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At-sea detection of marine debris: Overview of technologies, processes, issues, and options
Mace, Thomas H.
At-sea detection of marine debris presents a difficult problem, as the debris items are often relatively small and partially submerged. However, they may accumulate in water parcel boundaries or eddy lines. The application of models, satellite radar and multispectral data, and airborne remote sensing (particularly radar) to focus the search on eddies and convergence zones in the open ocean appear to be a productive avenue of investigation. A multistage modeling and remote sensing approach is proposed for the identification of areas of the open ocean where debris items are more likely to congregate. A path forward may best be achieved through the refinement of the Ghost Net procedures with the addition of a final search stage using airborne radar from an UAS simulator aircraft to detect zones of potential accumulation for direct search. Sampling strategies, direct versus indirect measurements, remote sensing resolution, sensor/platform considerations, and future state are addressed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fish bile as a biomarker for metal exposure
Hauser-Davis, Rachel Ann | Bastos, Frederico Freire | de Oliveira, Terezinha Ferreira | Ziolli, Roberta Lourenço | de Campos, Reinaldo Calixto
Fish accumulate several trace elements in muscle, gills and liver, however studies also indicate that metals can be excreted through bile. Since metal contamination leads to modifications in bile composition, biliary excretion offers an alternative way to evaluate the presence of trace-elements. Bile is easier to obtain than other organs and presents a simpler matrix, making it easier for chemical pre-treatment. To verify if bile can be useful as a biomonitoring tool for metal contamination, liver and bile trace element concentrations were determined and correlated. The Artificial Neural Networks statistical technique was used to verify if liver trace-element quantification could be substituted by bile analysis. Results show that significant correlations were obtained between trace elements in bile and liver and the ANN validated the hypothesis that certain trace-elements in bile could be utilized instead of liver trace-elements. Further studies in this field are of interest to further validate this biomarker.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spatial distribution of intertidal sandy beach polychaeta along an estuarine and morphodynamic gradient in an eutrophic tropical bay
Omena, E.P. | Lavrado, H.P. | Paranhos, R. | Silva, T.A.
The spatial distribution of polychaeta along pollution gradients often reflects different degrees of disturbance. In order to evaluate polychaeta fauna of an organically polluted tropical bay, 20 sandy beaches distributed in five areas were sampled. The relationship between community structure, slope, beach index, exposure, sediment and water quality parameters were analysed. Multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) showed differences among areas and beaches. Scolelepis chilensis dominated at mouth of bay beaches whereas Streblospio gynobranchiata and Capitella capitata complex, at inner beaches. Highest polychaete density was recorded at areas 3 and 5 with the dominance of Saccocirrus sp. and the organic indicator species C. capitata complex and Polydora sp. The most important factors obtained from canonical analysis were sorting, slope, mud and organic matter percentage. Marine biotic index (AMBI) showed that areas 3 and 5 were highly affected by anthropogenic factors, given that a poor polychaeta fauna, dominated by opportunistic species, were found. Polychaete assemblages were affected by eutrophication along an estuarine gradient as well as by morphodynamic condition of the beaches.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evolution of phytoplankton cultures after ultraviolet light treatment
Introducing invasive species in new environments through ballast water is a specific problem of contamination and has recently become one of the main concerns of Maritime Organizations. Ultraviolet-C radiation (UV-C) is a technological alternative to prevent this maritime pollution. This study addresses the effect of UV-C on different phytoplankton cultures and also the ability to recover following exposure to damage. A UV-C low-pressure lamp irradiates the cultures. The distance from the source and the thickness of the layer prevent part of the energy from reaching the culture and the disinfective process is diminished. Some cultures such as Chlorella autotrophica and Chaetoceros calcitrans can easily recover from UV-C damage. However, Phaeocystis globosa does not have this ability. C. calcitrans forms cysts and exhibits two different behaviours depending on the dose applied.
Show more [+] Less [-]The use of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for detection of PAHs in the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea)
A field operable surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensor system was applied for the first time under real conditions for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as markers for petroleum hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea). At six stations, seawater samples were taken, and the sensor system was applied in situ simultaneously. These measurements were compared to the results of conventional GC/MS laboratory analysis of the PAH concentrations in the seawater samples. For a PAH concentration above 150ng(12PAH)l⁻¹, there was agreement between the SERS sensor and the GC/MS determinations. A standard addition experiment yielded a PAH concentration of 900ngl⁻¹ at the Gdańsk Harbor, which was of the same order as the GC/MS determinations of 12PAHs (200ng(12PAH)l⁻¹). The high SERS detection limit for seawater samples is explained by the competition for PAHs between the sensor membrane and particulate matter surfaces. Thus, the SERS sensor can be applied, e.g., as a non-quantitative alarm sensor for relatively high PAH concentrations in heavily polluted waters. The spectral unmixing procedure applied for Gdańsk Harbor water confirmed the presence of phenanthrene at the highest concentration ([Phe]=140ngl⁻¹) and of Chr (2.7ngl⁻¹), but it did not detect the other PAHs present in the Gdańsk Harbor water, as determined by GC/MS. When compared to the past literature and databases, the SERS spectra indicated the presence of a mixture of molecules consisting of carotenoids, n-alkanes, amines or fatty acids, and benzimidazoles at the coastal station ZN2. The spectra in the offshore direction indicated carboxylic acids. Interpretation of the farthest offshore in situ SERS measurements is difficult, principally due to the limited availability of reference spectra. The detection of the lower PAH concentrations commonly found in Baltic coastal water needs further research and development to obtain better sensitivity of the SERS sensor. However, the high analytical specificity of the SERS sensor also allows the detection of other chemical species that require the development of a SERS/Raman library for specific in situ spectral interpretation.
Show more [+] Less [-]Provenance of Corexit-related chemical constituents found in nearshore and inland Gulf Coast waters
The dispersants Corexit 9527 and Corexit 9500 were extensively used during the response to the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010. In addition to the monitoring programs established by federal and state governments, local communities also conducted studies to determine if chemical constituents from these dispersants impacted nearshore and inland waters. One community (the City of Orange Beach, Alabama) collected water samples between September, 2010 and January, 2011, and found the dispersant-related chemicals propylene glycol, 2-butoxyethanol, and dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate at nearshore and inland water sampling sites. In this paper, we examine their dataset in an attempt to discern the origin of these chemicals. Our assessment indicates that these compounds are unlikely to be present as a result of the use of Corexit dispersants; rather, they are likely related to point and non-point source stormwater discharge.
Show more [+] Less [-]Role of living environments in the accumulation characteristics of heavy metals in fishes and crabs in the Yangtze River Estuary, China
Zhao, Shou | Feng, Chenghong | Quan, Weimin | Chen, Xiaofeng | Niu, Junfeng | Shen, Zhenyao
Correlation of heavy metals in the tissues of typical organisms (i.e., fishes and crabs) and those in their living environments (i.e., surface water, bottom water, and sediment) in Yangtze River Estuary has been qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Metal levels followed the trend: sediments >Eriocheir sinensis>Eriocheir leptognathus>benthic fish>pelagic fish>bottom water>surface water. Tissues in fishes and crabs of different species and sizes had diverse metal bioaccumulation characteristics, which was significantly affected by environment factors and their living habits. Metal levels in legs of crabs, and heads and skins of fishes showed significant correlations with those in their living environments. Collichthys lucidus is an effective bioindicator for assessing metal levels in water. No significant health risk was identified by the estimated daily intake and target hazard quotients analyses.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of polyaromatic hydrocarbon degradation by potentially pathogenic environmental Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from coastal Louisiana, USA
Smith, Conor B. | Johnson, Crystal N. | King, Gary M.
A presumed Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolate from Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA was previously reported to grow on phenanthrene, a polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) found in crude oil. Following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, concerns were raised that PAH-degrading V. parahaemolyticus could increase in abundance, leading to elevated risks of disease derived from shellfish consumption. To assess this possibility, we examined responses to naphthalene and phenanthrene of 17 coastal Louisiana environmental V. parahaemolyticus isolates representing five distinct genotypes. Isolates were obtained immediately after the spill began and after oil had reached the Louisiana coast. None of the isolates grew on or oxidized either substrate and a naphthalene degradation product, 1-naphthol, substantially inhibited growth of some isolates. The use of PAH by V. parahaemolyticus is unusual, and an increase in human health risks due to stimulation of V. parahaemolyticus growth by oil-derived PAH under in situ conditions appears unlikely.
Show more [+] Less [-]Monitoring temporal and spatial trends of legacy and emerging contaminants in marine environment: Results from the environmental specimen bank (es-BANK) of Ehime University, Japan
Tanabe, Shinsuke | Ramu, Karri
The Environmental Specimen Bank (es-BANK) for Global Monitoring at the Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University, Japan has more than four decades of practical experience in specimen banking. Over the years, es-BANK has archived specimens representing a wide range of environmental matrices, i.e. fishes, reptiles, birds, aquatic mammals, terrestrial mammals, human, soils, and sediments. The samples have been collected as part of the various monitoring programs conducted worldwide. The current review is a summary of selected studies conducted at the Center for Marine Environmental Studies, on temporal and spatial trends of legacy and emerging contaminants in the marine environment. One of the major conclusions drawn from the studies is that environmental problems are no more regional issues and, thus, environmental specimen banking should not be limited to national boundaries, but should have a global outlook.
Show more [+] Less [-]Contaminant concentrations, biochemical and hematological biomarkers in blood of West Indian manatees Trichechus manatus from Brazil
Anzolin, D.G. | Sarkis, J.E.S. | Díaz, E. | Soares, D.G. | Serrano, I.L. | Borges, J.C.G. | Souto, A.S. | Taniguchi, S. | Montone, R.C. | Bainy, A.C.D. | Carvalho, P.S.M.
The West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus is threatened with extinction in Brazil, and this study focused on nondestructive blood samples analyzed for metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), as well as biochemical and hematological biomarkers. Studied manatees were kept at Projeto Peixe-Boi headquarters in Pernambuco State, and at two natural areas in estuaries where they are released to the wild. Manatees kept at the natural estuary in Paraiba State have blood concentrations of Al, Pb, Cd, Sn that are 11, 7, 8 and 23 times greater, respectively, than the concentrations found in blood of animals from the same species in Florida, USA. An inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase in manatees kept at the two reintroduction sites in Alagoas and Paraiba States indicated possible exposure of the animals to cholinesterase inhibitor insecticides. PCBs and OCPs were not detected. Results from this study will help delineate conservation efforts in the region.
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