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Environmental pollution
Over 7500 entries, arranged under Ecological systems, Physical sciences applied to pollution, Effects of pollution, Air and water pollution, and Causes of pollution. Besides identification of the research, researcher, and institution, eachentry gives information about purpose, methods, progress, and source of support. Subject, researcher, supporting agency indexes.
Show more [+] Less [-]Water pollution microbiology
Mitchell, Ralph
Mercury pollution control, 1971
Jones, H. R. (Harold R)
Factors affecting pollution referenda
Many local governments wanting to finance construction of water pollution control facilities through the sale of municipal bonds are required to obtain authorization from the electorate in the form of a bond referendum. Since defeat of such a bond issue can result in significant delay in implementation of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, it is important that EPA understand the factors which affect the outcome of these elections. The study contains conclusions and recommendations about the process by which the project is planned, the role of the bond market, and the referendum as an approval mechanism for public expenditures.
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