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Contributions of local pollution emissions to particle bioreactivity in downwind cities in China during Asian dust periods
Ho, Kin-Fai | Wu, Kuan-Che | Niu, Xinyi | Wu, Yunfei | Zhu, Chong-Shu | Wu, Feng | Cao, Jun-Ji | Shen, Zhen-Xing | Hsiao, Ta-Chih | Chuang, Kai-Jen | Chuang, Hsiao-Chi
This study investigated the effects of pollution emissions on the bioreactivity of PM2.5 during Asian dust periods. PM2.5 during the sampling period were 104.2 and 85.7 μg m−3 in Xi'an and Beijing, respectively, whereas PM2.5 which originated from the Tengger Desert was collected (dust background). Pollution conditions were classified as non-dust days, pollution episode (PE), dust storm (DS)-1, and DS-2 periods. We observed a significant decrease in cell viability and an increase in LDH that occurred in A549 cells after exposure to PM2.5 during a PE and DS-1 in Xi'an and Beijing compared to Tengger Desert PM2.5. Positive matrix factorization was used to identify pollution emission sources. PM2.5 from biomass and industrial sources contributed to alterations in cell viability and LDH in Xi'an, whereas vehicle emissions contributed to LDH in Beijing. OC, EC, Cl−, K+, Mg2+, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Pb were correlated with cell viability and LDH for industrial emissions in Xi'an during DS. OC, EC, SO42−, S, Ti, Mn, and Fe were correlated with LDH for vehicle emissions in Beijing during DS. In conclusion, the dust may carry pollutants on its surface to downwind areas, leading to increased risks of particle toxicity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Trends in surface water chemistry in afforested Welsh catchments recovering from acidification, 1991–2012
Broadmeadow, S.B. | Nisbet, T.R. | Forster, J.
A key criterion of the UK Government's policy on sustainable forest management is safeguarding the quality and quantity of water. Forests and forestry management practices can have profound effects on the freshwater environment. Poor forest planning or management can severely damage water resources at great cost to other water users; in contrast good management that restores and maintains the natural functions of woodland can benefit the whole aquatic ecosystem.Forests and forest management practices can affect surface water acidification. Monitoring of water chemistry in ten forest and two moorland acid-sensitive catchments in upland Wales commenced in 1991. The streams were selected to supplement the United Kingdom Upland Waters Monitoring Network (UWMN) with additional examples of afforested catchments. Analysis of 22 years of water chemistry data revealed trends indicative of recovery from acidification. Excess sulphate exhibited a significant coherent decline, accompanied by increases in pH and “charge-balance based” acid neutralising capacity (CB-ANC). Alkalinity and “alkalinity-based” acid neutralising capacity (AB-ANC) exhibited fewer trends, possibily due to the variable responses of the organic - carbonate species to increasing pH in these low alkalinity streams. Whilst total anthropogenic acidity declined, dissolved organic carbon and Nitrate-Nitrogen (NNO₃) concentrations have risen, and the contribution of NNO₃ to acidification has increased.Between-stream variability was analysed using Principal Component Analysis of the trend slopes. Hierarchical clustering of the changes in stream water chemistry indicated three distinct clusters with no absolute distinction between moorland and forest streams. Redundancy analysis was used to test for significant site-specific variables that explained differences in the trend slopes, with rainfall, crop age, base cation concentration and forest cover being significant explanatory variables.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of fulvic acid and fulvic ions on Escherichia coli survival in river under repeated freeze-thaw cycles
Wang, Xu | Zhang, Dongyan | Chen, Weiwei | Tao, Jiahui | Xu, Meng | Guo, Ping
The effects of fulvic acid (FA) and ions on mesophilic pathogenic bacteria survival under freeze-thaw (FT) stress in natural water and its resistant mechanisms are rarely understood. Therefore, survival patterns of Escherichia coli in river water added with various concentrations of FA or FA-ion under FT stress were studied in this work. Meanwhile, cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH), unit activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were determined and Escherichia coli morphologies were observed to explore the bacterial resistant mechanisms against FT stress. The results demonstrated that FT cycles significantly reduced bacterial quantities as sampling time, i.e. freeze-thaw cycle time increased. And the biggest reducing rate was observed after the first FT cycle in every system. Ttd values, time needed to reach detection limit under FT stress decreased under FT stress as FA was added into water, while the changes of ttd values were quite complicated when FA and various ions existed together. Generally, the ttd values of FA-cation systems exceeded that of FA system except FA-Ca²⁺ systems, but it was opposite for FA-anion systems. CSH was heightened after FT cycles and reached peak value at last sampling time in every system. Mechanical constraint from extracellular ice crystals and high CSH induced bacterial aggregation, which protect inner cells of aggregation from extracellular ice crystals. And the unit activities of SOD were significantly higher than those of CAT. Unit activities of SOD and CAT in large part of tested systems increased with sampling time under FT stress, which reduced reactive oxygen species produced from repeated FT cycles. Thus, these could improve the resistance of Escherichia coli to freeze-thaw stress and promote their survival. This work explored the survival pattern and strategy of Escherichia coli in natural water under FT stress.
Show more [+] Less [-]Source apportionment of VOCs and their impact on air quality and health in the megacity of Seoul
Song, Sang-Keun | Shon, Zang-Ho | Kang, Yoon-Hee | Kim, Ki Hyun | Han, Seung-Beom | Kang, Min-sŏng | Bang, Jin-Hee | Oh, Inbo
The source apportionment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was examined using receptor models (positive matrix factorization and chemical mass balance) and a chemical transport model (CTM). The receptor model-based analysis was performed using the datasets collected from four different sites from the megacity of Seoul during the years 2013–2015. The contributions of VOC emission sources to ozone (O₃) and PM₂.₅ concentrations and the subsequent health effects in the study area were also assessed during a photochemically active period (June 2015) using a three-dimensional CTM, Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ), and the Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP). The solvent use and the on-road mobile emission sources were found to exert dominant controls on the VOC levels observed in the target city. VOCs transported from regions outside of Seoul accounted for a significant proportion (up to approximately 35%) of ambient VOC levels during the study period. The solvent use accounted for 3.4% of the ambient O₃ concentrations during the day (daily mean of 2.6%) and made insignificant contributions to PM₂.₅ (<1%) during the simulation period. Biogenic VOC made insignificant contributions to O₃ (<1%) and a small contribution to PM₂.₅ during the day (5.6% with a daily mean of 2.4%). The number of premature deaths attributed indirectly (O₃ and PM₂.₅ formations via the oxidation of VOCs) to solvent use is expected to be significant.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bacterial community and eutrophic index analysis of the East Lake
Ji, Bin | Liang, Jiechao | Ma, Yingqun | Zhu, Lin | Liu, Yu
This study investigated bacterial diversities in surface water and sediment of the East Lake located in Wuhan, China. Bacterial community of lake water was mainly composed of Proteobacteria (31.1%), Actinobacteria (25.0%), Bacteroidetes (18.6%), Cyanobacteria (18.9%), Planctomycetes (2.4%) and Verrucomicrobia (1.4%), while more abundant and richer bacterial community was found in the sediments, e.g. 46.1% for Proteobacteria, 10.1% for Bacteroidetes, 8.7% for Chloroflexi, 8.4% for Acidobacteria, 5.0% for Cyanobacteria, 3.6% for Firmicutes, 3.1% for Planctomycetes, 2.8% for Actinobacteria and 2.3% for Nitrospirae. The decreased bacterial community richness and abundance was found in poor-quality water. Moreover, Bacterial Eutrophic Index (BEI) was firstly put forward to quantitatively describe the water quality of a freshwater ecosystem, which was defined as the ratio of abundance of Cyanobacteria and Actinobacteria in water. It was demonstrated BEI was well correlated to Carlson's Trophic State Index (TSI) (Spearman's ρ = 0.848, p < 0.01). The average TSI and BEI were determined to be 64 and 0.81, suggesting that East Lake could be classified as a medium eutrophic level.
Show more [+] Less [-]Behavioural effects on marine amphipods exposed to silver ions and silver nanoparticles
Vannuci-Silva, Monizze | Kohler, Shanelle | Umbuzeiro, Gisela de A. | Ford, Alex T.
Behavioural responses to contaminants are an important endpoint in ecotoxicology because they link effects at biochemical or cellular levels to impacts on individual fitness. Due to the increasing use of silver in nanomaterials, studies of its effects on the behaviour of aquatic organisms are important to assess the risks of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) released into the environment. The aim of this work was to evaluate the behavioural effects of silver on the marine amphipod Echinogammarus marinus after exposure to AgNO3 via water and AgCl or AgNP via food. Swimming activity of the amphipods was tracked during 6 min alternating dark and light conditions. Animals swam slower and responded less to light at higher concentrations of silver in the water. No differences were found in the behaviour of animals exposed via feeding up to 28 days, hence, longer exposure times may be required for the observation of effects. This is the first work to appraise behaviour effects of silver ions and AgNP on marine amphipods. Although the protocol has been successfully developed for this purpose, specimens appeared to habituate to test conditions during the experiments. Therefore, the need for further understanding of baseline behaviours in these model organisms is discussed.
Show more [+] Less [-]A spatiotemporal interpolation method for the assessment of pollutant concentrations in the Yangtze River estuary and adjacent areas from 2004 to 2013
Wang, Jiaxin | Hu, Maogui | Gao, Bingbo | Fan, Haimei | Wang, Jinfeng
Nitrogen is one of the most significant pollutants in the Yangtze River estuary (YRE), China. Reliable estimation of nitrogen concentration in the water is crucial for assessment of the water quality of the estuary. Because ocean fronts exist in the YRE, which divide water masses into different regions, it is necessary to account for the heterogeneity of the water surface when predicting nitrogen concentrations. A new geostatistical method, called spatiotemporal point mean of surface with non-homogeneity (ST-PMSN), is proposed to model the non-stationary spatiotemporal random process of nitrogen concentrations between 2004 and 2013 in the YRE. The method considers the spatiotemporal correlation of surface water nitrogen and uses information from both sides of a boundary for heterogeneous water masses. Comparing with several other interpolating methods, including spatial ordinary kriging (OK), stratified ordinary kriging (SOK), point mean of surface with non-homogeneity (P-MSN), spatiotemporal ordinary kriging (STK), and stratified spatiotemporal ordinary kriging (SSTK), the cross-validation results show that ST-PMSN has the highest accuracy, followed by SSTK, STK, P-MSN, SOK, and OK in descending order. ST-PMSN is therefore demonstrated to be effective in estimating the nitrogen pollutant concentrations in a stratified estuary. According to interpolated nitrogen concentrations in the YRE, water quality has generally deteriorated—with fluctuations—from 2004 to 2013. The average annual reduction in area of water quality of Grades I and II from 2004 to 2013 was 1.10%. At the same time, the average annual increase in area of water quality of Grades III and IV was 0.89% and that of Grade V was 0.21%. The results of this study provide a new and more accurate interpolating method for assessing the pollutant concentration in the marine and offers guidance for more precise classification of water quality in the YRE.
Show more [+] Less [-]The global warming potential of straw-return can be reduced by application of straw-decomposing microbial inoculants and biochar in rice-wheat production systems
Ma, Yuchun | Liu, De Li | Schwenke, Graeme | Yang, Bo
Straw-return methods that neither negatively impact yield nor bring environmental risk are ideal patterns. To attain this goal, it is necessary to conduct field observation to evaluate the environmental influence of different straw-return methods. Therefore, we conducted a 2-year field study in 2015–2017 to investigate the emissions of methane (CH₄) and nitrous oxide (N₂O) and the changes in topsoil (0–20 cm) organic carbon (SOC) density in a typical Chinese rice-wheat rotation in the Eastern China. These measurements allowed a complete greenhouse gas accounting (net GWP and GHGI) of five treatments including: FP (no straw, plus fertilizer), FS (wheat straw plus fertilizer), FB (straw-derived biochar plus fertilizer), FSDI (wheat straw with straw-decomposing microbial inoculants plus fertilizer) and CK (control: no straw, no fertilizer). Average annual SOC sequestration rates were estimated to be 0.20, 0.97, 1.97 and 1.87 t C ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ (0–20 cm) for the FP, FS, FB and FSDI treatments respectively. Relative to the FP treatment, the FS and FSDI treatments increased CH₄ emissions by 12.4 and 17.9% respectively, but decreased N₂O emissions by 19.1 and 26.6%. Conversely, the FB treatment decreased CH₄ emission by 7.2% and increased N₂O emission by 10.9% compared to FP. FB increased grain yield, but FS and FSDI did not. Compared to the net GWP (11.6 t CO₂-eq ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹) and GHGI (1.20 kg CO₂-eq kg⁻¹ grain) of FP, the FS, FB and FSDI treatments reduced net GWP by 12.6, 59.9 and 34.6% and GHGI by 10.5, 65.8 and 37.7% respectively. In rice-wheat systems of eastern China, the environmentally beneficial effects of returning wheat straw can be greatly enhanced by application of straw-decomposing microbial inoculants or by applying straw-derived biochar.
Show more [+] Less [-]Identification of hydrochemical genesis and screening of typical groundwater pollutants impacting human health: A case study in Northeast China
Zhai, Yuanzheng | Zheng, Fuxin | Zhao, Xiaobing | Xia, Xuelian | Teng, Yanguo
Concentrations of common pollutants in groundwater continue to increase, and emerging pollutants are also increasingly found worldwide, thereby increasingly impacting human activities. In this new situation, it is necessary, albeit more difficult, to once again recognize the hydrochemical genesis of groundwater and to subsequently screen the typical pollutants. Taking the groundwater of the Songnen Plain of Northeast China as an example, the hydrochemical genesis was identified using space interpolation, characteristic element ratio and factor analysis methods based on 368 groundwater samples. Subsequently, the typical pollutants with potential impacts on the health of the local residents were screened by the index system method newly established. All the measured hydrochemical compositions show an obvious spatial variation, with a uniform hydrochemical type of HCO3–Ca in the whole area. Both the major compositions (K, Na, Ca, Mg, HCO3, Cl and SO4) and trace compositions (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, F, I and Se) are mainly protogenetic in an environment impacted by the lixiviation of groundwater in the migration process in the strata, although these compositions have been impacted by human activities to varying degrees. The mass concentration of NO3–N has exceeded most of the major compositions except for HCO3 and Ca, which means the nitrogen pollution problem is already very serious; and this problem is mainly caused by the utilization of fertilizers and the discharge of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage. Human activities have obviously disrupted the natural dynamic balance of these chemicals between the environment and the groundwater, thereby intensifying the release of F, Fe and Mn from the environment. TDS, total hardness, tri-nitrogen, F, Fe, Mn, Pb and As in some parts are found to exceed the standards of groundwater quality to varying degrees. As, Pb, Fe, NO3–N, NO2–N, Mn, F and NH4–N are finally screened as the typical pollutants.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spatial and temporal variation of antibiotic resistance in marine fish cage-culture area of Guangdong, China
Wu, Jinjun | Su, Youlu | Deng, Yiqin | Guo, Zhixun | Cheng, Changhong | Ma, Hongling | Liu, Guangfeng | Xu, Liwen | Feng, Juan
The rapid emergence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance poses a threat to human health and to the marine environment. We have investigated the abundance and diversity of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB), during the seedling period, rearing period, and harvesting period in seven marine fish cage-culture areas in Guangdong. Spatial and temporal variations of AGRs and ARB were also analyzed. Culture-based methods and quantitative PCR were used to detect ARB and ARGs. Bacterial resistance rates were no significantly different within farming periods. The proportion of antibiotic-resistant bacteria was extremely low (average on 1.15%), except for oxytetracycline-resistant bacteria (average on 34.15%). Vibrio was the most common ARB. Sul1, tetB, and ermB, had the highest relative abundance. The abundance of ARGs in the harvesting period was significant highest. The total abundance of ARGs was highest at Raoping and lowest at Dayawan and Liusha. Most ARGs were associated with opportunistic pathogens. The environmental factors effecting ARB and ARGs are complex, and no key factors were identified. This study provides a theoretical basis for assessing the harmfulness of ARGs and ARB to food safety and human health.
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