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Mitigation of Cd accumulation in paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Fe fertilization
Chen, Zhe | Tang, Ye-Tao | Yao, Ai-Jun | Cao, Jian | Wu, Zhuo-Hao | Peng, Zhe-Ran | Wang, Shi-Zhong | Xiao, Shi | Baker, Alan J.M. | Qiu, Rong-Liang
Cadmium uptake in rice is believed to be mediated by the Fe transport system. Phyto-available Cd can be changed by Fe fertilization of substrates. This work investigated whether and how Fe fertilization affects mitigation of Cd accumulation in paddy rice. A 90-d soil column experiment was conducted to study the change of Cd and Fe availability in soil after Fe fertilization (ionic and chelated Fe). A low-Cd accumulating cultivar (TY116) and a high-Cd accumulating cultivar (JY841) were grown in two Cd-polluted paddy soils amended with chelated Fe fertilizers. Additionally, both cultivars were grown in hydroponics to compare Fe-related gene expression in EDDHAFe-deficient and EDDHAFe-sufficient roots.The column experiment showed that EDTANa2Fe(II) and EDDHAFe(III) fertilization had a better mitigation effect on soil Cd availability compared to FeSO4·7H2O. Moreover, the field experiment demonstrated that these two chelated fertilizations could reduce Cd concentrations in brown rice by up to 80%. Iron concentrations in the brown rice were elevated by Fe chelates. Compared to EDDHAFe(III), EDTANa2Fe(II) fertilization had a stronger mitigation effect by generating more EDTANa2Cd(II) in the soil solution to decrease phyto-available Cd in the soil. While EDDHAFe(III) fertilization could increase soil pH and decrease soil Eh which contributed to decreasing phyto-available Cd in a contaminated soil. In the hydroponic experiment, Fe sufficiency significantly reduced Cd concentrations in above-ground organs. In some cases, the expression of OsIRT1, OsNRAMP1 and OsNRAMP5 was inhibited under Fe sufficiency relative to Fe deficiency conditions. These results suggest that mitigation of rice Cd by Fe chelate fertilization results from a decrease in available Cd in substrates and the inhibition of the expression of several Fe-related genes in the IRT and NRAMP families.
Show more [+] Less [-]Transgenerational endocrine disruption and neurotoxicity in zebrafish larvae after parental exposure to binary mixtures of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) and lead
Chen, Lianguo | Wang, Xianfeng | Zhang, Xiaohua | Lam, Paul K.S. | Guo, Yongyong | Lam, James C.W. | Zhou, Bingsheng
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and heavy metals are two key groups of electric and electronic equipment contaminants. Despite their co-occurrence in aquatic environments, their combined effects remain largely unknown, particularly under a chronic exposure regime. In the present study, adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) were exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of BDE-209 and lead (Pb), or their binary mixtures, for 3 months. After chronic parental exposure, increased transfer of BDE-209 and Pb to the offspring eggs was activated in the coexposure groups, with BDE-197 being the predominant PBDE congener, indicating the dynamic metabolism of BDE-209 in parental zebrafish. In the presence of Pb, culturing the eggs in clean water until 5 days post-fertilization (dpf) further accelerated the debromination of BDE-209 towards BDE-197 in the offspring, caused by the preferential removal of bromine atoms at meta positions. BDE-209 and Pb combinations induced reproductive and thyroid endocrine disruption in adults, which resulted in an imbalanced deposition of hormones in the eggs. However, compared with single chemical exposure, the larval offspring at 5 dpf from the coexposure groups had reversed the adverse influences from maternal origin. In addition, the interaction between BDE-209 and Pb led to transgenerational developmental neurotoxicity in the larval offspring, where inhibited neuronal growth and neurotransmitter signaling, disorganized muscular assembly, and impaired visual function contributed to the observed neurobehavioral deficits. Overall, depending on specific biological events, the complex interaction between BDE-209 and Pb under chronic exposure resulted in significant alterations in their environmental fate and toxicological actions, thus complicating the accurate evaluation of ecological risks and constituting an unquantified threat to environmental safety.
Show more [+] Less [-]Environmental change in a modified catchment downstream of a gold mine, Solomon Islands
Albert, Simon | Kvennefors, Charlotte | Jacob, Krista | Kera, Joshua | Grinham, Alistair
Solomon Islands is rapidly developing its natural resource exploitation sector, but data needed to assess consequent environmental impacts are scarce. We assessed catchments surrounding the Gold Ridge gold mine (Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands) and found that extensive changes in river course, and water and sediment quality have occurred downstream of the gold mine since its development. Sediment run-off from exposed areas associated with the mine pit has increased, elevating turbidity (up to 2450 NTU) and metal and arsenic levels, with levels of the latter being up to 0.141 mg/L in surface waters and 265 mg/kg in sediments. An overfull, inoperative tailings storage facility associated with the currently inactive gold mine with fluctuating arsenic levels (up to 0.087 mg/L in the water; 377 mg/kg in the sediment) presents an ongoing threat to the environment. Arsenic, due to its toxicity, appears to be the greatest threat, with sediment and water guideline levels in rivers exceeded 10-fold and exceeded nearly 20-fold in the tailings dam sediments. Despite elevated metal and arsenic content in the area, no toxic inorganic arsenic was found to have bioaccumulated in locally harvested food. In summary, the natural environment surrounding the Gold Ridge mine has been modified substantially and requires an ongoing monitoring program to ensure the ecosystem services of food and water for the local communities continue to be safe. This study informs not only the local area but also provides a microcosm of the broader global challenges facing the regulation of extractive industries in proximity to subsistence communities.
Show more [+] Less [-]Trace metal behavior in sediments of Jiulong River Estuary and implication for benthic exchange fluxes
Wang, Wenhao | Wang, Wen-Xiong
Severe metal pollution due to industrial effluents releases has been documented in Jiulong River estuary, Southern China. However, integrated understanding of trace metal behavior in the sediment is lacking. In the present study, DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) technique was employed together with sediment cores to study the porewater dynamics of trace metals as well as the benthic exchange fluxes from four sampling sites over three different months. The sedimentary environment showed distinct spatial and temporal variations due to effluent discharge and biological activities. Metal behavior was controlled by early diagenetic reactions below the interface, in suboxic layer and in deeper sediment. Precipitation as sulfides and adsorption onto Mn/Fe (hydr)oxides were important in scavenging trace metals. Estimated exchange fluxes at sediment-water interface in this estuary indicated that the overlying water was a major source for trace metals, whereas sediments could also be the source if surface remobilization (Mn/Fe reduction) dominated. Our results highlighted the impacts of both natural and anthropogenic processes on the source, fate and transformation of trace metals in this dynamic system.
Show more [+] Less [-]A quantitative microbial risk assessment model for total coliforms and E. coli in surface runoff following application of biosolids to grassland
Clarke, Rachel | Peyton, Dara | Healy, Mark G. | Fenton, O. (Owen) | Cummins, Enda
In Ireland, the land application of biosolids is the preferred option of disposing of municipal sewage waste. Biosolids provide nutrients in the form of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and increases organic matter. It is also an economic way for a country to dispose of its municipal waste. However, biosolids may potentially contain a wide range of pathogens, and following rainfall events, may be transported in surface runoff and pose a potential risk to human health. Thus, a quantitative risk assessment model was developed to estimate potential pathogens in surface water and the environmental fate of the pathogens following dilution, residence time in a stream, die-off rate, drinking water treatment and human exposure. Surface runoff water quality data was provided by project partners. Three types of biosolids, anaerobically digested (AD), lime stabilised (LS), and thermally dried (TD)) were applied on micro plots. Rainfall was simulated at three time intervals (24, 48 and 360 h) following land application. It was assumed that this water entered a nearby stream and was directly abstracted for drinking water. Consumption data for drinking water and body weight was obtained from an Irish study and assigned distributions. Two dose response models for probability of illness were considered for total and faecal coliform exposure incorporating two different exposure scenarios (healthy populations and immuno-compromised populations). The simulated annual risk of illness for healthy populations was below the US EPA and World Health Organisation tolerable level of risk (10⁻⁴ and 10⁻⁶, respectively). However, immuno-compromised populations may still be at risk as levels were greater than the tolerable level of risk for that subpopulation. The sensitivity analysis highlighted the importance of residence time in a stream on the bacterial die-off rate.
Show more [+] Less [-]Role of pH and ionic strength in the aggregation of TiO2 nanoparticles in the presence of extracellular polymeric substances from Bacillus subtilis
Lin, Di | Story, S Drew | Walker, Sharon L. | Huang, Qiaoyun | Liang, Wei | Cai, Peng
Increased use of commercial titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) in consumer products most likely leads to their additional environmental release. Aggregation and disaggregation processes are expected to play an important role in the fate and transport of TiO2 NPs in natural aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, in this work, we have studied the colloidal stability of TiO2 NPs in the presence of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from Bacillus subtilis and the adsorption behavior of EPS on TiO2 NPs in aqueous solutions at different pH values and ionic strengths (IS). The adsorption and aggregation processes were found to depend on the solution chemistry. The mass fraction of EPS on TiO2 NPs decreased with increased pH and NaCl concentrations, which was verified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The presence of EPS can substantially influence the colloidal stability of TiO2 NPs. In deionized water, the aggregation of NPs was induced by the addition of EPS only when the pH was below the TiO2 NP point of zero charge (≈6). When the pH was equal to pHPZC, TiO2, the TiO2 NPs would rapidly form large aggregates, but the adsorption of EPS leads to partial fragmentation via electrostatic repulsion and steric hindrance. When the pH was greater than pHPZC, TiO2, the aggregation rate was minimally affected by the increased EPS concentration. In NaCl solution, the aggregation rate of TiO2 NPs obviously increased with increased NaCl concentration. The critical coagulation concentration (CCC) of TiO2 NPs is 13.9 mM in the absence of EPS and increases to 155.6, 213.7 and 316.4 mM in the presence of 1, 5 and 10 mg/L EPS in NaCl solution, respectively, which indicates that the steric hindrance occurs after the addition of EPS. This study suggests that environmental conditions and EPS concentration greatly modify the colloidal stability of TiO2 nanoparticles.
Show more [+] Less [-]Mercury exposure and source tracking in distinct marine-caged fish farm in southern China
Xu, Xiaoyu | Wang, Wen-Xiong
Coasts of South China have experienced an unprecedented growth in its marine-caged fish industry. We analyzed mercury concentrations and stable mercury isotope ratios in fourteen fish species from two cage-cultured farms in Southern China. Total mercury concentrations of all species were lower than the human health screening values, but the human exposures through consumption of several carnivorous fish exceeded the USEPA's reference dose. Isotopic compositions in the sediment (δ202Hg: −1.45‰ to −1.23‰; Δ199Hg: −0.04‰ to –0.01‰) suggested that mercury in these farms were from coal combustion and industrial inputs. Commercial food pellets and fresh fish viscera provided the major sources of methylmercury to the farmed fish and dominated their mercury isotopic signatures. Non-carnivorous fish presented lower δ202Hg and Δ199Hg values than the carnivorous fish. Using a mixing model, we demonstrated that the majority of mercury in non-carnivorous species came from pellets and in carnivorous fish came from combined diets of pellets and viscera. Meanwhile, methylmercury concentrations and % methylmercury in the fish were positively correlated with δ202Hg values but not with Δ199Hg values, mainly because fish eating similar feeds maintained similar Δ199Hg values. Environmental influences of cage farming such as fish feces and uneaten viscera that continuously provide organic mercury to the environments need to be considered.
Show more [+] Less [-]Influence of 2,4-D and MCPA herbicides on uptake and translocation of heavy metals in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Skiba, Elżbieta | Kobyłecka, Joanna | Wolf, Wojciech M.
The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of the 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid on the uptake and translocation of Cd, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Mn by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Two farmland soils typical for the central Polish rural environment were used. Studies involved soil analyses, contents of bioavailable, exchangeable and total forms for all investigated metals. Atomic absorption spectrometry was used to determine the concentration of the elements. The best correlation between the herbicide rate and the metal concentration was visibly for the underground part of plants. Analysis of variance proved that herbicide treatment of wheat frequently influences the metal transfer from soil and their concentration in roots and shoots. In particular, higher herbicide rates prompted the significant increase of all metals concentration in roots. Additionally, transfer coefficients depended on the type of soil and the herbicide rate applied. Uptake of metals may be also influenced by the formation of sparingly water-soluble metal-herbicide complexes. Its intensity would then depend on the solubility of particular chemical entity with the low solvable Pb, Cu and Cd complexes being the least mobile.
Show more [+] Less [-]Facile preparation of magnetic mesoporous MnFe2O4@SiO2−CTAB composites for Cr(VI) adsorption and reduction
Li, Na | Fu, Fenglian | Lü, Jianwei | Ding, Zecong | Tang, Bing | Pang, Jiabin
Chromium-contaminated water is regarded as one of the biggest threats to human health. In this study, a novel magnetic mesoporous MnFe2O4@SiO2−CTAB composite was prepared by a facile one-step modification method and applied to remove Cr(VI). X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, specific surface area, and vibrating sample magnetometer were used to characterize MnFe2O4@SiO2−CTAB composites. The morphology analysis showed that the composites displayed a core-shell structure. The outer shell was mesoporous silica with CTAB and the core was MnFe2O4 nanoparticles, which ensured the easy separation by an external magnetic field. The performance of MnFe2O4@SiO2−CTAB composites in Cr(VI) removal was far better than that of bare MnFe2O4 nanoparticles. There were two reasons for the effective removal of Cr(VI) by MnFe2O4@SiO2−CTAB composites: (1) mesoporous silica shell with abundant CTA+ significantly enhanced the Cr(VI) adsorption capacity of the composites; (2) a portion of Cr(VI) was reduced to less toxic Cr(III) by MnFe2O4, followed by Cr(III) immobilized on MnFe2O4@SiO2−CTAB composites, which had been demonstrated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results. The adsorption of Cr(VI) onto MnFe2O4@SiO2−CTAB followed the Freundlich isotherm model and pseudo-second-order model. Tests on the regeneration and reuse of the composites were performed. The removal efficiency of Cr(VI) still retained 92.4% in the sixth cycle. MnFe2O4@SiO2−CTAB composites exhibited a great potential for the removal of Cr(VI) from water.
Show more [+] Less [-]Association of in utero exposure to organochlorine pesticides with thyroid hormone levels in cord blood of newborns
Luo, Dan | Pu, Yabing | Tian, Haoyuan | Wu, Weixiang | Sun, Xin | Zhou, Tingting | Tao, Yun | Yuan, Jing | Shen, Xiaoli | Feng, Yaqian | Mei, Surong
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) had been widely used in agriculture and disease prevention from the 1940s–1960s. Currently, OCPs are raising global concerns due to their associated prevalent contamination and adverse health effects, such as endocrine disruption. Several epidemiological studies have explored the underlying association of OCPs on thyroid hormone (TH) status in adults and newborns, but the results of studies performed on newborns are often inconclusive. This exploratory study was conducted with the purpose of assessing the potential association of the prenatal exposure to OCPs with the concentrations of TH in the cord blood of newborns from China. Cord blood and information on demographic characteristics were collected from 115 newborns between November 2013 and June 2014. The exposure levels of 17 OCPs were measured with a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and TH levels including free triiodothyronine (FT3), free thyroxine (FT4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were detected using electrochemiluminescence immunoassay methods. After adjusting for confounding factors (the age of pregnant mothers, education level, monthly household income, parity, and sex of the newborns), we found marginally significant inverse associations of cord plasma measurements of ∑hexachlorcyclohexanes (∑HCHs), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-di(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene (ρ,ρ′-DDE) and methoxychlor with FT4 levels, but not with FT3 and TSH levels. Moreover, higher cord plasma levels of aldrin, dieldrin, ∑dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (∑DDTs), ∑Drins, and ∑OCPs were found to be related to the increase in cord plasma TSH levels after the adjustment for confounders. The results of this exploratory study indicate that in utero exposure to certain OCPs may affect TH status in newborns, and therefore, pose potential effects on early human development. Further research, with larger sample sizes, should be conducted to confirm these findings.
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