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Effects of straw and biochar amendment on hydrological fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in a subtropical montane agricultural landscape
Jiang, Nan | Bah, Hamidou | Zhou, Minghua | Xu, Peng | Zhang, Bowen | Zhu, Bo
Straw and biochar amendments have been shown to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in arable land; however, their effects on hydrological fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which may offset the benefits of C sequestration amounts remain uncertain. Therefore, we conducted a three-year field study that included four treatments (CK, control with no fertilizer; NPK, synthetic N fertilizer; RSDNPK, synthetic N fertilizer plus crop residues; BCNPK, synthetic N fertilizer plus biochar of crop straw) to investigate the effects of straw and biochar amendment on DOC losses through hydrological pathways of overland flow and interflow from a wheat-maize rotation system in the subtropical montane agricultural landscape. We detected substantial intra- and inter-annual variations in runoff discharge, DOC concentration, and DOC fluxes for both overland flow and interflow pathways, which were primarily attributed to variations in rainfall amount and intensity. On average, the DOC concentrations for interflow (2.98 mg C L⁻¹) were comparable with those for overland flow (2.71 mg C L⁻¹) throughout the three-year experiment. However, average annual DOC fluxes for interflow were approximately 2.60 times greater than those for overland flow, which probably related to higher runoff discharges of interflow than overland flow. Compared to the control, on average, the N fertilization treatments significantly decreased the annual DOC fluxes of overland flow and significantly increased annual DOC fluxes of interflow. Relative to the application of synthetic N fertilizer only, on average, crop straw amendment practice significantly increased annual DOC fluxes of interflow by 28.7%, while decreasing annual DOC fluxes of overland flow by 12.0%; in contrast, biochar amendment practice decreased annual DOC fluxes of interflow by 25.3% while increasing annual DOC fluxes of overland flow by 44.6%. Overall, considering both overland flow and interflow, crop straw amendment significantly increased hydrological DOC fluxes, whereas biochar had no significant effects on hydrological DOC fluxes throughout the three-year experiment. We conclude that crop straw incorporation strategies that aim to increase SOC stocks may enhance hydrological losses of DOC, thereby in turn offsetting its benefits in the subtropical montane agricultural landscapes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fast arsenate As(V) adsorption and removal from water using aluminium Al(III) fixed on Kapok fibres
Yeo, Kanfolo Franck Herve | Dong, Yingying | Yang, Ye | Li, Chaokun | Wu, Kun | Zhang, Hui | Chen, Zhiwen | Atse, Eilohm Babotsa | Yang, Lan | Wang, Wendong
Arsenic (As) is among the most dangerous metalloids and is harmful to human wellbeing. In this laboratory study, Al(III)-modified kapok fibres (Al-Kapok) were used to remove As(V) from water. The sorbent was characterised using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Batch experiments were performed to observe the performance of Al-Kapok in the removal of As(V) and to examine the effects of pH, temperature, adsorbent dose, and coexisting ions on the adsorption process. The surface of the sorbent changed after aluminium modification, and the results of the batch experiments showed that the adsorption of As(V) occurred mainly via endothermic-spontaneous chemisorption at the solution and solid interface of Al-Kapok. The As(V) removal efficiency was approximately 76%–84%, and it was slightly affected at pH levels below 8.0. Further study showed that the maximum adsorption capacity of Al-Kapok for As(V) was 118 μg/g at 30 °C and pH 6, and notable adverse effects were caused by the presence of SO42−and PO43−. It was also found that the boundary layer and film diffusion contributed more to As(V) adsorption. After five adsorption/desorption cycles, regeneration recovered approximately 92% of the adsorption capacity of Al-Kapok used. Overall, Al-Kapok appears to be a suitable adsorbent material for the purification of As-contaminated water.
Show more [+] Less [-]Insights into the impacts of dissolved organic matter of different origins on bioaccumulation and translocation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in wheat
Liu, Siqian | Zhou, Jian | Guo, Jia | Gao, Juefu | Jia, Yibo | Li, Shunli | Wang, Tiecheng | Zhu, Lingyan
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been found to be widely present in soil. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil are supposed to greatly affect the bioavailability of PFASs in soil. Herein, hydroponic experiments were conducted to understand the impacts of two kinds of typical DOM, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and humic acid (HA), on the uptake and translocation of legacy PFASs and their emerging alternatives, perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctane acid (PFOA), perfluorohexane sulfonic (PFHxS) and 6:2 chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl ether sulfonate (6:2 Cl-PFESA) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The results indicated that both HA and BSA significantly inhibited the bioaccumulation and translocation of PFASs in the roots and shoots of wheat, and the impacts of BSA were greater than HA. This difference was explained by the greater binding affinities of the four PFASs with BSA than with HA, as evidenced by the equilibrium dialysis and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) analyses. It was noting that inhibition impacts of the BSA-HA mixture (1:1) were lower than BSA alone. The results of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy suggested that HA could bind with the fluorescent tryptophan residues in BSA greatly, competing the binding sites with PFASs and forming a cover on the surface of BSA. As a result, the binding of PFASs with BSA-HA complex was much lower than that with BSA, but close to HA. The results of this study shed light on the impacts of DOM in soil on the bioaccumulation and translocation of PFASs in plants.
Show more [+] Less [-]Floating marine macro litter in the Black Sea: Toward baselines for large scale assessment
González-Fernández, D. | Hanke, G. | Pogojeva, M. | Machitadze, N. | Kotelnikova, Y. | Tretiak, I. | Savenko, O. | Bilashvili, K. | Gelashvili, N. | Fedorov, A. | Kulagin, D. | Terentiev, A. | Slobodnik, J.
The Black Sea is a semi-enclosed basin subject to major anthropogenic pressures, including marine litter and plastic pollution. Due to numerous large rivers draining into the basin and a population settled along the coast, the region could accumulate significant amounts of floating litter over time. Until now, only limited field data were available, and litter quantities and distribution remained unknown. In this study, floating marine macro litter (FMML) was assessed at the regional Black Sea scale for the first time, showing relatively high litter densities across the basin that reached a weighted mean of 81.5 items/km². Monitoring data revealed an accumulation of floating items offshore in the eastern part of the basin, resembling on a small scale a ‘garbage patch’, where litter items were trapped, showing elevated densities in comparison to their surrounding areas. Most of these items were made of plastic materials (ca. 96%) and included large numbers of plastic and polystyrene fragments of small size ranges (2.5–10 cm). Harmonised field data collection through consistent and regular monitoring programmes across the region is essential to establish baselines and thresholds for large scale assessment at international level.
Show more [+] Less [-]Sublethal biochemical, histopathological and genotoxicological effects of short-term exposure to ciprofloxacin in catfish Rhamdia quelen
Akiyama Kitamura, Rafael Shinji | Vicentini, Maiara | Perussolo, Maiara Carolina | Lirola, Juliana Roratto | Cirilo dos Santos, Camilla Freitas | Moreira Brito, Júlio César | Cestari, Marta Margarete | Prodocimo, Maritana Mela | Gomes, Marcelo Pedrosa | Silva de Assis, Helena Cristina
Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) is commonly detected in water worldwide, however, the ecotoxicological effects to aquatic biota is still not fully understood. In this study, using multiple biomarkers, it was investigated sublethal effects of short-term exposure to Cipro concentrations (1, 10 and 100 μg.L⁻¹) in the Neotropical catfish Rhamdia quelen compared to non-exposure treatment (Control). After 96 h of exposure, the fishes were anesthetized for blood collection to hematological and genotoxicity biomarkers analysis. After euthanasia, the brain and muscle were sampled for biochemical biomarkers analyses. Gills, liver and posterior kidney for genotoxicity, biochemical and histopathological biomarkers analysis and anterior intestine for histopathological biomarkers analysis. Genotoxicity was observed in all tissues, regardless of the Cipro concentrations. Hematological alterations, such as reduction of the number of erythrocytes and leucocytes, as well as in hematocrit concentration and histopathological damages, such as reduction of microridges in gill epithelium and necrosis in liver and posterior kidney, occurred mainly at 100 μg.L⁻¹. In addition, at 100 μg.L⁻¹, Cipro increased antioxidant system activity (Catalase in liver and posterior kidney). These results demonstrated that under short-term exposure, Cipro causes toxic effects in R. quelen that demands attention and surveillance of environmental aquatic concentrations of this antibiotic.
Show more [+] Less [-]Periodate activated by manganese oxide/biochar composites for antibiotic degradation in aqueous system: Combined effects of active manganese species and biochar
Fang, Guoge | Li, Jialing | Zhang, Chen | Qin, Fanzhi | Luo, Hanzhuo | Huang, Cheng | Qin, Deyu | Ouyang, Zenglin
Developing efficient catalysts for oxytetracycline (OTC) degradation is an ideal strategy to tackle environmental pollution, and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been widely used for its degradation. However, the studies on the activation of periodate (PI) by biochar and its composites in recent years have been scarcely reported. In this study, we focused on the degradation of OTC by PI activation with manganese oxide/biochar composites (MnₓOy@BC). Experimental results showed that the OTC degradation rate of MnₓOy@BC/PI system reached almost 98%, and the TOC removal efficiency reached 75%. Various characteristic analysis proved that PI could be activated efficiently by surface functional groups and manganese-active species (Mn(II), Mn(III), and Mn(IV)) on biochar, and various reactive species such as singlet oxygen (¹O₂), hydroxyl radical (∙OH), and superoxide radical (O₂∙⁻) can be observed via radical quenching experiments. Based on this, three degradation pathways were proposed. Furthermore, MnₓOy@BC and PI were combined to degrade environmental pollutants, which achieved excellent practical benefits and had great practical application potential. We hope that it can provide new ideas for advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) applying for wastewater treatment in the future.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of heavy metals pollution on the co-selection of metal and antibiotic resistance in urban rivers in UK and India
Gupta, Sonia | Graham, David W. | Sreekrishnan, T.R. | Ahammad, Shaikh Ziauddin
Heavy metal pollution and the potential for co-selection of resistance to antibiotics in the environment is growing concern. However, clear associations between heavy metals and antibiotic resistance in river systems have not been developed. Here we investigated relationships between total and bioavailable heavy metals concentrations; metal resistance gene (MRG) and antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) abundances; mobile genetic elements; and the composition of local bacterial communities in low and high metal polluted rivers in UK and India. The results indicated that MRGs conferring resistance to cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni) (rcnA), and Co, zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) (czcA), and ARGs conferring resistance to carbapenem and erythromycin were the dominating resistant genes across the samples. The relative MRGs, ARGs, and integrons abundances tended to increase at high metal polluted environments, suggesting high metals concentrations have a strong potential to promote metal and antibiotic resistance by horizontal gene transmission and affecting bacterial communities, leading to the development of multi-metal and multi-antibiotic resistance. Network analysis demonstrated the positive and significant relationships between MRGs and ARGs as well as the potential for integrons playing a role in the co-transmission of MRGs and ARGs (r > 0.80, p < 0.05). Additionally, the major host bacteria of various MRGs and ARGs that could be accountable for greater MRGs and ARGs levels at high metal polluted environments were also identified by network analysis. Spearman's rank-order correlations and RDA analysis further confirm relationships between total and bioavailable heavy metals concentrations and the relative MRG, ARG, and integron abundances, as well as the composition of related bacterial communities (r > 0.80 (or < −0.80), p < 0.05). These findings are critical for assessing the possible human health concerns associated with metal-driven antibiotic resistance and highlight the need of considering metal pollution for developing appropriate measures to control ARG transmission.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of silver nanoparticles and chlorine reaction time on the regulated and emerging disinfection by-products formation
Na-Phatthalung, Warangkana | Keaonaborn, Dararat | Jaichuedee, Juthamas | Keawchouy, Suthiwan | Sinyoung, Suthatip | Musikavong, Charongpun
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are used in many industries for multiple applications that inevitably release AgNPs into surface water sources. The formation kinetics of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in the presence of AgNPs was investigated during chlorination. Experiments were carried out with raw water from a canal in Songkhla, Thailand, which analyzed the formation potential (FP) of trihalomethanes FP (THMFP), iodo-trihalomethanes FP (I-THMFP), haloacetonitriles FP (HANFP), and trichloronitromethane FP. Increased AgNP concentrations by 10–20 mg/L led to a higher specific formation rate of chloroform which is described by zero- and first-order kinetics. The increase in the specific formation of chloroform as increasing chlorine contact time could enhance both the THMFP rates and the maximum THMFP concentrations in all tested AgNPs. The AgNP content did not have a significant influence on I-THMFP and HANFP concentrations or speciation. The I-THMFP and HANFP increased in a short-chlorination time as mostly complete formation <12 h, and then the rate decreased as the reaction proceeded. The levels of THMs and many emerging DBPs are related to the presence of AgNPs in chlorinated water and chlorine reaction time. THMFP had a higher impact on integrated toxic risk value (ITRV) than I-THMFP and HANFP because of the chlorination of water with AgNPs. The chlorine reaction time was more effective for increasing the ITRV of THMFP than the level of AgNPs. Water treatment plants should control the DBPs that cause possible health risks from water consumption by optimizing water distribution time.
Show more [+] Less [-]Uneven development of the lead industry leads to regional differences in blood lead levels of children
Liu, Yang | Xu, Chengdong | Liu, Feiyan | Xiao, Gexin | Zhou, Shaoqi | Huang, Liming | Lin, Ni | Li, Jianyi | Chen, Dong | Fu, Qi | Wang, Huijun | Du, Qingfeng
Children's exposure to lead is a global health problem, especially in low- and middle-income countries. However, research on the relationship between children's blood lead levels (BLLs) and the development of the lead industry is still limited. This study examined whether children's BLLs were associated with the development of lead industry in different regions. Using survey data on the BLLs of children living in 250 prefectures in China with corresponding data on their economic factors and lead industries, we explored the regional variation of children's BLLs using statistical methods. The results show that the level of economic development in leaded areas was associated with inequity in children's BLLs and met the environmental Kuznets hypothesis. In areas without lead industries, there was little correlation between the level of economic development and the BLLs of children and thus the environmental Kuznets hypothesis was not supported. Lead mines, lead smelting and chemical companies are major sources of blood lead in children living in leaded areas. This study demonstrated the success of control policies for lead-acid battery manufacturers in promoting the prevention and control of childhood lead poisoning in China. China should consciously support the improvement of children's BLLs in undeveloped areas with lead industries through national financing and policies to avoid the continuous effects of the regional inequality problem of high children's BLLs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Remediation techniques for uranium removal from polluted environment – Review on methods, mechanism and toxicology
Akash, S. | Sivaprakash, Baskaran | Raja, V.C Vadivel | Rajamohan, Natarajan | Muthusamy, Govarthanan
Uranium, a radionuclide, is a predominant element utilized for speciality requirements in industrial applications, as fuels and catalyst. The radioactive properties and chemical toxicity of uranium causes a major threat to the ecosystem. The hazards associated with Uranium pollution includes the cancer in bones, liver, and lungs. The toxicological properties of Uranium are discussed in detail. Although there are many methods to eliminate those hazards, this research work is aimed to describe the application of bioremediation methods. Bioremediation methods involve elimination of the hazards of uranium, by transforming into low oxidation form using natural microbes and plants. This study deeply elucidates the methods as bioleaching, biosorption, bioreduction and phytoremediation. Bioleaching process involves bio-oxidation of tetravalent uranium when it gets in contact with acidophilic metal bacterial complex to obtain leach liquor. In biosorption, chitin/chitosan derived sorbents act as chelators and binds with uranium by electrostatic attraction. Bio reduction employs a bacterial transformation into enzymes which immobilize and reduce uranium. Phytoremediation includes phytoextraction and phytotranslocation of uranium through xylems from soil to roots and shoots of plants. The highest uranium removal and uptake reported using the different methods are listed as follows: bioleaching (100% uranium recovery), biosorption (167 g kg⁻¹ uranium uptake), bioreduction (98.9% uranium recovery), and phytoremediation (49,639 mg kg⁻¹ uranium uptake). Among all the techniques mentioned above, bioleaching has been proved to be the most efficient for uranium remediation.
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