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The physical activities and healthy eating habits of the post-graduate students of Latvia University of Agriculture
Markevics, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Markevica, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
This study was conducted to investigate the lifestyle of post-graduate students. The purpose of the present study was to find out opinion of the post-graduate students how significant are physical activities and healthy eating in their life. The study was initiated due to the growing knowledge of the importance of healthy food. The study was carried out by using empirical methods and the opinion of post-graduate students living in Latvia analysed. The authors have used questionnaire method and in February 2008 received answers from 86 respondents who are the post-graduate students of Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU). Studies showed that the biggest part of research subjects appreciates the importance of physical activities and healthy eating, and treats it as a positive part of the post-graduate studies process.
Show more [+] Less [-]Food wastage problems in a perspective of eating habits: a review paper
Tokareva, T., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Even though thousands of people suffer from hunger each day, there are people that simply throw away their food, imposing serious environmental, social and economic consequences. Food waste concept, however, is not as strictly defined as it varies from research to research. The classification itself can be specific to certain regions and cultures, and it can even be affected by the eating habits of the researchers. This review paper aims to unify the theoretical knowledge of food wasting with examples from actual research, evaluating data from the perspective of eating habits and finding motives for such an action, such as family and friends’ influence, incomes, lifestyle, religion, mass media etc. Previously done studies show that people are less concerned about reducing food wastage when it comes to environmental and social problems, but are the most motivated if they see a real opportunity to save money.
Show more [+] Less [-]A preliminary study on essential minerals in human milk: association with dietary habits
Aumeistere, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Ciprovica, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Zavadska, D., Riga Stradins Univ. (Latvia) | Bavrins, K., Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR, Riga (Latvia)
Human milk provides infant with the required nutrients for growth and development. The aim of preliminary study was to determine macro- and micronutrients content in mature human milk among lactating women residing in Latvia and dietary habits affecting it. The study was carried out from November 2016 to February 2017. In total, 24 pooled diurnal milk samples were collected from mothers whose infants had reached the age of at least two months. Personal information of each participant was recorded, including mother’s age, weight and height parameters, sex and age of an infant, parity, breastfeeding pattern, milk expression method used for sampling. Eating habits were obtained using Monthly Food Frequency Questionnaire. Analysed elements were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP‑MS Agilent 7700x, Japan). Concentrations ranged from 227.52 to 398.34 mg LE-1 for calcium, 58.56 – 256.38 mg LE-1 for sodium, 445.33 – 736.71 mg LE-1 for potassium, 25.73 – 49.52 mg LE-1 for magnesium, till 3.17 mg LE-1 for iron, 0.28 – 2.77 mg LE-1 for zinc, 0.06 – 0.43 mg LE-1 for copper, 2.00 – 44.00 µg LE-1 for manganese, 1.00 –10.00 µg LE-1 for chrome which is comparable to data obtained from other studies although chrome and manganese concentration was even higher than observed in literature. Cobalt and selenium content was below detection limit. Zinc content in human milk negatively correlated with baby’s age (p is less than 0.05). The content of majority of essential minerals in human milk was affected by mother’s dietary habits; however, more samples need to be analysed for representative conclusions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Régime et comportement alimentaire du dromadaire dans son milieu naturel désertique en Algérie
Slimani S. | Chehma A. | Faye B. | Huguenin J.
Le Sahara algérien, réputé par son extrême aridité, avec ses faibles disponibilités en eau et en pâturage, présente des formations géomorphologiques représentant les différents types de parcours qui offrent la seule ressource d'aliment disponible pour le dromadaire. La présence d'animaux au comportement agressif (ovins, caprins, bovins) accentue la situation perturbée de ces parcours, contrairement au dromadaire qui contribue à l'équilibre de cet écosystème. Notre suivi sur le comportement alimentaire du dromadaire, dans le Sahara septentrional algérien, a montré que son régime alimentaire est diversifié en été et au printemps (9 et 6 espèces consommées) et se base essentiellement sur les plantes spontanées vivaces. Les espèces broutées se composent globalement de 13 espèces appartenant à 10 familles variant suivant les saisons et l'offre fourragère des parcours. Dans une station donnée, 3 espèces représentent entre 67,75 % et 100 % des quantités consommées. Une de ces espèces, le "Drinn" (Stipagrostis pungens) est consommée en toutes saisons et en proportions importantes (23 à 43 % du régime). De point de vue quantitatif, le suivi des prises alimentaires, selon la méthode du nombre de bouchées, a montré que le dromadaire pratique une alimentation ambulante, parcourant quotidiennement de 20 à 50 km et prélève de petites quantités de chaque plante, estimées en nombre de 1 à 4 coups de dents, donnant des quantités de 0,7 à 3,9 g pour chaque espèce. Les quantités de matière sèche journalières, ainsi ingérées, varient de 4,04 à 39,4 kg, donnant une moyenne estimée de 2,7 à 3,4 kg MS/ 100 kg de PV/jour, suivant les saisons et la composition floristique du régime. Ces résultats sont en accord avec le comportement alimentaire spécifique du dromadaire qui lui permet d'être la seule espèce capable de mieux utiliser son écosystème hyper-aride et bien adaptée aux conditions désertiques. (Résumé d'auteur)
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