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Metal and metalloid concentrations in the tissues of dusky Carcharhinus obscurus, sandbar C. plumbeus and white Carcharodon carcharias sharks from south-eastern Australian waters, and the implications for human consumption
Gilbert, Jann M. | Reichelt-Brushett, Amanda J. | Butcher, Paul A. | McGrath, Shane P. | Peddemors, Victor M. | Bowling, Alison C. | Christidis, Les
Shark fisheries have expanded due to increased demand for shark products. As long-lived apex predators, sharks are susceptible to bioaccumulation of metals and metalloids, and biomagnification of some such as Hg, primarily through diet. This may have negative health implications for human consumers. Concentrations of Hg, As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Se and Zn were analysed in muscle, liver and fin fibres (ceratotrichia) from dusky Carcharhinus obscurus, sandbar Carcharhinus plumbeus, and white Carcharodon carcharias sharks from south-eastern Australian waters. Concentrations of analytes were generally higher in liver than in muscle and lowest in fin fibres. Muscle tissue concentrations of Hg were significantly correlated with total length, and >50% of sampled individuals had concentrations above Food Standards Australia New Zealand’s maximum limit (1mgkg−1ww). Arsenic concentrations were also of concern, particularly in fins. Results warrant further investigation to accurately assess health risks for regular consumption of shark products.
Show more [+] Less [-]A model for performance of sulfite oxidation of ammonia-based flue gas desulfurization system
Jia, Yong | Yin, Liguo | Xu, Yalin | Ding, Xilou | Sheng, Guanghong
A mathematical model was developed to simulate the oxidation of total sulfite in the holding tank of ammonia-based flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system. The model could provide predictions of the oxidation ratio of total sulfite at different operating condition such as pH, concentration of total sulfur, air flow and residence time. The calculation results of an ammonia-based FGD system for 2 × 150 MW boilers by this model were compared to that of corresponding measured values. The comparison results show that the simulated oxidation ratio of total sulfite agrees well with the measured data. The difference between calculated values and measured data is below 4.2%. This model appears to be beneficial for optimizing design and operation of total sulfite oxidation of an ammonia-based FGD system.
Show more [+] Less [-]Thermophilic biotrickling filtration of gas–phase trimethylamine
Wei, Zaishan | Huang, Qianru | Ye, Qihong | Chen, Zhouyang | Li, Baoren | Wang, Jianbin
The objectives of this work were to investigate trimethylamine (TMA) removal by thermophilic biotrickling filtration (TBTF) and to examine the microbial community developed at 56 °C. TMA removal efficiency in the TBTF system was up to 99.9%. At a bed contact time of 25.8s, the elimination capacity at 56 °C in the TBTF was 375.2g TMAm−3 h−1, which was higher than that of mesophilic biotrickling filtration. TBTF was able to quickly recover from a normal temperature shutdown period of a month. The thermophilic bacterial communities in the TBTF which were assessed by polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE), play the dominant role in the thermophilic biological processes of metabolism, ammoxidation, nitrification, denitrification and carbon oxidation. These results show that TBTF is achievable and open new possibilities for applying biotrickling filtration to hot odorous gas streams from sewage sludge drying.
Show more [+] Less [-]Accurate assessment of the impact of salmon farming on benthic sediment enrichment using foraminiferal metabarcoding
Pochon, X. | Wood, S.A. | Keeley, N.B. | Lejzerowicz, F. | Esling, P. | Drew, J. | Pawlowski, J.
Assessing the environmental impact of salmon farms on benthic systems is traditionally undertaken using biotic indices derived from microscopic analyses of macrobenthic infaunal (MI) communities. In this study, we tested the applicability of using foraminiferal-specific high-throughput sequencing (HTS) metabarcoding for monitoring these habitats. Sediment samples and physico-chemical data were collected along an enrichment gradient radiating out from three Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) farms in New Zealand. HTS of environmental DNA and RNA (eDNA/eRNA) resulted in 1,875,300 sequences that clustered into 349 Operational Taxonomic Units. Strong correlations were observed among various biotic indices calculated from MI data and normalized fourth-root transformed HTS data. Correlations were stronger using eRNA compared to eDNA data. Quantile regression spline analyses identified 12 key foraminiferal taxa that have potential to be used as bioindicator species. This study demonstrates the huge potential for using this method for biomonitoring of fish-farming and other marine industrial activities.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impact of industrial pollution on recent dinoflagellate cysts in Izmir Bay (Eastern Aegean)
Aydın, Hilâl | Yürür, Emine Erdem | Uzar, Serdar | Küçüksezgin, Filiz
The spatial distribution of dinoflagellate cysts was studied to understand the impact of industrial pollution on the surface sediment of Izmir Bay, Turkey. Forty two dinoflagellate cyst morphotypes belonging to 12 genera were identified and qualified at 12 sampling points. The cyst of Gymnodinium nolleri dominated the bay and had the highest abundance in most of the stations, following Spiniferites bulloideus and Lingulodinium machaerophorum. The highest cyst concentration was recorded in the inner part of the bay. Cyst concentration ranged between 384 and 9944cystg−1 dry weight of sediment in the sampling area. Sediment metal concentrations were determined. Heavy metal levels in Izmir Inner Bay were higher than the Middle and Outer Bay. L. machaerophorum, Dubridinium caperatum and Polykrikos kofoidii showed significant positive correlation with some metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) and organic carbon content. However, there was no significant correlation between dinoflagellate cyst abundance and sediment type.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of oil slick hazard and risk at vulnerable coastal sites
Melaku Canu, Donata | Solidoro, Cosimo | Bandelj, Vinko | Quattrocchi, Giovanni | Sorgente, Roberto | Olita, Antonio | Fazioli, Leopoldo | Cucco, Andrea
This work gives an assessment of the hazard faced by Sicily coasts regarding potential offshore surface oil spill events and provides a risk assessment for Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). A lagrangian module, coupled with a high resolution finite element three dimensional hydrodynamic model, was used to track the ensemble of a large number of surface trajectories followed by particles released over 6 selected areas located inside the Sicily Channel. The analysis was carried out under multiple scenarios of meteorological conditions. Oil evaporation, oil weathering, and shore stranding are also considered. Seasonal hazard maps for different stranding times and seasonal risk maps were then produced for the whole Sicilian coastline. The results highlight that depending on the meteo-marine conditions, particles can reach different areas of the Sicily coast, including its northern side, and illustrate how impacts can be greatly reduced through prompt implementation of mitigation strategies.
Show more [+] Less [-]The development of a dense urban air pollution monitoring network
Taheri Shahraiyni, Hamid | Sodoudi, Sahar | Kerschbaumer, Andreas | Cubasch, U.
The importance of air pollution monitoring networks in urban areas is well known because of their miscellaneous applications. At the beginning of the 1990s, Berlin had more than 40 particulate matter monitoring stations, whereas, by 2013, there were only 12 stations. In this study, a new and free–of–charge methodology for the densifying of the PM10 monitoring network of Berlin is presented. It endeavors to find the non–linear relationship between the hourly PM10 concentration of the still–operating PM10 monitoring stations and the shut–down stations by using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and, consequently, the results of the shut–down stations were simulated and re–constructed. However, input–variables selection is a pre–requisite for any ANN simulation, and hence a new fuzzy–heuristic input selection has been developed and joined to the ANN for the simulation. The hourly PM10 concentrations of the 20 shut–down stations were simulated and re–constructed. The mean error, bias and absolute error of the simulations were 27.7%, –0.03 (μg/m3), and 7.4 (μg/m3), respectively. Then, the simulated hourly PM10 concentration data were converted to a daily scale and the performance of ANN models which were developed for the simulation of the daily PM10 data were evaluated (correlation coefficient >0.94). These appropriate results imply the ability of the developed input selection technique to make the appropriate selection of the input variables, and it can be introduced as a new input variable selection for the ANN. In addition, a dense PM10 monitoring network was developed by the combination of both the re–constructed (20 stations) and the current (12 stations) stations. This dense monitoring network was applied in order to determine a reliable mean annual PM10 concentration in the different areas in Berlin in 2012.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of growth, genotoxic responses and expression of stress related genes in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas following chronic exposure to ionizing radiation
Devos, Alexandre | Dallas, Lorna J. | Voiseux, Claire | Lecomte-Pradines, Catherine | Jha, Awadhesh N. | Fiévet, Bruno
Marine organisms are exposed to low doses of anthropogenic contaminants during their entire life. Authorized amounts of radionuclides are discharged in the Channel by nuclear facilities. The Pacific oyster was used to investigate the potential impact of chronic exposure to ionizing radiation. Though we exposed larvae and spat for two weeks to much higher concentrations than those encountered near nuclear facilities, oyster growth and expression of 9 selected stress genes were not significantly changed. To determine potential DNA damage, 2year old oysters were exposed for two weeks to tritiated water. The comet assay was used to evaluate the level of DNA strand breaks in haemocytes, whilst the ‘clearance rate’ was used as a measure of physiological effects. Whilst other parameters did not alter, DNA damage significantly increased. Our results highlight the significance of the observed DNA damage and their potential consequences at higher levels of biological organization.
Show more [+] Less [-]Characterization of the size-segregated inorganic compounds in Lin'an, a Regional Atmosphere Background Station in the Yangtze River Delta region
Li, Xingru | Zhang, Ruiying | Cong, Xiaoguang | Cheng, Linglong | Liu, Jie | Xu, Honghui
PM1.0 and PM2.5 samples are collected in Lin'an, a Regional Atmosphere Background Station in spring (1–30 April), summer (1–31 July), autumn (1–31 October) and winter (1–31 January) in 2011 to investigate the seasonal characteristics of aerosol pollution in the Yangtze River Delta region. The daily concentrations of water-soluble ions are 24.6 ± 12.0 μg m−3 and 36.6 ± 23.6 μg m−3 in PM1.0 and PM2.5, respectively. SO42−, NO3− and NH4+ are the dominant contributors of water-soluble ions, accounting for 78.6% (spring), 83.5% (summer), 80.6% (autumn) and 81.9% (winter) of the total ions measured in PM1.0 and 80.2% (spring), 85.4% (summer), 78.9% (autumn) and 78.9% (winter) in PM2.5. Seasonal variation is observed, with the lowest ions concentration in winter and the highest one in summer. Nevertheless, the crustal elements (e.g., Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, etc.) have the highest concentrations in spring. Most of the pollution species (Sb, Se, Cd, Pb, As and Zn) have enrichment factor values higher than 100, implying a strong possibility that the air pollution originates from anthropogenic sources and have no evident seasonal variation. The high concentration of K+ and biomass burning potassium (K+BB) in PM2.5 in autumn and winter and its good correlation with black carbon (r = 0.74) suggest that the most severe pollution derives from biomass burning. Factor analysis results indicate that road dust, combustion processes (biomass burning and fossil fuels combustion), sea salt from marine sources and industrial activities are main sources of aerosol pollution in Lin'an.
Show more [+] Less [-]Spatial variability of three benthic indices for marine quality assessment in a subtropical estuary of Southern Brazil
Brauko, Kalina Manabe | Souza, Fernanda Maria de | Muniz, Pablo | Camargo, Maurício Garcia de | Lana, Paulo da Cunha
Indices based on macrobenthic responses to disturbance remain to be adequately tested for the detection of spatial variability by robust sampling designs. We present herein a congruence test to real-world data of the widely used indices AMBI, M-AMBI and BENTIX in tidal flats of a subtropical estuary. We used a hierarchical sampling design to evaluate the spatial variability of the indices in response to distinct levels of sewage contamination. Indices were then tested for correlations with chemical proxies of contamination and for the similarity of responses. BENTIX and M-AMBI produced over- and underestimations of ecological status. We found a low degree of similarity among indices as an expression of the spatial variation of macrofaunal assemblages on their performances. Only AMBI varied at the contamination scale (103m) and was congruent with physical–chemical proxies. Ambiguous responses indicated effects of natural inputs of organic matter rather than environmental quality associated to sewage.
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