude that the PAHs in the samples were preferentially adsorbed to carbonaceous materials with high surface areas.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fatal embryo chondral damage associated with fluoroquinolones in eggs of threatened avian scavengers
Lemus, J.Á | Blanco, G. | Arroyo, B. | Martinez, F. | Grande, J.
Stabled livestock reared in housed conditions are often subjected to intensive treatments with veterinary drug, which residues may be present in livestock meat ingested by scavengers, but nothing is known about their presence in eggs of wild birds and their potential detrimental effects on breeding success. We searched for residues of veterinary drugs and other toxicants in infertile and embryonated unhatched eggs of griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) and red kites (Milvus milvus), two threatened avian scavengers. Quinolones (ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin) were found in most unhatched eggs of both scavenger species clearly associated with severe alterations in the development of embryo cartilage and bones that could preclude embryo movements and subsequently normal development, pre-hatch position and successful hatching. The detrimental effects on developing eggs of veterinary drugs from livestock operations may help to explain reduced breeding success of avian scavengers. Fluoroquinolones used in livestock farming and found in eggs of avian scavenger caused severe alterations in embryo cartilage and bone development.
Show more [+] Less [-]Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) load, lipid reserves and biotransformation activity in migrating Atlantic salmon from River Mörrum, Sweden
Hansson, Maria C. | Persson, Maria E. | Larsson, Per | Schantz, Torbjörn von
Atlantic salmon accumulate high levels of contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in their lipids during the adult growth phase spent at sea. The lipids are later utilized during migration for swimming and biological adaptations. We hypothesize that migrating salmons' biotransformation processes are affected by the high levels of built-up PCBs compared to salmon that in a pre-migrational stage. For these analyses we sampled adult Atlantic salmon during migration in the Swedish River Mörrum and measured the 21 most common PCB congeners (∑PCB) and lipid levels in muscle tissue, aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR2) and cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) transcript levels as well as ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity (EROD) in liver. We also determined which AHR2 genotypes the salmon carried. We show that EROD activity is correlated to CYP1A1 level but not to ∑PCB concentration. ∑PCB concentration does not predict levels of neither the AHR2 nor CYP1A1 genes. We find no associations between specific AHR2 transcription levels and AHR2 genotypes or a correlation between AHR2 and CYP1A1 transcription levels, which is in direct contrast to pre-migrational adult salmon from the Baltic Sea. When we compare River Mörrum to salmon we have previously sampled in the Baltic Sea we show that migrating salmon have significantly lower lipid levels in their muscles; higher muscle concentrations of ∑PCB on a lipid basis; and significantly lower CYP1A1 and EROD levels compared to salmon from the Baltic Sea. Also, transcript levels of three out of four AHR2 genes are significantly different. In conclusion, migrating Swedish Atlantic salmon carry higher concentrations of PCBs in their lipids compared to salmon in the Baltic Sea, but have lower activation of biotransformation genes and enzymes. Our results indicate that accumulated pollutants from the Baltic Sea are deactivated inside the migrating salmon's lipid tissues and increase in concentration when migration is initiated thereby limiting their impact on biotransformation processes. Migrating Atlantic salmon in the Swedish River Mörrum carry high PCB concentrations in their lipids but have low activation of biotransformation enzymes in the liver compared with salmon from the Baltic Sea
Show more [+] Less [-]Preferential retention of POPs on the northern aspect of mountains
Tremolada, Paolo | Parolini, Marco | Binelli, Andrea | Ballabio, Cristiano | Comolli, Roberto | Provini, Alfredo
Soils are the main reservoirs of POPs in mountain ecosystems, but the great variability of the concentrations, also at small scale, leaves some uncertainties in the evaluation of environmental burdens and exposure. The role of the aspect of the mountain side and the seasonal variation in the contamination levels was analysed by means of several soil samples taken from central Italian Alps. A greater contamination content was present in northern soils with a mean ratio between the north vs. south normalised concentration of around a factor of 2 (North–South Enrichment Factor). Experimental factors agreed with theoretical calculations based on temperature-specific calculated Ksa values. From May to November consistent differences in normalised concentrations up to 5-fold were observed. A dynamic picture of the POP contamination in high altitudinal soils is derived from the data in this work, with spring-summer half-lives between 60 and 120 days for most of the compounds. This paper discusses the accumulation of POPs in soils in relation to the aspect of the mountain side and supports the idea of a seasonal cycle of POPs in this matrix.
Show more [+] Less [-]Observation and origin of organochlorine compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the free troposphere over central Europe
Lammel, Gerhard | Klánová, Jana | Kohoutek, Jiří | Prokeš, Roman | Ries, Ludwig | Stohl, Andreas
On Zugspitze (2670 m a.s.l.), Alps, higher concentrations were observed during a winter than during a summer measurement campaign of PAHs, chlorobenzenes (43.6 vs. 2.0 pg m−3) and DDTs (3.7 vs. 1.2 pg m−3), while hexachlorocyclohexanes and PCBs were found at similar levels. The PCB, HCH and DDT levels are among the lowest ever reported from outside the Arctic. Mostly lower levels were found in samples collected in summer than in winter despite a significant boundary layer air influence, but no such influence on samples collected during the winter campaign. Boundary layer influence was quantified by Lagrangian particle dispersion model retroplume analyses. Photochemical lifetimes corresponding to kOH < 1.5 × 10−12 cm3 molec−1 s−1 are found for p,p′-DDT, kOH < 0.75 × 10−12 cm3 molec−1 s−1 for p,p′-DDE and kOH < 1.0 × 10−12 cm3 molec−1 s−1 for p,p′-DDD. Persistent organic pollutants have been observed at a mountain site in the Alps showing that very low concentrations can be found in the free troposphere.
Show more [+] Less [-]Variation in arsenic, lead and zinc tolerance and accumulation in six populations of Pteris vittata L. from China
Wu, F.Y. | Leung, H.M. | Wu, S.C. | Ye, Z.H. | Wong, M.H.
Arsenic, Pb and Zn tolerance and accumulation were investigated in six populations of Pteris vittata collected from As-contaminated and uncontaminated sites in southeast China compared with Pteris semipinnata (a non-As hyperaccumulator) in hydroponics and on As-contaminated soils. The results showed that both metallicolous and nonmetallicolous population of P. vittata possessed high-level As tolerance, and that the former exhibited higher As tolerance (but not Pb and Zn tolerance) than the latter. In hydroponic culture, nonmetallicolous population clearly showed significantly higher As concentrations in fronds than those in metallicolous populations. In pot trials, As concentrations in fronds of nonmetallicolous population ranged from 1060 to 1639 mg kg⁻¹, about 2.6- to 5.4-folds as those in metallicolous populations. It was concluded that As tolerance in P. vittata resulted from both constitutive and adaptive traits, Pb and Zn tolerances were constitutive properties, and that nonmetallicolous population possesses more effective As hyperaccumulation than metallicolous populations. Nonmetallicolous population of Pteris vittata L. possesses more effective arsenic hyperaccumulation than the metallicolous populations.
Show more [+] Less [-]Remediation of organic and inorganic arsenic contaminated groundwater using a nanocrystalline TiO2-based adsorbent
Jing, Chuanyong | Meng, Xiaoguang | Calvache, Edwin | Jiang, Guibin
A nanocrystalline TiO₂-based adsorbent was evaluated for the simultaneous removal of As(V), As(III), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) in contaminated groundwater. Batch experimental results show that As adsorption followed pseudo-second order rate kinetics. The competitive adsorption was described with the charge distribution multi-site surface complexation model (CD-MUSIC). The groundwater containing an average of 329 μg L⁻¹ As(III), 246 μg L⁻¹ As(V), 151 μg L⁻¹ MMA, and 202 μg L⁻¹ DMA was continuously passed through a TiO₂ filter at an empty bed contact time of 6 min for 4 months. Approximately 11 000, 14 000, and 9900 bed volumes of water had been treated before the As(III), As(V), and MMA concentration in the effluent increased to 10 μg L⁻¹. However, very little DMA was removed. The EXAFS results demonstrate the existence of a bidentate binuclear As(V) surface complex on spent adsorbent, indicating the oxidation of adsorbed As(III). A nanocrystalline TiO₂-based adsorbent could be used for the simultaneous removal of As(V), As(III), MMA, and DMA in contaminated groundwater.
Show more [+] Less [-]Novel sampling methods for atmospheric semi-volatile organic compounds (SOCs) in a high altitude alpine environment
Offenthaler, I. | Jakobi, G. | Kaiser, A. | Kirchner, M. | Kräuchi, N. | Niedermoser, B. | Schramm, K.W. | Sedivy, I. | Staudinger, M. | Thanner, G. | Weiss, P. | Moche, W.
High- and low-volume active air samplers as well as bulk deposition samplers were developed to sample atmospheric SOCs under the adverse conditions of a mountain environment. Active sampling employed separate filters for different European source regions. Filters were switched depending on daily trajectory forecasts, whose accuracy was evaluated post hoc. The sampling continued on three alpine summits over five periods of four months. The prevailing trajectories varied stronger between sampling periods than between stations. The sampling equipment (active and bulk deposition) proved dependable for operation in a mountain environment, with idle times being mainly due to non-routine manipulations and connectivity. Equipment for direction-specific air sampling and bulk deposition sampling in mountains was developed and tested.
Show more [+] Less [-]A simple chemical free arsenic removal method for community water supply – A case study from West Bengal, India
Sen Gupta, B. | Chatterjee, S. | Rott, U. | Kauffman, H. | Bandyopadhyay, A. | DeGroot, W. | Nag, N.K. | Carbonell-Barrachina, A.A. | Mukherjee, S.
This report describes a simple chemical free method that was successfully used by a team of European and Indian scientists ( to remove arsenic (As) from groundwater in a village in West Bengal, India. Six such plants are now in operation and are being used to supply water to the local population ( The study was conducted in Kasimpore, a village in North 24 Parganas District, approximately 25 km from Kolkata. In all cases, total As in treated water was less than the WHO guideline value of 10 μg L−1. The plant produces no sludge and the operation cost is 1.0 US$ per day for producing 2000 L of potable water. This work presents the chemical free arsenic removal method from groundwater and its successful implementation in West Bengal for community water supply.
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