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Results 231-240 of 325
Productivity, nutrient immobilization and soil chemical properties in an Eucalyptus globulus plantation under different irrigation and fertilization regimes
Madeira, M. (Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa (Portugal)) | Pereira, J.S.
Effect of cement dust treatment on some phylloplane fungi of wheat
Singh, A.K. (Banaras Hindu Univ., Varanasi (India). Dept. of Botany) | Rai, B.
Fertilizer application in aid of plantation establishment in the savanna areas of Nigeria
Kadeba, O. (Federal Univ. of Technology, Akure (Nigeria). Dept. of Forestry and Wood Technology)
Correction of magnesium deficiency in a young stand of Norway spruce
Monchaux, P. (Association Foret-Cellulose, Charrey-sur-Saone (France)) | Thivolle-Cazat, A.
Pollution prevention and hazardous waste reduction
Environmental pollution and control
Vesilind, P. Aarne | Peirce, J. Jeffrey | Weiner, Ruth F.
[Interactions between weather conditions and the occurrence of some damaging factors in newly established forest stands in areas of the Eastern Ore Mountains damaged by air pollution]
Otto, L.F. (Technische Univ. Dresden, Tharandt (Germany). Sektion Forstwirtschaft)
[Reduction of forest damage caused by air pollution in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands by means of melioration and the establishment of mixed forests]
Lucke, E. (Institut fuer Forstwissenschaften Eberswalde, Suhl (Germany). Forschungs- und Ueberleitungszentrum) | Melzer, E.W.
[Studies on the seed production of Pinus contorta Dougl.]
Kobliha, J. (Vysoka Skola Zemedelska, Brno (CSFR). Lesnicka Fakulta)