AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Pollution ]
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Results 251-260 of 501

Accumulation and Translocation of Heavy Metals in Hibiscus cannabinus Grown in Tannery Sludge Amended Soil


Anita, Mahiya Kulsoom, Aneet Kumar Yadav, Monu Kumar, Kamla Pat Raw, Satguru Prasad and Narendra Kumar

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Alleviation of Different Climatic Conditions by Foliar Application of Salicylic Acid and Sodium Nitroprusside and Their Interactive Effects on Pigments and Sugar Content of Maize Under Different Sowing Dates


Priyanka Devi and Prasann Kumar

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The Passive Environmental Effect of the Fungicide Benomyl on Soil Promoting Bacteria and Concentration of Some Important Soil Elements


Zaid Raad Abbas, Aqeel Mohammed Majeed Al-Ezee, Sawsan Hassan Authman and Maan Abdul Azeez Shafeeq

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Underlying Anthropogenic Driving Factors of Forest Landscape Degradation in the Kilimanjaro World Heritage Site, Tanzania Using Survey-based Data


E. A. Enoguanbhor, G.O. Chukwurah, E. C. Enoguanbhor, M.O. Isimah, A. E. O. Kosun, N. I. Ewurum and Eike Albrecht

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Presence of Heavy Metals in Purple Crab (Platyxanthus orbignyi) Tissues in Southern Peru


José L. Ramos-Tejeda, José A. Valeriano-Zapana and Nilton B. Rojas-Briceño

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Optimization of Aviation Biofuel Development as Sustainable Energy Through Simulation of System Dynamics Modeling


Didi Nuryadin, Mohammad Nurcholis, Gita Astyka Rahmanda and Indra Wahyu Pratama

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Assessment of Continuous Growth of Glacial Lakes in the Teesta River Basin Using Semi-Automated Geospatial Approach


A. K. Shukla, I. Ahmad, S. K. Jain and M. K. Verma

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Response and Tolerance of Cyanobacterial Exopolysaccharides to Rice Field Herbicide 2,4-D


Sukjailin Ryntathiang, Meguovilie Sachu and Mayashree B. Syiem

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Elucidating Mycotoxin-Producing Aspergillus Species in River Water: An Advanced Molecular Diagnostic Study for the Assessment of Ecological Health and Contamination Risk


R. Ravikiran, G. Raghu and B. Praveen

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Assessment of the Swelling Behavior of NaOH-Contaminated Red Earth in the Visakhapatnam Region of India Using X-ray Diffraction Analysis


Srikanth Satish Kumar Darapu and Sai Kumar Vindula

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden