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Comparative phototoxicity of nanoparticulate and bulk ZnO to a free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: The importance of illumination mode and primary particle size
Ma, H. | Kabengi, N.J. | Bertsch, P.M. | Unrine, J.M. | Glenn, T.C. | Williams, P.L.
The present study evaluated phototoxicity of nanoparticulate ZnO and bulk-ZnO under natural sunlight (NSL) versus ambient artificial laboratory light (AALL) illumination to a free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Phototoxicity of nano-ZnO and bulk-ZnO was largely dependent on illumination method as 2-h exposure under NSL caused significantly greater mortality in C. elegans than under AALL. This phototoxicity was closely related to photocatalytic reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation by the ZnO particles as indicated by concomitant methylene blue photodegradation. Both materials caused mortality in C. elegans under AALL during 24-h exposure although neither degraded methylene blue, suggesting mechanisms of toxicity other than photocatalytic ROS generation were involved. Particle dissolution of ZnO did not appear to play an important role in the toxicity observed in this study. Nano-ZnO showed greater phototoxicity than bulk-ZnO despite their similar size of aggregates, suggesting primary particle size is more important than aggregate size in determining phototoxicity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Distribution of perfluorochemicals between sera and milk from the same mothers and implications for prenatal and postnatal exposures
Kim, Seung-Kyu | Lee, Kyu Tae | Kang, Chang Seong | Tao, Lin | Kannan, Kurunthachalam | Kim, Kyung-Ryul | Kim, Chan-Kook | Lee, Jung Suk | Park, Pan Soo | Yoo, Yung Wook | Ha, Jeong Yi | Shin, Yong-Seung | Lee, Jong Hyeon
The levels of six perfluorocarboxylates (PFCAs), four perfloroalkylsulfonates (PFASs), and one sulfonamide were measured in paired samples of maternal serum, umbilical cord serum, and breast milk. The maternal and cord sera were strongly correlated with each other for all measured compounds (r > 0.5 and p < 0.01). Nevertheless, there was a significant difference in compound composition profile between the two sera matrices, with a more depletion of the longer chain compounds in cord serum. The transfer efficiency values from maternal to cord serum (TFCS/MS) decreased by 70% with each increasing unit of –CF₂ chain within a PFCA group, and for perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), by a half compared to perfluorooctanoate (PFOA). In contrast to the strong correlation in concentrations between the two sera matrices, the pattern of compounds in breast milk differed considerably with those in sera. Accordingly, compound- and matrix-specific transfer must be considered when assessing prenatal and postnatal exposure.
Show more [+] Less [-]Trees as bioindicator of heavy metal pollution in three European cities
Sawidis, T. | Breuste, J. | Mitrović, M. | Pavlovic, P. | Tsigaridas, K.
Concentrations of four heavy metals were determined in tree leaves and bark collected from polluted and non-polluted areas of three European cities (Salzburg, Belgrade and Thessaloniki) for a comparative study. Platanus orientalis L. and Pinus nigra Arn., widespread in urban northern and southern Europe, were tested for their suitability for air quality biomonitoring. Leaves and barks were collected uniformly of an initial quantity of about 30 g of each sample. Analysis was accomplished by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after total digestion. Site-dependent variations were found with the highest concentration level measured in Belgrade, followed by Thessaloniki and Salzburg. A higher accumulation of heavy metals was found in bark compared to leaves. Pine tree bark, accumulating higher concentrations of trace metals compared to plane tree bark, shows a higher efficiency as bioindicator for urban pollution. Both indicator species are suitable for comparative studies on bioindication of urban air pollution.
Show more [+] Less [-]Direct and indirect effects of metal contamination on soil biota in a Zn–Pb post-mining and smelting area (S Poland)
Kapusta, Paweł | Szarek-Łukaszewska, Grażyna | Stefanowicz, Anna M.
Effects of metal contamination on soil biota activity were investigated at 43 sites in 5 different habitats (defined by substratum and vegetation type) in a post-mining area. Sites were characterised in terms of soil pH and texture, nutrient status, total and exchangeable metal concentrations, as well as plant species richness and cover, abundances of enchytraeids, nematodes and tardigrades, and microbial respiration and biomass. The concentrations of total trace metals were highest in soils developed on mining waste (metal-rich dolomite), but these habitats were more attractive than sandy sites for plants and soil biota because of their higher content of organic matter, clay and nutrients. Soil mesofauna and microbes were strongly dependent on natural habitat properties. Pollution (exchangeable Zn and Cd) negatively affected only enchytraeid density; due to a positive relationship between enchytraeids and microbes it indirectly reduced microbial activity.
Show more [+] Less [-]DNA damage in caged Gammarus fossarum amphipods: A tool for freshwater genotoxicity assessment
Lacaze, Emilie | Devaux, Alain | Mons, Raphaël | Bony, Sylvie | Garric, Jeanne | Geffard, Alain | Geffard, Olivier
The aim of this study was to propose a tool for freshwater environmental genotoxicity assessment using Gammarus fossarum, a high ecologically relevant species. In a first part, gammarids were caged upstream and downstream wastewater treatment plant effluent output. The sensitivity of genotoxic responses of haemocytes, oocytes and spermatozoa was compared using the Comet assay. Spermatozoa appeared to be the most sensitive, suitable and relevant cell type for genotoxicity risk assessment. In a second part, a watershed-scale study was conducted over 2 years to evaluate the applicability of our caging procedure. The genotoxic impact of a contamination was followed, taking into account seasonal variability. DNA damage in spermatozoa exhibited low basal level and low variability in control upstream sites, providing a reliable discrimination of polluted sites. Finally, DNA damage in caged G. fossarum has been proved to be a sensitive and reproducible tool for freshwater genotoxicity assessment.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nano-TiO₂ enhances the toxicity of copper in natural water to Daphnia magna
Fan, Wenhong | Cui, Minming | Liu, Hong | Wang, Chuan | Shi, Zhiwei | Tan, Cheng | Yang, Xiuping
The acute toxicity of engineered nanoparticles (NPs) in aquatic environments at high concentrations has been well-established. This study demonstrates that, at a concentration generally considered to be safe in the environment, nano-TiO₂ remarkably enhanced the toxicity of copper to Daphnia magna by increasing the copper bioaccumulation. Specifically, at 2mgL⁻¹ nano-TiO₂, the (LC₅₀) of Cu²⁺ concentration observed to kill half the population, decreased from 111μgL⁻¹ to 42μgL⁻¹. Correspondingly, the level of metallothionein decreased from 135μgg⁻¹ wet weight to 99μgg⁻¹ wet weight at a Cu²⁺ level of 100μgL⁻¹. The copper was found to be adsorbed onto the nano-TiO₂, and ingested and accumulated in the animals, thereby causing toxic injury. The nano-TiO₂ may compete for free copper ions with sulfhydryl groups, causing the inhibition of the detoxification by metallothioneins.
Show more [+] Less [-]Transformation kinetics and pathways of tetracycline antibiotics with manganese oxide
Chen, Wan-Ru | Huang, Ching-Hua
Tetracycline antibiotics including tetracycline (TTC), oxytetracycline (OTC) and chlorotetracycline (CTC) undergo rapid transformation to yield various products in the presence of MnO₂ at mild conditions (pH 4–9 and 22 °C). Reaction rates follow the trend of CTC > TTC > OTC, and are affected by pH and complexation of TCs with Mg²⁺ or Ca²⁺. Experimental results of TTC indicate that MnO₂ promotes isomerization at the C ring to form iso-TTC and oxidizes the phenolic-diketone and tricarbonylamide groups, leading to insertion of up to 2 O most likely at the C9 and C2 positions. In contrast, reactions of OTC with MnO₂ generate little iso-OTC, but occur mainly at the A ring’s dimethylamine group to yield N-demethylated products. CTC yields the most complicated products upon reactions with MnO₂, encompassing transformation patterns observed with both TTC and OTC. The identified product structures suggest lower antibacterial activity than that of the parent tetracyclines.
Show more [+] Less [-]New insights into the sorption mechanism of cadmium on red mud
Luo, Lei | Ma, Chenyan | Ma, Yibing | Zhang, Shuzhen | Lv, Jitao | Cui, Mingqi
Effectiveness and mechanism of cadmium (Cd) sorption on original, acidified and ball milling nano-particle red muds were investigated using batch sorption experiments, sequential extraction analysis and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The maximum sorption capacity of Cd was 0.16, 0.19, and 0.21mol/kg for the original, acidified, and nano-particle red muds at pH 6.5, respectively. Both acidification and ball-milling treatments significantly enhanced Cd sorption and facilitated transformation of Cd into less extractable fractions. The Cd LIII-edge XANES analysis indicated the formation of inner-sphere complexes of Cd similar to XCdOH (X represents surface groups on red mud) on the red mud surfaces although outer-sphere complexes of Cd were the primary species. This work shed light on the potential application of red mud to remediate Cd-contaminated soils and illustrated the promising tool of XANES spectroscopy for speciation of multicomponent systems of environmental relevance.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biosorption of divalent Pb, Cd and Zn on aragonite and calcite mollusk shells
Du, Yang | Lian, Fei | Zhu, Lingyan
The potential of using mollusk shell powder in aragonite (razor clam shells, RCS) and calcite phase (oyster shells, OS) to remove Pb²⁺, Cd²⁺ and Zn²⁺ from contaminated water was investigated. Both biogenic sorbents displayed very high sorption capacities for the three metals except for Cd on OS. XRD, SEM and XPS results demonstrated that surface precipitation leading to crystal growth took place during sorption. Calcite OS displayed a remarkably higher sorption capacity to Pb than aragonite RCS, while the opposite was observed for Cd. However, both sorbents displayed similar sorption capacities to Zn. These could be due to the different extent of matching in crystal lattice between the metal bearing precipitate and the substrates. The initial pH of the solution, sorbent’s dosage and grain size affected the removal efficiency of the heavy meals significantly, while the organic matter in mollusk shells affected the removal efficiency to a lesser extent.
Show more [+] Less [-]Combined effects of soil moisture and carbaryl to earthworms and plants: Simulation of flood and drought scenarios
Lima, Maria P.R. | Soares, Amadeu M.V.M. | Loureiro, Susana
Studying tolerance limits in organisms exposed to climatic variations is key to understanding effects on behaviour and physiology. The presence of pollutants may influence these tolerance limits, by altering the toxicity or bioavailability of the chemical. In this work, the plant species Brassica rapa and Triticum aestivum and the earthworm Eisenia andrei were exposed to different levels of soil moisture and carbaryl, as natural and chemical stressors, respectively. Both stress factors were tested individually, as well as in combination. Acute and chronic tests were performed and results were discussed in order to evaluate the responses of organisms to the combination of stressors. When possible, data was fitted to widely employed models for describing chemical mixture responses. Synergistic interactions were observed in earthworms exposed to carbaryl and drought conditions, while antagonistic interactions were more representative for plants, especially in relation to biomass loss under flood-simulation conditions.
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