AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Pollution ]
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Results 311-320 of 738

Metal and metalloid bioaccumulation in the Pacific blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris (Stimpson) from New Caledonia: Laboratory and field studies


Metian, Marc | Hedouin, Laetitia | Eltayeb, Mohamed M. | Lacoue-labarthe, Thomas | Teyssie, Jean-louis | Mugnier, Chantal | Bustamante, Paco | Warnau, Michel

Ifremer - France

Circulation and suspended sediment transport in a coral reef lagoon: The south-west lagoon of New Caledonia


Ouillon, S. | Douillet, Pascal | Lefebvre, J. P. | Le Gendre, Romain | Jouon, Aymeric | Bonneton, P. | Fernandez, | Chevillon, C. | Magand, O. | Lefevre, J. | Le Hir, Pierre | Laganier, R. | Dumas, Franck | Marchesiello, P. | Madani, A. Bel | Andrefouet, S. | Panche, J. Y. | Fichez, R.

Ifremer - France

Tropical lagoon multidisciplinary investigations: An overview of the PNEC New Caledonia pilot site


Grenz, C. | Le Borgne, R. | Fichez, R. | Torreton, J. -p

Ifremer - France

Spatial and temporal extension of eutrophication associated with shrimp farm wastewater discharges in the New Caledonia lagoon


Thomas, Yoann | Courties, Claude | El Helwe, Yasmin | Herbland, Alain | Lemonnier, Hugues

Ifremer - France

Comparison of benthic foraminifera and macrofaunal indicators of the impact of oil-based drill mud disposal


Denoyelle, Marieva | Jorissen, Frans J. | Martin, Daniel | Galgani, Francois | Mine, Jacques

Ifremer - France

Sampling and analysis of litterfall


Pitman , Rona | Bastrup-Birk , Anne-Marie | Breda , Nathalie (INRA , Champenoux (France). UMR 1137 Ecologie et Ecophysiologie Forestières) | Rautio , Pasi

Institut national de la recherche agronomique - France

Impact of Long-Term Application of Fertilizers on N₂O and NO Production Potential in an Intensively Cultivated Sandy Loam Soil


Ding, Weixin | Yagi, Kazuyuki | Cai, Zucong | Han, Fengxiang

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Difference in the Use of a Quartz Filter and a PTFE Filter as First-Stage Filter in the Four-Stage Filter-Pack Method


Aikawa, Masahide | Hiraki, Takatoshi

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Engineering Aspects of Electrochemical Generation of Ferrate: A Step Towards Its Full Scale Application for Water and Wastewater Treatment


Alsheyab, Mohammad | Jiang, Jia-Qian | Stanford, Cécile

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of Physicochemical Methods for Treatment of Cu, Pb, Sb, and Zn in Canadian Small Arm Firing Ranges Backstop Soils


Laporte-Saumure, Mathieu | Martel, Richard | Mercier, Guy

National Agricultural Library - United States of America