AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

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Influence of agroecological factors on winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) autumn growth


Balodis, O., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

The evaluation of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains effectiveness in field beans (Vicia faba L.) at different soil microbiological activity


Ansevica, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Alsina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Steinberga, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Influence of biological products - Trihodermin and BioMikss on the yield of lettuce and strawberries


Balode, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Diversity of non-starter lactic acid bacteria in Latvian semi-hard cheeses


Mikelsone, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Ciprovica, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Changes in quality of parents stock hens meat during chilled storage


Ramane, K., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Galoburda, R., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Chromatographic profiling of hydrophilic metabolites from tubers of different potato cultivars


Zhokhov, S., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Alstroem, S., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Forest Mycology and Pathology | Andersson, B., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Forest Mycology and Pathology | Jastrebova, J., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Technical and environmental issues of stump harvesting for biofuel production in Latvia


Lazdins, A., Latvian State Forestry Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Hofsten, H. von, Skogforsk - The Forest Research Institute of Sweden, Uppsala (Sweden)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Results and legal restrictions of debt recovery in Latvia


Filipovica, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Beef consumption trends in Latvia


Popluga, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Latvian State Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Riga (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Gross economic effect of dairy sector in Latvia and other Baltic States


Ozolins, J., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Veveris, A., Latvian State Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Riga (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Impact of capital investments on value added in dairy sector


Krievina, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Latvian State Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Riga (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

The changes of water quality in the river below the large pig-breeding enterprise


Strusevicius, Z., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Struseviciene, S.M., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Berankiene, L.E., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Research of open inlets for surface water of drainage systems


Saulys, V., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania);Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ. (Lithuania)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Impact of Angiriai Hydropower Station on the ecosystem of the River Šušvė


Vaikasas, S., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Palaima, K., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Research of liquid slurry processing in pig complex


Kazakeviciene, J., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Struseviciene, S.M., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Strusevicius, Z., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Globalization, migration and culture diversity


Araja, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Aizsila, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Effects of growing location and variety on free tryptophan and mineral nutrient content in wheat


Lundegaardh, B., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Centre for Sustainable Agriculture | Jastrebova, J., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Zhokhov, S., Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Chemistry | Maartensson, A., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Soil and Environment | Oeborn, I., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Plant Production Ecology

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

[Factors that influence the starch content in winter rye]


Poisa, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia);Agricultural Science Centre of Latgale, Vilani, Rezekne reg. (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Effects of irrigation and woodchip mulch on growth and habit of sour cherries


Feldmane, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Stability of morphological traits in Latgale's melon lines


Balins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Alsina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Lepse, L., Pure Horticultural Research Centre, Tukuma reg. (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Development and situation of trout culture in Turkey


Canyurt, M.A., Ege Univ. (Turkey) | Akhan, S., Rize Univ. (Turkey)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Development of driving cycles for dynamometer control software corresponding to peculiarities of Latvia


Dukulis, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pirs, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Bioenergy from pre-commercial thinning, forest infrastructure and undergrowth - resources, productivity and costs


Lazdins, A., Latvian State Forestry Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Thor, M., Skogforsk - The Forest Research Institute of Sweden, Uppsala (Sweden)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Effects of acepromazine maleate on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in dog's eye


Kovalcuka, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Birgele, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Theoretical and economic aspects of the reformed Common Agricultural Policy of European Union


Upite, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Socio-economic impact of the Cohesion Fund in Latvia


Abolina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

European Union funds and their influence on the regional development of Latvia


Blumberga, S., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

The theoretical and legal aspects of area payments in Latvia


Klava, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pilvere, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Analysis of entry barriers in highly concentrated sectors of Latvian economy: case of grain processing industry


Jasjko, D., Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Riga (Latvia) | Pancenko, E., Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Riga (Latvia) | Ivanova, T., Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Riga (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Emotional intelligence - an integral part of modern managers' professiogramm


Kulupa, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Calculation method of rainfall flow rate


Ziemelnieks, R., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Tilgalis, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Nitrate monitoring results in agricultural catchments


Lagzdins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Jansons, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Ensemble work for pupils' self-regulated learning


Arnicane, A., Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Teacher education: the focus on doctoral studies


Luse, N., Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Transgressive segregation for rain quality traits in the crossings between covered and hull-less barley


Bleidere, M., State Stende Inst. of Cereal Breeding, Dizstende, Talsu reg. (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Characteristic of grain physical traits of spring barley


Bleidere, M., State Stende Inst. of Cereal Breeding, Dizstende, Talsu reg. (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Characteristic of grain quality for early generation lines in the crossings between covered and hull-less barley


Bleidere, M., State Stende Inst. of Cereal Breeding, Dizstende, Talsu reg. (Latvia) | Belicka, I., State Stende Inst. of Cereal Breeding, Dizstende, Talsu reg. (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Influence of maize hybrid and harvest time on yield and substrate composition for biogas production


Bartusevics, J., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Gaile, Z., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

The impact of soil penetration resistance on winter wheat yield and development


Dinaburga, G., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with summer pruning of apple trees


Surikova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Evaluation of winter hardiness and productivity of five highbush blueberries cultivars in Latvia


Sterne, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Abolins, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Methodology of dietary fibre determination in grain products


Ozolina, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Gramatina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kunkulberga, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Inhibition of microbial growth of a salad with meat in mayonnaise by different packaging technologies


Levkane, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Muizniece-Brasava, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Geographical differences in growth and quality characters of Scots pine Latvian populations


Neimane, U., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Christmas tree cultivation as an alternative land use - possibilities and profitability


Sirgmets, R., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Feeding entire male pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) with high amylose barley cultivar (Hordeum vulgare): impact on boar taint and performance


Chen, G., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Andersson, K., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Animal Nutrition and Management | Andersson, R., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Lundstroem, K., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Zamaratskaia, G., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Helicobacters and morfological changes in the gastric mucosa of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)


Berzina, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Birgele, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

Development of social transfers in the social security system in Latvia


Mistre, B., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

The theoretical model of activity-based budgeting in agricultural enterprises


Pockeviciute, R., Alytus City Municipality Administration (Lithuania)

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia

The impact of controlled drainage on water quality


Bastiene, N., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Sauliene, A., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.

Fundamental Library of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies - Latvia