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The use of nanoparticles in polymeric and ceramic membrane structures: Review of manufacturing procedures and performance improvement for water treatment
Membrane separations are powerful tools for various applications, including wastewater treatment and the removal of contaminants from drinking water. The performance of membranes is mainly limited by material properties. Recently, successful attempts have been made to add nanoparticles or nanotubes to polymers in membrane synthesis, with particle sizes ranging from 4 nm up to 100 nm. Ceramic membranes have been fabricated with catalytic nanoparticles for synergistic effects on the membrane performance. Breakthrough effects that have been reported in the field of water and wastewater treatment include fouling mitigation, improvement of permeate quality and flux enhancement. Nanomaterials that have been used include titania, alumina, silica, silver and many others. This paper reviews the role of engineered nanomaterials in (pressure driven) membrane technology for water treatment, to be applied in drinking water production and wastewater recycling. Benefits and drawbacks are described, which should be taken into account in further studies on potential risks related to release of nanoparticles into the environment.
Show more [+] Less [-]Analysis of a Farquhar-von Caemmerer-Berry leaf-level photosynthetic rate model for Populus tremuloides in the context of modeling and measurement limitations
Lenz, Kathryn E. | Host, George E. | Roskoski, Kyle | Noormets, Asko | Sôber, Anu | Karnosky, David F.
The balance of mechanistic detail with mathematical simplicity contributes to the broad use of the Farquhar, von Caemmerer and Berry (FvCB) photosynthetic rate model. Here the FvCB model was coupled with a stomatal conductance model to form an [A,gs] model, and parameterized for mature Populus tremuloides leaves under varying CO2 and temperature levels. Data were selected to be within typical forest light, CO2 and temperature ranges, reducing artifacts associated with data collected at extreme values. The error between model-predicted photosynthetic rate (A) and A data was measured in three ways and found to be up to three times greater for each of two independent data sets than for a base-line evaluation using parameterization data. The evaluation methods used here apply to comparisons of model validation results among data sets varying in number and distribution of data, as well as to performance comparisons of [A,gs] models differing in internal-process components. A photosynthetic rate model is parameterized for Populus tremuloides and evaluated based on its ability to predict dependent as well as independent data.
Show more [+] Less [-]Leaf size and surface characteristics of Betula papyrifera exposed to elevated CO2 and O3
Riikonen, Johanna | Percy, Kevin E. | Kivimäenpää, Minna | Kubiske, Mark E. | Nelson, Neil D. | Vapaavuori, Elina | Karnosky, David F.
Betula papyrifera trees were exposed to elevated concentrations of CO2 (1.4 × ambient), O3 (1.2 × ambient) or CO2 + O3 at the Aspen Free-air CO2 Enrichment Experiment. The treatment effects on leaf surface characteristics were studied after nine years of tree exposure. CO2 and O3 increased epidermal cell size and reduced epidermal cell density but leaf size was not altered. Stomatal density remained unaffected, but stomatal index increased under elevated CO2. Cuticular ridges and epicuticular wax crystallites were less evident under CO2 and CO2 + O3. The increase in amorphous deposits, particularly under CO2 + O3, was associated with the appearance of elongated plate crystallites in stomatal chambers. Increased proportions of alkyl esters resulted from increased esterification of fatty acids and alcohols under elevated CO2 + O3. The combination of elevated CO2 and O3 resulted in different responses than expected under exposure to CO2 or O3 alone. The combined effects of CO2 and O3 on birch leaf surface characteristics cannot be predicted on the basis of studies examining each of these gases separately.
Show more [+] Less [-]Ozone fumigation (twice ambient) reduces leaf infestation following natural and artificial inoculation by the endophytic fungus Apiognomonia errabunda of adult European beech trees
Olbrich, Maren | Knappe, Claudia | Wenig, Marion | Gerstner, Elke | Häberle, Karl-Heinz | Kitao, Mitsutoshi | Matyssek, Rainer | Stich, Susanne | Leuchner, Michael | Werner, Herbert | Schlink, Katja | Müller-Starck, G (Gerhard) | Welzl, Gerhard | Scherb, Hagen | Ernst, Dieter | Heller, Werner
In 2006, a controlled infection study was performed in the ‘Kranzberger Forst’ to address the following questions: (1) Will massive artificial inoculation with Apiognomonia errabunda override the previously observed inhibitory effect of chronic ozone? (2) Can biochemical or molecular markers be detected to account for the action of ozone? To this end six adult beech trees were chosen, three ozone fumigated (2× ozone) and three control trees (ambient = 1× ozone). Spore-sprayed branches of sun and shade crown positions of each of the trees, and uninoculated control branches, were enclosed in 100-L plastic bags for one night to facilitate infection initiation. Samples were taken within a five-week period after inoculation. A. errabunda infestation levels quantified by real-time PCR increased in leaves that were not fumigated with additional ozone. Cell wall components and ACC (ethylene precursor 1-amino cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid) increased upon ozone fumigation and may in part lead to the repression of fungal infection. Chronic sublethal ozone exposure reduces both natural and artificial infestation of beech leaves by the endophytic fungus Apiognomonia errabunda.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pd-nanoparticles cause increased toxicity to kiwifruit pollen compared to soluble Pd(II)
Speranza, Anna | Leopold, Kerstin | Maier, Marina | Taddei, Anna Rita | Scoccianti, Valeria
In the present study, endpoints including in vitro pollen performance (i.e., germination and tube growth) and lethality were used as assessments of nanotoxicity. Pollen was treated with 5–10 nm-sized Pd particles, similar to those released into the environment by catalytic car exhaust converters. Results showed Pd-nanoparticles altered kiwifruit pollen morphology and entered the grains more rapidly and to a greater extent than soluble Pd(II). At particulate Pd concentrations well below those of soluble Pd(II), pollen grains experienced rapid losses in endogenous calcium and pollen plasma membrane damage was induced. This resulted in severe inhibition and subsequent cessation of pollen tube emergence and elongation at particulate Pd concentrations as low as 0.4 mg L−1. Particulate Pd emissions related to automobile traffic have been increasing and are accumulating in the environment. This could seriously jeopardize in vivo pollen function, with impacts at an ecosystem level. Nanoparticulate Pd – which resembles emissions from automobile catalysts – affects pollen to a higher extent than soluble Pd.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of water treatment residuals on soil phosphorus, copper and aluminium availability and toxicity
Lombi, E. | Stevens, D.P. | McLaughlin, M.J.
Water treatment residuals (WTRs) are produced by the treatment of potable water with coagulating agents. Beneficial recycling in agriculture is hampered by the fact that WTRs contain potentially toxic contaminants (e.g. copper and aluminium) and they bind phosphorus strongly. These issues were investigated using a plant bioassay (Lactuca sativa), chemical extractions and an isotopic dilution technique. Two WTRs were applied to an acidic and a neutral pH soil at six rates. Reductions in plant growth in amended soils were due to WTR-induced P deficiency, rather than Al or Cu toxicity. The release of potentially toxic Al from WTRs was found to be mitigated by their alkaline nature and pH buffering capacity. However, acidification of WTRs was shown to release more soluble Al than soil naturally high in Al. Copper availability was relatively low in all treatments. However, the lability of WTR-Cu increased when the WTR was applied to the soil.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spatial and seasonal variations of the contamination within water body of the Grand Canal, China
Wang, Xiaolong | Han, Jingyi | Xu, Ligang | Zhang, Qi
To delineate the character of contaminations in the Grand Canal, China, a three-year study (2004-2006) was conducted to investigate variations the water quality in the canal. Results showed that the variation of water quality within the Grand Canal was of there is remarkable spatial and seasonal heterogeneity regarding water quality within the Canal. Values of contaminants in dry-season were obviously higher than those in wet-season. Sites influenced strongly by industry and urbanization showed higher contents of nutrients and lower levels of dissolved oxygen in water body; moreover these sites were severely polluted by dissolved metals with the contents of cadmium, chromium and copper exceeding the Criteria Maximum Concentration (CMC), US EPA. Multivariate statistical analysis suggested nutrient and dissolved metals pollution was the dominant environmental problems within the Canal. Anthropogenic influences played a dominant role in the character of contaminations in the Grand Canal.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of nematode community structure as a bioindicator in river monitoring
Wu, H.C. | Chen, P.C. | Tsay, T.T.
Nematode communities from river water and sediments were assessed for the abundance, feeding types, maturity indices and nematode channel ratio (NCR). The sampling sites studied included different levels of pollution and contamination from agricultural, industrial and sewage sources. The nematode abundance found in the sediment samples was more than that in the water samples. The lowest nematode abundance in sediment samples and the lowest NCR in water samples were both found at the industrial pollution site. Water samples showed positive correlation between the NCR and river pollution index (RPI). Mean maturity indices in sediment samples were inversely correlated with RPI. The pollutant source determined the relationship between NCR and pollution level, while maturity index always showed negative correlation with pollutant level regardless of the pollutant sources. The nematode abundance and its community structure were both reliable bioindicators for monitoring long-term river pollution in both qualitative and quantitative aspects.
Show more [+] Less [-]Isolating the impact of sediment toxicity in urban streams
Marshall, Stephen | Pettigrove, Vincent | Carew, Melissa | Hoffmann, Ary
Several factors can contribute to the ecological degradation of stream catchments following urbanization, but it is often difficult to separate their relative importance. We isolated the impact of polluted sediment on the condition of an urban stream in Melbourne, Australia, using two complementary approaches. Using a rapid bioassessment approach, indices of stream condition were calculated based on macroinvertebrate field surveys. Urban stream reaches supported impoverished macroinvertebrate communities, and contained potentially toxic concentrations of heavy metals and hydrocarbons. Using a field microcosm approach, a bioassay was carried out to assess sediment pollution effects on native macroinvertebrates. Sediment from urban sites substantially altered the microcosm macroinvertebrate community, most likely due to elevated heavy metal and hydrocarbon concentrations. Macroinvertebrate surveys combined with a bioassay approach based on field microcosms can help isolate the effect of stream pollutants in degraded ecosystems.
Show more [+] Less [-]Large-scale risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in shoreline sediments from Saudi Arabia: Environmental legacy after twelve years of the Gulf war oil spill
Bejarano, Adriana C. | Michel, Jacqueline
A large-scale assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the 1991 Gulf War oil spill was performed for 2002-2003 sediment samples (n = 1679) collected from habitats along the shoreline of Saudi Arabia. Benthic sediment toxicity was characterized using the Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Benchmark Toxic Unit approach for 43 PAHs (ESBTUFCV,43). Samples were assigned to risk categories according to ESBTUFCV,43 values: no-risk (≤1), low (>1–≤2), low-medium (>2–≤3), medium (>3–≤5) and high-risk (>5). Sixty seven percent of samples had ESBTUFCV,43 > 1 indicating potential adverse ecological effects. Sediments from the 0–30 cm layer from tidal flats, and the >30–<60 cm layer from heavily oiled halophytes and mangroves had high frequency of high-risk samples. No-risk samples were characterized by chrysene enrichment and depletion of lighter molecular weight PAHs, while high-risk samples showed little oil weathering and PAH patterns similar to 1993 samples. North of Safaniya sediments were not likely to pose adverse ecological effects contrary to sediments south of Tanaqib. Landscape and geomorphology has played a role on the distribution and persistence in sediments of oil from the Gulf War.
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