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Linking source characterisation and human health risk assessment of metals to rainfall characteristics
Liu, An | Mummullage, Sandya | Ma, Yukun | Egodawatta, Prasanna | Ayoko, G. A. (Godwin A.) | Goonetilleke, Ashantha
Metals deposited on urban road surfaces and incorporated in stormwater runoff are discharged into receiving waters, influencing their quality and can pose human health risks. Effective design of stormwater treatment measures is closely dependent on the in-depth understanding of stormwater pollutant sources and the associated health risks. The study discussed in this paper has linked the sources of metals in stormwater runoff and the accompanying human health risk to rainfall characteristics. The study outcomes confirmed that the metal contributions to stormwater runoff from the primary sources were in the order of sea salt > soil > traffic. Although traffic contributes a relatively lower percentage to wash-off, the human health risks posed by traffic sourced metals were relatively much higher. This implies that traffic sources should receive particular attention in treating stormwater. These outcomes have the potential to contribute to enhancing effective source control measures in order to safeguard natural waterways from polluted road wash-off.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparison of the behavioural effects of pharmaceuticals and pesticides on Diamesa zernyi larvae (Chironomidae)
Villa, Sara | Di Nica, Valeria | Pescatore, Tanita | Bellamoli, Francesco | Miari, Francesco | Finizio, Antonio | Lencioni, Valeria
Several studies have indicated the presence of contaminants in Alpine aquatic ecosystems. Even if measured concentrations are far below those that cause acute effects, continuous exposure to sub-lethal concentrations may have detrimental effects on the aquatic species present in these remote environments. This may lead to a cascade of indirect effects at higher levels of the ecological hierarchy (i.e., the community). To improve the determination of ecologically relevant risk endpoints, behavioural alterations in organisms due to pollutants are increasingly studied in ecotoxicology. In fact, behaviour links physiological function with ecological processes, and can be very sensitive to environmental stimuli and chemical exposure. This is the first study on behavioural alteration in a wild population of an Alpine species. In the present study, a video tracking system was standardized and subsequently used to identify contaminant-induced behavioural alterations in Diamesa zernyi larvae (Diptera, Chironomidae). Diamesa zernyi larvae, collected in an Italian Alpine stream (Rio Presena, Trentino Region), were acclimated for 24 h and successively exposed to several aquatic contaminants (pesticides: chlorpyrifos, metolachlor, boscalid, captan; pharmaceuticals: ibuprofen, furosemide, trimethoprim) at concentrations corresponding to their Lowest Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC). After 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of exposure, changes in the distance moved, the average speed, and the frequency of body bends were taken to reflect contaminant- and time-dependent effects on larval behaviour. In general, metolachlor, captan, and trimethoprim tended to reduce all the endpoints under consideration, whereas chlorpyrifos, boscalid, ibuprofen, and furosemide seemed to increase the distances moved by the larvae. This could be related to the different mechanisms of action of the investigated chemicals. Independently of the contaminant, after 72 h a general slowing down of all the behavioural activities occurred. Finally, we propose a behavioural stress indicator to compare the overall behavioural effects induced by the various contaminants.
Show more [+] Less [-]The bivalve Ruditapes decussatus: A biomonitor of trace elements pollution in Sardinian coastal lagoons (Italy)
Esposito, Giuseppe | Meloni, Domenico | Abete, Maria Cesarina | Colombero, Giorgio | Mantia, Martino | Pastorino, Paolo | Prearo, Marino | Pais, Antonio | Antuofermo, Elisabetta | Squadrone, Stefania
The anthropogenic contamination of water bodies with metals via fertilizer, industrial sewage and urban wastewater has resulted in widespread problems in aquatic organisms, but also poses a risk to consumer health. Shellfish from coastal and estuarine environments bioaccumulate toxic metals in their tissues due to their ability to concentrate inorganic contaminants several orders of magnitude above ambient levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of trace elements in adult specimens of indigenous clams (Ruditapes decussatus). To this end, wild clams were collected from four different brackish areas of Sardinia (Western Mediterranean Sea, Italy) devoted to extensive aquacultural practices. The concentration of 16 trace elements (Al, Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, Tl and Zn) in the tissues of the clams was quantified. The legal limits set by European Regulations for cadmium; mercury and lead were never exceeded. However, unexpectedly high values for aluminium and iron (mean 207 mg kg⁻¹ and 113 mg kg⁻¹ wet weight) were found in Santa Gilla lagoon, which is close to industrial settlements and had the highest values for the majority of chemical elements investigated. The highest values of the metalloid arsenic (As) were reported in the Porto Pozzo and San Teodoro lagoons (9.6 and 6.8 mg kg⁻¹ w.w., respectively). The clam R. decussatus confirmed the capacity of bivalves as suitable bioindicators of trace elements pollution. Further investigations are necessary for constant monitoring of clams, 32 which constitute an important traditional resource for the fishing activity in Sardinia.
Show more [+] Less [-]Uptake of ozone and modification of lipids in Betula Pendula pollen
Zhu, Chao | Farah, Jinane | Choël, Marie | Gosselin, Sylvie | Baroudi, Moomen | Petitprez, Denis | Visez, Nicolas
Pollen allergy risk is modified by air pollutants, including ozone, but the chemical modifications induced on pollen grains are poorly understood. Pollen lipidic extract has been shown to act as an adjuvant to the allergenic reaction and therefore, the modification of lipids by air pollutants could have health implications. Birch pollen was exposed in vitro to ozone to explore the reactivity of O₃ on its surface and on its lipidic fraction. Uptake coefficients of ozone were determined for ozone concentration of 117 ppb on the surface of native birch pollen (8.6 ± 0.8 × 10⁻⁶), defatted pollen (9.9 ± 0.9 × 10⁻⁶), and for crushed pollen grains (34±3 × 10⁻⁶). The mass of ozone uptaken was increased by a factor of four for crushed pollen compared to native pollen showing a higher susceptibility to ozone of cytoplasmic granules and broken pollen grains. A total mass of extractible lipids of 27 mg per gram of birch pollen was found and a fraction of these lipids was identified and quantified (fatty acids, alkanes, alkenes and aldehydes). The distribution of lipids was modified by ozone exposure of 115 and 1000 ppb for 16 h with the following reactivity: consumption of alkene, formation of aldehydes and formation of nonanoic acid and octadecanoic acid. The quantity of ozone trapped in the lipidic fraction during 15 min at 115 ppb is enough to contribute to the reactivity of one-third of the alkenes demonstrating that pollen could be susceptible to an atmospheric increase of ozone concentration even for a very short duration complicating the understanding of the link between pollen allergy and pollution.
Show more [+] Less [-]Multivariate statistical analysis to characterize/discriminate between anthropogenic and geogenic trace elements occurrence in the Campania Plain, Southern Italy
Busico, Gianluigi | Cuoco, Emilio | Kazakis, Nerantzis | Colombani, Nicolò | Mastrocicco, Micòl | Tedesco, Dario | Voudouris, Konstantinos
Shallow aquifers are the most accessible reservoirs of potable groundwater; nevertheless, they are also prone to various sources of pollution and it is usually difficult to distinguish between human and natural sources at the watershed scale. The area chosen for this study (the Campania Plain) is characterized by high spatial heterogeneities both in geochemical features and in hydraulic properties. Groundwater mineralization is driven by many processes such as, geothermal activity, weathering of volcanic products and intense human activities. In such a landscape, multivariate statistical analysis has been used to differentiate among the main hydrochemical processes occurring in the area, using three different approaches of factor analysis: (i) major elements, (ii) trace elements, (iii) both major and trace elements. The elaboration of the factor analysis approaches has revealed seven distinct hydrogeochemical processes: i) Salinization (Cl⁻, Na⁺); ii) Carbonate rocks dissolution; iii) Anthropogenic inputs (NO₃⁻, SO₄²⁻, U, V); iv) Reducing conditions (Fe²⁺, Mn²⁺); v) Heavy metals contamination (Cr and Ni); vi) Geothermal fluids influence (Li⁺); and vii) Volcanic products contribution (As, Rb). Results from this study highlight the need to separately apply factor analysis when a large data set of trace elements is available. In fact, the impact of geothermal fluids in the shallow aquifer was identified from the application of the factor analysis using only trace elements. This study also reveals that the factor analysis of major and trace elements can differentiate between anthropogenic and geogenic sources of pollution in intensively exploited aquifers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Transgenic Bt cotton expressing Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab or Cry1Ac/EPSPS does not affect the plant bug Adelphocoris suturalis or the pollinating beetle Haptoncus luteolus
Niu, Lin | Tian, Zhenya | Liu, Hui | Zhou, Hao | Ma, Weihua | Lei, Chaoliang | Chen, Lizhen
The widespread cultivation of transgenic Bt cotton makes assessing the potential effects of this recombinant crop on non-target organisms a priority. However, the effect of Bt cotton on many insects is currently virtually unknown. The plant bug Adelphocoris suturalis is now a major pest of cotton in southern China and the beetle Haptoncus luteolus is one of the most ancient cotton pollinators. We conducted laboratory experiments to evaluate the toxicity of the Bt cotton varieties ZMSJ, which expresses the toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab, and ZMKCKC, which expresses Cry1Ac and EPSPS, on adult A. suturalis and H. luteolus. No significant increase in the mortality of either species was detected after feeding on Bt cotton leaves or pollen for 7 days. Trace amounts of Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab proteins could be detected in both species but in vitro binding experiments found no evidence of Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab binding proteins. These results demonstrate that feeding on the leaves or pollen of these two Bt cotton varieties has no toxic effects on adult A. suturalis or H. luteolus.
Show more [+] Less [-]Measuring the impact of air pollution on respiratory infection risk in China
Tang, Sanyi | Yan, Qinling | Shi, Wei | Wang, Xia | Sun, Xiaodan | Yu, Pengbo | Wu, Jianhong | Xiao, Yanni
China is now experiencing major public health challenges caused by air pollution. Few studies have quantified the dynamics of air pollution and its impact on the risk of respiratory infection. We conducted an integrated data analysis to quantify the association among air quality index (AQI), meteorological variables and respiratory infection risk in Shaanxi province of China in the period of November 15th, 2010 to November 14th, 2016. Our analysis illustrated a statistically significantly positive correlation between the number of influenza-like illness (ILI) cases and AQI, and the respiratory infection risk has increased progressively with increased AQI with a time lag of 0–3 days. We also developed mathematical models for the AQI trend and respiratory infection dynamics, incorporating AQI-dependent incidence and AQI-based behaviour change interventions. Our combined data and modelling analysis estimated the basic reproduction number for the respiratory infection during the studying period to be 2.4076, higher than the basic reproduction number of the 2009 pandemic influenza in the same province. Our modelling-based simulations concluded that, in terms of respiratory infection risk reduction, the persistent control of emission in the China's blue-sky programme is much more effective than substantial social-economic interventions implemented only during the smog days.
Show more [+] Less [-]Centennial record of anthropogenic impacts in Galveston Bay: Evidence from trace metals (Hg, Pb, Ni, Zn) and lignin oxidation products
Al Mukaimi, Mohammad E. | Kaiser, Karl | Williams, Joshua R. | Dellapenna, Timothy M. | Louchouarn, Patrick | Santschi, Peter H.
During the 20th century the impacts of industrialization and urbanization in Galveston Bay resulted in significant shifts in trace metals (Hg, Pb, Ni, Zn) and vascular plant biomarkers (lignin phenols) recorded within the surface sediments and sediment cores profile. A total of 22 sediment cores were collected in Galveston Bay in order to reconstruct the historical input of Hg, Pb, Ni, Zn and terrestrial organic matter. Total Hg (T-Hg) concentration ranged between 6 and 162 ng g−1 in surface sediments, and showed decreasing concentrations southward from the Houston Ship Channel (HSC) toward the open estuary. Core profiles of T-Hg and trace metals (Ni, Zn) showed substantial inputs starting in 1905, with peak concentrations between 1960 and 1970's, and decreasing thereafter with exception to Pb, which peaked around 1930–1940s. Stable carbon isotopes and lignin phenols showed an increasing input of terrestrial organic matter driven by urban development within the watershed in the early 1940s. Both the enrichment factor and the geoaccumulation index (Igeo) for T-Hg as a measure of the effectiveness of environmental management practices showed substantial improvements since the 1970s. The natural recovery rate in Galveston Bay since the peak input of T-Hg was non-linear and displayed a slow recovery during the twenty-first century.
Show more [+] Less [-]Surface water flooding, groundwater contamination, and enteric disease in developed countries: A scoping review of connections and consequences
Andrade, L. | O'Dwyer, J. | O'Neill, E. | Hynds, P.
Significant volumes of research over the past four decades has sought to elucidate the social, infrastructural, economic, and human health effects of climate change induced surface flooding. To date, epidemiological and public health studies of flooding events have focused on mental health effects, vector-borne diseases, and infectious enteric disease due to floodwater contact (i.e. typically low consumption rates). The inherent nature of groundwater (i.e. out of sight, out of mind) and the widely held belief that aquifers represent a pristine source of drinking water due to natural attenuation may represent the “perfect storm” causing direct consumption of relatively large volumes of surface flood-contaminated groundwater. Accordingly, the current study sought to systematically identify and synthesize all available peer-reviewed literature pertaining to the nexus between surface flooding, groundwater contamination and human gastroenteric outcomes. Just 14 relevant studies were found to have been published during the period 1980–2017, thus highlighting the fact that this potentially significant source of climate-related exposure to environmental infection has remained understudied to date. Studies differed significantly in terms of type and data reporting procedures, making it difficult to discern clear trends and patterns. Approximately 945 confirmed cases of flood-related enteric disease were examined across studies; these concurred with almost 10,000 suspected cases, equating to approximately 20 suspected cases per confirmed case. As such, no regional, national or global estimates are available for the human gastrointestinal health burden of flood-related groundwater contamination. In light of the demonstrable public health significance of the concurrent impacts of groundwater susceptibility and climate change exacerbation, strategies to increase awareness about potential sources of contamination and motivate precautionary behaviour (e.g. drinking water testing and treatment, supply interruptions) are necessary. Mainstreaming climate adaptation concerns into planning policies will also be necessary to reduce human exposure to waterborne sources of enteric infection.
Show more [+] Less [-]Capture, swallowing, and egestion of microplastics by a planktivorous juvenile fish
Ory, Nicolas Christian | Gallardo, Camila | Lenz, Mark | Thiel, Martin
Microplastics (<5 mm) have been found in many fish species, from most marine environments. However, the mechanisms underlying microplastic ingestion by fish are still unclear, although they are important to determine the pathway of microplastics along marine food webs. Here we conducted experiments in the laboratory to examine microplastic ingestion (capture and swallowing) and egestion by juveniles of the planktivorous palm ruff, Seriolella violacea (Centrolophidae). As expected, fish captured preferentially black microplastics, similar to food pellets, whereas microplastics of other colours (blue, translucent, and yellow) were mostly co-captured when floating close to food pellets. Microplastics captured without food were almost always spit out, and were only swallowed when they were mixed with food in the fish's mouth. Food probably produced a ‘gustatory trap’ that impeded the fish to discriminate and reject the microplastics. Most fish (93% of total) egested all the microplastics after 7 days, on average, and 49 days at most, substantially longer than food pellets (<2 days). No acute detrimental effects of microplastics on fish were observable, but potential sublethal effects of microplastics on the fish physiological and behavioural responses still need to be tested. This study highlights that visually-oriented planktivorous fish, many species of which are of commercial value and ecological importance within marine food webs, are susceptible to ingest microplastics resembling or floating close to their planktonic prey.
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