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Phosphate-enhanced movement of arsenic out of lead arsenate-contaminated topsoil and through uncontaminated subsoil
Peryea, F.J. (Washington State Univ., Wenatchee, WA (USA). Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center) | Kammereck, R.
Fish contamination and human exposure to mercury in Tartarugalzinho River, Amapa State, Northern Amazon, Brazil: a screening approach
Bidone, E.D. (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil). Dept. Geoquimica) | Castilhos, Z.C. | Santos, T.J.S. | Souza, T.M.C. | Lacerda, L.D.
Embodied pollution and trade: a two-country general equilibrium model
Diao, Xinshen | Roe, Terry L.
The effects of environmental policy on trade and social welfare are analyzed in a modified Heckscher-Ohlin framework where pollution is embodied in a good consumed. Utility is non-homothetic to account for changes in the demand for healthy goods when income increases. If the polluting input is used intensively, taxing it alone can cause an increase in the good's level of pollution concentration. Instead, a tax on the polluting input in combination with a subsidy to the non-polluting input can result in Pareto improvement. Contrary to other approaches, an abatement policy does not necessarily have a negative effect on a country's comparative advantage. However, if the country is large, change in terms of trade may cause one country to be made better off at the expense of the other, which suggests that compensatory payments may be required to encourage abatement policies.
Show more [+] Less [-]Analyzing nonpoint source water pollution problems
Favero, Philip
Pollution prevention in the paints and coatings industry
Joseph, Ron
Himalayan microbial diversity
Sati, S. C. | Saxena, J. (Jitendra) | Dubey, R. C.
The interactions between sediments and water
Evans, R. Douglas | Wisniewski, Joe | Wisniewski, Jan R.
The description, assessment and meaning of vertical fluxes of matter within ecotypes - a systematic consideration
Dämmgen, Ulrich | Grünhage, Ludger | Jäger, Hans-Jürgen
Water pollution IV
Rajar, R (Rudi) | Brebbia, C. A.
Best management practices for pollution prevention in the textile industry | Best management practices for pollution prevention in the textile industry