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Algological and saprobiological analysis of the river Dulenska [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Rankovic, B. | Simic, S. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Kragujevac (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Determination of the residues of organochlorine insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in heterogeneous system water-sediment


Buzarov, D. (Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Institut za hemiju) | Vojinovic-Miloradov, M. | Pavkov, S. | Macvanin, N.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Analysis of drought characteristics using renewal processes


Vukmirovic, V. | Petrovic, J. | Lazic, R. (Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Gradjevinski fakultet)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Quality changes of aquifer a relating to plant production


Belic, S. (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za uredjenje voda) | Belic, A. | Bugarski, R.

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Optimization of methyl orange removal from water by sorption on iron(II) hydroxide


Karlovic, E. | Dalmacija, B. | Tamas, Z. | Ivancev-Tumbas, I. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za hemiju)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Mineralization exchange of the Danube water [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Savic, R. | Belic, S. (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za uredjenje voda)

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

The river Tara [Montenegro, Yugoslavia]: water quality, state, problems, protection


Djuraskovic, P.N. | Pejovic, M. (Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod, Podgorica (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

The quality of water of the Kolubara river and its tributaries [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Maljevic, E. | Djurkovic, A. | Cadjo, S. (Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod Srbije, Beograd (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

Summer - autumnal aspect of thermal regime on Sava lake [Serbia, Yugoslavia]


Popovic, M. | Janac, M. (Institut za vodoprivredu "Jaroslav Cerni", Beograd (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica

[Physical and chemical characteristics of the Danube river and a part of the Danube-Tisza-Danube channel [Serbia, Yugoslavia] during the period 1991-1996]


Bugarski, R. | Berkovic, M. (Republicki hidrometeoroloski zavod Republike Srbije, Beograd (Yugoslavia))

Unassigned data from Yugoslavia - Antarctica